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Those who develop or influence Australian public policy impacting on the nonprofit sector rarely have adequate empirical research upon which to base their judgments. Giving Australia research evidence relevant to strengthening giving and volunteering is brought together in this article to inform policy options for government, nonprofit and philanthropic entities. It begins with consideration of research findings related to the capacity of those that give or volunteer and the implications these findings have for policy. Three key criteria are developed for assessing policies to strengthening giving and volunteering, behaviours that primarily assist nonprofit organisations – policies that build trust between those that give and the recipients of their gifts, policies that strengthen affiliation and policies that encourage planned giving.  相似文献   

Those who develop or influence Australian public policy impacting on the nonprofit sector rarely have adequate empirical research upon which to base their judgments. Giving Australia research evidence relevant to strengthening giving and volunteering is brought together in this article to inform policy options for government, nonprofit and philanthropic entities. It begins with consideration of research findings related to the capacity of those that give or volunteer and the implications these findings have for policy. Three key criteria are developed for assessing policies to strengthening giving and volunteering, behaviours that primarily assist nonprofit organisations – policies that build trust between those that give and the recipients of their gifts, policies that strengthen affiliation and policies that encourage planned giving.  相似文献   

王银娥 《唐都学刊》2004,20(4):10-14
现代市场经济社会讲求互信伦理、互助伦理、法治伦理。客观地审视和反思SARS事件 ,可以发现我们民族、社会在有关公共制度安排与治理等方面存在的一些深层次问题。对此 ,我们应创造和提供公共伦理形成所需要具备的基本条件———现代公共生活领域 ;建构现代公共伦理赖以生成和发挥作用的现实载体———现代开放的公民社会的“社群”组织 ;面向生活世界 ,探寻、甄别、确立并认同作为公共伦理核心的社会“公共价值” ;公共价值的确立需要以政府和个人共同承诺的公共责任为保障。  相似文献   

论公众参与公共气象服务的重要意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共气象服务属于公共事务,涉及广大社会公众的共同利益,公益性是公共气象服务的本质属性之一,公众参与公共气象服务具有内在的合理性和必然性。当前我国公众参与公共气象服务存在着地方气象部门对公众参与公共气象服务重视程度不够,公众参与公共气象服务的领域不宽,公众参与公共气象服务的水平不高等问题。公众参与是我国建设服务型政府的必然要求,公众参与公共气象服务的意义在于:保障公众的气象权,提高公共气象服务的公众满意度;提供服务信息,实现公共气象服务的最终目标;维护公共利益,有效防止气象部门的权力垄断;增进理解互信,共同面对气象预报风险;扩展均等服务,促进社会的稳定与和谐。  相似文献   

公共安全与公共管理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
公共安全与公共管理密切相关。对公共安全的含义可以从法学理论和管理理论两个方面进行考察;危害公共安全的事故和事件的发生,有其国际社会的共性原因,也有我国转型期的特殊原因;危害公共安全的因素和事件有六个特性;强化公共安全管理,需要树立科学的发展观和科学的公共安全观;需要公共安全管理系统自身的完善和公共管理体系的完善;与公共管理密切相关,需要建立健全八个体系;在《公共管理学》教科书中,应该增加"公共安全管理"这一章。  相似文献   

A study on activities launched by the civil society in dealing with the SARS crisis in Hong Kong identifies that civil society in Hong Kong simultaneously performs the collaborative and adversarial functions, embracing a sensitive balance between trust and risk when entrusting the state to serve the public good. Drawing on the survey analysis, the article argues that the complexity of state and civil society relation has to be understood as dialectics in the “collaboration/adversary” duality. Several hypotheses are generated from the study for further research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of information system utilization and education and training on organizational innovation for public social welfare officers in Seoul and verify whether organizational trust plays a role as a moderator variable in these relationships. First, information system utilization and education and training have positive effects on organizational innovation. Second, as a result of investigating the moderating effects of organizational trust, organizational trust has a positive effect on the relationship between information system utilization and organizational innovation, as well as education and training and organizational innovation. Therefore, it is found that information system utilization and education and training are important for innovation of public welfare service. The stronger relationship we have, the higher organizational trust we acquire. Therefore, in order to innovate the organization, it is necessary to strengthen the education training that can utilize the network and the expertise to share information and communicate. It is also necessary to focus on enhancing organizational trust such as mutual consideration, information sharing, and assistance within an organization.  相似文献   

詹骞 《太平洋学报》2010,18(7):48-54
在了解中国的各种渠道中,外国公众使用得最多的是本国的媒介;在媒介类型的选择上,无论中外媒介,外国公众接触得最多的是互联网和电视;同时,外国公众对于媒介内容的选择上,会针对不同的目的呈现出不同的偏好。本文以英、美、新加坡三国公众为研究对象,得出的结论是,三国公众在对中外媒体的信任度上,多持"说不清"的模糊态度。国际公众的媒介接触行为特征,对当代中国的国际传播优化具有积极的参考意义。  相似文献   


In Canada, institutions that receive research funding from the three federal granting agencies must establish research ethics boards (REBs) to review the ethical acceptability of research involving humans. Institutions are also expected to promote the responsible conduct of research, fostering researchers’ abilities to act with integrity in the conduct of their research. Where a researcher fails to act with integrity in research with humans, institutional policies and procedures of the U15, Canada’s most research-intensive universities, vary in the extent to which they involve their REBs in response to such breaches. Some make no mention of the REB, whereas others state that their REB should be provided with information relating to upheld allegations. In this paper, we argue that when allegations of research integrity breaches are corroborated, the institution’s REB should be identified as a party required to receive that information. Only then can REBs ensure compliance with research ethics standards, which is essential to maintain the public’s trust.  相似文献   

In some areas of Vietnam, stigmatisation of HIV-infected children by parents in the community represents a major barrier to integration of such youth into public schools. To investigate parental perceptions of integration, researchers interviewed a total of 60 parents from one rural and one urban school district within Hanoi, Vietnam. Resistance to integration stemmed largely from misinformation about disease transmission and worry about protecting HIV-negative children. Educational campaigns targeted at parents, combined with higher levels of trust in the preparedness of teachers to handle situations involving HIV-positive children, could decrease current stigma and opposition to integration into public primary schools.  相似文献   

气候资源不是《宪法》、《物权法》上明确列举的国家所有权客体,也不具有权利客体的特征。气候资源与国家所有权客体在权利归属、表现形态、使用方式、存在目的上存在较大差异,乃是一种公共财产。基于公共信托理论,国家是公共财产的受托人,对气候资源行使诸如气候资源规划权、保护区设立权、纠纷裁决权及开发利用行政许可权等管理权。因为气候资源不是国家所有权客体,源自气候资源国家管理权的民事主体对气候资源开发利用的权利乃是特许物权。气候资源特许物权具有公私兼容的性质,既具有公法性,又具有私法性。  相似文献   

敖丹  邹宇春  高翔 《社会》2013,33(6):161-179
本研究采用CGSS2003数据分析普遍信任的区域间及区域内的差异,发现中国城镇居民的普遍信任程度从高到低排序依次为东部、中部和西部。该发现从“资源因素论”的视角验证了普遍信任的程度差异与地区层面的宏观公共资源的相关性,微观层面的资源(包括个人拥有的资源和个人借用的资源)对地区内城镇居民的普遍信任有正向影响,这一影响会因宏观层面资源的不同而发生变化。  相似文献   

慈善组织是我国慈善事业发展的基础,公信力则是每个慈善组织的生命力。提升公信力不仅是慈善组织开展慈善活动的前提,而且是其健康发展的需要。结合非营利组织公信力的标准,文章分析了造成慈善组织公信力不足的原因,并就提升慈善组织公信力的措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

公共外交是全球化时代塑造国家形象、增强国家软实力的重要途径。基于中国建设海洋强国战略的实施、经济可持续发展以及与台湾当局"外交"博弈的需要,中国亟须获得南太平洋岛国民众对中国的理解、信任和支持,增强中国在南太平洋地区的影响力。近年来,中国通过文化外交、华侨华人外交、援助外交等公共外交项目的开展,在南太平洋岛国的影响力有所增强。本文认为,由于大国竞争性公共外交的影响,中国在南太平洋岛国的影响力和感召力仍显不足,应秉承"和平、合作、和谐"的外交理念,继续拓展外交空间。  相似文献   

环境公益诉讼可分为公众性环境公益诉讼和公共性环境公益诉讼两大基本类型,环保部门可作为原告提起旨在预防和救济对"环境本身的损害"的公共性环境民事公益诉讼。从可行性看,环保部门提起环境公益诉讼,有着国际上可资借鉴的成功经验,具有现行的法律依据和司法实践体验。环保部门务必对其提起公益诉讼的活动进行合理限制和科学设计,譬如务必以已经履行了环境监管的法定职责为前提条件,一般应作为第二顺位原告等。  相似文献   

胡安宁  周怡 《社会》2013,33(4):60-82
本文基于“市场”与“国家再分配”两种不同制度环境的讨论,利用中国综合社会调查2010年的数据,运用倾向值匹配方法处理潜在的选择性误差,考察了不同部门中个体的一般信任水平。结果显示,相比私有部门(外资企业和私营企业),在公共部门中工作的个体呈现了更高的一般信任水平。进一步的分析表明,政治参与水平和相对剥夺感作为中介于工作部门与一般信任水平之间的解释机制是显著的,在公共部门中工作的个体不仅在态度上对内在政治效能感有更高的认定,而且也能积极参与居委会社区的选举。这些特征极大提升了他们的一般信任水平。此外,公共部门中的个体在社会地位与经济地位上所持有的较低的相对剥夺感也有助于其建立更高的一般信任水平。  相似文献   

In this exploratory study, we investigate whether public sector officials and non‐public sector officials differ in the trust they have in members of society and whether this difference is associated with the welfare regime in which they work. Using survey data from the sixth round of the European Social Survey, we compare public sector officials' trust to that of non‐public sector officials in 13 countries with four different forms of welfare regimes. Our results demonstrate that public officials have a higher level of trust than non‐public officials do. Furthermore, trust among both public and non‐public sector officials is much higher in social‐democratic regimes, followed by corporatist countries, liberal regimes, Israel (as a unique case) and, lastly, southern European regimes. As expected, public officials' degree of trust reflects the general trends of their societies. Interestingly, in social‐democratic regimes, differences between trust among public and non‐public officials are the highest compared to the other regimes. In addition, an individual‐level analysis in five countries illustrative of each welfare regime indicates that while income, belonging to a minority group, and age are significant factors in explaining public officials' trust, socio‐demographic variables contribute little to the differences between public and non‐public officials. Given the critical role of trust in the functioning of the welfare state, our results imply that further awareness and mechanisms for increasing the degree of trust of citizens among public officials are warranted.  相似文献   

Following Michael Lipsky's well‐known argument that policy is made in the daily encounters between street‐level bureaucracy and citizens, a growing body of research emphasizes that actors and organizations delivering social and labor‐market policy play a crucial role in welfare‐state politics. Using qualitative data collected at three local employment agencies in Germany, this article explores worker‐client relations as a crucial mechanism through which activation policies are translated into practice. The analysis investigates how caseworkers define their role and their relationships with clients. The findings show that it is essential for caseworkers to achieve client compliance. In such a context, building relationships of trust is a strategic instrument in overcoming possible barriers to co‐operation in the caseworker‐client interaction. Caseworkers develop strategies to create the impression of trustworthiness and to motivate both unemployed clients and employers to become trust‐givers in the caseworker‐client relation. While research has often stressed the dichotomy between disciplining and enabling elements of activation policies, our explorative study shows that persuasion and trust‐building are a further important dimension of the frontline delivery of activation policies. These strategies reflect the importance of emotional aspects of frontline work.  相似文献   

本文通过对"北京市民公共行为"课题五年来的跟踪调查,试图阐释有关课题的核心概念和具体研究思路,包括概念的界定、问卷的设计以及在数据统计分析的基础上进行的理性反思。  相似文献   

Objectives. This study examines Americans' generalized beliefs about how much the United States can trust other nations, as well as changes over time in such beliefs. Methods. We analyze original panel survey data collected in 2001 and 2002. Results. Although only a minority of panel respondents expressed generalized trust in other nations immediately after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, even fewer expressed such trust when reinterviewed almost a year later. Social trust, political trust, and party loyalties predicted individual‐level change in this form of trust from 2001 to 2002. Conclusions. Declining trust in other nations may have important implications for public opinion and, ultimately, public policy regarding world affairs.  相似文献   

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