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This paper examines the relative savings position of migrant households in West Germany paying particular attention to differences between temporary and permanent migrants. Our findings reveal significant differences in the savings rates between German natives and immigrants. If remittances are treated as savings, however, migrants who intend to return to their home country save significantly more than comparable natives. The results of a decomposition analysis indicate that slightly more than half of the differences in the savings rate between Germans and permanent migrants and almost 70% between temporary and permanent migrants can be attributed to differences in observable characteristics.  相似文献   

Return and other sequences of migration in the United States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Individual‐level census and household survey data are used to present a rich profile of young developing country international migrants around the world. They are found to comprise a large share of the flow of migrants, particularly among migrants to other developing countries, with the age distribution of migrants peaking in the late teens or early twenties. Detailed data are presented on the age and sex composition of migrants, on whether young migrants move alone or with a parent or spouse, on their participation in schooling and work in the destination country, on the types of jobs they have, and on the incidence and age of return migration. The results suggest a high degree of commonality in the youth immigrant experience across a number of destination countries. Recent developing country young migrants tend to work in similar occupations and are more concentrated in these occupations than recent older migrants or young immigrants who arrived at an earlier age. Nevertheless, there is also considerable heterogeneity among young immigrants with respect to school attendance and work in their destination country. The potential of international migration for building human capital is significant but far from being fully used.  相似文献   

Internal migration is typically associated with higher income, but its relation with life satisfaction remains unclear. Is internal migration accompanied by an increase in life satisfaction and does this increase depend on the reason for moving? What are the aspects of life underlying overall life satisfaction that change following migration? These questions are addressed using longitudinal data from the Swedish Young Adult Panel Study. Migration is defined as a change in municipality of residence. Comparing migrants to non-migrants, it is found that internal migration is accompanied by a short to medium term increase in life satisfaction for those who move due to work (work migrants), as well as those who move for other reasons (non-work migrants). However, only work migrants display an improvement in life satisfaction that remains significant 6 or more years following the move. Work and non-work migrants also differ in the aspects of life that change following migration. For work migrants the move is accompanied by an improvement in occupational status positively associated with well-being 6–10 years after the move. For non-work migrants, a persisting increase in housing satisfaction follows migration, but this housing improvement is accompanied by only a short to medium term increase in overall well-being.  相似文献   

农民工回流的选择性与非农就业:来自湖北的证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,随着东部沿海地区劳动密集型产业逐渐向中西部地区转移,农民工回流已成为社会关注的热点话题。本文利用来自湖北省的农村劳动力调查数据研究农民工的回流原因与返乡非农就业状况。农民工的回流决策不仅要受到其人力资本的影响,也与老人需要赡养、农业负担较重、与家人团聚等家庭因素以及输出地经济的发展程度有关。相对于那些仍然外出的农民工而言,回流农民工往往是负向选择的结果,并没有表现出比从未外出农村劳动力更倾向参与非农就业。因此,农民工回流对输出地经济发展的贡献程度可能并不像大部分研究结果所显示的那么乐观。  相似文献   

Female migration in Chile: Types of moves and socioeconomic characteristics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Joan M. Herold 《Demography》1979,16(2):257-277
This paper examines inter-provincial female migration in Chile for the 1965--1970 period, with a view to describing socioeconomic characteristics of migrant women and to determining differences and similarities in age, educational level, occupation, and type of move (first, return, or repeat) between movers to the capital and to other urban areas. Data are from a five percent sample of the 1970 Chilean census. Findings reveal that non-return migrants to other urban areas are differentiated from those to Santiago by an older age structure, higher educational levels, higher status occupations, and are more likely to be making a second (or higher-order) move. Moreover, educational measures suggest that recent female migration to urban Chile is more prevalent among the upper than the lower strata of the society.  相似文献   

Age stands out as an important factor in multiple moves over a relatively short period of time. In addition, in the NHIS data whites show a higher tendency to be multiple movers than do blacks. It was also found that persons defined as interstate migrants moved more often than either intrastate migrants or local movers, but it is impossible to conclude anything more definitive about that relationship. In conclusion, mobility defined as a move rather than as a mover is clearly higher than estimates derived from five-year census data or the CPS, which only use the idea of a mover. On the whole, though, over three-year periods most persons do not move at all or they move and then return. Of those who do change residence, the majority move only once. By far the bulk of moves is accounted for by a relatively small segment of Americans. Of 34,000 moves reported in the NHIS, more than one-half were made by a small number of persons--4,400--who not only constituted scarcely one-fourth of all movers but were less than 1 out of every 11 Americans.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which female "return migrants" to Puerto Rico return to their area of birth or to a different area, thereby contributing to a redistribution of the island's population, and the extent to which those who do return to their area of birth have different socioeconomic characteristics than those who return to a different area.  相似文献   

Despite having lower levels of education and limited access to health care services, Mexican immigrants report better health outcomes than U.S.-born individuals. Research suggests that the Mexican health advantage may be partially attributable to selective return migration among less healthy migrants—often referred to as “salmon bias.” Our study takes advantage of a rare opportunity to observe the health status of Mexican-origin males as they cross the Mexican border. To assess whether unhealthy migrants are disproportionately represented among those who return, we use data from two California-based studies: the California Health Interview Survey; and the Migrante Study, a survey that samples Mexican migrants entering and leaving the United States through Tijuana. We pool these data sources to look for evidence of health-related return migration. Results provide mixed support for salmon bias. Although migrants who report health limitations and frequent stress are more likely to return, we find little evidence that chronic conditions and self-reported health are associated with higher probabilities of return. Results also provide some indication that limited health care access increases the likelihood of return among the least healthy. This study provides new theoretical considerations of return migration and further elucidates the relationship between health and migration decisions.  相似文献   

我国人口流动中的健康选择机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2008年中国流动与健康调查数据,对农村留守人口、农村外出返乡人口、乡城流动人口以及城镇居民等不同流动特征群体之间的健康差异进行比较,并系统检验了我国人口流动过程中的两种健康选择机制——"健康移民"(healthy migrant)效应和"三文鱼偏误"(salmon bias)效应。模型分析结果表明,我国人口流动存在着较为明显的"健康移民"和"三文鱼偏误"选择效应。在控制被访者的年龄、性别、主要社会经济特征以及相关健康行为后,流动人口自评一般健康、慢性病状况、经常性身体不适和肺活量等健康指标显著优于农村留守人口,乡城流动人口患有慢性病和出现经常性身体不适的可能性也显著低于农村返乡人口。在控制相关变量后,乡城流动人口与城镇居民的健康状况(除慢性病和心率过高症状外)不存在显著差别。  相似文献   

近年来中国城镇化的快速推进吸引了大量流动人口从农村流入城市,但是中国城镇化进程存在一个有别于西方国家农业人口迁移过程的现象尚有待解释:为什么有相当比例的农民工流入城市进行工作却不打算长期定居?利用中国地级行政区域宏观房价数据和流动人口动态监测微观数据建立模型,从房价对定居意愿影响的户籍差异角度,解释了大量农民工在城市工作却不打算长期定居的原因,实证结果发现:高企的房价抑制了农民工的定居意愿,但是对城-城流动人口并没有明显影响。从生活成本效应、财富效应以及稳定预期效应等三方面影响机制进行了解释:房价上涨引起的生活成本上升会降低流动人口的定居意愿;而房价上升会通过财富效应和稳定预期效应增强流动人口的定居意愿。对于农民工来说,由于生活成本效应在三种效应中起主导作用,因此房价上涨总体上降低了农民工定居意愿;而房价对城-城流动人口影响不显著的原因,一方面由于房价上涨能够给城-城流动人口带来更高的个人未来发展的稳定预期,另一方面则源于更小的生活成本效应。  相似文献   

Elizaga JC 《Demography》1966,3(2):352-377
The most significant results of a survey in Greater Santiago in 1962 by the Latin American Demographic Center are presented in this paper. The population studied had slightly more than 2 million inhabitants at the time the survey was taken. A probability sample was drawn and interviews were taken without regard to the migration status of the household. The interview schedules were designed to obtain data on the demographic and social aspects of the migrant as contrasted with the non-migrant population. Migration history, the objective and subjective factors that appear to have "motivated" movement to Santiago, and other aspects oj the migratory move itself were also topics of inquiry.Tabulations of this survey portray Santiago as a city of great in-migration. The flow is estimated to be between 1.5 and 1.7 percent per year. Among the population 15 years of age or over, about 50 percent were found to be migrants from outside the metropolitan area. A high level of flow has been sustained for several decades, for only 60 percent of the total in-migrants have arrived during the last twenty years.Migration to Santiago was found to be selective by sex. For each two male in-migrants there were three female migrants. Migration was also selective by age. During the decade preceding the survey, two-thirds had arrived before attaining their twenty-fifth birthday. Forty-four percent of the men and 51 percent of the women had been between 15 and 29 years of age at time of arrival. The migrants had moved very little before their journey to Santiago. Among those who were 15 years of age or older at the time of migration, more than half had moved directly from their place of birth to Santiago. Prior mobility was slightly higher among persons coming from rural or semiurban origins than among those coming from urban origins.Two-thirds of the in-migrants arrived from urban places (places of 5,000 or more inhabitants in 1952). Despite the fact that in 1952 almost 50 percent of Chile's population outside Santiago was genuinely rural, only 13 percent of the in-migrants came from such origins. The balance came from areas classed as semiurban.The principal motive given for making the move to Santiago was work in 60 percent of the cases. Education was the second most commonly cited principal motive, given by 10 percent. Among those coming from rural and semiurban origins, an even greater proportion claimed work to be the principal motive, while those coming from urban settings were more inclined to report education.The spatial distribution of migrants within the territory of Greater Santiago was studied in four sectors, each with different socioeconomic characteristics. The present distribution, as well as the distribution of first places of residence, indicates that the distribution was more or less proportionate among the sectors and follows the expansion of the metropolitan area. However, a high concentration of migrant women was found in the middle- and upper-class residential sectors. This is probably due to the existence of housemaids in those sectors.Migrants were found to be living in poorer housing than non-migrants-especially for families whose heads were recent migrants(from 1952 to 1962). Among the migrants who had arrived within the last ten years, 30 percent lived in dwellings that lacked the basic services, such as running water, electricity, or sewer. Migrants who had arrived more than ten years before the survey tended to live in houses lacking these facilities only with about the same frequency as the non-migrants-23 percent.The educational attainment of migrants was lower than that of natives. This differential was especially great among women.The recent migrants have a greater rate of labor-force participation than the other groups. Among males, the rate for migrants was 84 percent and for natives 78 percent. The differential is even greater in the group 15-29 years of age, where the rates were 73 percent for migrants and 61 percent for natives. A similar differential was found for women.An income differential unfavorable toward migrants was found for both male and female workers. Among male workers there were no major occupational differences between migrants and non-migrants; among both migrants and natives two-thirds of the labor-force participants were classified as laborers. Among women there was a large differential; 80 percent of female migrants were laborers as contrasted with 56 percent for natives.It is interesting to mention that the proportion of manual workers, in the group "personal services," is higher among migrants than among natives. And, at the same time, the proportion of non-manual workers, in the group of "professionals and techniques," is higher among migrants than among natives.Finally, fertility of the native married women, whose husbands were present, is high. The average number of living children of women from 20 to 49 years old was 3.38 for native women and 3.19 for migrant women.  相似文献   

张红丽  朱宇 《西北人口》2010,31(5):91-96
流动人口内部并不是一个均质的整体,根据其流迁意愿的不同,可以分为打算在城镇定居、继续在城市和家乡之间循环流动、返回家乡定居三种流迁意向,而各个亚群体内部因自身特点或流迁特征的不同,对各种社会保险的需求状况也存在差异,因此本文基于对福州市流动人口所做的600份问卷调查,探讨了不同流迁意愿下流动人口参与社会保险的实际情况及其对各类险种的需求状况,并在此基础上针对不同流迁意愿流动人口的需求特点提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

U.S. interstate migrants (over a five-year period) are separated into three groups: (a) those leaving state of birth; (b) those returning to state of birth; and (c) those outside state of birth at the beginning of the period and moving on to a third state by the end. Evidence is presented suggesting that the third group is particularly selective of persons with high social and economic status. The findings are linked to certain hypotheses about the changing role and function of migration in a highly developed country where the transition from a rural society based on agriculture has essentially been completed.  相似文献   

This study analyzes emigration propensities for natives and immigrants delineating among immigrant emigrants between return and onward migration. Results indicate that emigrants are positively selected in terms of upper education. Well-educated immigrants have a higher probability of leaving for third-country destinations than returning to countries of origin. Predicted age–income profiles for immigrants show that return migrants have higher adjusted mean income levels than non-emigrants up to the age of 40. Onward migrants have lower predicted income levels across the age distribution due to this group’s composition and relatively low employment levels in Sweden. Separate estimations by region of origin indicate that within each group, onward migrants are more positively selected then return migrants in terms of income.
Lena NekbyEmail: Fax: +46-44-8159482

The middling mobile, differentiated by their modest and unsure mobility, are a vast of bulk of people who intend or expect to move on. As they travel, they tread differing intensities of rhythm and social embeddedness felt to be chaotic, constraining, liberating, or comforting. Owing to their aspirations to ‘get out’ of a rhythmic life, or to move somewhere familiar, the middling mobile use movement and rootedness to navigate and manage everyday life in the liquid city. My analysis offers a holistic exposition of a life that flows between mobility/immobility and rhythmic/arrhythmic forms, and the transitions between them.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of size of place residential preference in the evolution of the intention to move out of the present community using data from the March 1974 NORC Amalgam Survey. People who prefer to live in a community having different size or location characteristics than their present residence are five times more likely to intend to move than those who have attained their preferred type of residence. Within these two groups, however, the particular configuration of current and preferred residence has no significant effect on the likelihood of intending to move. This finding justifies the creation of a simple dichotomous variable, preference status, contrasting these two groups. Community satisfaction and preference status are highly interrelated and each has an independent effect on intentions to move. Moreover, the effect of preference status on mobility intentions is somewhat larger than that for community satisfaction, indicating that residential preference plays a significant role in the decision-making process regarding migration.  相似文献   

Anglewicz P 《Demography》2012,49(1):239-265
Research on the relationship between migration and HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa often suggests that migrants are at higher risk of HIV infection because they are more likely to engage in HIV risk behaviors than nonmigrants, and they tend to move to areas with a relatively higher HIV prevalence. Although migration may be a risk factor for HIV infection, I instead focus on the possibility that the HIV positive are more likely to migrate. Using a longitudinal data set of permanent rural residents and migrants from Malawi, I find that migrants originating from rural areas are indeed more likely than nonmigrants to be HIV positive and to have engaged in HIV risk behaviors. The increased HIV risk among migrants may be due to the selection of HIV-positive individuals into migration; I find that HIV-positive individuals are more likely to migrate than those who are HIV negative. The explanation for this phenomenon appears to be marital instability, which occurs more frequently among HIV-positive individuals and leads to migration after marital change.  相似文献   

中国农村地区的家庭禀赋与外出务工劳动力回流   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国农村地区家庭禀赋对个人的行为决策有着重要的影响,需要学术界予以更多的关注。为了考察外生性的家庭禀赋对劳动力就业流动的影响,文章通过构建新生代外出务工劳动力和户主子女的回流决策两个计量模型来进行经验论证。分析结果表明,农村劳动力的迁移选择是综合考虑家庭禀赋状况的理性决策,尤其是对于年轻一代的外出劳动力。家庭经济资本的增加会阻碍家庭外出务工成员的回流。外出劳动力回流的概率起初随着家庭人力资本和家庭自然资本的增长而上升,达到一定程度后开始下降。家庭成员只有拥有较为丰富的人力资本,外出务工劳动力才能对家庭社会资本加以充分利用。另外,分析显示年轻一代劳动力和第一代劳动力对家庭社会资本和自然资本的利用是有差异的。  相似文献   

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