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To examine whether high moral reasoning competence of adolescents is associated with low levels of bullying, and to understand whether moral disengagement mediates or moderates this relationship, 925 German children ranging from 11 to 17 years of age (M = 14.18, SD = 1.21) completed questionnaires on moral reasoning competence and moral disengagement in surveys at three different schools. The children were classified according to their bullying role, based on a peer‐nomination procedure. Multinomial logistic regression analyses showed that moral reasoning competence negatively predicted whether a student took an aggressive role. Moral disengagement partially mediated this relationship. Corresponding effects for defenders and outsiders were not found. These results extend previous findings about the effect of moral reasoning on bullying in primary school. The implications for the prevention of bullying are discussed.  相似文献   

The professional decision-making in research (PDR) measure was administered to 400 National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded and industry-funded investigators, along with measures of cynicism, moral disengagement, compliance disengagement, impulsivity, work stressors, knowledge of responsible conduct of research (RCR), and socially desirable response tendencies. Negative associations were found for the PDR and measures of cynicism, moral disengagement, and compliance disengagement, while positive associations were found for the PDR and RCR knowledge and positive urgency, an impulsivity subscale. PDR scores were not related to socially desirable responding, or to measures of work stressors and the remaining impulsivity subscales. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, lower moral disengagement scores, higher RCR knowledge, and identifying the United States as one’s nation of origin emerged as key predictors of stronger performance on the PDR. The implications of these findings for understanding the measurement of decision-making in research and future directions for research and RCR education are discussed.  相似文献   

柯尔伯格的道德认知发展理论及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
柯尔伯格的道德认知发展理论主要包括道德发展论、道德教育论和公正群体途径理论。这些理论对我国德育具有重要的借鉴意义,主要体现在:在德育内容方面,根据学生心理、道德发展水平应呈现不同层次的德育内容;在德育观念上,对德育需要重新认识,德育不是外部的强加,而是学生理解、选择、体验的过程;德育目标不仅注重传递道德知识,更应侧重于道德判断力的培养;德育课程要增强情境性,贴近学生生活。与此同时,我国德育需要加强学生道德实践能力的训练。  相似文献   

节日是民族文化的个性化和集中化表达,展现不同民族的文化风貌是民族节日活动的精神性特征。民族节日t的文化展演强化了共同体成员对民族价值观的道德记忆,民族的道德记忆不仅有利于共同体伦理关系的延续和扩展,激发共同体内部的团结与和谐等道德力量,而且是民族身份认同的伦理基础。道德记忆是民族的道德知识,在将道德知识转化为道德实践的过程中,道德濡化是一个必不可少的重要环节。  相似文献   

Marketing practices that promote calorie-dense, nutrient-poor foods directly to children and adolescents present significant public health risk. Worldwide, calls for government action and industry change to protect young people from the negative effects of food marketing have increased. Current proposals focus on restricting television advertising to children under 12 years old, but current psychological models suggest that much more is required. All forms of marketing pose considerable risk; adolescents are also highly vulnerable; and food marketing may produce far-reaching negative health outcomes. We propose a food marketing defense model that posits four necessary conditions to effectively counter harmful food marketing practices: awareness, understanding, ability, and motivation to resist. A new generation of psychological research is needed to examine each of these processes, including the psychological mechanisms through which food marketing affects young people, to identify public policy that will effectively protect them from harmful influence.  相似文献   

We examined the role of parental support to children's sympathy, moral emotion attribution, and moral reasoning trajectories in a three‐wave longitudinal study of Swiss children at 6 years of age (N = 175; Time 1), 7 years of age (Time 2), and 9 years of age (Time 3). Sympathy was assessed with self‐report measures. Moral emotion attributions and moral reasoning were measured with children's responses to hypothetical moral transgressions. Parental support was assessed at all assessment points with primary caregiver and child reports. Three trajectory classes of sympathy were identified: high‐stable, average‐increasing, and low‐stable. Moral emotion attributions exhibited high‐stable, increasing, and decreasing trajectories. Moral reasoning displayed high‐stable, increasing, and low‐stable trajectories. Children who were in the high‐stable sympathy group had higher self‐reported support than children in the increasing and low‐stable trajectory groups. Children who were in the high‐stable moral emotion attribution group or the high‐stable moral reasoning group had higher primary caregiver‐reported support than children in the corresponding increasing trajectory groups. Furthermore, children who were members of the high‐stable group in all three moral development variables (i.e., sympathy, moral emotion attribution, and moral reasoning) displayed higher levels of self‐reported parental support than children who were not.  相似文献   

刘卫琴 《唐都学刊》2012,28(4):28-32
农村推行的村民自治,应包含社会发展的全部内容,即政治自治、经济自治、文化自治、道德自治等。道德自治是农村村民自治的基础和前提。德治作为一种治国的理念,分道德他治和道德自治两种模式。目前,我国的德治还处在道德他治阶段,真正的道德自治还未实现。在村民道德自治实现以前,中国农村很难建立起真正意义上的现代民主自治模式。村民道德自治的前提是道德主体意识的确立,其关键是公共精神的弘扬。  相似文献   

The cliché identifying President Reagan as a “Great Communicator” reflects a conceptual confusion regarding the function of political rhetoric in a democracy. This confusion is not merely conceptual, but has important political consequences. For our political and moral concepts are partially constitutive of our political and moral practices. Thus our declining standards in political rhetoric suggest a corrosion in the practice of democratic politics. We might heed Orwell's advice and attempt to reinvigorate our democratic politics by demanding rhetorical excellence from political communicators.  相似文献   

The real‐life complexity of moral motivation can be examined and explained by reintegrating time and development into moral inquiry. This article is one of the possible integrative steps in this direction. A dynamic developmental conception of moral motivation can be a useful bridge toward such integration. A comprehensive view of moral motivation is presented. Moral motivation is reconceptualized as a developmental process of self‐organization and self‐regulation out of which moral judgment and action emerge through the interplay of dynamically intertwined cognitive and emotional components. Moral identity is proposed to emerge from long‐term self‐organization of moral motivation. In turn, as a higher‐order construct, moral identity has a top‐down influence on real‐time self‐organization. The article includes an account of short‐term changes in moral motivation, and an account that connects real‐time moral functioning with long‐term changes. Moral motivation is qualified as a dynamic developmental process on the basis of self‐organization, multicausality, nonlinearity, interconnectedness of time scales and substantial intrapersonal variability through motivational pluralism.  相似文献   


Health-care workers may experience moral distress when they are unable to act as they believe is ethically appropriate in their clinical work. A social worker-facilitated protocol called Reflective Debriefing was developed and tested for alleviating moral distress through regular debriefings with nursing staff on an intensive care unit (ICU). Forty-two ICU nurses completed a Moral Distress Scale-Revised (MDS-R) at the beginning and end of a 6-month period, during which time regular debriefings were offered. The overall level of moral distress on the ICU surveyed was found to be low to moderate. The top three most frequent situations causing moral distress reported by most nurses in this study were related to the provision of nonbeneficial care in the ICU. Participants reported gaining the most benefit from feeling empowered to constructively confront other staff members about truth-telling in giving a prognosis. Nurses’ overall response to the intervention was positive, with 100% of participants requesting to continue the Reflective Debriefing sessions either on a monthly or on an as-needed basis. The response to the intervention emphasized the importance of interprofessional collaboration to successfully combat moral distress among health-care workers and may protect them from burnout, detachment, and even quitting their profession.  相似文献   

Research concerning outcomes for children who have been placed in out‐of‐home care has indicated that the care may have unwanted consequences. However, there has been no coherent terminology for differentiating between different types of such unwanted consequences. In this article therefore, we attempt to disentangle different aspects of potentially harmful care for looked after children, as well as to discuss potential pathways to more systematically approach and report adverse events for this group. In this endeavour, we turn to two adjacent disciplines, medicine and psychology, where these issues have received more interest. The applicability of the concepts used in these fields is discussed, and it is concluded that although they provide some help in categorizing different aspects of harmful care, the complexity of out‐of‐home care makes existing models difficult to adopt without adjustments. This has consequences for the possibility of evaluating care in research, as well as for monitoring adverse events in practice. Importantly, the causality will often be unknown. We therefore suggest that it is essential to shed more light on how decisions should be made about when to intervene or not in out‐of‐home care, despite limited information.  相似文献   

Moral emotions such as pride, guilt and shame play an important role in the social-emotional development of preschool children. However, there are not many instruments available for measuring moral emotions in the preschool age. Moreover, relatively few research had examined cross-cultural validity of measures for moral emotions. The present study tested the Chinese version of the Moral emotion questionnaire (MEQ) upon a group of (N = 182) Chinese preschool children aged from 2 to 6 years. The Chinese MEQ is a parent-report translated from Dutch, assessing behavioural responses of pride, guilt and shame in preschool children. Confirmatory factor analysis showed satisfactory goodness-of-fit indexes for a three-factor structure (Pride, Guilt, Shame) with 15 loading items. For concurrent relations, the results suggested an adaptive role of pride and guilt and a maladaptive role of shame in the social-emotional development of preschool children. We could conclude that the 15-item Chinese MEQ is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring pride, guilt, and shame in 2–6-year-old children in the Chinese context.  相似文献   

Moral identity, defined as a self-consistent commitment to lines of action benefiting others, is described in the contexts of adolescence and poor, urban neighborhoods. A model of moral identity development is proposed. According to the model, stable characteristics of the individual and the individual's family, in conjunction with social attitudes, self-conceptions, and opportunities for the exploration of prosocial action, influence the development of moral identity. Analyses from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth provide support for the model, and demonstrate that urban poverty is associated with few opportunities for development of moral identity. We argue that the provision of these opportunities should be given a high priority both to foster good individual development and as a means for increasing social capital in neighborhoods.  相似文献   

德治思想是儒家留给我们的一份优秀文化遗产。它建立在久远的民族文化根基上 ,以人性善为理论依据 ,以仁学与礼学为基本内容。儒家德治思想具有普世性和现代意义。实施“以德治国”应当开发利用儒家的德治思想资源。  相似文献   

吴衍发 《唐都学刊》2013,29(1):110-116
唐君毅主张以道德自我为中心,从形而上出发,从哲学的高度探索考察中国历史文化,以重建和发展中国传统之人文精神。他将道德自我与文化相联系,强调人类一切文化活动,均统属于一道德自我,且为其分殊表现。道德自我构成种种文化意识的灵魂,成为唐君毅文化哲学的理论基础和中心观念,贯穿于唐君毅的道德哲学、人文精神论、宗教观和人生论等整个文化活动之中,从而使得他的文化哲学体系涵摄了更为深广的内容。唐君毅的文化哲学观是一种超越的唯心主义哲学观,具有统摄中、西、印三系思想中唯心主义哲学,特别是西方近现代唯心主义哲学的性质,从而把中国儒家传统的心性之学发展到现代阶段。  相似文献   

道德信仰:道德建设的本质与方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任建东 《唐都学刊》2006,22(1):34-39
信仰是道德的基本特性。把道德提升到信仰高度来建设,使之具有相对独立的信仰价值,有利于扩大群众基础,增进社会的稳定与和谐,有利于巩固我们党的执政地位,并与社会的政治信仰形成遥相呼应的互动格局。道德信仰包含了对道德的信仰与对善的终极追求两方面内容。解决信仰什么和为什么信仰的问题,可使道德成为一种终极的价值追求。道德信仰的养成需要全社会的关注,既需要从道德体系上完善道德信仰理论,又需要政府政策性的公共引导,同时还需要创设仪式化的社会生活氛围使之加以巩固与强化。  相似文献   

This article explores the politics and practices of qualitative research, in particular by interrogating the "gap" between qualitative and quantitative approaches to research. Two main claims are elaborated: first, that despite being recommended on grounds of ethical superiority (such as of nonmanipulation and instrumentality), qualitative research is not immune from such problems and may indeed harbor its own practices of exploitation; second, and correspondingly, that the moral high ground associated with qualitative research arises from the ways it is used rather than from any intrinsic features of the methodology. The argument is made that it is important to maintain this distinction in order to counter the tendency toward methodological fetishism so prevalent in scientistic (i.e., aspiring to "natural" scientific status) disciplines such as psychology. After framing these issues with some comments on the current popularity of qualitative methods, the article illustrates these claims by exploring 5 key ways that the positivist agenda of the discovery and control of a natural world can return in qualitative research, especially when this is mistakenly evaluated according to criteria formulated for quantitative analyses. The article concludes with a consideration of the epistemological and political status of attempts either to bridge or exacerbate the gap between qualitative and quantitative approaches.  相似文献   

Moral dialogs     
Moral dialogs are social processes through which people form new shared moral understandings. They differ from reasoned deliberations because they are focused on values and not on facts, logic or reason. They differ from irrational passions because value statements require moral justifications. Such dialogs take place not just in families and communities, but often on national levels and sometimes even on transnational ones. They played a core role in major societal changes brought about by social movements, such as those that advanced civil rights, women's rights, and the protection of the environment. Most importantly, when successfully concluded, moral dialogs affect not just attitudes and values, but also voluntary behavior as well as laws. Although dialogs may differ greatly in their normative content, they have the same basic sociological format and follow the same basic ‘natural history.’ The article introduces the author's conception of what constitutes moral dialogs by drawing on available evidence, and provides a framework for additional research on the subject at hand.  相似文献   

To understand social issues and practices such as those related to climate change and technological change that are clearly future-oriented – collectively experienced events that are “not yet” – and co-constructed by different actors, we need nuanced conceptualizations of how people think about, negotiate and co-create futures that allow us to understand not only what people (can) think and do about future-related issues but also how that happens, what for and with which implications. However, so far, one of the key theoretical approaches that has conceptualised how people make meaning in situations of change and uncertainty – the socio-psychological social representations theory (SRT) – has not often engaged with the future or with different forms of temporality. By contrast, the French pragmatic sociology of engagements and critique (PS) has engaged with these notions, conceptualising them in relation to materiality and a plurality of moral orientations – two dimensions often seen as key to how collective futures are made and imagined. To offer a more nuanced and systematic conceptualization of how people represent the future and with what consequences, this paper will present, compare and synthesise SRT and PS, as a first step towards an interdisciplinary research agenda on social change and representations of the future.  相似文献   

公民道德建设不但是贯彻以德治国的具体举措,而且是社会转型期维护社会稳定的重要手段。道德控制是与制度化控制相辅相成的有利的社会控制手段,它在社会控制中的作用是由其不同于制度化控制的特点决定的:它是“人类精神的自律”、重在引导激励人们的行为、直接关注行为者的精神世界,可起到消除违规观念、防止越轨行为发生的作用。运用道德建设方式加强社会控制,必须从基础道德建设入手、消除妨碍公民道德建设的不利因素、创造良好的社会和社区氛围。  相似文献   

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