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党政干部领导风格、工作满意度对工作绩效的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
领导风格、工作满意度和工作绩效一直是领导学研究的重要问题。基于对195名党政干部的调查数据,运用因子分析、中介效应分析等实证研究方法考察领导风格、工作满意度与工作绩效的构成维度,检验工作满意度在领导风格对工作绩效影响过程中的中介作用。研究表明:领导风格对工作绩效具有正向影响,工作满意度对工作绩效具有正向影响,工作满意度在领导风格对工作绩效的影响过程中具有中介效应。党政干部必须培养任务导向和关系导向领导风格,同时注意提升人际满意度、薪酬满意度,才能全面提升工作绩效。  相似文献   

高校青年教师压力、职业满意度与生活满意感的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用结构方程模型,对江苏6所高校的309位青年教师的调查研究发现,生活压力对生活满意感、工作压力对职业现状满意度、发展压力对职业发展满意度的负向影响均显著。职业发展满意度对生活满意感正向影响显著,对发展压力与生活满意感关系的中介效应也显著。而职业现状满意度却不影响生活满意感,对工作压力与生活满意感关系的中介效应也不显著。因此,缓解发展压力,提升职业发展满意度至关重要。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to utilize simulated data based on an ongoing randomized clinical trial (RCT) to evaluate the effects of treatment switching with randomization as an instrumental variable (IV) at differing levels of treatment crossovers, for continuous and binary outcomes. Data were analyzed using IV, intent-to-treat (ITT), and per protocol (PP) methods. The IV method performed the best, since it provided the most unbiased point estimates, and it had equal or higher power and higher coverage probabilities compared to the ITT estimates, and because a PP analysis can be biased due to its exclusion of non-compliant patients.  相似文献   

情绪智力、工作压力和工作绩效是组织行为学和人力资源管理研究的热点问题。基于对287名中国员工的调查数据,从理论和实证统计上论证了情绪智力与工作绩效关系及工作压力在之间的中介作用。结果表明:情绪智力影响任务绩效过程中,工作压力产生完全中介作用;情绪智力影响关联绩效和整体工作绩效过程中,工作压力起部分中介作用,表明情绪智力影响任务绩效的机制与影响关联绩效和整体工作绩效的机制并不完全相同。提出组织可以通过培养员工情绪智力,最大限度减轻乃至消除工作压力的负向作用,从而整体上提高员工的工作绩效。  相似文献   

收入分配不公平程度测度方法综述   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
文章针对我国学者研究收入分配时使用分配不公平测度方法比较单一的实际情况,在利用国际上公开发表的有关收入分配不公平程度测度方面的论文、工作报告和专著研究的基础上,首先阐述了有关判断收入分配不公平程度测定指数优良的公理性原则;然后对最常用收入分配不公平程度测度方法按照指数性质分成三大类共十小类,并对各指数的特点、数据要求和适用范围进行了分别阐述。从而避免了采用单个指数研究可能出现的偏差,让研究成果更加客观地、真实地反映收入分配状况和解决收入分配中存在的实际问题。  相似文献   

In this paper we give a simple derivation of the formula for the cumulants of the logarithm of a gamma variable and correct numerical errors in a published table of transformed cumulants.  相似文献   

When one or few observations are deleted in the multiple linear regression model, they can affect the variable selection. In this paper we derived the formula for the Mallows Cp criterion when k observations are deleted and express it as a functionn of basic building blocks such as residuals and leverages. Also, two real date sets are used to see how the selected model changes as few observations re deleted.  相似文献   

顾客日常购买消费品时,总目标获得购买商品的最优组合,以达到最大满意度.由于使用最优决策方法存在较多限制条件,应用最优化理论又较难构造模型求解,满意决策成为可行的替代方案.文章基于效用函数建立了商品组合的满意度效用函数,并应用满意决策理论求得一个使顾客满意度效用最大的商品组合,建立了满意决策模型;提出一套顾客购买商品组合时选择最大满意度组合的决策方法.  相似文献   

The use of matched pairs has been criticized as being less efficient than estimators based on random samples. This paper compares the mean square error of an analysis of covariance estimator based on random samples with two estimators based on caliper matched pairs. The first of these is a simple mean difference estimator and the second a regression estimator suggested by Rubin (1973b). Under conditions which commonly occur in epidemiologic case-control studies, both of the matched pair estimators can have smaller mean square errors than analysis o f covariance estimator. When there is a weak relationship between the matching and response variate, the mean difference estimator has a lower mean square error than the regression estimator.  相似文献   

基于顾客满意度陷阱的市场细分方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了基于顾客满意度陷阱的市场细分方法,企业可以根据该细分结果对不同满意程度的顾客采取不同的营销战略,将投向满意顾客的部分资源转向不满意顾客和非常满意顾客,能够更有效地提升顾客忠诚度,并拉动企业的业绩表现。以某个电视制造企业为例,采用了聚类分析、主成分回归分析、多重对应分析等统计分析方法,验证了顾客满意度陷阱的存在,同时表明顾客的人口统计特征与顾客满意作用于顾客忠诚的方式存在对应关系,从而佐证了方法的合理性。  相似文献   


Adam Chesler describes his experiences and observations of job stress in the serials publishing industry. While stresses, such as the challenges of supervision have always existed, others are new, such as serial publishers scrambling to adapt service and pricing models for providing Internet content. Advice is offered on coping with these stresses.  相似文献   

构建以工会满意度为中介变量的工会维护职能履行对农村中小学教师工作满意度影响的概念模型,以陕西省四个地市的农村中小学教育工会和教师的问卷调查对模型进行了验证。研究发现:工会提供的维护职工权益的活动对教师的工作满意度具有正向影响,其中保障教师基本权益、提供必要福利和帮助生活困难教师对乡村教师工作满意度的正向影响最显著。工会满意度对教师工作满意度具有显著正向影响,工会满意度在关注并引导身心健康、提供文体活动这两个要素与教师工作满意度之间具有完全中介作用。加强农村中小学工会组织的建设和促进工会维护职能的履行能够提高教师的工作满意度。  相似文献   

In this paper, we are concerned with pure statistical Shewhart control charts for the scale parameter of the three-parameter Weibull control variable, where, and are the location, the scale and the shape parameters, respectively, with fixed (FSI) and variable (VSI) sampling intervals. The parameters and are assumed to be known. We consider two-sided, and lower and upper one-sided Shewhart control charts and their FSI and VSI versions . They jointly control the mean and the variance of the Weibull control variable X. The pivotal statistic of those control charts is the maximum-likelihood estimator of for the Nth random sample XN=(X1N,X2N,...,XnN) of the Weibull control variable X. The design and performance of these control charts are studied. Two criteria, i.e. 'comparability criterion' (or 'matched criterion') under control and 'primordial criterion', are imposed on their design. The performance of these control charts is measured using the function average time to signal. For the VSI versions, the constant which defines the partition of the 'continuation region' is obtained through the 'comparability criterion' under control. The monotonic behaviour of the function average time to signal in terms of the parameters (magnitude of the shift suff ered by the target value 0), and is studied. We show that the function average time to signal of all the control charts studied in this paper does not depend on the value of the parameter or on 0, and, under control, does not depend on the parameter, when Delta (the probability of a false alarm) and n (sample size) are fixed. All control charts satisfy the 'primordial criterion' and, for fixed, on average, they all (except the two-sided VSI, for which we were not able to ascertain proof) are quicker in detecting the shift as increases. We conjecture - and we are not contradicted by the numerical example considered - that the same is true for the two-sided VSI control chart. We prove that, under the average time to signal criterion, the VSI versions are always preferable to their FSI versions. In the case of one-sided control charts, under the 'comparability criterion', the VSI version is always preferable to the FSI version, and this advantage increases with and the extent of the shift. Our one-sided control charts perform better and have more powerful statistical properties than does our two-sided control chart. The numerical example where n=5,0=1,=0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and Delta=1/370.4 is presented for the two-sided, and the lower and upper one-sided control charts. These numerical results are presented in tables and in figures. The joint influence of the parameters and in the function average time to signal is illustrated.  相似文献   

This work shows a procedure that aims to eliminate or reduce the bias caused by omitted variables by means of the so-called regime-switching regressions. There is a bias estimation whenever the statistical (linear) model is under-specified, that is, when there are some omitted variables and they are correlated with the regressors. This work shows how an appropriate specification of a regime-switching model (independent or Markov-switching) can eliminate or reduce this correlation, hence the estimation bias. A demonstration is given, together with some Monte Carlo simulations. An empirical verification, based on Fisher's equation, is also provided.  相似文献   

Quadratic forms capture multivariate information in a single number, making them useful, for example, in hypothesis testing. When a quadratic form is large and hence interesting, it might be informative to partition the quadratic form into contributions of individual variables. In this paper it is argued that meaningful partitions can be formed, though the precise partition that is determined will depend on the criterion used to select it. An intuitively reasonable criterion is proposed and the partition to which it leads is determined. The partition is based on a transformation that maximises the sum of the correlations between individual variables and the variables to which they transform under a constraint. Properties of the partition, including optimality properties, are examined. The contributions of individual variables to a quadratic form are less clear‐cut when variables are collinear, and forming new variables through rotation can lead to greater transparency. The transformation is adapted so that it has an invariance property under such rotation, whereby the assessed contributions are unchanged for variables that the rotation does not affect directly. Application of the partition to Hotelling's one‐ and two‐sample test statistics, Mahalanobis distance and discriminant analysis is described and illustrated through examples. It is shown that bootstrap confidence intervals for the contributions of individual variables to a partition are readily obtained.  相似文献   

农村居民生活满意度的影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
胡荣华  陈琰 《统计研究》2012,29(5):79-83
 本文将Logistic回归方法运用于生活满意度影响因素的分析,首先根据国内外研究成果选取五个影响因素并提出研究假设,其次运用无序多分类Logistic回归模型拟合调查数据,科学确定各因素的影响程度。研究发现家庭年收入、居住区域和对社会公平的看法这三个因素对江苏农村居民生活满意度有显著影响。因此,以经济持续稳定增长促进农村居民持续增收,以社会公平为目标推进政治经济建设将成为提高江苏农村居民生活满意度的有效措施。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the problem of designing a new variable sampling plan. Suppose that the lot quality characteristic obeys an exponential distribution. Adopting Taguchi's loss function, the objective is to design a plan under which the producer's risk of rejecting a lot that has a specified average loss per item is no greater than alpha, and the consumer's risk of accepting a lot that has a specified average loss per item is no greater than beta. The method of designing this plan is an extension of the method used by Derman and Ross.  相似文献   

A Cornish-Fisher expansion is used to approximate the per-centiles of a variable of the bivariate normal distribution when the other variable is truncated. The expression is in terms of the bivariate cumulants of a singly truncated bivariate normal distribution. The percentiles are useful in the problem of personnel selection where we use a screening variable to screen applicants for employment and a correlated performance variable to screen employees for rehiring. This paper provides a bivariate cumulants table for determining the cutoff score of the performance variable. The following two problems are also con¬sidered: (1) determine the proportion of applicants who would have been successful had no screening been applied, and (2) determine the proportion of individuals being rejected byscreening who would have been successful had they been hired, The variable that is used to measure job performance and the variable that measures the outcome of an aptitude test are assumed to be jointly normally distributed with correlation ρ  相似文献   

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