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家,心灵之栖地;家居,巢之枝桠。生活要品质,家居有讲究。Style,后极简主义,当下流行。并非是对极简主义的推翻与否定,而是在肯定其基本精神的基础上,从大一统的格局中分裂出个性化的表现,在机械性的、冰冷的工业化格  相似文献   

这座建在海港上的贝壳般的雕塑体,是世界著名的表演艺术中心,悉尼市的地标建筑之一——悉尼歌剧院,位于澳大利亚悉尼市区北部,是20世纪最具特色的建筑之一.由丹麦建筑师约恩·乌松设计,一座贝壳形屋顶下方是结合剧院和厅室的水上综合建筑. 歌剧院内部建筑结构则是仿效玛雅文化和阿兹特克神庙.该建筑1959年3月开始动工,于1973年10月20日正式竣工交付使用,共耗时14年.在2007年6月28日这栋建筑被联合国教科文组织评为世界文化遗产.  相似文献   

拥有一所房子,面朝大海,春暖花开。这也许是很多人的梦想,梦想着在靠海的房子里凭海听涛,看浪花飞溅。在春暖花开的季节,这个梦想离我们越来越近。4月17日到20日,2008年第六届青岛春季房展在青岛会展中心拉开了帷幕,1000多个展位向我们展示了实现梦想的N种可能性。本届春季房展,共有参展企业100多家,其中既有青岛地区与外地品牌企业的经典项目,也有很多2008年首次亮相的新盘和开发企业。  相似文献   

解放初期,青岛市民多数居住在德、日占领时期建设的里院、工房、棚户中,条件好一点,一栋民居小楼住几户人家,公用厕所和厨房.空间狭小、拥挤、配套设施落后.  相似文献   

据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,12月25日,北京通州的三个地块都以最高限价成交,总额达23亿元,预示着北京2013年房价将不可避免走向一个上升通道。就在同一天,全国住房城乡建设工作会议在北京召开,楼市调控政策走向投射在了住建部201 3年的  相似文献   

新闻回顾:8月12日,青岛市企业资产交易中心经委托方授权将老百姓十分熟悉的"红房子"(广西路33号)和广西路29号两栋建筑进行挂牌转让,在全球范围内寻找买家,"红房子"的挂牌底价为1665万元.29号,现为贵客来宾馆,挂牌底价为1408万元.消息一出,全国的传媒从上到下齐齐爆料,一时吸引了无数眼球.而就在7天之后的8月19日,青岛市企业资产交易中心称,基于国有历史文物保护等原因,"红房子"挂牌售卖已被叫停.截至发稿时,未有新消息报出.红房子的尴尬,代表了一批老建筑的窘境.以该条焦点新闻为导火索,不少人开始对青岛的历史老建筑产生了兴趣.  相似文献   

In Australia, as in most developed economies, care has now ‘gone public’. It is no longer solely a private, familial concern that can be automatically assigned to women to be undertaken without pay. Nor is it contained in residential institutions or bureaucratic hierarchies. In this paper I consider what is emerging in its place ‐ the ‘care deficit’ and the new social divisions of care, in which paid care is assuming an ever more important place as a result of significant developments in both social policy and in market‐based provisions, especially the expansion of corporate care. Linking recent care theory with the need for a program of empirical research, the paper first considers the lack of consensus on the character and meaning of care, as seen from a number of different theoretical standpoints. Despite important differences in the perspectives on care, common features suggest that there are sound reasons to develop research concepts and tools that would help create the dialogue and sharing of ideas that a more mature field of research and practice requires. A starting point for this is the attempt to demark a clear definition of care. Building on this, I propose the development and use of a broad perspective, which I have termed the social division of care, to provide a joint framework for data collection and for monitoring the changing balances of responsibility for providing care.  相似文献   

经过一年多的筹备和全院同志的共同努力,中国社会科学院学部今天宣告成立。这是我院改革和发展中的一件大事。我代表院党组和院务会议,向新成立的学部、向当选为第一批学部委员和荣誉学部委员的同志们,表示热烈的祝贺!对于全院广大学者在组建学部、推选学部委员工作中给予的理解和支持,表示衷心的感谢!向关心和支持我院学部组建的各界人士,表示崇高的敬意!组建学部、推选学部委员,是我院全面落实《中共中央关于进一步繁荣发展哲学社会科学的意见》和2005年“5·19”中央政治局常委会议精神的一项重大举措,是科研管理体制和人才激励机制的一…  相似文献   

李克实 《探求》2003,(1):53-55
社会主义的社会分工,应当坚持效率优先、职责明确、权责一致、调整适当、制度保证的原则;同时,突破以党的宗旨否定社会分工、以社会协作代替社会分工、以社会活动淡化社会分工、以临时工作冲击社会分工的误区,建立起科学的社会分工机制,保证社会主义社会分工的实施。  相似文献   

Challenging end-of-life encounters can be stressful and may lead to burnout. Monthly debriefing sessions are led by a physician and clinical social worker (LCSW). Sessions focus on experiences and emotional reactions rather than case details. Themes identified included; feeling unsupported after difficult deaths, identifying with patients emotionally, and conceptualizing a “good” versus “bad” death. Debriefing provides opportunities for residency physicians to reflect on the affective side of their work and helps promote resiliency.  相似文献   

Parents who permit young children indiscriminate TV fare have apparently been a matter of concern to educators in the USSR. The poem and cartoon reprinted here from a nursery school journal illustrate one approach used to cope with the problem. (Doehkolnoye Yospitaniye, 1960, No. 10.)  相似文献   

主题翻天覆地之前featuring primitive outlook海上渔家,位于世界园林博览会南区,保留着原始的盐池滩地、废弃的养虾池,它呈现出世博园建园前的本来面貌。这里,一抹荒凉突兀镶嵌在生机盎然的世博园中。海上渔家,是世博园中独此一处与美丽无关的景点。寥寥的青草、废弃的虾池诉说着这里原  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Envy is sometimes suggested as an underlying motive in the assessment of different economic allocations. In the theoretical literature on fair division, following Foley [Foley, D. (1967), Yale Economic Essays, 7, 45–98], the term “envy” refers to an intrapersonal comparison of different consumption bundles. By contrast, in its everyday use “envy” involves interpersonal comparisons of well-being. We present, discuss results from free-form bargaining experiments on fair division problems in which inter-and intrapersonal criteria can be distinguished. We find that interpersonal comparisons play the dominant role. The effect of the intrapersonal criterion of envy freeness is limited to situations in which other fairness criteria are not applicable.   相似文献   

苏婉 《社会》2022,42(3):31-61
嘉绒藏族的房名在区分重名之人等方面起到类似姓氏的社会功能,但与汉族姓氏不同的是,房名体现着人与特定房屋而非特定父系祖先的具体关系。房名的命名规律和房名之间语义关联所呈现的地方性面貌背后,是房名制度作为封建等级时代的土司治术,它以房屋为单元拆分了纳粮服役的强制性义务,并赋予每户居住者集生存需求和象征资本于一体的不完全性权利,以实现“分房而治”的政治意图。而跨越房屋单元的血缘关系集合体则保留了梅因意义上的“前封建社会”互助传统,使得代代沿袭的婚姻与继嗣实践潜在地“收拢”了这种分裂的趋势。政治-管理逻辑与亲属-互助实践两股力量围绕房屋交织生成的辩证张力,为我们理解人与房屋的关系提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   

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