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本文分析国企经营者在同时决定努力程度和账面利润时的行为选择,经两阶段不完全信息动态博弈分析发现:存在经营者为阻止竞争者进入而刻意不努力工作以压低企业实际盈利的情况,导致隐性国有资产损失。激励机制在监督机制不健全的情况下无太大意义;要杜绝国有资产隐性损失,除强化监督外还必须给经营者提供足够高的绩效薪酬。  相似文献   

股权激励能够使得公司与高管的共同利益最大化,并且解决由于信息不对称所产生的委托代理问题。高管不可观测的工作控制着公司股票价格。由于高管的真实财富受到市场通胀不确定性的影响,本文研究了通胀环境下,以风险厌恶和工作努力效率为特质的高管,在银行无风险资产账户、市场投资组合和公司股票间寻求最优配置以达到个人终端真实财富预期效用最大化。首先利用伊藤公式得到了高管的真实财富过程;其次利用动态规划原理构建了满足最优工作努力策略和股权激励问题的哈密尔顿-雅可比-贝尔曼(HJB)方程,并找到了解析解;最后对结果进行了数值模拟,并从经济学的角度分析了通胀风险对高管的股权激励和工作努力策略的影响。本文研究表明:由于通胀不确定性影响着高管财富的实际价值,当高管财富效用服从对数函数时,公司股票占高管个人财富的最优比例不受通胀风险影响,但是高管在市场投资组合的投资比例随通胀波动率的增加而下降,进而影响到高管对市场投资组合账户和银行无风险资产账户的投资比例。高管的财富效用服从幂函数时,对于长期契约,股权激励代表的长远共同利益引导着高管看好公司的发展前景,激励着高管付出更高水平的努力,此时通胀带来的货币贬值风险对高管...  相似文献   

Nicola Meccheri 《LABOUR》2005,19(1):55-80
Abstract. This paper compares macroeconomic results related to efficiency wages, contracts with bonus and tournaments in a framework with unverifiable effort. When effort is fully observable, both contracts with bonus and tournaments, unlike efficiency wages, solve the incentive problem without generating involuntary unemployment. Only tournaments, however, allow attainment of the Pareto optimal employment level. If effort is not fully observable, previous results must, to some extent, be reconsidered. Contracts with bonus also produce involuntary unemployment, while tournaments, in addition to continuing to produce a higher level of employment, generate involuntary unemployment only if a shirker who is not caught has some probability of winning.  相似文献   

企业的冗余程度与基于冗余的技术创新激励合约   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于多任务委托代理模型的分析框架,建立了企业员工基于冗余的技术创新活动的信息不对称条件下的委托代理模型,通过对模型的分析,得出了当企业冗余不足时、适度时和过多时等不同情况下的基于冗余的技术创新活动的最优激励合同的条件,同时.还提出了效率风险概念,从理论上解释了企业普遍存在的一种现象:做出重大贡献者往往并不能分享相应的份额.  相似文献   

企业文化的激励功能及其对员工工作满意度影响研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
古继宝  李妍 《管理学报》2009,6(9):1274-1278
在文献回顾的基础上,将企业文化分成7个维度,然后研究这些维度对员工的激励作用,并建构相应的理论假设.在研究方法上,对企业员工采取问题调研,通过对所收集的数据进行回归分析,得出企业文化中的尊重员工、授权与奖励公平性3个维度对员工满意度有着显著的积极影响.研究还发现,人员的职级对这种关系有着一定的调节作用,授权维度对普通员工表现出显著性,而对管理人员无显著性;尊重维度对管理人员表现出显著性,而对员工则未表现出显著性.  相似文献   

论职务晋升的激励作用与公正原则   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文分析了职务晋升作为人力资源管理中的激励措施的积极作用与负面效果,提出了晋升决策的公正原则,指出晋升决策的结果公正性、程序公正性与交往公正性是发挥职务晋升的激励作用、消除晋升可能带来的消极影响的重要措施.  相似文献   

新兴市场企业升级和创新的最优路径是从简单的原始设备制造出发,经由原始设计制造,最终实现完全自主的原始品牌制造.在原始品牌制造产业模式下,供应链中的原始品牌制造商与其战略供应商之间存在着信息不对称、战略供应商投入影响原始品牌制造商收入以及双方共同承担收入不确定风险的特征,根据这些特征建立了供应链中战略供应商单任务投入的收入共享激励机制,发现在单任务激励机制中战略供应商对任务的投入等于原始品牌制造商提供的边际激励系数;根据双方多任务合作的特征,建立了供应链中战略供应商多任务投入的收入共享激励机制,发现在多任务激励机制中战略供应商对各个任务的投入不再等于原始品牌制造商提供的边际激励系数,而受各任务在投入成本和不确定性收入两方面的相关关系影响;最后运用算例仿真证明了多任务激励机制在改善供应链整体绩效上的优势.  相似文献   

In this study I reassess a set of fundamental organization forms (unitary, divisional, and matrix) as agenda-setting and political governance systems. My method of analysis is based on how political scientists study agendas in committees. Specifically, I first recount that moving from a functional (unitary) to a product-line (divisional) structure increases the types of conflict referred from lower to higher levels of the hierarchy, but does not increase the amount of conflict referred. I then show that moving from a product-line to a matrix structure increases the amount and the types of conflict referred to higher levels of the hierarchy; that it is possible in matrix forms that no conflict is resolved at the lowest levels of the hierarchy; and, that accountability is reduced for those who are able to refer conflict. The study reveals implications for matrix forms that derive from this view of organizations as agenda-setting and political governance systems. This analysis fits with the recent history of matrix forms in a variety of organizations.  相似文献   

基于不同组织形态的绩效评估模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
任何组织都会经历一个演变过程,从一个传统型组织向学习型组织、发展型组织、创新型组织转变。在不同的组织发展态势(传统型组织、学习型组织、发展型组织、创新型组织)下,员工绩效评估的内容和绩效维度都将发生变化。本文回顾了组织发展与绩效的基本理论后,重新厘定了绩效评估的界线,论证了基于组织发展的绩效评估重点,进而从组织发展对绩效评估的影响方面论述了组织-绩效评估的影响机制。  相似文献   

产业共性技术是指在很多领域内已经或未来可能被普遍应用,其研发成果可共享并对整个产业或多个产业及其企业产生深度影响的一类技术.其开发组织形式多种多样,本文对其中的单体开发组织形式.政府组织与引导形式,技术合作组织形式进行比较研究.  相似文献   

Twenty-first century organizations will require designs that enable them to cope with turbulent environments. Organizations have experimented with lateral organizational designs for this purpose, but research evidence concerning these forms is sparse. We analyzed data obtained from 512 employees within eight diverse organizations implementing flexible lateral organizations. Using a sequence comparison methodology, we were able to identify and categorize the major costs, benefits, and enablers associated with implementing these forms of complex organizations. Propositions for effectively managing lateral relations were tested and managerial implications were explored.  相似文献   

This paper addresses corporate governance inthe light of two relatively new developments inorganizational form, respectively towardsdevolved initiative within firms andpartnerships between firms. In so doing, itargues for an extension of corporate governancetheory and practice to take better account ofthe problems arising from double and multipleagency. New organizational forms can bereconciled with the requirements for corporategovernance through a number of complementarydevelopments, including the cooptation ofemployees and junior partners into ownershipand governance, more inclusive forms ofcontrol, mutual monitoring and the promotion oftrust.  相似文献   

基于市场结构与商品消费结构特点,中小生产商、零售商从关联性功能互补商品特征角度,通过商品零售终端进行战略联盟和商品组合,产生的相互贡献形成的稳定协同"粘性"结构.可以引导中小生产商、零售商通过零售终端战略联盟(连锁)集团组织(FRR)范式参与市场竞争.该范式不仅为资源互补型经济组织的战略联盟提供了理论依据.而且对调节目前市场结构,促进市场经济发展具有较为积极意义.  相似文献   

This paper brings together the research on temporary organizational forms. Despite a recent surge in publications on this topic, there have been few attempts to integrate knowledge on what we know of such temporary forms of organization. In order to correct this, an integrative framework is proposed around four central themes: time, team, task and context. Within each of these themes, the paper offers an overview of the literature, the gaps in what we know, and what future directions might be taken by scholars hoping to contribute to this important and rapidly growing field.  相似文献   

组织模块化所催生的竞合机制与模块整合模式充分彰显了开创价值创新的优越。本文以产品特性为调节变量,对组织模块化与组织价值创新之间的影响机制进行了实证分析。结果显示,在组织模块化过程中,单纯的组织结构构建并不能够带来企业的价值创新,只有制度设计才是组织模块化价值创新的深层诱因;而引入结构构建匹配后,模块化制度设计对组织价值创新的影响更加显著,这在某种程度上说明了产业模块化向组织模块化过度的必然性;在行业表现出产品设计信息的高度依赖性和信息较难写入介质等特性时,组织模块化将难以开展,并由此影响组织价值创新,也进一步明确了模块化的行业适用范畴。  相似文献   

Turbulence and rapid change in the business environment have been associated for some time with the development of new network organizational forms which put various types of strategic alliance and other inter-organizational collaborations into effect. This paper traces the rationale for the formation of such networks and the associated vertical disaggregation of functions and implications for internal organizational design. This leads to the proposal of a classification framework for network forms. Using the dimensions of volatility of environmental change on the one hand, and the type of inter-organizational relationship involved (collaborative or transactional) on the other hand, network forms are classified as: hollow networks, flexible networks, value-added networks and virtual networks. In each case it is possible to identify the environmental and organizational contingencies most likely to be associated with the emergence and adoption of a particular type of network arrangement. This argument leads to the identification of a new research agenda which has the goals of developing more robust conceptualizations of network characteristics; better understanding the contingencies surrounding the emergence of network forms and their relative efficiencies and specifying some of the major implications of network formation for internal organizational design. In parallel the paper identifies a number of managerial implications for setting strategic priorities and developing appropriate management systems in these new organizational contexts.  相似文献   

组织创新、组织能力和组织绩效的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建了组织创新、组织能力和组织绩效分析框架,以研究三者之间相互影响的机制和路径,并以华南地区的194家企业为样本进行实证研究。研究结果表明:组织能力是组织创新作用于组织绩效的中介变量;组织能力的前因,来自管理创新的影响大于来自技术创新的影响;组织创新从组织能力影响组织绩效的强度,比从技术创新影响组织绩效的强度更强;组织创新对于组织长期绩效、短期绩效的影响路径有所不同。  相似文献   

王长峰  蔡晨 《中国管理科学》2003,11(Z1):123-127
作者从项目管理理论出发,分析研究了目前高等学校重点学科建设中学校法人(委托人)和学科带头人(代理人)之间的"委托-代理"关系,研究并提出了建设高等学校重点学科的激励机制的原则、模式及运作机制.  相似文献   

Organizational strategy, structure, and process   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Organizational adaptation is a topic that has received only limited and fragmented theoretical treatment. Any attempt to examine organizational adaptation is difficult, since the process is highly complex and changeable. The proposed theoretical framework deals with alternative ways in which organizations define their product-market domains (strategy) and construct mechanisms (structures and processes) to pursue these strategies. The framework is based on interpretation of existing literature and continuing studies in four industries (college textbook publishing, electronics, food processing, and health care).  相似文献   

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