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Beijing Eason Chan Yik-shun 2008 Beijing Concert陈亦迅北京演唱会Venue:Beijing Workers' Stadium Date:September 28 Price($):200/300/400/680/880/ 1,280 Guitar China Eighth Anniversary吉他中国八周年庆典Venue:Star Live Date:September 20 Price($):40/50 Japanese Kabuki Rock Tour 2008雅-miyavi《This is the Japanese Kabuki Rock》新专辑发布会  相似文献   

Beijing First Annual European Union Film Festival in China首届中国欧洲联盟电影展Venues:French Cultural Center ($20) Cervantes Institute(Free) Italian Institute of Culture (Free) Ullens Center for Contemporary Art(Free) Dates:December 1-20 Additional Information: This event is organized and  相似文献   

Beijing Jay Chou 2008 World Tour Beijing Concert周杰伦2008世界巡回演出——北京演唱会Venue:Beijing Workers' Stadium Date:May 1 Price($):180/280/380/480/ 680/980/1,280  相似文献   

Beijing Shang Yang话剧《商鞅》Venue:Tianqiao Theatre Dates:July 1-3 Price($):TBA Women General of Yang Family京剧《杨门女将》Venue:Mei Lanfang Theatre Dates:July 1-7 Price($):TBA  相似文献   

Beijing Fairy Tale:The Queen's New Clothes儿童剧《王后的新衣》Venue:Haidian Theatre Date:June 1 Price($):80/120/180/280/380 French Piano Festival 2008 Beijing  相似文献   

1 Safety and Health Class Enters 10 Provinces, Regions安康教室落户十省区Huang Qingyi (left), Vice-president of the ACWF at the ceremony全国妇联副主席黄晴宜(左)在活动仪式上On June 22, the ceremony of "8858" charity money donation to build Safety and Health Classroom was held in Beijing. The activity, with the theme "Caring for Children, Growing Healthy-Safety and Health Classroom," was organized by China Children and Teenagers' Fund (CCTF). Gu Xiulian, Vice-president  相似文献   

Emergency Rule for Unexpected Public Sanitation Events Published我国《突发公共卫生事件就急条例》公布实施Premier Wen Jiabao signed on May 9 the No. 376 Order of the State Council, announcing the implementation of the Emergency Rule for Unexpected Public Sanitation Events. The rule establishes an emergency legal system of "smooth information flow, instant reaction, forceful instruction, and definite responsibilities" to deal with sudden emergency public sanitation events.  相似文献   

1 ACWF Plans Two Successful Activities全国妇联总结并展望所主办的两个品牌活动 ACWF officials held in mid-January two meetings in Beijing to sumup the achievements of its Learning and Competing Campaign and Women  相似文献   

以布迪厄场域理论来考察不同社会形态下青年与社会的信息互动实践,发现青年与社会的信息互动在具有“位置-权力”关系的场域中展开,“位置-权力”关系通过信息资本的占有而建构。社会形态随技术变革更迭,青年与社会信息互动的场域逻辑与运行机制发生相应转变。从农耕社会到工业社会再到信息社会,青年与社会的互动场域变得多样,并且发生着从家庭向学校再向网络空间的偏向性转换,场域运行的推动力量也从时间权威向结构权威再向认同权威转换。可以说,青年与社会信息互动场域的转换,正是人类在不同社会形态下对“用时间消灭空间”的信息传播时空观的生产实践与社会表征。  相似文献   

Taking a Waddingtonian system approach, I discuss some of the implications of recent epigenetic research for the study of social systems. A growing number of investigations show that life-style changes resulting from nutritional, toxicological, and psychological stresses are reflected in changes in the epigenetic profile of individuals, and that learning and memory have epigenetic correlates. Moreover, various types of epigenetic changes can be inherited and affect the characters of descendants. Studying epigenetics can forge new experimental and conceptual bridges between biology, the social sciences and the humanities. For example, new techniques that allow the deciphering of methylation patterns in ancient DNA could be used to study the epigenetics of human cultures in long-gone historical periods, thus enriching and extending our knowledge of human history. Conceptually, an epigenetic perspective blurs traditional distinctions such as those between nature and nurture, plasticity and evolvability.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to give a sense of the diversity of work that falls within the boundaries of 'cultural citizenship'– a term it locates as emerging from the problematisation of traditional citizenship models by issues of identity and mediation. This paper outlines three distinct strands of cultural citizenship theory, which respectively emphasise multiculturalism, the politics of cultural texts, and dialogical communication. Subsequently, this paper conducts a brief analysis and critique of these strands, enabled by an interrogation of the ways in which they each define and deploy the term 'culture'. It is argued that for cultural citizenship to develop a more coherent terminological 'face', a balance must be struck between a commitment to specificity, and the appeal of abstracted re-imaginings of civil society.  相似文献   

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