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This study examined associations among Head Start attendance, individualized education programmes (IEPs), parental behaviours and child outcomes in a sample of five‐hundred and seventy 3‐ to 4‐year‐old children with disabilities. Home language, number of disabilities and Head Start enrollment were associated with having an IEP. Parents of children with IEPs and those who participated in Head Start used more social services, while social support was more prevalent for parents of non‐Head Start children with IEPs. For all children, frequent parental book reading, greater number of books in the home and greater perceived social support among parents were associated with favourable cognitive and social–emotional outcomes. Greater social service use was adversely associated with reading scores only for non‐Head Start children. Findings highlight the need for inclusive IEP policies and Head Start programmes for parents regarding access to special education supports for children who demonstrate developmental concerns. Participation in Head Start may buffer negative effects of social service use on children's reading skill development, although more research is needed to uncover the specific mechanisms responsible for this association.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the existing research on the psychological distress experienced by parents whose young children (between the ages of 0 and 5 years old) have a congenital heart defect (CHD). A more detailed understanding of the distress experienced by these parents, including stress associated with the child's age, the severity of the child's diagnosis, and parent characteristics, is vital as it would allow for more targeted and individualized support for this population to enhance parental coping strategies and increase the likelihood of more positive parent–child interactions. This review of 25 studies contributes to the parenting stress literature by focusing on parents of young children and categorizing studies by publication characteristics, research methodology, and findings. The research clearly demonstrates that parents report a great deal of stress throughout the continuum of their child's health care experience. Recommendations for future research and practice implications, such as developing a stress vulnerability model specific to parenting children with CHD, clarifying the role between interdisciplinary team members regarding provision of psychosocial support to parents, and referring parents to specific community-based ongoing social support services, are presented.  相似文献   

To examine educational expectations and the factors that influence them, this paper presents a study of elementary school‐aged children in China, with a particular interest in migrant children. This study revealed the significance of family socioeconomic status (SES), parental involvement, and children's school experiences to children's educational expectations. The findings of this study showed no significantly different patterns of factors influencing children's educational expectations between the migrant and the non‐migrant children in public schools. The implication of this finding is that it is not simply migrant status which affects a child's educational expectation; rather it is a set of family SES and school experiences. Future research considering diverse migrant child population is suggested.  相似文献   

Despite the empirical evidence of multifamily group (MFG) in helping children with mental health needs in Western contexts, there is a dearth of clinical studies in Chinese societies such as Hong Kong to explore such adaption to help Chinese families of children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In this article, the authors describe the MFG model adapted to the Chinese context and assess the perceived helpfulness of the intervention, using a client-driven approach in evaluation. The parents’ evaluation toward the MFG program is positive whereas the children’s feedback is less favorable. Modifications have been made including a 30-minute pregroup meeting for the parents and more challenging games and outdoor activities for the children.  相似文献   

This research sets out to discover what impact parental schizophreniamakes on a child’s life. It focuses on the daily lifeand experiences of children. Their health, education, familyand leisure activities are examined. Contact with helping agenciesand their unmet needs are investigated. The sample was drawnfrom the children of patients attending the mental health servicesin South West Dublin. They were matched with a control groupof children of well parents. The majority of children who haveone parent with schizophrenia had similar profiles to the childrenof well parents in the areas of physical health, positive familyfeelings, friendships, hobbies and household tasks. In a numberof other areas, however, differences were found. Sample childrenhad more psychiatric disturbance, more problems associated withschool, less contact with relatives and spent more time at home.The children had little access to services and were upset byhospital visiting. The need for an educational programme andsupport for these children was demonstrated. It is recommendedthat a more co-ordinated approach is required by both adultand child mental health services in order to meet their needs.  相似文献   

自闭症儿童的康复是一个世界性难题。从社会工作视角来看则更加注重自闭症儿童与家庭环境和社会环境的互动。自闭症儿童的家庭照顾者是自闭症儿童社会支持系统的“桥梁”,本文正是从自闭症儿童的家庭照顾者入手来研究其对自闭症儿童康复和积极融入社会的重要意义、面临的困境和相应对策。研究发现,自闭症儿童的家庭照顾者不仅存在经济压力和专业护理知识匮乏,更重要的是其内在巨大的心理压力和社会支持系统不足。本文从社会工作实践的优势视角出发,提出了构建家庭照顾者的互助系统以克服无助悲观的心态,加快恢复家庭的社会功能,促进自闭症儿童和家庭融人日常社会。  相似文献   

在幼儿游戏方面,柳溪村幼儿班里年纪较小的孩子们在幼师和家长的视野之外,建构了独立自由的游戏空间,从而区隔了课上与课下的二元游戏界限———唯有在课下“真空”的游戏场域中,孩子们的游戏精神方能发挥到淋漓尽致。但从乡村儿童总体的游戏情形来看:传统的儿童游戏几近衰落,手工制作玩具濒临失传。这些伴随电子游戏成长起来的乡村儿童,面临着比城市儿童更严重的电视依赖,他们游戏的性质经历了从亲近自然到远离自然、从手工创意制作到购买廉价玩具、从群体嬉戏到个体自娱、从动态游戏到静态娱乐的异化过程。  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a survey of parents whosechildren attended 52-week residential schools. Seventy-threeparents completed a postal questionnaire which asked questionsabout three main areas: support and services received priorto their child’s entry into residential education; perceptionsof the quality of care and education provided by residentialschools; and concerns for their child’s future care andwelfare. Telephone interviews were conducted with 14 parents,to obtain additional information on the topics addressed bythe questionnaire. Parents were critical of services and supportreceived prior to their child’s entry into residentialeducation and reported high rates of exclusion from local services.Residential schools were generally perceived as providing agood quality of service, though considerable concern was expressedabout their geographical distance from the family home, andthis had a significant impact on the frequency of visits. Parentsexpressed high levels of concern about the future care and supportneeds of their children. Further research is required to understandthe relationship between the availability and quality of localservices and the need for 52-week residential schools. The impactof distant residential education on parent–child relationshipsand on future demand for residential care is considered.  相似文献   

This paper outlines therapeutic group work with young childrenin response to acute community trauma in Northern Ireland. Thechildren in question were the focus of a highly publicized disputeconcerning access to their school. The work was carried outby NOVA, a Barnardo’s (Northern Ireland) trauma supportservice. Part one outlines the theoretical framework. It highlightsthe relevance of ‘continuous traumatic stress syndrome’(Straker, 1987) in this context and its challenge to individualistictrauma accounts. Developmental considerations in trauma arealso outlined and the role of protective factors is discussed.Consideration is also given to the socio-political context.Part two summarizes group preparation, process and perceivedbenefits. Process observations are made with reference to threekey outcome themes: (i) reducing fear; (ii) increasing control;(iii) restoring connections. Perceptions of group benefit frompre- and post-questionnaires are then outlined with referenceto implications for achieving these outcomes. Questionnaireresponses highlighted four tasks and processes for effectivepractice in this context: (i) communication; (ii) emotionalsupport; (iii) management strategies and (iv) meaningmaking.Further, active partnerships with the whole support matrix–parents,teachers and community–are highlighted throughout as centralto good outcome.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a literature review undertaken for theOffice of the Deputy Prime Minister in 2004 (Buchanan et al., 2004)on the impact of government policy in England and Wales forchildren aged from birth to thirteen at high risk of socialexclusion as recorded up until May 2004. It describes the conceptof ‘social exclusion’; its meaning for children;the aims of government policy; the specific impact of governmentpolicy on vulnerable families and children in need (includingchildren needing child protection and all ‘looked after’children) as defined by the 1989 Children Act. The paper demonstratesthat although progress has been made, there are still majorareas of concern. The more discursive parts at the end of thepaper reflect the views of the author and later thinking, andwere not part of the original submission to the Social ExclusionUnit.  相似文献   

本文对广州地区公共图书馆广府文化资源建设现状与推广活动进行调查分析,结合青少年对广府文化资源推广活动需求,提出服务于青少年的广府文化资源建设与推广活动的若干建议。  相似文献   


This study investigated the impact of Head Start, disability status, and receipt of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) on early language, literacy, and mathematics skills for low-income children with language, cognitive, emotional/behavioral, sensory, and physical disabilities. Secondary analysis of data was performed on a sample of children with disabilities (N = 570) drawn from the Head Start Impact Study, a nationally representative study of approximately 5,000 children randomly assigned to Head Start or non–Head Start programs. Results of ordinary least squares regression analyses indicated that Head Start participation enhanced outcomes for children with multiple disabilities; language, literacy, and mathematics skills at age 5–6 years were higher for these children compared to non–Head Start attendees. Head Start children with disabilities were more likely to have an IEP, though IEP receipt was associated with lower language, literacy, and mathematics scores among all children. There is a need to ensure that Head Start, and programs similar to Head Start, are more widely available to provide comprehensive, quality early childhood programming to children with cumulative risk factors (low income, multiple disabilities). Future research should clarify why IEP receipt was associated with poorer cognitive outcomes.  相似文献   

Families who have a child diagnosed with a life-limiting illness (LLI) face substantial challenges resulting from the complexity and devastating impact of the condition and potential closeness of death. The experiences of fathers of a child with LLI have been understudied; therefore, this study explored the stresses, experiences, and strategies of these fathers, including their perceptions about support needs. Based on grounded theory, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 fathers of children with LLI. Six fathers had experienced the death of their child. The overarching themes were stresses, means of coping, and perceived needs for support. Generally, fathers in this study struggled relative to discursive and internalized notions of fathers as providers and protectors for their children, combined with an inability to ease their child’s vulnerability to LLI. Participants were engaged in the care of their child with LLI, but several felt marginalized by health care providers in care planning and staff/family communication. Some fathers recognized and valued their support network while others had few supports. Some described personal growth and desired to help other fathers. Practice implications and recommendations include renewed application of family-centered care, overcoming presumptions about fathers’ roles, and recognizing the impact of LLI beyond physical health.  相似文献   

An estimated seven million children with disabilities worldwide are affected by disasters annually. This significant figure emphasises the particular vulnerability of these children in facing natural hazards. However, their needs as well as their capacity and role in disaster risk reduction have largely been overlooked by researchers and policymakers. This paper draws on a case study in Christchurch to identify insights, realities, possibilities and obstacles in relation to the involvement in disaster preparedness of children with diverse disabilities. It reports on findings from focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews with children who have disabilities, their teachers and caregivers to explore children's preparedness and potential responses to a disaster. The findings indicate a considerable variation in how children with disabilities access available resources and perceive, face and cope with natural hazards. This paper shows their potential contribution to disaster preparedness and provides further suggestions for policy and practice.  相似文献   

This study tested the impact of a case managed, h- home services program on caregivers' percepiions of burden, satisfac- tion, and health. Over their f i t 6 months with the program, caregiv- ers reported spending less lime in patient care activities. Subjective burden and symptoms were reduced initially, but climbed to original levels by the 6-month reassessment Satisfaction scores did not change significantly. Social work's role in the program is discussed.  相似文献   

中国古代对外交往中的薄来厚往是独树一帜的对外交往方式。探究薄来厚往的历史原因,最根本的还在于意识形态方面。而儒家的礼的传统影响尤深。薄来厚往的根本原因是重礼轻利的思想、礼教统治重视舆论以及中国人的面子感扩大了薄来厚往的范围、对礼仪的重视表现在薄来厚往中,对礼仪的要求十分苛刻、古代中国的文化虽然在东亚有很大影响,但礼教统治并未在中国之外推广,薄来厚往也只局限在中国与诸中小国家之间。  相似文献   

The study examined the effect of adult children’s disability on parents’ physical health in later life and the extent to which parents’ symptoms of alcoholism in mid-life moderates the link between children’s disability and later life parental health. Analyses are based on data from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study. The analytic sample included parents of children with developmental disabilities (n = 145) or mental health problems (n = 200) and 2,432 parents of unaffected children. The results showed that the negative health consequences in later life of having a child with a developmental disability were greater for those who showed more symptoms of alcoholism in mid-life. However, symptoms of alcoholism in mid-life did not significantly moderate the impact of an adult child’s mental health problems on parents’ later life physical health. The findings suggest a potential area where gerontological social workers could intervene, given the negative impact of symptoms of alcoholism on the health of aging parents of children with a disability who may be significantly more susceptible to the negative health impacts of alcohol compared to their younger counterparts.  相似文献   

Adoption and permanence planning has been a key feature of Scotland's policy in relation to children and young people who are “looked after.” Although policy and law has significantly developed in recent years, there has been comparatively little research on permanence processes in Scotland. This paper outlines key findings from the first comprehensive study of permanence planning in Scotland. It examines the process for two cohorts of children where adoption or other types of permanence orders were made. The children were selected under the long standing Adoption (Scotland) Act 1978 and the more recent Adoption and Children (Scotland) Act 2007. In total, 300 cases were examined, analysing data from the children's first contact with services through to the order made by the Scottish Courts. This paper pays particular attention to the timescales found at key stages under the two sets of legislation and asks what difference the change in legislation has made.  相似文献   

扬州评话等说书艺术在心理描写方面形成鲜明民族特色,心理活动互相关联交错形成"心理场",这种心理现象特别富于动态和关联性,并与语言动作紧密配合,避免孤立和静止,擅长即时性立体性刻画人物.这使我们洞悉同时出现的人物心理活动和人物语言动作,体会"不动之动"、"无声之声"的生活况味和艺术韵味."心理场"的艺术魅力使人们熟悉已久的陈旧故事焕发崭新艺术吸引力.  相似文献   

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