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There are cases in village self-government where the head of the villagers' committee and the secretary of the Party branch in the village are one and the same person. Under such conditions the relationship between township/town and village is simplified. Although the relationship of guidance between the township government, the guide, and the villagers' committee, the guided, and the relationship of direct control between the township/town Party committee, the controller, and the village Party branch, the controlled, are theoretically distinguishable as laid down in legal texts, it is difficult to differentiate between  相似文献   

抗日战争结束前后,围绕中国政局的发展,在美苏国共三国四方之间形成了独特复杂的互动关系,深刻地影响着中国政局的演变,包括国共和谈、全面内战爆发、中共取得全国政权及其对外政策的制定等等。美苏国共关系的每一次变动,都严重地冲击着东亚的国际形势,并对塑造战后东亚国际格局产生了至关重要的影响。  相似文献   

FromthelateJin(265-420)andearlySong(420-479)period,Chineseliteraturegraduallybegantodisplaynewideologicalcontent,modesofexpression,andaestheticstandards.Thisnewtrendowedmuchtochangesintherelativestatusofxuansue(lit.profoundlearning,thenameofaphilosophicalsectduringtheWeiandJindynasties)andBuddhistdoctrines,andtheirinfluenceonmodesofthoughtandcognition,especiallyastheyrelatedtotheconceptoflandscapepaintingandthewritingsoftheliterati.IntheJinandSongdynasties,acrisisarosebecausetheemphasisplac…  相似文献   

Chinesesocietyisnowintheprocessoftransitionfromtraditionaltomodern,fromagriculturaltoindustrial,fromruraltourban,andfromsemi-closedtoopen.Themiddleofthenextcenturywillwitnessthecompletionofsuchatransfor-mation,andtheemergenceofamodernyetstillChinesenation…  相似文献   

The Eurozone crisis has rekindled the debate on the democratic deficit of the European Union (EU). In this paper, the debate is reconsidered by contrasting the modus vivendi of ‘We the People’ in the USA with the modus vivendi of ‘We the Heads of States’ in the EU. It is demonstrated that many of the solutions to the alleged democratic deficit focus on how more voice can be given to ‘We the People’ on the input side, but that this goes against the functional logic of the EU system, thereby undermining its ability to govern. Instead, we argue that more attention should be given to how to increase output legitimacy, and a number of proposals are put forward. Such a reshuffling of the analytical focus is the best way forward to escape the current impasse in the debate on how to ‘fix’ democracy in the EU.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changing form of knowledge in socialwork over the past thirty years and its implications for theoryand practice. In particular, it considers the impact of newsystems related to a range of new information and communicationtechnologies (ICTs) and the shift from a narrative to a databaseway of thinking and operating. In doing so, it attempts to identifya series of key challenges and questions which need to be consideredin order to engage with the changes. In particular, it addresseshow far social work is still primarily concerned with subjectsand their social relationships and argues that social work nowoperates less on the terrain of the ‘social’ andmore on the terrain of the ‘informational’. Suchchanges have implications for the relationship between theoryand practice in social work and the nature of ‘social’work itself.  相似文献   

Since the era of Plato and Aristotle,Western philosophy has defined the pursuitof universal knowledge as its final goal, lead-ing to the rise of the absolute concept ofuniversality and the world of absolute prin-ciples composed of universal concepts. Tra-ditional philosophy in the West is a learningin search of universal knowledge while thehighest aim for traditional Chinese philoso-phy is to acquire the realm of Tao. This isthe demarcation line dividing the morphol-ogy of the traditional ph…  相似文献   

We analyze the voting behavior of metropolitan and rural residents in relation to women's legislative representation. Examining election data on the U.S. House and all lower state houses, we find that the greater the metropolitan population in a legislative district, the more likely it is to be represented by a woman. We extrapolate from these findings that the modern increase in women's representation can be attributed in part to the rural-to-suburban shift in population and legislative seats.  相似文献   

The porous external border around the Schengen member states of the European Union (EU) became a colossal political problem in 2015 and 2016 as the migrant and Refugee Crisis unfolded. In Beetham’s seminal terminology, there was a crisis between the EU’s power and legitimacy on all three dimensions hereof: The Dublin regime was not followed, there was a gap between the beliefs of the governing and the subordinate peoples, and there were increasingly critical views among citizens and politicians alike (even from mainstream parties) against the inflow of refugees and migrants outside of the normal asylum system. The behaviour of the EU actors since then can be interpreted as an attempt at containing this crisis as regards Beetham’s legitimacy dimensions.  相似文献   

The contributors to this special issue,“Reform of the Public Health Care Systemin China: Challenges and Responses,” comefrom varying organizations — from academicinstitutions to policy research institutes —with varying research backgrounds — fromhealth policy research to social policy re-search and sociology, and to agriculturaleconomics. They have observed the publichealth care system and express their viewsfrom different perspectives: Gong Sen fromthe perspective of health resource a…  相似文献   

本文提出将人的保护确立为中国民法典编纂的价值基础。中国民法典中的人是个体性和社会性因素的统一。在中国民法典的编纂中必须:(1)克服传统民法的财产中心主义,以人的保护取代抽象的财产权保障在民法典中的核心地位;(2)放弃对民法中的人的行为设定一个统一的模式,根据人的行为的具体性质进行具体的法律调整;(3)出于人的保护的要求,对民法中对市场机制的运用进行合理的限制;(4)超越割裂了人的概念的统一性的传统私法法典编纂模式,回到统一的民法概念上来。  相似文献   

Scholars in political science and policy studies have been paying increasing attention to a specific kind of actor, the policy entrepreneur, as an agent of change. Less attention has been paid to the contextual factors that may shape entrepreneurial action as most of the extant research is performed in pluralistic systems and in high complexity policy sectors. This is a study of a routine planning process in the municipality of Östersund in Northern Sweden with the purpose of studying the kind of actors that may act entrepreneurially (the who); the kind of strategies they use; and what contextual powers facilitate these strategies (the how). This two-and-a-half-year routine, low-complexity process was analyzed with in-depth interviews and a survey, participant observation, document analysis, and formal social network analysis. Findings suggest that professional administrators acted entrepreneurially by employing a set of six strategies while the members of civil society were central – though not entrepreneurial – participants.  相似文献   

Shi(Poetry),ci(poetry),xiqu(traditionalopera),fictionandessaysinabroadsensewereallmajorgenresofChineseliterature.Thefirstandlastweretheearliesttobeestablishedandtheyoccupiedacentralpositionintheliterarykingdom.Fromveryearlytimes,shiwasassignedtheideologic…  相似文献   

Duringthe 1980s,sociologybecameconsciouslyinvolvedinsociallife ,andasaresultofastrongsenseofinvolvementanddirectconcernforsociety ,sociologytoagreatextentbecamethestudyofsocialpolicies .DuringthisdecadethoseinChinesesociologycircleswerelargelyisolatedfromt…  相似文献   

If the development of Confucianismsince the late Qing Dynasty and the earlyRepublican period is seen as the third stageof the evolution of Confucian tradition, thenwe can say that although the interactions andintegration of Confucianism with Westerncivilization have been the basic and unfin-  相似文献   

Strengthening the ecological resilience factors in the lives of children that have been abused can help them to navigate the healing process. It is through group work that children can share their “resilience wisdom” with one another as a healing community. There is a dearth of research on cross-cultural resilience programs for children who have been abused. This article explores a group work program that was conducted for one year in Bolivia and Australia. The results from each group reveal the similarities and the differences in outcomes between children from different cultural backgrounds that participated in a resilience group work program.  相似文献   

In light of the ever‐growing shift towards activation in European welfare states, the present article examines the relationship between citizens’ welfare generosity (i.e., support for social rights) and welfare conditionality (i.e., support for social obligations) with regard to the unemployed. Using data from the 2014 Belgian National Elections Study, we found that generosity and conditionality appear to be two sides of the same coin. The two factors are negatively correlated, and most of their respective attitudinal drivers are quite similar in strength, yet opposite in direction. In addition to self‐interest and conventionally recognised ideational beliefs, such as egalitarianism and individualism, beliefs about welfare deservingness – an explanatory factor that has remained understudied in the field – are particularly influential in shaping people’s welfare preferences. A stronger emphasis on criteria of deservingness such as control, attitude and reciprocity considerably lowers support for social rights and strengthens support for social duties.  相似文献   

Soon after the outbreak of the Revolution of 1911 the Provisional Revolutionary Government was set up at Nanjing. Lin Zongsu, Tang Qunying and other woman revolutionaries submitted in March 1912 a proposal for woman suffrage to the Senate at Nanjing. The Senate turned down the motion, giving rise women petitioners' creating turmoil in the Senate. With the northward movement of the Provisional Senate, the center of the woman suffrage petition movement also shifted to Beijing. They once  相似文献   


There is a noticeable paucity of clinical resources that help clinicians of color to name and navigate the multitude of challenges in working through racial, cultural, and power differences in psychotherapy with White clients. African American therapists rarely receive adequate preparation for clinical practice in identifying, addressing, and working through transference and countertransference reactions in racially mixed dyads. The author highlights the challenges she faced early in her career with addressing racial and sociopolitical differences as an African American female clinical social worker providing individual psychotherapy to her older White male client whose traumatic experience focused on racial issues.  相似文献   

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