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姚鹤鸣 《学习与探索》2004,1(2):100-104
文艺的技术化毫无疑问与传统的文艺观相悖,但从另一个方面观察,它又能够促使文艺的发展,促使文艺功用目的的真正实现.科学技术和文学艺术不是截然对立的两物.网络文学正是这两物矛盾对立统一在崭新时代的产物,它有它存在的合理性--体现了真正的"创作自由",拓展了创作的空间,为多种艺术样式的融合提供了可能.  相似文献   

谢永康 《求是学刊》2007,34(2):51-55
阿多尔诺在其关于形而上学的课程中对亚里士多德哲学的解读,对于理解否定的辩证法具有重要意义。在阿多尔诺看来,亚里士多德是第一个形而上学家,因为只是在他那里抽象概念与感性世界间的关系才第一次得到自觉、认真的对待。这种关系本身就表明了形而上学内在的辩证结构。亚里士多德提出“这个”、“质料”等概念,试图使非概念的领域概念化。而这类概念恰恰昭示着非概念物的不可消逝性,从而成为非概念物的踪迹。这些踪迹的存在表明了形而上学的不完整性,并将形而上学的问题引向了形而上学之外。阿多尔诺认为亚里士多德在形式与质料、特殊与普遍的关系中意识到了中介问题,但由于其对主体反思的完全陌生,这种中介只是一种“中庸”,而非辩证的中介。亚里士多德哲学中包含的非同一物的踪迹对于阿多尔诺反思近代形而上学也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

While claims are continually made about the various child maltreatment reporting laws, few systematic evaluations could be found. Overseas evidence suggests that the number of notifications from professionals does increase after the introduction of mandatory reporting, providing all professions and all types of maltreatment are included. This paper tested the potential effect on involved Victorian professionals of introducing a mandatory reporting law, all other things remaining unchanged. It was found to be marginal. The value of reporting laws as a philosophical statement about the community's concern for children's welfare was not investigated, nor their effect on the maltreating parents' behaviour.  相似文献   

The Prevention of Homelessness Revisited   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conceptual and methodological problems plague efforts to prevent homelessness. Attempts to identify individuals at risk are inefficient, targeting many people who will not become homeless for each person who will. Such interventions may do useful things for needy people, but evidence that they prevent homelessness is scant. Subsidized housing, with or without supportive services, has ended homelessness for families and played a key role in ending it for people with serious mental illnesses. Other risk factors may be less important once housing is secured. But programs that allocate scarce housing may simply reallocate homelessness, determining who goes to the head of the line for housing, not shortening the line itself. We recommend reorienting homelessness prevention from work with identified at-risk persons to efforts to increase the supply of affordable housing and sustainable sources of livelihood nationwide or in targeted communities.  相似文献   

许潇 《北京社会科学》2015,(10):119-128
三科在说一切有部阿毗昙中的细密分析过程中逐步成为佛教人本主义世界观的典范。五事是《俱舍论》之五位七十五法的雏形,亦是《百法明门论》产生的基础。它改变了根本说一切有部以蕴、处、界三科摄一切法的世界观。以五事摄一切法,是佛教世界观的一次重大变革。这场变革出现在说一切有部并非偶然,而是逻辑的必然。说一切有部精于论议,分别法相,被誉为佛教的经院哲学,又由于它受到古希腊罗马哲学思想的影响,特别是古希腊自然哲学的影响,其哲学思辨特质非常突出,其关注的重点亦由自身逐步拓展到整个世界。  相似文献   

邹春秀 《求是学刊》2012,39(3):110-115
清人李祖陶的《元遗山文选》是其所编《金元明八大家文选》之第一家,也是第一部元好问文选.该书继承了茅坤《唐宋八大家文钞》之编选标准特色,首次对元好问文进行了广泛的选择和点评,使后人得窥元好问文的概貌,意义重大.该书所选篇目约为元好问文的三分之一,在兼顾各种文体的同时,倾向于采录艺术水准高的作品.对所选篇目皆予以评点,条目众多,长短不一.评点内容丰富,而以论人论世、谈诗论文者为多.  相似文献   

宋皓琨 《求是学刊》2007,34(2):109-112
诚斋体与理学有着密切的关系,诚斋体表现出的“童心”已经不只是本真意义上的儿童之心,而且渗透着诗人的理学观照。诚斋体中的童心不但表现为儿童的童心、万物的童心,还表现为诗人的童心,三者共同建构了一个生机勃勃的世界,显示了诗人透脱的胸襟,使诚斋体成为宋代诗坛的诗歌范型。  相似文献   

If a decision problem is said to be difficult, one usually assumes that there is a very complicated relationship between the decision and the corresponding outcome. The problem is considered as solved when this relationship has been sorted out and described. This means that the probelm of selecting the best outcome from a set of possible outcomes, is taken as trivial. The main, or only difficulty is to find the decision which will lead to the best of the possible outcomes. The author argues that the real difficulty may often be to specify a preference ordering over the set of outcomes. He illustrates the point with examples from economics, and discusses some investment problems, in which the outcome of a decision naturally can be considered as a stochastic process.  相似文献   

Criticism of the neo‐liberal approach to generating economic growth and rising prosperity rests on the view that it has failed to deliver many of the things that people most value. Developments in the measurement of quality of life, and in the poverty literature, have moved away from relying solely on economic variables such as income. The deprivation approach provides an insight into the items that people value because it asks a random sample of the population whether or not a list of items are regarded as essential – things that no‐one should have to go without. Drawing on results from a recent deprivation survey, this paper examines the strength of Australian opinion about whether material and non‐material items are essential. The results confirm that there is widespread support for many non‐material items being essential and that lack of ownership of these items is often widespread, with adverse affects on wellbeing.  相似文献   

The episode is the polemic occasioned by A. I. Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich [Odin den' Ivana Denisovicha], which has become a factor in the international ideological struggle. Two things are responsible for the very acute nature of this debate. The first is the open offensive mounted by the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party against the world communist movement (primarily against the CPSU), and their effort to employ today the very "arguments" which yesterday were the monopoly of the anti-Communists. Secondly, there is the exposure in the novel of certain extreme manifestations of what has come to be known as "worship of an individual."  相似文献   

物质主义者对物质生产的偏见影响了对城市及其经济问题的思索。事实上,城市不仅仅是物质生产的中心,而且还是进行知识与精神方面交换的中心。如果不能意识到这种交换的多重维度,就会导致新的商业主义的复苏,制造商因此会享有特殊的权力,而财富的分配也会更加不平等。亨利·乔治的哲学为避免商业主义提供了一种很好的重新系统阐述基本原则的起始点。  相似文献   

In recent years, critical realists have increasingly engaged with the thought of Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914), the founder of the American pragmatist tradition. But the engagement has been mostly narrow in focus and at times misinformed. This paper examines points of continuity between Peircean thought and critical realism with respect to causation, ontology, and truth. Its purpose is to lay the groundwork for further and more fruitful engagement between the traditions by bringing attention to some things critical realists may not have known, and to correct some inaccurate things they thought they knew, about Peirce's philosophy.  相似文献   

The giving of time and money, mainly to private nonprofit organisations is not trivial, but in Australia has been little studied. This article introduces a special issue of the Australian Journal of Social Issues which draws on data collected in the largest study of giving and volunteering conducted in Australia hitherto. It seeks to establish terminological guidelines and reviews past Australian research on giving and volunteering, arguing that there has been a disproportionate interest in volunteering. It seeks to put to rest some common myths about giving and explores whether the increase in giving and volunteering can be attributed to government policy. It concludes by introducing the other papers in the collection.  相似文献   

The giving of time and money, mainly to private nonprofit organisations is not trivial, but in Australia has been little studied. This article introduces a special issue of the Australian Journal of Social Issues which draws on data collected in the largest study of giving and volunteering conducted in Australia hitherto. It seeks to establish terminological guidelines and reviews past Australian research on giving and volunteering, arguing that there has been a disproportionate interest in volunteering. It seeks to put to rest some common myths about giving and explores whether the increase in giving and volunteering can be attributed to government policy. It concludes by introducing the other papers in the collection.  相似文献   

What is special about all our living exchanges with our surroundings is that they occur within the ceaseless, intertwined flow of many unfolding strands of spontaneously responsive, living activity. This requires us to adopt a kind of fluid, process thinking, a shift from thinking of events as occurring between things and beings existing as separate entities prior to their inter‐action, to events occurring within a continuously unfolding, holistic but stranded flow of events, with no clear, already existing boundaries to be found anywhere (Mol & Law, 1994)—a flow of events within which we ourselves are also immersed. We thus become involved in activities within which we find things happening to us, as much as we make things happen in our surroundings—in other words, our surroundings are also agentive in that they can exert “calls” upon us to respond within them in appropriate ways. Consequently, what we can learn in such encounters is not just new facts or bits of information, but new ways of relating or orienting ourselves bodily to the others and othernesses in the world around us—although much can “stand in the way” of our doing this. My concern below is to explore events happening on the (inter)‐subjective side of the Cartesian subject/object divide which “shape” our spontaneous ways of acting in, and reflecting on, the “worlds” within which we live out our lives.  相似文献   

逻辑与怀疑--维特根斯坦《逻辑哲学论》研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡存之 《求是学刊》2004,31(5):46-51
“可说的东西”和“不可说的东西”是维特根斯坦《逻辑哲学论》为思想的表达划的界限 ,逻辑与怀疑同构其中。实在论、遵从逻辑语法的语言记号、记号的指谓前提是构造《逻辑哲学论》的脚手架 ,但它们因对哲学与日常生活的非现实性而表达着《逻辑哲学论》的怀疑 ,《逻辑哲学论》所内涵的怀疑及对不可说的东西的承诺决定了后期维特根斯坦《哲学研究》的主题 ,从而成为维特根斯坦整个哲学体系的基础  相似文献   

Risse  Mathias 《Theory and Decision》2001,50(2):169-196
Sen's Liberal Paradox has received a good deal of attention in the literature. However, it is worth re-opening the discussion since the solutions offered so far have serious problems and since there is more to say about the nature of the problem displayed by the Liberal Paradox. I propose a new solution to the paradox in the following sense: First, I argue that its range of applicability is not very broad. Second, there is nothing paradoxical about a conflict of the principles involved in the Liberal Paradox. (Nagel's thesis of the ``fragmentation of value' is important to make this point.) Third, I make a recommendation about how to remove conflicts when they occur in a restricted class of cases. For the other cases, no recommendation of similar appeal is available. But in the light of the first point, the availability of a generally applicable recommendation was not to be expected.  相似文献   

王干才 《唐都学刊》2006,22(2):44-49
哲学主要是“思”,作为马克思“思”的结果的马克思主义哲学,其理论“硬核”是“实践思维”;“回到马克思”既要回到马克思的理论文本,更要回到马克思的思维逻辑;只有努力建设和不断改善哲学创新的生态环境,才能锻造出真正反映时代精神精华的哲学。创新无论是对个人、民族、国家乃至整个人类来说,都是进步的巨大动力。但创新的实质是去想、去做前人从未想过、做过的事情,自然而然地与风险、失败甚至牺牲连在一起。这不仅需要创新者自身的不懈努力,更需要一个宽松的创新环境和制度安排。  相似文献   

A female lay perspective on the establishment of long-term sickness absence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In Sweden women account for about 60% of the long-term cases of sickness absence. The aim of this study was to describe women's explanations as to how long-term sickness absence arises and becomes permanent, with reference to their personal experience. Semi-structured interviews were performed with 82 middle-aged women who have personal experience of long-term sickness absence. Long-term sickness absence can be said to arise in three distinguishable "spaces": the work space, the medico-legal space and the mental space. In the beginning, the women were positive about sick-leave as such, which they saw as an opportunity for physical rest. But as time went on, they came to regard sick-leave as creating a vicious circle of new problems related to inactivity and isolation. Apart from this vicious circle and chronic physical impairments, certain conditions at the workplace, at the hospital and the social insurance office transformed seemingly trivial sick-leaves into long-term and irreversible sickness absences  相似文献   

历史的经验与三峡库区的鼠疫危机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赖琼  郭天祥 《唐都学刊》2010,26(5):93-97
以重庆市为代表的三峡地区,近代以来虽未出发生鼠疫流行,但从中国发生和流行鼠疫的历史经验看,由于三峡水库蓄水后库区鼠类大规模向两侧高地迁徙、库区本身存在的与南方黄胸鼠鼠疫疫源地相同的特征以及南方黄胸鼠鼠疫疫源地再度进入活跃期等因素的综合影响,三峡库区当前和今后一段时间内发生或流行鼠疫的潜在危险是存在的,而且这种危险性还是比较大的。因此,当前和今后数年内,对三峡库区可能发生的鼠疫疫情,必须始终保持高度警惕,并采取切实有效措施,严加防控。  相似文献   

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