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There are many ethical defects in the Chinese system for ensuring the minimum standard of living as shown during its implementation: In terms of people eligible to receive the aid, there is discrimination: the peasants who make up two-thirds of Chinese population are not entitled to the subsistence allowance and the peasant workers in the cities also suffer from discrimination;  相似文献   

Under the influence of globalization, economic liberalization and integration have rendered the labor market more flexible and short-term, with more people holding more than one job. Women hold a major part of these informal jobs, which are generally not protected by standard labor legislation. Changes in the nature of employment reduce the application of this legislation. Since the government does not put into effect relevant rules and regulations or enterprises manage to overstep or bypass them, the trade union movement that serves women workers in their call for equality is also weakened. Globalization has led to the mobility of labor. A  相似文献   

With regard to the actual condition ofand changes in the textile consumption ofthe Chinese people since the 18th century,Xu Xinwu laid an empirical basis for assess-ing the production and consumption of cot-ton cloth in his History of Handwoven ClothSouth of the Yangtze River, with the main  相似文献   

On 10 April 2002, Professor Qin Yi, Editor-in-Chief of Social Sciences in China Press,interviewed Dr. Klaus Kautzor-Schroder. The influence of China's accession to both of theWTO and China itself, and how China will implement its accession protocol were discussedin the interview. Dr. Kautzor-Schroder served in the GATT from the 1970s to the pre-found-ing period of the WTO. He was Director in the GATT Secretariat for 20 years and responsiblefor tariffs, NTMs, AD, Subsidies, safeguards, FTA and a number of other trade policy-relatedareas. During his tenure of office he took part in the Tokyo Round and Uruguay Round multi-lateral trade negotiations. After retiring in 1991, Dr. Kautzor-Schroder has given his help toa number of developing countries in their accession process. He has visited China many timesin connection with the training of Chinese civil servants and young professionals. This inter-view was conducted during his stay in China.  相似文献   

Different groups of people have differ-ent views on the difficulties university gradu-ates face in finding jobs. One mainstreamview holds that the graduates’ failure to getjobs is due mainly to their too high expecta-tions of employment, that theirs is a selec-tive unemployment: it is not difficult for themto get jobs, only difficult to get better jobs.People holding this view base their argumenton the gap between the income of workingemployees and the graduates’ expected pay.However, this a…  相似文献   

Interviews with 80 old married people in the area of Beijing show that the emancipation of urban women in China in the 1950s was multi-layered and limited. In the wake of national liberation the broad masses of laboring women achieved, to some extent, class emancipation and cast off, in part, the domination of the authority of the husband and the yoke of traditional gender-based roles. They were inspired by a sense of being masters of the country and marched a step further along the road of individual freedom and development. However, like the women's liberation movement in modern times the emancipation of urban women in  相似文献   

The War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was a war by the Chinese people to resist the Japanese imperialist attempts to destroy China, to preserve the integrity of China's independence and sovereignty and to fight for the survival of the Chinese nation, and was thus a completely just war. But, as Chinese and world history has proved, a just  相似文献   

The fixed pattern of thought in stud- ies on laid-off workers and unemployment over recent years is that in talking about this problem people tend to refer only to laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises, or at most include those from enterprises that were originally collectively owned. However, there exists in our society another huge group of the unemployed, known as the “new group of the unemployed,” which has received little attention. For the members of this group we lack not only…  相似文献   

A total of 310 counties (and county-levelcities) in 30 provinces, autonomous regionsand municipalities directly under the centralgovernment in China had conducted experi-ments of new-type cooperative medical ser-vice in the rural areas by October 2004, cov-ering 95.04 million rural people. The actualnumber of peasants who joined the serviceis 68. 99 million, accounting for 72.6% ofthe total, and 3.021 billion yuan was raised.1. The general principles of financingcooperative medical services in…  相似文献   

Since the era of Plato and Aristotle,Western philosophy has defined the pursuitof universal knowledge as its final goal, lead-ing to the rise of the absolute concept ofuniversality and the world of absolute prin-ciples composed of universal concepts. Tra-ditional philosophy in the West is a learningin search of universal knowledge while thehighest aim for traditional Chinese philoso-phy is to acquire the realm of Tao. This isthe demarcation line dividing the morphol-ogy of the traditional ph…  相似文献   

China is and will remain for a long time to come in the primary stageof socialism. This is a scientific conclusion drawn by the CommunistParty of China (CPC) based on China's present economic and socialdevelopment, and after summing up historical experiences and lessons.This conclusion is a true reflection of the basic Chinese conditions andserves as an objective basis and starting point for the determination of theobjectives in the socialist modernization drive, and the formulation ofvario…  相似文献   

The visit to China of the Macartney embassy in 1793 was an event ofno special significance in the eyes of the people concerned, at least ofthose in the Qing court. However, it later aroused great interest amongWestern historians and a variety of interpretations have appeared. Themainstream, and not so far-fetched view is that trade-driven, expandingBritish imperialism met a proud Chinese empire that saw itself as thecenter of the world and conflict resulted because of cultural misunderstandi…  相似文献   

Freedom and privacy of correspon-dence are basic rights of a citizen to per-sonal freedom. According to Article 66 ofthe Telecommunications Regulations, theexamination of telecommunication contentsshould be limited to the needs of nationalsecurity or investigation of criminal crimesand must be conducted by public securityorgans, national security organs or people’sprocuratorates according to legally pre-scribed procedure. But the people’s courtsdo not have the right to investigate the con-t…  相似文献   

The concern of the Chinese world of learning over the existing problems of urbanization is concentrated at present on environmental pollution, traffic jams, tight accommodation, increasing unemployment and social disorder, and little attention is given to the damage to peasants' rights and interests as a matter of overriding importance for the development of urbanization. This phenomenon is rooted in the theoretical hypoth-  相似文献   

( 1 )Organizing and Professionalizing: Double Developing for Social Work in China
Social Work in China needs to develop both in organizing and professionalizing. Firstly, social work institutions themselves need to promote in organizing, staff educating, working styles selecting. They are required to find some way to professionalizing and specializing in social work. Secondly, the persons who are the clients of social work are in the state of lowing, marginalization, atomization and helplessness. Contrary to the Western Social Work styles which focus on solving personal problems, China social work should be anxious to organizing the persons, setting up a network for "to help then to be helped ", we should create a new system of "help banks", in which people can save their helping when they are active and energetic, and draw help when they are in old age and infirmity.  相似文献   

Soon after the outbreak of the Revolution of 1911 the Provisional Revolutionary Government was set up at Nanjing. Lin Zongsu, Tang Qunying and other woman revolutionaries submitted in March 1912 a proposal for woman suffrage to the Senate at Nanjing. The Senate turned down the motion, giving rise women petitioners' creating turmoil in the Senate. With the northward movement of the Provisional Senate, the center of the woman suffrage petition movement also shifted to Beijing. They once  相似文献   

The inhabitants of mountainous regions make use of mountain and water resources to develop tourism and attract tourists from the cities. Some greedy people steal large quantities of strange-shaped rocks from the riverbeds and mountains, leaving devastation  相似文献   

The modernization path of the Chinese rule of law reflects the glorious process of the Communist Party of China(CPC)’s continuous exploration of the rule of law development. It has created a new form of rule of law civilization for humanity, one that has not only profoundly changed China but is also deeply influencing the world historical process. Under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people have achieved the innovation of legal mechanisms, text, and discourse in their century-long endeav...  相似文献   

The mainly prospective target of Liaoning Province in the year 2003 has been fulfilled and therefore the increase of national economy and social advance has been retained. According to elementary summation for the year 2003, the total production value got to  相似文献   

This paper will attempt to define and analyze the Japanese model ofcorporate-monopoly capitalism, and to explain corporate-monopolycapitalism in Japan based on the fundamental tenets of Marxism.I. The Basic Definition of Corporatemonopoly CapitalismIn this paper I use the following definitions of monopoly capitalismbased on the fundamental tenets of Marxism as a logical starting pointand basis for analysis. I view the Japanese model as an institutionalmodel, a specific model of monopoly ca…  相似文献   

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