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This paper contrasts direct election with political appointment of regulators. When regulators are appointed, regulatory policy becomes bundled with other policy issues the appointing politicians are responsible for. Because voters have only one vote to cast and regulatory issues are not salient for most voters, there are electoral incentives to respond to stakeholder interests. If regulators are elected, their stance on regulation is the only salient issue so that the electoral incentive is to run a pro‐consumer candidate. Using panel data on regulatory outcomes from U.S. states, we find new evidence in favor of the idea that elected states are more pro‐consumer in their regulatory policies. (JEL: H1, K2)  相似文献   

This article assesses the quality and apparent use of regulatory analysis for economically significant regulations proposed by federal agencies in 2008. A nine-member research team used a six-point (0-5) scale to evaluate regulatory analyses according to criteria drawn from Executive Order 12866 and Office of Management and Budget Circular A-4. Principal findings include: (1) the average quality of regulatory analysis, though not high, is somewhat better than previous regulatory scorecards have shown; (2) quality varies widely; (3) biggest strengths are accessibility and clarity; (4) biggest weaknesses are analysis of the systemic problem and retrospective analysis; (5) budget or "transfer" regulations usually receive low-quality analysis; (6) a minority of the regulations contain evidence that the agency used the analysis in significant decisions; (7) quality of analysis is positively correlated with the apparent use of the analysis in regulatory decisions; and (8) greater diffusion of best practices could significantly improve the overall quality of regulatory analysis.  相似文献   

At first glance, it may appear as if managed care itself may be doomed. The avalanche of bills, measures, initiatives, Federal regulations, etc., seemed overwhelming in late 1996. Did this, in fact, portend a national shift away from managed care? What does the consumer protection and regulatory activity really mean? What directions for the future can be identified? This article seeks to answer those questions and highlights a case study of "reform gone awry" that may hold lessons for the national scene. The anti-HMO legislation activity does not represent a repudiation of managed care. Rather, it may be seen as a maturing of the entire process of redefining our medical delivery and financing system.  相似文献   

While the “quality revolution” of the 80's and the “oil crisis” of the 70's dramatically altered the automotive industry, a new and potentially more influential issue is emerging—the pursuit of an environmentally friendly vehicle. This “green car,” or “eco car,” has become the new “holy grail” of automotive achievement and has the world's largest automakers racing to find a solution that satisfies environmental regulations, rapidly expanding new markets, and consumer preferences alike.Toyota Motor Corporation has chosen to follow several paths simultaneously to attain this seemingly elusive goal. Their twin-tiered technological approach focuses on improving the traditional interval combustion engine (ICES) and developing alternative powertrain technologies, including electric vehicles (EVs), fuel cells and hybrids (a combination of the ICE and EV). Toyota's strategy is to establish proficiency, but not dominance, in a number of the possible alternatives to the current automobile. Toyota strategists believe this is the best tactic for dealing with the uncertainty and risk prevalent in the search for the “green car”.  相似文献   

企业环境创新对于从根本上解决环境问题,实现可持续发展具有重要意义。随着环境问题的日益严峻,消费者对产品环境属性的异质偏好有可能成为企业环境创新的重要驱动力。本文基于消费者异质需求视角,运用计算实验方法,构建具有不同创新态度、创新偏好和可支配资金的异质企业主体,以及对产品价格、质量、环境属性具有不同偏好的异质消费者主体,模拟消费者产品选择及企业环境创新过程,并通过个体消费者异质需求的变化反映市场需求的动态演化及其对企业环境创新行为的影响,探索绿色需求对企业环境创新行为影响的内在机理及演化规律。实验结果表明,消费者对产品属性的异质偏好影响企业环境创新绩效;虽然短期内环境创新行为不利于企业提高经济绩效,但当绿色需求水平较高时,环境创新引起市场结构变化,环境创新企业通过先动优势实现环境绩效与经济绩效的"双赢";由于企业环境创新风险与绿色需求水平显著相关,为推动企业环境创新,政府在采取必要的激励或补贴政策的同时,更应引导消费者重视产品环境属性,以推动企业持续的环境创新行为。以上研究对于揭示异质需求下企业环境创新行为的自组织演化规律具有重要的理论意义,可为政府系列政策措施的出台提供科学依据。  相似文献   

This article describes a study carried out to forecast and compare the development of environmental regulations in five industrialized countries up to the year 2000. More particularly, the paper concentrates on the techniques used in the forecasting exercise, which included cross-impact analysis of models of the regulatory development process. Our experiences with this technique are reported and conclusions as to its value in forecasting environmental regulations drawn.  相似文献   

Negotiated rulemaking (reg-neg) is a regulatory development tool that has been used for the past fifteen years, especially in creating environmental regulations. The two most prominent issues concerning reg-neg are: (1) the saving of time in promulgating a regulation and (2) the reduction in the litigation rate after promulgation due to improved communication among the affected parties. The variety of stakeholders involved in the reg-neg process has proven to be both an asset and a detriment to decision-making. Yet, participants in the process remain convinced that the benefits exceed the costs.While the reg-neg process has not proven to be the solution it was originally expected to be, it has helped foster more positive relationships and improve communication between the various parties affected by environmental regulations. Its continued use, with more realistic expectations, should eventually result in a smoother and less confrontational regulatory development process. In this article, the author looks at some of the more recent developments of the reg-neg process within the Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role that performance-based regulations can play in linking a firm's environmental, health, and safety concerns with their corporate strategy. The specific focus is on the performance standards required by the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) which require firms that store or use certain chemicals to develop a Risk Management Plan (RMP) for reducing the likelihood and impact of accidents at their plants. Data from a series of case studies and interviews of executives in chemical firms reveal that proactive companies integrated many of the requirements of the CAAA into their management systems prior to the regulatory requirements. Most of these firms tend to be large ones. Small firms often lack the resources to implement these regulations and hence have tended to have a more difficult time with compliance.  相似文献   

Regulations under the 1990 Amendments to the Clean Air Act impose significant requirements on firms handling hazardous chemicals. The nature of the regulations would suggest that small firms, because of limited resources and other structural limitations, would experience more difficulty complying with the regulations than large firms. To understand the difficulties imposed by the regulations on small firms, we interviewed ten small firms in Delaware and New Jersey, states with existing hazardous regulations similar to those being considered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and evaluated their responses to state regulations. The impacts of the environmental regulations on the firms and on the risk levels of their businesses are discussed. Propositions for research into small firms compliance are developed. Possible means for reducing the regulatory burden on small firms while enhancing regulatory effectiveness are suggested.  相似文献   

针对混合渠道销售及回收的电器电子产品闭环供应链(CLSC),考虑当前我国实施的WEEE规制政策的影响,建立CLSC决策模型,并基于博弈分析方法求得政府规制工具的最优参数和CLSC中各成员企业的最优经营策略及利润,以及社会福利和消费者剩余。结果表明:政府向电器电子产品制造商征收的WEEE处理基金越高,则产品批发价、直销价和分销价均越高;政府给予WEEE处理商的处理补贴越高,则各WEEE回收企业的回收价格及回收量均越高;消费者环保意识越高以及对WEEE回收价越敏感,都越有助于各回收企业增加WEEE回收量,提高CLSC各成员企业的利润,以及促进社会福利和消费者剩余的增加;消费者对产品分销价与直销价的价格差越敏感,则对制造商和销售商的利润、社会福利以及消费者剩余越无益,但不影响第三方回收企业和处理企业的利润。  相似文献   

The recent proliferation of media reports on substances of concern has increased consumer fears, sparked scientific debate, and highlighted the need for stronger chemical regulations. When a substance of concern is identified (e.g., bisphenol‐A (BPA) in reusable water bottles), manufacturers face difficult trade‐offs in deciding whether to proactively replace the substance in their products or to defer replacement and wait to see if regulation occurs. In this study, we examine when opportunities exist for manufacturers to avoid competitively replacing (i.e., making their replacement decisions on their own), and instead, collaborate to replace a substance of concern. We model a vertically differentiated market consisting of a high‐end manufacturer and a low‐end manufacturer, both of whom sell a product that contains a substance of concern. Our analysis investigates how market dynamics (competition and consumer preferences) and external factors (replacement costs and regulatory uncertainty) influence manufacturers' collaboration, replacement, and pricing decisions. We find that when the manufacturers do not collaborate, the high‐end manufacturer can use the presence of a substance of concern to dominate the market by capturing more demand and often charging a higher price for his product than the low‐end manufacturer. Collaboration is possible when there is either a shared fixed cost savings for both manufacturers or an opportunity for the low‐end manufacturer to benefit his competitive position by motivating the high‐end manufacturer to collaborate. From a consumer perspective, although collaboration reduces consumer exposure to the substance of concern, it can decrease consumer surplus when the replacement substance is very expensive.  相似文献   

企业对环境规制心存疑虑,担心规制增加企业成本,为此本文从战略管理层面探讨如何调动企业处理环境问题的积极性。通过对我国上市公司CEO的调研,发现管制利益相关者和次要利益相关者中的媒体是企业在环境问题上感知的主要压力;管理者越认为环境问题是商业机会以及管理者的环境意识越强,企业越有可能实行前瞻型环境战略。  相似文献   

在IMO环境政策约束日趋严格的背景下,绿色投资成为港航企业提升自身竞争优势的方式之一。本文以港口主导的供应链为研究对象,分析三种投资场景与不同成员投资的利益关系,即从绿色技术投资效率对港航供应链的成本效应、绿色技术投入效应、经济效应和市场效应等方面展开分析,最后分析不同投资策略对消费者剩余和社会福利的影响。研究表明:港口绿色技术投资在一定程度上会增加整体供应链的成本投入;当绿色技术投资效率逐步提高时,绿色投入水平不断下降,降低了绿色投入的成本,从而达到“投入高效率,投入水平低增长,整体收益高增长”的投资效果;无论是承运人或是港口进行绿色技术投入,均会增加市场的服务价格,相较于非绿色技术投入,绿色技术投入时会增加整体市场的需求数量;从消费者剩余的角度考虑,承运人绿色技术投入相较于港口绿色技术投入产生的消费者剩余大,也会在一定程度上减少因价格“传递效应”带来的不利影响;从社会福利的角度考虑,虽然绿色投资可能会降低社会福利,但承运人投资产生的社会福利优于港口绿色投资时产生的社会福利;从保护环境的角度,政府的政策制定具有较高的优先级,有助于提升环境收益。研究结果进一步丰富了港航企业绿色投资的研究成果,可为合理权衡绿色技术投资效率,为港口供应链成员的绿色投资决策提供一定的参考,对绿色港口供应链的良性发展具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Firms are increasingly looking to eradicate social and environmental non‐compliances at their suppliers in response to increasing regulations, consumer demand, potential for supply chain disruptions, and to improve their social, environmental, and economic supply chain performance. This study develops a model of the relationship between the buyer's supplier incentives and penalties for the supplier's social and environmental compliance, and the outcomes in terms of reduction in supplier social and environmental violations as well as the buyer's own operating costs. This model is tested empirically through analysis of a dataset of opinion‐based survey responses from practitioners at 334 companies across 17 industries. The analysis finds specific penalties and incentives that are positively associated with reduced supplier violations and reduced buyer operating costs. In particular, offering suppliers incentives of increased business and training for improving social and environmental performance is strongly associated with a reduction in both violations and operating costs.  相似文献   

Many psychometric studies have investigated judgments concerning personal risks from technologies, activities or consumer products, but only a few studies have included judgments of risk to the environment. Thus, little is known about this aspect of environmental risk perception, and whether it differs from personal risk perception. This study investigates risk judgments for 30 consumer products of various types such as herbal remedies, mobile telephones, genetically engineered drugs, or garden pesticides. A survey was conducted in two German cities: Leipzig and West Berlin. In total, 408 subjects evaluated the consumer products with regard to personal and environmental risk (and other risk-related aspects) and whether they would recommend the product to others. The findings show statistically significant differences between the mean values of perceived personal risk and environmental risk for most products. Despite these differences, the rank order of mean personal risk and environmental risk judgments for the products is quite similar. However, separate analyses for each product reveal that correlations between perceived personal and environmental risk vary strongly across products. Multiple regression analyses with personal and environmental risk judgments as predictors and product recommendation as criterion, run separately for each consumer product, show that it is mainly the judgment of perceived personal risk that explains product recommendation. Perceived risk to the environment adds little explanatory power. The study also explores differences in judgments of personal and environmental risk with regard to two sociodemographic variables: location (former East Germany vs. West Germany) and gender. Differences in both types of risk judgments are found with regard to location but not for gender.  相似文献   

To explore the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities on the consumer purchasing situation, we arranged a scenario where participants (n = 451) purchased workout clothes. The results (r = 0.996, p = 0.000) show that (1) relative to other relevant marketing activities, CSR activity was not the most salient antecedent stimulus, (2) general CSR activities may have a lower impact on purchasing behavior than more specific CSR activities, (3) some CSR activities may have a negative impact on purchasing behavior, and (4) CSR activities may have a different impact on different segments. We propose that the impact of CSR can be understood as rule-governed behavior situated in the consumer’s situation. A functional understanding of the impact of CSR on the purchasing situation could help companies to develop more effective marketing campaigns and, in addition, maintain activities that benefit not only the company but also society as a whole.  相似文献   

Preregulation estimates of benefits and costs are rarely validated after regulations are implemented. This article performs such a validation for the mandatory automobile airbag requirement. We found that the original 1984 model used to estimate benefits became invalid when 1997 values were input into that 1984 model. However, using a published 1997 cost-effectiveness model, we demonstrate, by replacing the model inputs with the values from 1984, that the 1997 cost-effectiveness ratios, based on real-world crash data and tear-down cost data, are less attractive than what would have been originally anticipated. The three most important errors in the 1984 input values are identified: the overestimation of airbag effectiveness, the overestimation of baseline fatality/injury rates, and the underestimation of manual safety belt use. This case study, which suggests that airbags are a reasonable investment in safety, shows that the regulatory analysis tools do not always produce findings that are biased against health, safety, and environmental regulation. Future validation studies of health, safety, and environmental regulation should focus on validation of benefit and risk estimates, areas where we found significant error, as well as on cost estimates.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, the fight against climate change has become one of the main topics of international debate. Hence, consumer behaviour has begun to change as they have started to assess the environmental impacts of the products and services they buy. Although various methods exist for measuring environmental (e.g. carbon) impacts, there is no international consensus about the most appropriate one. In addition, calculations can also be affected by limited data availability and uncertainty surrounding the value of key variables. This paper proposes a conceptual framework for measuring and analysing the carbon footprint in supply chains. This research contributes to the knowledge and practice of green supply chain management, at the corporate level, by providing robustness. This aids the decision-making process by identifying strategies in order to reach the efficiency that can be achieved by reducing CO2 emission over the supply network. The framework is validated using real data from a supply chain belonging to the agro-industrial sector. Finally, these results and experience is generalised in order to show the difficulties and challenges in the measuring task.  相似文献   

Increasingly, global environmental trends such as climate change are impacting human and ecological health and the ability of business to operate. Business needs to act now to limit greenhouse gases and prepare for changes already underway. Business can play a significant part in providing solutions that are profitable for society and business. A select group of leadership companies are already demonstrating this.The best strategy for business to prepare for a future with more pressing environmental problems and stricter regulations is to be bold and proactive. Partnerships with external organizations are key to helping companies succeed at creating value through sustainable development strategies. The World Resources Institute's Safe Climate, Sound Business Initiative seeks to engage corporate partners in actively developing and implementing solutions to climate change. Through projects such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative and the Green Power Market Development Group, companies are improving profitability even as they lead the trend towards sustainability and address climate change.  相似文献   

Hill towns of India are best known for their salubrious climate, scenic beauty, picturesque setting and healthy living environment. Hill towns have been experiencing high pressure for development for the last three decades and as a result, are facing numerous problems related to new development that is contextually inappropriate and leads to deteriorated living conditions and poor environmental quality. Most of the issues of existing development are due to contextually inappropriate building regulations, which are formulated without consideration of the geoenvironmental and developmental context of environmentally sensitive hill towns. Moreover, no scientific and systematic approach is followed for the formulation of regulations. A new approach based on various intrinsic characteristics and factors is required for formulation of building regulations in the particular context to hill towns of India. The relevant issues related to building regulations are highlighted in this paper along with the identification of a more suitable building regulatory system for the specific context of hill towns. The article suggests a new approach for the formulation of building regulations for hill towns, based on various intrinsic characteristics and different factors, which are crucial for contextual development in hill towns.  相似文献   

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