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This article investigates the dynamic multi‐dimensional processes through which the poor become excluded from social participation. Drawing on social capital literature, it traces how bridging and bonding capital do not always translate into expected levels of social participation. It does so by detailing research findings from low income focus groups undertaken in Dunedin, New Zealand. These describe the experiences of group members in attempting to manage connections around employment, their own broader social participation or the participation of their children. In each case, the study highlights the difficulties of translation they experienced: in particular, translating available bridging or bonding capital into useful social, cultural or economic resources which could mitigate their social exclusion or enable fuller social participation.  相似文献   

Conditional cash transfers (CCTs) are often being promoted for their simultaneous advantages of short‐term income protection and long‐term human capital investments. Yet, existing evaluations have largely failed to test the underlying programme theory, and few empirical case studies have explored inherent contradictions and ambiguous consequences of this hybrid approach. To further understand the programmes' social policy implications, this study identifies and analyzes such ambiguities and paradoxical consequences in the case of Uruguay's CCT‐programme, Asignaciones Familiares (AFAM). Drawing on qualitative data from interviews with beneficiaries and members of the commission who designed the programme, this study reveals major paradoxes in AFAM's design and implementation caused by various endogenous factors. Relevant to social policy in general, and CCT‐evaluations in particular, findings also indicate that the hybrid social assistance approach may have perverse effects on the programme's twin objectives.  相似文献   


In urban China, the study of the welfare stigma of poor females receiving social assistance is neglected. An in-depth interview method was used with 16 urban female assistance recipients aged 16–70?years old in the city of Chengdu to examine the forms and the consequences of welfare stigma on them. The purpose of the study is to examine the issue of welfare stigma of female assistance recipients in urban China by means of empirical evidence. The findings suggest that female assistance recipients suffer from welfare stigma in three forms: identity stigma, treatment stigma, and procedure stigma. The three kinds of stigmas mingled with each other are imposed on the female assistance recipients and make them victims of constructed welfare stigma. Welfare stigma does not affect the decision to apply for assistance to meet basic living expenses. Suffering from welfare stigma positions female recipients in a state of isolation and exclusion. The study’s results suggest that efforts should be made to reduce and eliminate welfare stigma of social assistance on female assistance recipients in urban China. Future study should be broadened to consider the comparison of the stigma on female recipients with that on male recipients.  相似文献   

Falling output and living standards have pushed countries in transition from the socialist system to reconsider how best to target public resources on those in need. This paper investigates the workings of a new social assistance benefit in Uzbekistan, the largest of the former Soviet Central Asian republics, administered by community organizations, the Mahallas. Household survey data are used to assess the scheme's success in targeting on the most vulnerable households, using a variety of indicators including income, durable goods ownership, agricultural assets, employment status, and anthropometric status of children.  相似文献   

China's Dibao (Minimal Living Security System) is the world's biggest cash social assistance system serving 52 million people. However, Dibao is less effective at alleviating poverty in rural areas than should it be. The analytic concepts of targeting and institutional alienation (the mismatch between stated goals and true functioning) are applied in a village case‐study to understand why. It appears that Dibao reaches some people considered self‐evidently to be needy, but funds are diverted for purposes of rural governance and social control (reward, punishment and deterrence) and personal gain. Although culturally framed, the concepts and findings potentially have relevance to the global South and North.  相似文献   

To many people, the problem of poverty in China was confined mainly to the rural areas, and the situation of urban poverty was regarded as insignificant. Yet in fact, market-orientated economic reforms have created an urban underclass, made up of poorly paid state workers, the unemployed, and migrants from the countryside. In attempting to respond to the mounting needs of the urban poor, the Chinese government has introduced a means-tested social assistance programme in the cities since the mid-1990s. This paper describes the basic philosophy, structure and operation of this programme, and provides a general assessment of its functions and shortcomings.  相似文献   

Social capital has captured the attention of social policy-makers and development administrators, with its emphasis on social relationships, civic participation, collaborative action and norms of reciprocity. Social funds support small-scale community-based development projects aimed primarily at reducing poverty. This article synthesizes the relevant literature and explores the nexus between social capital and social funds in relation to poor communities. Drawing upon primary research in Jamaica, the article reports the outcomes of eight social fund sub-projects that involved local organizations in community-driven development processes. It analyses the role of social networks and the influence of community power structures in social capital creation. Social policy implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research has emphasised that conditionality impinges on social citizenship. However, a systematic assessment examining the impact of functional and territorial subsidiarity has been overlooked. Developing seven operational criteria – rights, means testing, conditionality, voice and choice, discretion, benefit's adequacy and supplementary system – we determined levels of subsidiarity and social citizenship in social assistance schemes. Analysing the benefit reform trajectories of Austria, Belgium, Norway and Switzerland, we conclude that social assistance schemes have not improved. Low benefits, means testing and work linkage have strengthened functional subsidiarity, whereas questions of voice and choice are rarely on the agenda. Caseworkers’ discretion and local administration have sustained territorial subsidiarity. Therefore, considering the potential role that benefits could play in the welfare state, low up‐take minimises the redistributive potential and, in general, risk has substantially shifted towards social assistance.  相似文献   

Activation is an essential part of social assistance schemes. This article provides an insight into the implementation of activation in the Austrian social assistance scheme by analyzing the work requirements and support offered in two provinces, Upper Austria and Styria. The main questions addressed include: Does social assistance require everyone to look for employment? What kind of requirements do social assistance offices set, what support do they offer and to whom? To what extent do those activation measures lead to a job search? The analysis draws on survey results for 1,071 claimants and recipients in the two provinces. It is shown that social assistance does not require all respondents to search for employment, and that activation actually depends on province as well as personal circumstances. Items are formed by identifying low and high conditionality in terms of support and pressure based on 11 questions. Current practice incorporates supportive forms of activation to a lesser degree than efforts to force people to find work, due to pressures from the caseworker. Although high conditionality is not found to affect the job search activity, the job search requirement itself fosters people's search for employment.  相似文献   

This article exams the social right to receive assistance from the government established through the introduction of China’s new social assistance programs. A qualitative study that included 42 social assistance recipients and 12 policy implementers in urban areas suggests that the social right to receive social assistance has not been fully established. This is partly due to the practice of philanthropy which continues to have a significant influence on social assistance. At present, the underlying idea of social assistance is stuck between the idea of philanthropy and social right to receive assistance. The competing views have resulted in the dilemma of current social assistance development. Findings from this study have implications for policy and practice change to move toward social right to receive assistance and transition out of the dilemma of social assistance versus philanthropy. Future research should be broadened to study the social assistance recipients and policy implementers in rural areas and examine their experiences.  相似文献   

黄荣贵  桂勇 《社会》2011,31(6):1-21
“社会资本的后果”是社会资本研究的一个重要议题。现有研究倾向于认为,中国城市社区中的集体性社会资本对社区参与具有积极的影响。本文认为,由于社会资本与社区参与都具有多个维度,两者的关系不能一概而论。基于2006-2007年在上海收集的调查数据,本研究使用多层次logistic回归模型考察了集体性社会资本对三种类型的社区参与(抗议型、体制化与公共型参与)的影响。统计结果证实了社会资本与社区参与之间复杂的联系。此外,对多层次模型的方差成份分析发现,社区社会资本可以解释60%或更多的社区间的差异。这说明,社区参与的影响因素不仅取决于居民的个人特征,还取决于居民所在的社区特征。  相似文献   

Although in Africa social assistance is provided by both state and non‐state actors, systematic research has paid little attention to the aggregate services provided by the latter. This is so despite the significance of the aggregate size, diversity, investment and coverage of the services provided by non‐state actors in the continent. This article reports on an ethnographic assessment of the nature of aggregate social assistance services provided to Ethiopian children by non‐governmental organizations (NGOs) in Africa, taking the cases of services provided by 38 NGOs that run 52 social protection interventions in Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa. Data collection employed semi‐structured interviews with officers of the 38 NGOs and exploratory interviews with 25 key informants. Analysis of the ethnographic data revealed that social assistance by NGOs was insufficient, unpredictable, erratic and of inferior quality and, hence, failed to meet the conditions that could make social assistance an effective instrument for breaking the intergenerational transmission of poverty. The analysis also revealed that the same social assistance was not large enough to undermine recipients' commitment to work. The article concludes by recommending the establishment of a social welfare system in Ethiopia that can effectively regulate social assistance in order to ensure the quality of design and implementation, and the integration of discreet social assistance projects.  相似文献   


Developing service users’ bonding and bridging social capital is an increasingly recognized role of social workers. A survey of 570 Chinese service users, sampled from 41 social service units in Hong Kong, provided data for the study. Results demonstrated convergent and discriminant validity in a confirmatory factor model about the measurement of bonding and bridging social capital development, mutuality, and assistance to the community. This evidence for the validity and usefulness of social capital development endorses social workers’ role in developing service users’ social capital. Further research needs to assess the generalizability of the present findings in other sociocultural settings.  相似文献   

The emergence of the two facets of social capital, the individual and the collective, has contributed to much of the confusion in the field of social capital. The overall objective of this article is to elaborate on a theoretical model aiming at clarifying some bridges between the facets and dimensions of social capital previously suggested in the literature. Initially, the article shortly presents and discusses some important definitions of social capital. Furthermore, limitations and shortcomings of previous definitions are discussed. Moreover, a theoretical model is elaborated on suggesting that social capital comprises social resources that evolve in accessible social networks or social structures characterized by mutual trust. This model also emphasises some of the potential dark sides of social capital. The presented definition does not definitively address the theoretical uncertainties in the field; however, it suggests that a resource‐oriented notion of social capital could be useful in bridging the facets of social capital.  相似文献   

Until quite recently, the problem of poverty was largely “invisible” in Japan, since the poverty rate was relatively low and issues surrounding poverty received little attention. However, the recent financial and economic crisis caused such an increase in the poverty rate that it could no longer be ignored. When the government announced a poverty rate for the first time in 2009 (15.7% for the year 2007), the nation was shocked. Poverty is now widely discussed and “visible” in Japan, and Japanese policy makers have been forced to formulate and implement strategies to help the poor. The contribution of changing international and national economic and social conditions to increased poverty, including population changes in Japan, is also noted. This paper aims to provide an overview of the poverty situation and the nature of social policy that addresses poverty. It describes in particular the national public assistance program, which is a major public income‐support program and is considered as the ‘last safety net’ available for the poor in Japan. In conclusion, the paper explores the key problems faced by the program and discusses the challenges associated with tackling a dramatic increase in poverty.  相似文献   

王强 《社会工作》2011,(14):44-47
转型期的中国正处于矛盾多发期,对稳定社会秩序的追求已成为人们最大的利益。社会资本所蕴涵的诚信、规范有序和公民密集的参与网络,直接影响着社会稳定与和谐。当前,我国社会资本还存在着严重缺失和不均衡现象,制约着社会的良性运行和协调发展,对我国社会稳定的维护产生了极大地影响。因此,培育社会资本应当成为维护、增进社会稳定的一个重要视角。  相似文献   

目前我国灾害救助主体包括政府、社会团体以及个人,为了更好地发挥合力,要加强三者之间联系,建立横向的灾害救助体系;此外,需要引入专业社会工作方法,在纵向上建立以提高个人自助能力为基础的救助网络,以形成立体化式的救灾网络。  相似文献   

目前我国灾害救助主体包括政府、社会团体以及个人,为了更好地发挥合力,要加强三者之间联系,建立横向的灾害救助体系;此外,需要引入专业社会工作方法,在纵向上建立以提高个人自助能力为基础的救助网络,以形成立体化式的救灾网络。  相似文献   

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