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范仲淹与包公戏李丛昕一、一个奇特而有趣的现象作为历史人物的包公,其实算不上中国封建社会里那种所谓能够经天纬地、斡旋乾坤的“三不朽”人物。但是,作为铁面无私、执法如山、刚正不阿、清正廉洁的清官形象,数百年来确实成了中国小说曲艺和戏剧舞台上一颗不可多得的...  相似文献   

兰一斐 《唐都学刊》2007,23(4):113-117
樟叶的长篇小说《五福》首次以小说形式反映了辛亥革命时期陕西新军起义波澜壮阔的历史,作品中关于主人翁关中农民之子刘五的成功塑造,是对中国小说艺术人物画廊中草根英雄式人物的塑造的一个极大的丰富。刘五的性格、形象和命运,体现了旧中国农村阶层中豪杰英俊命运的必然性,反映了漫长的历史中底层人物的艰难崛起和迅速殒落的必然悲剧性。中国是一个传统农业社会,关中农民之子刘五的成长经历和思想行为特点,具有普遍意义和典型性。  相似文献   

彭青 《社科纵横》2007,22(2):137-139
本文对甘肃省小说发展的历史进行了梳理,通过历史的分析,对甘肃省现代文学、当代小说创作中陇人形象的缺失之根源进行了分析论证。从近20年来,分散在甘肃各地的写作者,在其小说文本中,为我们打造的可观的阵容庞大的甘肃人物画廊着手分析,认为:在苦难中的生存抉择、对传统道德的珍视和弘扬、民间理念对国家意识的消解和补充、对无意义生活的抵抗、城市人的形成等小说人物形象对认识陇人形象,有一定的关照意义。  相似文献   

本文通过对《红楼梦》中人物形象的分析,揭示出她们共有补天者的特征以及作为补天者在整个小说世界中的位置和意味。其中,对贾元春、王熙凤、贾探春这三个女子形象从历史、美学、文学诸方面作了全新的分析,既论及了她们的性格特征、命运遭际;又涉及了她们的形象造型、象征意味。最后,又通过对这三个人物形像的异同和关联的分析,阐述了她们作为补天者形象的系列性,包括她们在不同叙事层面上的作用等等。  相似文献   

川端康成从1926年发表的《伊豆的舞女》直到晚年的创作,除几部描写自家身世的作品外,无不以女性为小说的主要人物。其诺贝尔文学奖获奖作品《雪国》、《千鹤》和《古都》三部作品是川端康城成熟时期的小说创作,最能显示其艺术特征。小说中刻画了一系列女性形象。女性为主要人物,恋情为主要内容,死亡与悲哀为不变的基调。这可以说是川端康成创作的一贯主题。川端康成是如何塑造,又是以怎样的创作原则来构筑其作品中的女性形象的?这用川端康成自己的话说,是“立足于日本的传统美”。  川端康成在五十年的创作历史中,共完成了一百三十多部(篇…  相似文献   

作为基督教的核心形象,耶稣的形象拥有丰富的宗教、文化、历史内涵.20世纪,在西方出现了大量重写福音书故事的"耶稣小说".这些小说不仅数量众多,而且有包括劳伦斯、布尔加科夫、卡赞扎基斯、艾特玛托夫、若泽·萨拉马戈等在内的许多著名作家参与,在西方引起了巨大反响.耶稣小说呈现出许多共性,如角色讲述、背景细节化、作者借助它们探索当代命题等.在人类历史上,20世纪的耶稣形象比任何时期都显出了更多人性的特征.这一方面是由于耶稣形象在西方长期以来作为人性的代表和楷模,另一方面则是因为在20世纪西方的人论经历了重大的转折,是百年来思想史关注的话题.因此,可以说,当代欧美的耶稣重写小说中的新耶稣形象,实质上反映了当代西方人论思想的变迁.  相似文献   

清代白话小说在叙事方式上对说书程式进行了多方开掘,对说书情景的戏仿是成就独特的一点,<儿女英雄传>用叙事层次的颠倒内化了小说评点功能;作者变成人物进入故事层,由说书人对其叙述过程进行评价.作书人形象的出现使限制叙事更自然.评点式叙事降低了叙述的权威性,用评点家的"文法"标注出小说的大结构.小说将读者熟悉的通俗文学经典中的故事和人物拆解变形,作为组成情节的模块,以表达作者批评意见以及反讽的意味.重复叙事因小说独特的时间结构而来,解决了线性结构与立体的时间和人物的矛盾.  相似文献   

在中国古典小说的人物画廊里,《西游记》中的孙悟空形象以其独特的形象特征和丰富深刻的形象意蕴而熠熠生辉。作为中国第一部长篇神魔小说,《西游记》并不以客观直接的现实生活为描写对象,而是以神话、宗教故事为题材内容,以神仙灵怪与超现实情境为描写客体的;与此相应,《西游记》中的孙悟空形象也并不是一个现实化的普通人物形象,而是一个超现实的幻想人物,充分体现了人类的精神幻想和精神追求。孙悟空的形象究竟体现了人类怎样的精神幻想、精神追求呢?要回答这一问题,我们首先必须弄清楚人类幻想的实质——超我意识。  相似文献   

过继叙事作为明清白话小说中相对独立的叙事单元,对小说的艺术表现起到了重要作用。过继叙事不仅是推动小说故事展开的动力和营造传奇效果的艺术手段,在发掘与之相关人物的隐秘心理及形象塑造上也起到了独特作用。另外,过继叙事在小说中的频繁出现,也反映了当时人对现实生活中过继关系的焦虑。明清白话小说中大量有关继子“复姓归宗”的叙述,在很大程度上可以看作是一种通过文学虚构平复心理焦虑的“需要”。  相似文献   

文体上,清前期的剑侠女性沿袭了唐人小说的叙事手法,蒲松龄用传奇法而以志怪,使这类形象更具可塑性.清末侠女形象渐与烟花粉黛合流.章回小说的侠女分为"英雄儿女类"小说的佳人化侠女与"英雄传奇类"小说中的妖寒女子.她们的社会身份和性别特质,决定了小说的情节模式和婚姻主题.清代小说显示了从剑侠向女性气质和传统的性别角色回归的趋势,明清社会妇德观的改变是人物演化的深层原因.  相似文献   

This study examines complementarities between inclusive development, military expenditure and political stability in the fight against terrorism in 53 African countries for the period 1998–2012. Hence the policy variables employed in the study are inclusive development, military expenditure and political stability. The empirical evidence is based on Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) with forward orthogonal deviations. The paper reports three main findings. Firstly, military expenditure and inclusive development are substitutes and not complements. Secondly, it is more relevant to use political stability as a complement of inclusive development than to use inclusive development as a complement of political stability. Thirdly, it can be broadly established that military expenditure and political stability are complementary. In the light of the sequencing, complementarity and substitutability, when the three policy variables are viewed within the same framework, it is more feasible to first pursue political stability and then complement it with military expenditure and inclusive development.  相似文献   

Futebol, Brazil's national sport-best-known to American audiences through the brilliant play o f Pelé one of its superstars-is more than simple mass entertainment. Robert Levine traces the evolution of the trends in the history of Brazilian soccer to explain what may be behind the current unprecedented dissatisfaction with the sport. Beginning with the 189Os, he illustrates how futebol is a barometer by which national pride, exuberance, frustration, rage, and hope may be measured. He shows that as the game changed from an activity restricted to the upperclass to a popular form of entertainment with a mass audience, it became a means used by the government in the 1930s and 1940s to foster national integration. More recently, it has been used by an unpopular military regime to bolster its popularity. In the second part of his study, Levine focuses on Pelé who reintroduced an appreciation of individualistic skills to the game and loaned his mass popularity to the military regime. In short, the author makes a convincing case on how the sport of futebol has been used as a political weapon.  相似文献   

程刚 《阅江学刊》2014,(6):94-99
东晋襄阳地区军府扼长江中上游北鄙门户,政治地位十分突出,其沿革与各政治集团势力的消长关系密切。咸和七年,陶侃以桓宣镇襄阳,以其淮南部曲置侨义成郡。襄阳地区军府的沿革,与义成郡统辖权的归属紧密相关。义成郡统辖权在不同名号的襄阳地区军府和其他军府间频繁地转换,关键在于义成郡军事化的"乡族集团"是襄阳地区军府所仰仗的重要力量,而其他军府(主要是荆州都督府)欲削弱或省废襄阳军府时,则往往先将义成郡的统辖权收归己有。义成郡统辖权的转换,见证了襄阳地区军府的沿革和各政治集团斗争的经过。  相似文献   

张军 《阅江学刊》2013,(5):73-82
魏晋南北朝时期以军府为核心的军事行政体制逐步楔入国家行政体制,军事行政体制侵蚀民政,出现以“军”代“民”的情况。在这一转变过程中,西晋实为关键时期。西晋武帝时期,军府制度先后经过两次重大改革:一是都督制与封王制度相配合;二是罢州郡兵。平吴之后,晋武帝改革的重点在于军政分途,逐步恢复汉代地方制度,即刺史负责监察,民事由郡国守相管理,军事主要由都督负责。西晋后期,政局动荡,地方军权和行政权相互渗透,重新出现军政高度合一的态势,导致都督之权极度扩张,出现了多州都督与郡都督,都督区域的盈缩变化表明了都督本身军政职能与权力的变化。西晋末期,刺史加将军号拥有军权,都督也领刺史而有相当之行政权,拥有军事实力的都督,可以选置刺史、郡太守这一级别的行政官员。都督制度的变化对东晋南朝军制的影响十分深远。  相似文献   

蒲瑶 《唐都学刊》2002,18(3):59-62
全球化浪潮飞速发展 ,世界各国无不从政治、经济、军事乃至文化等方面感受到强有力的冲击。对众多的发展中国家而言 ,来势汹涌的全球化是一柄锋利无比的“双刃剑” ,它带来的不仅是机遇 ,更多的是挑战。全球化对各国文化的冲击和影响重大深远 ,发展中国家对此应持明确的态度并采取果决的应对措施  相似文献   

行动导向教学是德国职业教育界很流行的一种教学理论,倡导教师在教学中转向活动的引导者、学习的辅导者和主持人,学生作为学习的主体,充分发挥其学习的主动性和积极性,由"学后做"转向"做中学"。这对社会工作实务的教学具有极大的借鉴价值,并在理论上可以指导社会工作专业教学的创新与改革。  相似文献   


Objective: The focal point of this investigation was to research the ethical issues surrounding the military's requests for informed consent waivers when using investigational drugs, and the recent debate surrounding the anthrax vaccine as an investigational new drug (IND). Design: The military's management of the informed consent process was examined using documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, Institutional Review Board (IRB) minutes, consent forms, legal pleadings, and protocols for specific investigational drugs. Results: In December 1990, prior to Operation Desert Storm, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) granted the Department of Defense (DoD) an unprecedented waiver to the federally mandated informed-consent requirement for the use of investigational drugs. However, the waiver approval was conditional, and the FDA insisted on several safeguards. Partially in response to the subsequent Gulf War Syndrome debate, the FDA recently evaluated the military's use of investigational drugs during the Gulf War. The FDA cited the military for significant deviations from the originally approved protocols. Most notably, the military was found to be abusing the IRB process by convening a second IRB when the first IRB concluded that waiving informed consent was unethical. In addition, there was a gross lack of documentation and no monitoring of adverse reactions. The DoD's plan to use the current anthrax vaccine on all 2.4 million troops against inhalation anthrax has kindled an additional investigational drug controversy. The safety and efficacy of the use of the anthrax vaccine as a prophylactic against inhalation anthrax have been questioned by both military and medical organizations. There have never been any published studies of human efficacy or long-term effects for the anthrax vaccine. In addition, the military is not using the vaccine for its intended purpose, and it is also not adhering to prescribed dosing schedules. There is clear evidence to support the claim that, in fact, the military's use of the anthrax vaccine should be considered experimental. Conclusions: I argue that in medical situations, the military is obligated to treat its troops as autonomous persons entitled to basic rights and protections. The DoD is currently using an approved drug, the anthrax vaccine, for an unapproved purpose and in an unapproved manner. In doing so, the DoD is not only violating the FDA's regulations against such practices, it is also violating an executive order which only allows the president to authorize the use of INDs on service members without their consent.  相似文献   

魏建国 《学术交流》2003,2(3):153-157
雇佣兵制度是英国中世纪产生的一项重要军事制度。它的出现引发了英国一系列制度性连锁反应 ,导致了英国社会生活发生了不同于中世纪传统的转向 ,表现为 :土地可以买卖 ,农村经济市场化较早 ,国王与贵族的关系结构出现了新的调整 ,以及雇佣劳动阶层的产生、军事贵族向土地贵族的转变、乡绅阶层的兴起等社会结构的变化诸方面。  相似文献   

This article is a continuation of a conference panel dialogue that focused on providing individualized, culturally responsible treatment of secondary traumatic stress (STS) for military social workers. Key aspects of the roles and responsibilities, professional and ethical challenges of military social workers and social work officers serve as focal points for understanding the importance of social support. This article discusses ways social support might help to moderate the impact of STS. The “buddy system” describes a culturally unique protective factor, which is a well‐known and effective type of social support utilized throughout the military. This article provides valuable information on how the “buddy system” can serve as a blueprint for managing STS experienced by military social workers. The article concludes with research, policy, and practice implications.  相似文献   

张军 《阅江学刊》2014,(4):74-80
东晋桓温军府是魏晋军府发展的延续。东晋时期军府之间呈现层级化的结构特征,存在宝塔式的纵向层级依附关系。桓温个人身份对桓氏家族的影响很大,他获得的权力具有一定的合法性,也为桓氏后继者出任军将提供了契机。桓温善于治理和抚民,在荆州有较持久的政治影响力,这些成为桓玄成势的政情、民情基础。桓玄建楚是桓温、桓玄父子两代人努力的结果:桓温执兵权而行北伐之事,再借北伐立威,收功于外,获誉于内;桓玄则在晋末统治集团多方权力角逐中脱颖而出,借父辈余荫兵权急剧膨胀,直至改朝换代。但他们即使在最盛时也未能取得全国兵权。北府将刘裕讨伐桓玄,最终以北府兵击败了以桓氏为代表的荆州兵,并实现晋宋易鼎。某一家族在某一地区的世袭兵权,很大程度上为东晋强藩割据大开方便之门,桓温军府便是兵权私家化的表现之一,这不仅与当时皇权受到削弱有关,也与魏晋以来人身依附关系的强化有很大关系。  相似文献   

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