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Convergence of Heavy-tailed Monte Carlo Markov Chain Algorithms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  In this paper, we use recent results of Jarner & Roberts ( Ann. Appl. Probab., 12, 2002, 224) to show polynomial convergence rates of Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithms with polynomial target distributions, in particular random-walk Metropolis algorithms, Langevin algorithms and independence samplers. We also use similar methodology to consider polynomial convergence of the Gibbs sampler on a constrained state space. The main result for the random-walk Metropolis algorithm is that heavy-tailed proposal distributions lead to higher rates of convergence and thus to qualitatively better algorithms as measured, for instance, by the existence of central limit theorems for higher moments. Thus, the paper gives for the first time a theoretical justification for the common belief that heavy-tailed proposal distributions improve convergence in the context of random-walk Metropolis algorithms. Similar results are shown to hold for Langevin algorithms and the independence sampler, while results for the mixing of Gibbs samplers on uniform distributions on constrained spaces are rather different in character.  相似文献   

In this paper, I explore the usage of positive definite metric tensors derived from the second derivative information in the context of the simplified manifold Metropolis adjusted Langevin algorithm. I propose a new adaptive step size procedure that resolves the shortcomings of such metric tensors in regions where the log‐target has near zero curvature in some direction. The adaptive step size selection also appears to alleviate the need for different tuning parameters in transient and stationary regimes that is typical of Metropolis adjusted Langevin algorithm. The combination of metric tensors derived from the second derivative information and the adaptive step size selection constitute a large step towards developing reliable manifold Markov chain Monte Carlo methods that can be implemented automatically for models with unknown or intractable Fisher information, and even for target distributions that do not admit factorization into prior and likelihood. Through examples of low to moderate dimension, I show that the proposed methodology performs very well relative to alternative Markov chain Monte Carlo methods.  相似文献   

We consider the optimal scaling problem for proposal distributions in Hastings–Metropolis algorithms derived from Langevin diffusions. We prove an asymptotic diffusion limit theorem and show that the relative efficiency of the algorithm can be characterized by its overall acceptance rate, independently of the target distribution. The asymptotically optimal acceptance rate is 0.574. We show that, as a function of dimension n , the complexity of the algorithm is O ( n 1/3), which compares favourably with the O ( n ) complexity of random walk Metropolis algorithms. We illustrate this comparison with some example simulations.  相似文献   

In this article, we perform Bayesian estimation of stochastic volatility models with heavy tail distributions using Metropolis adjusted Langevin (MALA) and Riemman manifold Langevin (MMALA) methods. We provide analytical expressions for the application of these methods, assess the performance of these methodologies in simulated data, and illustrate their use on two financial time series datasets.  相似文献   

Parametric incomplete data models defined by ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are widely used in biostatistics to describe biological processes accurately. Their parameters are estimated on approximate models, whose regression functions are evaluated by a numerical integration method. Accurate and efficient estimations of these parameters are critical issues. This paper proposes parameter estimation methods involving either a stochastic approximation EM algorithm (SAEM) in the maximum likelihood estimation, or a Gibbs sampler in the Bayesian approach. Both algorithms involve the simulation of non-observed data with conditional distributions using Hastings–Metropolis (H–M) algorithms. A modified H–M algorithm, including an original local linearization scheme to solve the ODEs, is proposed to reduce the computational time significantly. The convergence on the approximate model of all these algorithms is proved. The errors induced by the numerical solving method on the conditional distribution, the likelihood and the posterior distribution are bounded. The Bayesian and maximum likelihood estimation methods are illustrated on a simulated pharmacokinetic nonlinear mixed-effects model defined by an ODE. Simulation results illustrate the ability of these algorithms to provide accurate estimates.  相似文献   

Different strategies have been proposed to improve mixing and convergence properties of Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms. These are mainly concerned with customizing the proposal density in the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm to the specific target density and require a detailed exploratory analysis of the stationary distribution and/or some preliminary experiments to determine an efficient proposal. Various Metropolis–Hastings algorithms have been suggested that make use of previously sampled states in defining an adaptive proposal density. Here we propose a general class of adaptive Metropolis–Hastings algorithms based on Metropolis–Hastings-within-Gibbs sampling. For the case of a one-dimensional target distribution, we present two novel algorithms using mixtures of triangular and trapezoidal densities. These can also be seen as improved versions of the all-purpose adaptive rejection Metropolis sampling (ARMS) algorithm to sample from non-logconcave univariate densities. Using various different examples, we demonstrate their properties and efficiencies and point out their advantages over ARMS and other adaptive alternatives such as the Normal Kernel Coupler.  相似文献   

The random walk Metropolis algorithm is a simple Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme which is frequently used in Bayesian statistical problems. We propose a guided walk Metropolis algorithm which suppresses some of the random walk behavior in the Markov chain. This alternative algorithm is no harder to implement than the random walk Metropolis algorithm, but empirical studies show that it performs better in terms of efficiency and convergence time.  相似文献   


In this paper, we show how the time for convergence to stationarity of a Markov chain can be assessed using the Wasserstein metric, rather than the usual choice of total variation distance. The Wasserstein metric may be more easily applied in some applications, particularly those on continuous state spaces. Bounds on convergence time are established by considering the number of iterations required to approximately couple two realizations of the Markov chain to within ε tolerance. The particular application considered is the use of the Gibbs sampler in the Bayesian restoration of a degraded image, with pixels that are a continuous grey-scale and with pixels that can only take two colours. On finite state spaces, a bound in the Wasserstein metric can be used to find a bound in total variation distance. We use this relationship to get a precise O(N log N) bound on the convergence time of the stochastic Ising model that holds for appropriate values of its parameter as well as other binary image models. Our method employing convergence in the Wasserstein metric can also be applied to perfect sampling algorithms involving coupling from the past to obtain estimates of their running times.  相似文献   

Pseudo-marginal Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for sampling from intractable distributions have gained recent interest and have been theoretically studied in considerable depth. Their main appeal is that they are exact, in the sense that they target marginally the correct invariant distribution. However, the pseudo-marginal Markov chain can exhibit poor mixing and slow convergence towards its target. As an alternative, a subtly different Markov chain can be simulated, where better mixing is possible but the exactness property is sacrificed. This is the noisy algorithm, initially conceptualised as Monte Carlo within Metropolis, which has also been studied but to a lesser extent. The present article provides a further characterisation of the noisy algorithm, with a focus on fundamental stability properties like positive recurrence and geometric ergodicity. Sufficient conditions for inheriting geometric ergodicity from a standard Metropolis–Hastings chain are given, as well as convergence of the invariant distribution towards the true target distribution.  相似文献   

We define a notion of de-initializing Markov chains. We prove that to analyse convergence of Markov chains to stationarity, it suffices to analyse convergence of a de-initializing chain. Applications are given to Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms and to convergence diagnostics.  相似文献   

The Hastings algorithm is a key tool in computational science. While mathematically justified by detailed balance, it can be conceptually difficult to grasp. Here, we present two complementary and intuitive ways to derive and understand the algorithm. In our framework, it is straightforward to see that the celebrated Metropolis–Hastings algorithm has the highest acceptance probability of all Hastings algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm (MALA) that uses convex analysis to simulate efficiently from high-dimensional densities that are log-concave, a class of probability distributions that is widely used in modern high-dimensional statistics and data analysis. The method is based on a new first-order approximation for Langevin diffusions that exploits log-concavity to construct Markov chains with favourable convergence properties. This approximation is closely related to Moreau–Yoshida regularisations for convex functions and uses proximity mappings instead of gradient mappings to approximate the continuous-time process. The proposed method complements existing MALA methods in two ways. First, the method is shown to have very robust stability properties and to converge geometrically for many target densities for which other MALA are not geometric, or only if the step size is sufficiently small. Second, the method can be applied to high-dimensional target densities that are not continuously differentiable, a class of distributions that is increasingly used in image processing and machine learning and that is beyond the scope of existing MALA and HMC algorithms. To use this method it is necessary to compute or to approximate efficiently the proximity mappings of the logarithm of the target density. For several popular models, including many Bayesian models used in modern signal and image processing and machine learning, this can be achieved with convex optimisation algorithms and with approximations based on proximal splitting techniques, which can be implemented in parallel. The proposed method is demonstrated on two challenging high-dimensional and non-differentiable models related to image resolution enhancement and low-rank matrix estimation that are not well addressed by existing MCMC methodology.  相似文献   

Abstract.  In the Bayesian approach to ill-posed inverse problems, regularization is imposed by specifying a prior distribution on the parameters of interest and Markov chain Monte Carlo samplers are used to extract information about its posterior distribution. The aim of this paper is to investigate the convergence properties of the random-scan random-walk Metropolis (RSM) algorithm for posterior distributions in ill-posed inverse problems. We provide an accessible set of sufficient conditions, in terms of the observational model and the prior, to ensure geometric ergodicity of RSM samplers of the posterior distribution. We illustrate how these conditions can be checked in an application to the inversion of oceanographic tracer data.  相似文献   

We describe standard single-site Monte Carlo Markov chain methods, the Hastings and Metropolis algorithms, the Gibbs sampler and simulated annealing, for maximum a posteriori and marginal posterior modes image estimation. These methods can experience great difficulty in traversing the whole image space in a finite time when the target distribution is multi-modal. We present a survey of multiple-site update methods, including Swendsen and Wang's algorithm, coupled Markov chains and cascade algorithms designed to tackle the problem of moving between modes of the posterior image distribution. We compare the performance of some of these algorithms for sampling from degraded and non-degraded Ising models  相似文献   

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is an important computational technique for generating samples from non-standard probability distributions. A major challenge in the design of practical MCMC samplers is to achieve efficient convergence and mixing properties. One way to accelerate convergence and mixing is to adapt the proposal distribution in light of previously sampled points, thus increasing the probability of acceptance. In this paper, we propose two new adaptive MCMC algorithms based on the Independent Metropolis–Hastings algorithm. In the first, we adjust the proposal to minimize an estimate of the cross-entropy between the target and proposal distributions, using the experience of pre-runs. This approach provides a general technique for deriving natural adaptive formulae. The second approach uses multiple parallel chains, and involves updating chains individually, then updating a proposal density by fitting a Bayesian model to the population. An important feature of this approach is that adapting the proposal does not change the limiting distributions of the chains. Consequently, the adaptive phase of the sampler can be continued indefinitely. We include results of numerical experiments indicating that the new algorithms compete well with traditional Metropolis–Hastings algorithms. We also demonstrate the method for a realistic problem arising in Comparative Genomics.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the statistical inference based on the Bayesian approach for regression models with the assumption that independent additive errors follow normal, Student-t, slash, contaminated normal, Laplace or symmetric hyperbolic distribution, where both location and dispersion parameters of the response variable distribution include nonparametric additive components approximated by B-splines. This class of models provides a rich set of symmetric distributions for the model error. Some of these distributions have heavier or lighter tails than the normal as well as different levels of kurtosis. In order to draw samples of the posterior distribution of the interest parameters, we propose an efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm, which combines Gibbs sampler and Metropolis–Hastings algorithms. The performance of the proposed MCMC algorithm is assessed through simulation experiments. We apply the proposed methodology to a real data set. The proposed methodology is implemented in the R package BayesGESM using the function gesm().  相似文献   

平稳性检验是时间序列回归分析的一个关键问题,已有的检验方法在处理海量时间序列数据时显得乏力,检验准确率有待提高。采用分类技术建立平稳性检验的新方法,可以有效地处理海量时间序列数据。首先计算时间序列自相关函数,构建一个充分非必要的判定准则;然后建立序列收敛的量化分析方法,研究收敛参数的最优取值,并提取平稳性特征向量;最后采用k-means聚类建立平稳性分类识别方法。采用一组模拟数据和股票数据进行分析,将ADF检验、PP检验、KPSS检验进行对比,实证结果表明新方法的准确率较高。  相似文献   

As the number of applications for Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) grows, the power of these methods as well as their shortcomings become more apparent. While MCMC yields an almost automatic way to sample a space according to some distribution, its implementations often fall short of this task as they may lead to chains which converge too slowly or get trapped within one mode of a multi-modal space. Moreover, it may be difficult to determine if a chain is only sampling a certain area of the space or if it has indeed reached stationarity. In this paper, we show how a simple modification of the proposal mechanism results in faster convergence of the chain and helps to circumvent the problems described above. This mechanism, which is based on an idea from the field of “small-world” networks, amounts to adding occasional “wild” proposals to any local proposal scheme. We demonstrate through both theory and extensive simulations, that these new proposal distributions can greatly outperform the traditional local proposals when it comes to exploring complex heterogenous spaces and multi-modal distributions. Our method can easily be applied to most, if not all, problems involving MCMC and unlike many other remedies which improve the performance of MCMC it preserves the simplicity of the underlying algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper aims at evaluating different aspects of Monte Carlo expectation – maximization algorithm to estimate heavy-tailed mixed logistic regression (MLR) models. As a novelty it also proposes a multiple chain Gibbs sampler to generate of the latent variables distributions thus obtaining independent samples. In heavy-tailed MLR models, the analytical forms of the full conditional distributions for the random effects are unknown. Four different Metropolis–Hastings algorithms are assumed to generate from them. We also discuss stopping rules in order to obtain more efficient algorithms in heavy-tailed MLR models. The algorithms are compared through the analysis of simulated and Ascaris Suum data.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for adaptation in Metropolis–Hastings algorithms. A product of a proposal density and K copies of the target density is used to define a joint density which is sampled by a Gibbs sampler including a Metropolis step. This provides a framework for adaptation since the current value of all K copies of the target distribution can be used in the proposal distribution. The methodology is justified by standard Gibbs sampling theory and generalizes several previously proposed algorithms. It is particularly suited to Metropolis-within-Gibbs updating and we discuss the application of our methods in this context. The method is illustrated with both a Metropolis–Hastings independence sampler and a Metropolis-with-Gibbs independence sampler. Comparisons are made with standard adaptive Metropolis–Hastings methods.  相似文献   

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