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弹性退休制度与养老保险保障制度整合初论   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
弹性退休政策是退休养老保险保障制度的重要组成部分,是退休制度与养老保险保障制度整合的重要制度链。实施弹性退休政策有其内在的经济学与社会学理论依据,弹性退休制度对养老保险保障制度产生根本性影响,完善弹性退休政策的激励机制是实施弹性退休政策的基本前提。  相似文献   

Testing the validity of indicator systems is a task almost always left to the scientific community, in standard practice and in keeping with the quest for objectivity prevalent in politics and in society as a whole. This paper calls for a reinvigorated agenda within indicators research to question this practice and develop alternative methodologies to test the validity, legitimacy and impacts of indicator systems. The assumptions of objectivity are not realistic in contemporary policy contexts. As a result, the scientific community is not the only community with a stake in assessing an indicator system; it is perhaps not even the most important one. Four other community types with distinct interests in the design, use and impacts of indicator systems are identified. First is the community of elected officials, whose positions of power make their perspective important and unique; second is the community of engaged publics, whose stake is made clear by the principles of participatory and deliberative democracy; third are communities of cultural difference; and fourth are professional communities. The unique relationship each of these communities has with indicator systems, and thus the tests and challenges offered by each to the practice of indicators, is discussed through a case study of a public participation process for the development of a new set of regional sustainability indicators in Vancouver, Canada. The evidence suggests new research questions for scholars in policy and indicators studies who seek to better understand paths and barriers to implementation and impact in indicators practice, as well as lessons for other local indicators practices.
Meg HoldenEmail:

By developing a ``European System of Social Indicators'' the scientificcommunity as well as policy makers are being provided with a theoreticallywell-grounded as well as methodologically sound tool of social measurementto be used to continuously monitor and analyse the development of welfareas well as general trends of social change in European societies. Thearticle focuses on the development of a conceptual framework, to be usedto guide and justify the selection of measurement dimensions and indicators.Based on an extensive review of theoretical concepts of welfare and anexploration of political goals of societal development at the Europeanlevel, six major categories of goal dimensions, referring to the conceptsof quality of life, social cohesion and sustainability have been identifiedas the backbones of the conceptual framework. In addition, the articlepresents the main features of the architecture of the European System ofSocial Indicators and lays out its main structural elements and characteristics.  相似文献   

文章以深圳、南昌、兰州三市问卷调查为基础,就当前残疾人社会保障体系和公共服务体系的覆盖水平、满意度和需求趋势进行了分析。结果表明,残疾人社会权利整体上还处于浅度配置和轻度配置阶段,残疾人社会保障和公共服务的供给水平整体偏低。因此,作者建议从社会权利重度配置和深度配置的角度出发,一方面建立健全以最低生活保障制度为基础、多层次的残疾人社会保障体系;另一方面构建政府主导、社会参与、市场运作的残疾人公共服务供给模式。  相似文献   

增进人口健康对于经济和社会发展有着重大意义,而当前我国农村医疗保障制度的缺失使农村人口的健康无从保障。以人口健康为切入点,分析农村人口医疗保健的现状与需求,依据当前国情,提出从"合作"和"新型"两方面重建农村合作医疗保障制度,并指出该制度在农村医疗保障体系中居于基础地位。  相似文献   

快速老龄化和独生子女家庭结构给我国老年照料服务带来严峻挑战,文章拟构建一个以家庭和社区为基础的照料服务体系来应对这一问题,并对其服务压力进行预测。将五种照料资源整合成为六种可以流转的照料模式,形成完整的照料体系,并采用中国健康与养老追踪调查数据(CHARLS)估算老年人口对每种照料模式的需求比例,加入独生子女政策的影响,以上海为例模拟老年照料服务需求量和结构的变化趋势。结果显示,上海老年照料服务需求总量在2020年前会经历一个快速增长阶段,相对于传统的养老体系,新体系的发展使养老和护理床位需求量分别减少约70%和75%。  相似文献   

人口老龄化与养老保险体制创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
21世纪是人口老龄化的世纪。在世界人口年龄结构不断走向老龄化的过程中,中国人口老龄化展现出速度比较快、水平比较高和城乡、地域推进不平衡的特点。这给养老社会保障出了一道难题。破解之法,关键在养老社会保险体制创新。中国养老社会保险体制改革和创新的重点:一要准确定位养老社会保险的体制,明确改革和创新的方向和思路;二要在完善监管体制机制基础上,确保养老金保值、增值和可持续推进。  相似文献   

This paper, starting from examining the current situation for the social insurance service system, analyses the problems of the system and provides three reform suggestions. First, staffing levels of social insurance should bring about a dynamical ratio mechanism, which links staff number to the insured clients to avoid work overload or low service quality. Second, all of the expenditures of the service system should be a part of social insurance funds to completely avoid budget shortage. Third, in order to divide administration and service management and to separate supervision and operation functions, a national social insurance administration should be instituted,  相似文献   

人口老龄化与养老服务保障体系   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
陈德君 《人口研究》2001,25(6):35-38
人口老龄化是人类社会发展的自然规律 ,是当今世界面临的重大社会问题之一。据统计 ,目前我国 60岁以上的老年人已达 1 2 6亿 ,占总人口的 10 % ,并以每年平均 3%的速度递增 ,更为突出的是 ,80岁以上的高龄老人已接近 10 0 0万人 ,仅仅 18年 ,中国人口年龄结构就由成年型进入老年型 ,与一些发展中国家相比 ,其速度之快、基数之大、高龄人口之多都是前所未有的。因此 ,如何面对迅猛而来的老龄化问题已成为全社会共同关注的焦点。1 人口老龄化呼唤养老服务保障体系根据中国国情 ,建立一个由个人、家庭、社会和政府共同组成的养老服务保障体系…  相似文献   

针对中国不断攀升的犯罪率,文章借助1997 ~ 2013年中国30个省的面板数据和PMG模型研究了外来人口比重与刑事犯罪率之间的因果关系,并考察了户籍制度在其中起到的作用.研究发现,在过去的户籍制度下,外来人口比重的增加显著提高了刑事犯罪率,但这主要是由外来人口中的暂住人口的增加导致的,户籍迁入人口的增加没有对犯罪率产生显著影响.此外,研究还发现,放松户籍管制、提高外来人口获得当地户口的概率(入户概率),可以有效地降低刑事犯罪率,而且当入户概率提高到一定程度之后,外来人口的增加将不再对犯罪率产生显著的影响.文章从具有中国特色的户籍制度和犯罪的机会成本出发为理解外来人口与犯罪率二者之间的关系提供了新的视角.  相似文献   

China's basic medical care system has achieved universal coverage, faced the system transformation with substance fair. Under the transformation background from universal coverage to integration on urban and rural areas, and the transformation direction from the "medical care" to "health for all", through the institutional transition path on system design, service delivery, fi nancial support, this paper points out that how to improve quality of medical care and optimizing the level of health care services, match sustainable funding system and improving payment system, which in public health, medical services, medical care and medicine supply, realize the transformation and the development from universal medical care to health care.  相似文献   

俄罗斯的养老保险制度改革已经进行了十多年,经历了两个阶段,目前初步建立了"多支柱"的养老保障体系。该体系中不乏创见之举,但是目前也面临着诸多困难,改革前景依然是"任重而道远"。  相似文献   

现行农村社会保障制度评价与剖析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
我国农村社会保障主要是医疗保障、养老保障和计划生育保障 ,它本质上是一种社区保障 ,尚未具备法制性、强制性及普遍性等社会保障的基本特征。目前在农村建立社会保障制度还受多方面的制约 ,实行社区保障也是权宜之策 ,有其可行性 ,但又有历史局限性  相似文献   

Reform of China's Household Registration system(HRS) has been entering a new stage and deserves us to research.The paper argues that reform of HRS should have multiple objectives.It examines various local efforts and practices of the reform and claims that the point system is one of the most feasible alternative systems for the HRS that can fit those multiple reform objectives.The system could also be treated as the new institutional basic for public welfare provision and rights allocation,and a new governance means for population issues as well in China's transitional period.  相似文献   

我国台湾就业保障体系在20世纪50—90年代偏重于就业服务、职业培训,以此提高民众的就业能力。随着岛内经济转轨不成功,失业率大幅攀升,才被迫于1999年正式实施失业保险制度。面对新形势台湾地区就业保障体系与失业保险制度将面临更严峻的挑战。  相似文献   

中国社会保障制度的回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国的社会保障制度在过去的50年里经过了三个发展阶段。养老保障、养老保险和社会救济方面的制度变迁表现在:其一,退休金制度向社会养老保险制度的转变;其二,社会救济制度向最低生活保障制度的演变。并展望了中国社会保障制度变革的基本路向。  相似文献   

生育现代化和测度指标体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文阐述了生育现代化的涵义,构建了测度生育现代化进程的指标体系,并且根据设立的指标对我国生育现代化进程进行了测算。  相似文献   

徐蒙  陈功 《西北人口》2009,30(2):33-36,41
本文从介绍宗法制度对中国古代社会的影响和作用入手。分析了在这种制度影响下传统社会尊老、恤老制度出现的必然性。本文试图以经济扣文化视角审视制度建构,分析并评价几种有代表性的法制现象,进而指出当下我国挖掘传统尊老、敬老文化的现实意义。  相似文献   

李光勇  夏怀华 《西北人口》2007,28(4):115-118
全球性医疗体制改革方兴未艾。改革原因主要是医疗保险费用增长过快、信息不对称引起公众满意度差、制度运行效率差以及政治和经济体制的变化。改革内容包括结构性和制度性两类。文章的最后,分析了国际医疗体制改革对我国的启示。  相似文献   

人口数据仓库与决策咨询系统建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任远 《南方人口》2005,20(4):46-51
作者提出用ICT技术改革传统人口统计,建立人口数据仓库,为中长期人口发展战略研究和人口综合调控提供数据支持,并促进人口与发展决策咨询系统的逐步建立。作者论述了建设人口数据仓库和决策咨询系统的背景、意义、功能和基本结构,呼唤通过人口信息化和人口综合统计改革,推进人口部门综合调控职能,促进人口管理现代化,并加强人口与发展的综合决策。  相似文献   

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