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ThesixtyyearsthathavepassedsincetheXi'anIncidenthavewitnessedagradualincreaseinknowledgeabouttheevent-However,anenormousbodyofbiographicalliteraturehasdivertedattentionfromfirsthand,archivalinformation,whichhaswidenedratherthannarrowedthegapbetweenhistoricaltruthandthosewhopursueitinrelationtoseveralissues.Forexample,theviewsofsomescholarsonGeneralZhangXueliang'soriginalpurpose,thechangeinhisattitudeduringtheperiod,andtherealprocessandresultsoftheincidentareincorrect,aswillbeshowninthisessay…  相似文献   

This article analyses the changing roles of the state, family and market in providing care for older people in Sweden, in relation to Scandinavian welfare ideals of universalism and de‐familisation. Since 2000 every fourth residential care bed has disappeared and the increase in homecare services has not compensated for the decline. Instead family care (defined here as help from adult children and other non‐cohabiting family or friends) has increased in all social groups: help by daughters mainly among older people with shorter education and help by sons among those highly educated. Use of privately purchased services has also increased but continues to play a marginal role. Family care remains more common among older people with less education whereas privately purchased services are more common among those with higher education. This dualisation of care challenges universalism, and working‐class daughters continue to be most affected by eldercare cutbacks.  相似文献   

InNovemberandDecember1995,whenIwasawayfromworktorecuperate,IpickedupFromtheOpiumWhr(1840-1842)totheMayFourthMovementof1919,whichIhadwrittenatthebeginningof1980.ThiswasthefirsttimeIhadreadthebookfromcovertocoversinceitcameoffthepress.Thebookcontainsapproxi…  相似文献   

To later generations, it seemed that the Soviet position was opposed to the Great Leap Forward and the people’s commune from the start. But this was not the case.First, the Soviet Union warmly supported and  相似文献   

The transformation of the Chinese so- cial system from new democracy to social- ism is one of the basic issues in the estab- lishment and development of socialism inChina.  相似文献   

本文认为,与中国改革开放以来就业结构和劳动力市场发育的趋势相一致,总体上说,加入WTO对就业的效应以正面为主。但是对就业机会的影响,则必需分部门和行业进行研究。加入WTO受到冲击最大的是农业,而对农业的影响主要不是体现在就业,而是体现在收入上,因此影响会存在巨大的地区差异。对第二产业的影响虽然有正有负,但综合效应仍然会使第二产业的就业机会增加。加入WTO受益最大的是第三产业,其中就业机会增加较多的行业主要包括零售批发和餐饮业、金融保险业和其他社会服务业。  相似文献   

Inmoderntimes,Chinahasbeenbulliedbyalltheimperialistnations,bothgreatandsmall.SeveralofthemajorPowersdividedupspheresofinfluenceinChinaandsomeeventriedtomonopolizesuchoccupationofthecountry.Thisperiodofhistorybeganinl84Oandlastedforlo9years.Beforel84O,Chi…  相似文献   

TheProjectGroupforStudyingtheRelationshipBetween"OneCountry,TwoSystems"andtheBasicLawoftheHongKongSpecialAdministrativeRegionI.TheApplicationoftheConstitutionofthePeople'sRepublicofChinatotheHongKongSpecialAdministrativeRegion(HKSAR)TheConstitutionmustbeeffectiveinallpartsofthecountry;thisisthefundamentalrequirementforthestatetoexerciseitssovereigntyanditsconcentratedembodiment.ThisisdeterminedbythefundamentalnatureandthesupremestatusoftheConstitution.However,theapplicationofthe…  相似文献   

Psychologists began their scientific study of violence and aggression during the first half of last century. Since then, much psychological knowledge has been assembled regarding the causes of violence as well as its prevention. This paper will provide an overview of the contribution of psychology to our present understanding of the causes of youth violence as well the contribution of this discipline to the development of effective prevention strategies. The first section will briefly review current epidemiological data regarding youth violence in the U.S. and the consequences of such violence for the individual and society. The second section will address the major psychological theories of youth violence, as well as provide an overview of the various individual and contextual factors that may influence the expression of violence. A third segment of the article will review some promising and effective preventive interventions emanating from the psychological research literature. In addition, we will provide a brief overview of our own applied research and discuss how these studies contribute to the gradually increasing armamentarium of effective solutions to this hugely significant societal problem.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changing form of knowledge in socialwork over the past thirty years and its implications for theoryand practice. In particular, it considers the impact of newsystems related to a range of new information and communicationtechnologies (ICTs) and the shift from a narrative to a databaseway of thinking and operating. In doing so, it attempts to identifya series of key challenges and questions which need to be consideredin order to engage with the changes. In particular, it addresseshow far social work is still primarily concerned with subjectsand their social relationships and argues that social work nowoperates less on the terrain of the ‘social’ andmore on the terrain of the ‘informational’. Suchchanges have implications for the relationship between theoryand practice in social work and the nature of ‘social’work itself.  相似文献   

TheWarofResistanceagainstJapaneseAggression(hereaftertheAntiJapaneseWar)wasamajorturningpointinmodernChinesehistory.Beingasignificantcomponentoftheanti-fascistWorldWaraswellasawardefendingstateindependenceandnationalfreedom,thiswarofresistancewasinternati…  相似文献   

We analyze the voting behavior of metropolitan and rural residents in relation to women's legislative representation. Examining election data on the U.S. House and all lower state houses, we find that the greater the metropolitan population in a legislative district, the more likely it is to be represented by a woman. We extrapolate from these findings that the modern increase in women's representation can be attributed in part to the rural-to-suburban shift in population and legislative seats.  相似文献   

Thephilosophyofvalueemergedasanewbranchofphilosophyinthelate19th-early2Othcentury.Intheonehundredorsoyearsofitshistoryithashobbledalongarough,bumpyroad,andhasexertedlittleinfluenceonthedevelopmentofinternationalphilosophy.Thisisduetomanyfactors,themostimportantofwhichisthecomplexityinherentinthequestionofvalue.Noanswerswerefoundforalongtimetothefollowingquestions:1.Theessenceofvalue.Whatisvalue?Howcanitbedefined?Howshouldweunderstandtheessenceofvalue?2.Theevaluationofvalue.Howdoweevaluateva…  相似文献   

Industrialization lays the foundation for urbanization. The economic premises of urbanization include four factors: continuous rise of industrialization level, progressive upgrading of industrial structure, devel-  相似文献   

Shi(Poetry),ci(poetry),xiqu(traditionalopera),fictionandessaysinabroadsensewereallmajorgenresofChineseliterature.Thefirstandlastweretheearliesttobeestablishedandtheyoccupiedacentralpositionintheliterarykingdom.Fromveryearlytimes,shiwasassignedtheideologic…  相似文献   

Empirical research on the growing multiracial population in the United States has focused largely on the documentation of racial identification, analysis of psychological adjustment, and understanding the broader political consequences of mixed-race identification. Efforts toward theory construction on multiracial identity development, however, have been largely disconnected from empirical data, mired in disciplinary debates, and bound by historically specific assumptions about race and racial group membership. This study provides a critical overview of multiracial identity development theories, examines the links between theory and research, explores the challenges to multiracial identity theory construction, and proposes considerations for future directions in theorizing racial identity development among the mixed-race population.  相似文献   

中国的法治建设是一个从理想到现实的动态演进过程。中国人民的法治理想具有人权、自由和社会正义等内在价值,其突出表现是“人民要求政府及其官员守法”;中国人民对法治的要求有源自中国社会内部的现实原因。中国的法治与中国的传统文化交织在一起,法治建设应该而且事实上一直与中国传统文化相联系。法治与社会之间有着动态的联系;中国社会中有助于法治发展的相关部分正在逐步发展。法制是实现法治的途径。尽管还有不少问题有待解决,但中国在立法、司法和其他方面都正在朝向法治社会发展。中国的法治就像一个初生的婴儿,从理想到现实还有很长的路要走。  相似文献   

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