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研究了需求不确定条件下,基于利润最大化原则的二级物流服务供应链的定价及效率问题。基于物流服务供应链中集成商市场和供应商市场的四种不同市场组合,建立了以集成商为主导的集成商与供应商之间的Stackelberg博弈模型,求得集成商的最优定价和最优订购量,比较了不同集成商和供应商市场组合下的物流服务供应链的效率高低情况。最后,进行了数值计算,得出集成商的最优定价和最优订购量,验证了不同市场组合下的物流服务供应链效率高低情况。结果表明:集成商的最优定价和最优订购量同时受集成商和供应商所处的市场环境影响;集成商市场寡头垄断、供应商市场完全竞争的情形下物流服务供应链效率最高,集成商市场垄断、供应商市场寡头垄断的情形下物流服务供应链效率最低。  相似文献   

服务质量是影响养老服务产业发展的重要因素之一。作为实现养老服务产业化发展的良好载体,养老服务供应链模式应运而生,研究其核心企业——养老服务集成商的质量决策具有重要意义。为此,以养老服务集成商为研究对象,在给定服务提供商服务质量的情况下,研究不同市场需求规模下单个养老服务集成商以及多个服务集成商量在相互竞争学习时,养老服务集成商如何通过博弈获得最优质量决策的问题;在此基础上,分析质量风险影响下养老服务集成商在面对服务提供商时的服务质量决策。为养老服务集成商在实际运作中提供有效的管理决策支持,也为养老服务产业化发展提供重要的理论基础。  相似文献   

以物流服务供应链为研究对象,研究集成商期初时期对服务能力批发量和期权预订量的决策、需求即将发生时期对期权执行量的决策以及需求确定时期对现货采购量的决策,构建在无采购资金约束条件下集成商的采购决策模型,求得服务集成商3个时期的采购决策.然后引入采购资金约束,分析存在采购资金约束情况下集成商各个时期的采购策略,并对比有无采购资金约束条件集成商采购策略的不同,分析采购资金约束对集成商采购策略的影响.最后,通过数据分析对研究结论进行说明和验证.  相似文献   

服务供应链战略互动与协同价值对合法性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于能力观和制度合法性等理论,运用实证研究的方法验证服务供应链中服务集成商与客户企业之间的战略互动关系以及集成服务和产品服务价值实现对伙伴关系合法性的作用.基于资源依赖理论和服务供应链理论阐述服务集成商与客户企业的战略互动、协同价值实现和伙伴关系合法性,并在此基础上提出三者之间的关系,即战略互动对伙伴关系合法性的影响以及协同价值实现的不同表现,特别是集成服务对以上路径的中介作用.研究结果表明,服务集成商与客户企业之间的战略互动是影响服务供应链上下游企业产生伙伴关系合法性的显著因素,尤其是服务集成商的集成服务价值实现是伙伴关系合法性形成的关键中介变量,而产品服务的价值实现并不能推动服务集成商与客户企业之间的关系合法性.  相似文献   

农业集成商集成商是电信IT等行业的一个物流概念,是指在一个供应链中,对公司内部和具有互补性的服务供应商所拥有的不同资源、能力和技术进行整合和管理,并提供一整套供应链解决方案。上海农工商集团以现代工业化手段改造农业,以现代服务业理念经营农业,推出“农业集成商”运作  相似文献   

物流服务的完成质量依赖于物流服务供应链(LSSC)中集成商(LSI)与提供商(FLSP)的共同努力。本文基于决策者有限理性的假设,将前景理论与演化博弈相结合,分析物流服务供应链中服务质量管控活动,讨论提供商服务策略与集成商管控策略的博弈过程,通过仿真揭示损失规避系数、感知价值的敏感系数、竞争替代效应、责任分担比率对演化结果的影响。本文的创新与特色在于:一是借助前景理论中的价值函数与决策权重函数修正传统演化博弈中的支付矩阵,扩展了物流服务供应链中关于博弈者风险态度、损益感知价值等心理因素的讨论。二是通过考虑集成商间的竞争替代效应,丰富了现有文献中对集成商监管策略影响因素的探讨。研究结果表明:提升提供商对违约成本的感知价值、发挥集成商间的竞争替代效应是系统达到最优均衡点的有效途径;增强提供商与集成商对违约后果的认知程度、提高双方的风险意识能有效抑制服务违约行为;各核心要素对系统演化的影响方式不同,通过模型与仿真结果可解释由责任分担不当诱发的LSSC服务质量管控不利的问题。  相似文献   

日本的高口建一原是个渔网推销员。上游厂家把渔网卖给他,他加点儿钱再卖给他的下游——北海道的渔民。后来他多少钱拿来的渔网,一分钱不加,原价卖给渔民。渔民从高口建一那里可买到便宜的渔网,于是纷纷在  相似文献   

“携程旅行网”作为在线旅游服务业的代表引来了无数效仿者,但其成功地位始终未被撼动.在看似简单的商业模式背后蕴含的是难以模仿的价值共创与服务创新理念及能力,而网络环境下的价值共创与服务创新仍是一黑箱.本研究采用个案研究方法分析了携程的商业模式;并结合服务创新与价值共创理论,解析了网络环境下服务创新与价值共创的机制及要素,剖析了携程成功的奥秘,并进一步为服务型企业构建高效的服务价值网络提供了系统的范式,为其树立供应链管理战略提供了理论支持和政策建议.研究发现:①服务供应链上中下游间的两两互动及服务集成商的内外部整合是价值共创的重要组成,可分为三大模块十九个维度;②服务创新系统与价值共创系统是相互渗透紧密联系的整体,整个系统中必有一个扮演整合者角色的核心集成商存在;③价值共创过程中服务集成商与供应商的互动为服务创新创造了物质基础,服务集成商与顾客的互动为服务创新提供了动机和来源,而服务集成商内外部的整合则是服务创新产出的保障机制.  相似文献   

将国有企业和集体企业,卖给非国有企业和个人,这叫产权制度改革.卖给本企业之外的单位和个人,叫外部个人收购;卖给本企业的管理者,叫管理者收购,通称为MBO.浙江华立集团产权改革之路分为三步走,先是全民持股,最后又改为骨干持股,成功完成了MBO.  相似文献   

本文通过模型的建立和模拟,对CoPS创新系统集成商的激励问题进行了探讨。认为在信息非对称条件下系统集成商的创新风险规避度和未来创新收益方差的大小将影响CoPS用户对系统集成商激励方案的设计,进而影响系统集成商最优努力水平的选择以及激励成本和总代理成本的大小,最后,影响各自收益的大小。  相似文献   

Lew Smith, the chairman of a privately owned Canadian processor, must decide whether his company will build a plant in the United States. He has been asked to do so by one of his major customers, Loblaw. The company has been making many improvements to its operations but it’s performance has been hurt by the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the United States. The company has been doing very well, however, as it shifts its focus from making private label to controlled label. Is now the right time to expand the business into a foreign market?  相似文献   

重大工程建设过程往往面临着巨大的风险暴露,保险是重要的风险处置手段,承接保险合同的保险机构和业主一起成为风险损失的承担主体。考虑到保险机构拥有极强参与现场风险管理的动能,本文基于委托代理理论构建了保险机构介入下业主与承包商的激励模型,分别讨论了共同代理和独家代理两种模式下各方的策略与收益。研究结果表明:共同代理模式下,保险机构实现了主动风险管理,业主和保险机构的收益均得以提高,业主愿意提供比独家代理模式更高的激励系数;承包商在共同代理模式下将采取更为积极的风险管理努力,同时其机会主义行为得到了抑制;业主的最优激励系数受项目特征、承包商自身因素以及外界环境的不确定性共同作用。  相似文献   

Modern management thinking has evolved according to the problems and opportunities encountered by business managers in their socio-economic environment. The radical changes of economic environment experienced by companies in Western Europe since the early 1970s have rendered many traditional management concepts obsolete or proved them inadequate. In economies where markets may be either growing, falling or oscillating, one major problem is that actual results often differ considerably from planned results. How much of this variance is due to what is going on in the economy at large and how much is due to company performance? A simple tool for controlling the organization in this situation is the monthly ‘economic impact report’, designed to subtract the effect of the economic environment from company performance in order to assess net performance in meeting marketing goals.  相似文献   

Criticisms of patent laws for technological innovations in the United States reveal a multifaceted milieu of problems centered around the protection of short‐term economic gain and individual property rights. In this article, we consider this a conflict between current patent laws and the innovation capabilities of organizations. We propose a solution that enables the company to assure its long‐term survival in the face of these restrictions. This presumes that the firm will at least maintain its innovation capacities while preserving the company's ethical values and those of its social environment. We offer a theoretical model that is designed to help managers and policymakers reorient their governance strategies for managing the innovation process, using the “ethics of responsibility,” which establishes the link to individual moral values at the beginning of a governance process as well as the consequences of a decision. Our integrated causal model of ethical innovation for patents is presented and implications for global organizations and possible solutions for patent law process failure are offered.  相似文献   

近年来,社会资本和企业家精神被认为是新兴企业取得竞争优势的关键因素。虽然很多学者认为组织学习在社会资本和公司企业家精神与组织绩效之间起了中介作用,但了解“如何发生作用”的知识要远远难于“是什么”,并且极少有研究给出实证结果。在转型经济中类似的研究更是缺乏。本文以中国江苏和广东两省的676家新兴企业为被试对象,对社会资本和公司企业家精神是否以及如何通过组织学习影响组织的绩效进行实证研究。结果表明组织学习在社会资本和公司企业家精神—组织学习—组织绩效链中起到了至关重要的作用,是通过社会资本和公司企业家精神提升组织绩效的瓶颈。  相似文献   

张晓燕 《管理评论》2012,(1):26-31,66
在跨国公司(MNCs)子公司演进模型中,子公司有着明显的自主愿望,自主权可以超越母公司的控制,引起对闲置资源的很大兴趣,激发子公司的积极性和创造性,但母公司也常常担心子公司的自主行为带有投机性,有可能偏离母公司的资源配置目标,使得MNCs迷失方向。而本论文认为母公司的有限理性是管理子公司自主性活动的主要交易成本,而非子公司的机会主义,母公司除了利用传统的克服机会主义的控制和协调工具之外,还应当重视使用内部市场机制和社会化方法,来减轻母公司的有限理性约束,形成母子公司间共同的认知地图,达成有意义的双方互利的联盟,从日益增多的子公司自主性活动中受益。  相似文献   

Internal markets and centralized business planning are alternative organizational designs for coordinating the economic activities within a firm. While some preliminary theory about when to use each exists in the literature, little is known about how managers understand and decide when to use one or the other. The study develops and tests in samples of German and U.S. managers a preliminary theory about factors that influence the preferences of managers for internal markets or planning as alternative modes of coordination. Managers' preferences are influenced by key constructs of internal markets and planning theory (the perceived limits of planning, speed and efficiency of markets, motivation potential of markets), but also by differences in their institutional contexts (national government and business context, company culture, and recent company experience with planning and internal markets). The study is the first to explore the substitutability of internal markets and planning within the strategic decision process of managers, closer to where it becomes reality.  相似文献   

Based on a novel sample of Spanish listed companies from nonfinancial sectors, we explore the effect of product and geographic diversification on company performance during an economic downturn. The study develops comprehensive models to understand the interaction effect of both strategies on company performance. We find a U-shaped geographic diversification–performance relationship and no evidence of a positive effect from product diversification, unless combined with high levels of geographic diversification. The results show that companies improved their performance by combining these strategies. The results are robust after controlling for the endogeneity of both types of diversification. Our findings highlight that geographic diversification is an effective and valuable strategy in economic downturns. Furthermore, this study confirms the importance of the interaction between product and geographic diversification to determine the total effect of product or geographic diversification on company performance.  相似文献   

Four years ago, CEO Ray Anderson of Interface began to confront his company's impact on the environment. The factories and suppliers of his interior furnishings company used 1.2 billion pounds of raw materials to produce $802 million in products. Of these materials, two thirds were exhaustible fuels. Anderson has set Interface on a mission—to became a sustainable enterprise. However, rather than dictating specific initiatives from the top down, his corporate strategy has been to use a seven-point program to provide guidance for each plant and business to create its own agenda. CES continues its exploration of what defines environmental leadership by exploring how Anderson has implemented this new type of corporate direction, and how Interface measures its progress towards this ambitious mission.  相似文献   

Popular clothing retailer Abercrombie and Fitch (A&F) is well‐known for hiring attractive store sales clerks. While the economic benefits of this hiring practice for the company are undeniable, many commentators contend that it constitutes wrongful discrimination against unattractive job seekers. In this article, I explore the ethics of A&F‐style lookism and challenge two common perspectives on this issue. I argue that on one hand, looks‐based hiring cannot be defended based on its economic benefits alone, as race‐based hiring also can be profitable in some circumstances. At the same time, I reject arguments that looks‐based hiring is not “job relevant” given its economic impact in many contexts. Through a comparison between race‐ and looks‐based hiring, I conclude that at least for businesses that are relevantly similar to A&F—firms for which lookism produces clear economic benefits—looks‐based hiring is permissible.  相似文献   

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