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On the Path of Social Workers' Intervention in the Elderly Health Management in Communities
Abstract: The elderly health management in communities involves health assessment, classification and treatment. In the assessment stage of elderly health management, social workers play the role of managers and professionals of resource mobilization; in the stage of classification, social workers act as instructors and supporters; in the stage of treatment, social workers function as providers of services and advocates of policies. The paper holds that government should play a leading role in the process of elderly health management, strengthening the construction of social work human resources and broadening social workers' intervention in the elderly health management.  相似文献   

Problems in the Localization of Medical Social Work and Countermeasures
ZHENG Yue (Department of Sociology and Social Work, School of Humanities, Fujian Jiangxia University, Fuzhou 350108, China)
Abstract: With qualitative research, the author reveals such maladjustments as suspension, professional dilution and low level embedment over the localization of medical social work in Beijing, and analyzes structure dualism reconstruction and influencing factors for the culture of human emotions. At last, the paper advances three countermeasures, including empowerrnent of social workers, optimization of college professional education and improvement of policy advocacy.
Key words:medical social work, localization, embedment  相似文献   

As the oldest and most frequently used conventional expressions,Chinese proverbs usually represent the way of thinking of the Chinese people.Metaphors,one typical type of Chinese proverbs,try to establish a relation of equality between two relatively dissimilar entities, such as time and money.The ability to understand and to use figurative language is related to one's social competence and professional achievement.In order to reveal the mechanism of proverb processing,the current study takes a close look at the nature of semantic properties and their inter-relationships in Chinese proverbs.522 Chinese sentential proverbs(the two clauses of the proverb are of the same syntax,e.g.,“人活脸,树活皮”)were presented to 360 university students.They were asked to rate the familiarity(1 for least familiar, 7 for most familiar), predictability(1 for least predictable, 7 for most predictable),agreement(1 for least matched between the two clauses,7 for most matched between the two clauses),degree of being understandable(1 for least understandable,7 for most understandable),and imaginability(1 for least imaginable,7 for most imaginable)based on a 7-point Likert Scale,as well as age of acquisition(AOA).Correlation and regression analysis were conducted based on these ratings. The results show a significant positive correlation between familiarity and each of the rest semantic properties,which are consistent with the findings of the previous work.A significant negative correlation between age of acquisition and each of the rest semantic properties is also observed in the current study.However,no significant correlation is found between familiarity and degree of being understandable,which might be due to the low rating of familiarity and the wide dispersity.In order to further reveal the inter-relationships of semantic properties, hierarchical regression analyses are carried out and show that familiarity,imaginabiltity,agreement,and age of acquisition significantly predict the degree of being understandable,while familiarity and age of acquisition significantly predict the predictability of proverbs. Our results demonstrate that familiarity and age of acquisition are two important factors which influence our understanding of Chinese proverbs. In addition, the semantic consistency between two clauses of a Chinese sentential proverb and degree of imagination also play an important role in understanding idiomatic strings.Imaginability is related to the theory of″Dual Coding,″which argues that visual and verbal information are processed differently and along distinct channels in the human mind, creating separate representations for information processed in each channel.The mental codes corresponding to these representations are used to organize incoming information that can be acted upon,stored,and retrieved for subsequent use.Both visual and verbal codes can be used when recalling information.The ability to code a stimulus in two different ways increases the chance of remembering that item compared to if the stimulus is only coded one way.Our results suggest that the processing of a Chinese proverb partially relies on the accessibility to visual code of a proverb which is primarily affected by culture. Therefore, Chinese culture could influence the understanding of Chinese proverbs. Specifically,in the creating process,a number of concrete concepts are used to express the abstract inter-relationships through their similarity,e.g.,the relationship between a person(人)and his/her reputation(脸)is similar to that between a tree(树)and its bark(皮).In other words,the reputation of a person is as important as the bark of a tree.In order to successfully understand the Chinese proverbs,it is important to learn about the deeper meanings of″face″and″reputation″in Chinese culture.That explains why the comprehension of a proverb is significantly associated with one's culture understanding.Based on the current study,more studies should be conducted with a focus on the understanding process of proverbs,which will help reveal the mental mechanism of Chinese and preserving Chinese culture.  相似文献   

The development and utilization of global/world models in the context of political implications of world economic trends is overviewed in terms of three streams of research, that of the multidisciplinary social scientists, of the econometricians, and of the system engineers. Socio-political processes impinge on world economic trends, just as such trends in turn impact on politics, both national and international. The use of simulations rich in system dynamics for the study of international affairs is found to have much potential, as documented in findings obtained by researchers throughout the world.  相似文献   

( 1 ) On the New Approach to Working Class Sharing the Achievement of the Reform Abstract: Reconstructing the social position of the working class as masters of their own country will not only relieve them of difficulties, but also make them rich and strong as soon as possible. It is proposed that the right of the working class should be protected in the reforming of state-owned enterprises, that the main part of the working class should be promoted to the medium-income class strategically, which is the key to the all-round realization of a well-off society and the inevitable choice of constructing the workers' shareholding system. Key Words: workers' share holding system; well-off society; reforming of state-owned enterprises  相似文献   

Taking Advantage of Local Medical Colleges and Universities to Serve the Development of Public Health Undertakings on the West Side of the Taiwan Straits
ZHENG Zu-xian, ZHAO Rong-qin, LIU Guo-you,ZHENG Zhen-quan ( Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350108, China)
Abstract:The paper sets out to analyze common problems existing in public health services on the west side of the Taiwan Straits, and then probes into potential roles local medical colleges and universities would play in the control and prevention of public health emergencies, building of public health care system in communities, and policy-making in relation to public health care, as well as the policy and financial support local governments are expected to provide. It is hoped that the ideas presented in this paper might provide beneficial references for further development of public health undertakings on the west side of the Taiwan Straits.
Key words: the west side of the Taiwan Straits; public health; medical colleges and universities  相似文献   

In many Chinese and American works,the differences of backgrounds,such as culture,customs and so on occupy a large part,through which readers can see the collision as well as coexistence between the two cultures.The Joy Luck Club has no exception.In this work,the communication under different cultural backgrounds between the generations generates a lot of collision,but they get coexistence in the end.In this paper,the author will analyze the continuous collision and the final coexistence of the four pairs of mothers and daughters,so that readers can learn more about the differences between Chinese and American cultures.  相似文献   

Professor and Dr. Shi Qing-huan, female and Han nationality, was born in Shuangliao, Jilin Province in 1958. She is a professor of School of History in Liaoning University currently and taught in History. Department of Heilongjiang University and Northeast Normal University in the past. She is a member of Council on American History Research Association of China. Her teaching and research focus on the modern--contemporary world history and American political system history. She got funds from United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia and did research on "The Comparative Studies on Bureaucracy between China and The West" in Augustana College of the United State from 1997 to 1998. She again got funds from Fulbright Program and worked on "The Civil Service and Bureaucracy in The United States" in Texas University at San Antonio of the United States from 2001 to 2002. She has published four books which mainly include The United States Civil Service and Bureaucracy in the 20th Century. Additionally she has published more than thirty articles in core social science journals of China such as World History, American Studies, Journal of Historical Science and Journal of Historical Collection.  相似文献   

The Style of Study and the Philosophy and Social Science Research SHANG Zhi-xiao (Shandong Provincial Party School ,Jinan 250001 ,China )
The Style of study is the attitude towards scientific theories, in essence, is the theory which link with practice. Philosophy and social science research must adhere to the scientific study style of integrating theory with practice ,which is not only the need for theoretical innovation, but also for the precondition of theoretical innovation. For these reasons, philosophy and social sciences should seriously change their work style, establish a good style of study, and improve the style of the article.  相似文献   

By using semi—micro—iodometrie method.the comparative studies on thb absorbent power of differant ions by different soil samples have been developed.It is noteworthy that the proposed technique is rapid and more reproucible.The theoretical equations are derived and the exoerimantal proceuresdare described.The maenitude of absorbent power of ion by soils is the intensity factorrespect to that of capacity factor.The reciprocal of coefficent of soil absoreent power of ion has been assumed to reprcsent the magnitude of soil absorbent power when the soil having been taken as reference has been fixedAccording fo this method.results of the absorbent power of different nutritious ions for cerfain paddy soils are presented.we get a linear relationshibatween ion—exchange adsorption of soil and nutritious ions.Tha absorbent power is not only a basic feature of soil except it's chepical and physical property but also a fandamental character for ions.Fathermore,in the practice.the absorbent power of nutritious ionsasNH_4~+,K~+,Ca~(++)and Mg~(++)has been invstigated,The absbent cower of ions bycoarse sandy earth and clayloam,the relationship befween absorbent powemand cultural practice as well as a significant illnstration ete are also discusd in details.All these results have clearly displayed the significance of soil absorbent power in the respect of directing the plant nutrition and the adequatefertilization.  相似文献   

As two different art forms,literature and film sometimes share similarities and can be adapted to each other.Focusing on the British classic Jane Eyre,this article is going to find out the differences in plots,characterization strategies and settings between the original novel and its film versions,and to explore the background under which film adaptation from literary classics becomes increasingly popular and whether,in an age of fast-food culture and mass media,the faithfulness to the original work should...  相似文献   

The Role of Social Forces Playing in the Home-Based Care Services for the Aged CHEN Jingliang (Department of History and Sociology Abstract:In the political social structure overly dependent on the government, which , Minnan Normal University, ZhangZhou 363000, China) of "strong government" and "weak society", social forces are is not conducive to the development of home-based care serv- ices for the aged. Decentralization legitimately locates the role of social forces in home-based care services The decentralized home-based care services undertaken by social forces not only effectively reduce the gov ernment's responsibility for ensuring home-based care services, but also guarantee the supply of high quali ty home-based care services.  相似文献   

Confucius and Official Book System (Ⅱ) :Confucius' Historical Contribution to Book Dissemination
Confucius took six governmental works as private teaching materials. As a result, this turned out to form six kinds of folk books, and was the first important desertion in the ancient system of Official Book. By giving lectures and folk writing, Confucius took a critical first step to end the system of Official Book. Under that sys- tem, Confucianism was not and could not be any personal writings. It was only a collective work of many scholars. Comparing Official Books with other books in Han Dynasty, the author believes that Confucius dicta- ted his ideas to his disciples rather than recording the text. The evolution of Confucianism is a learning of the collective work, which has been affected by the three objective factors of Official Book System. It will provide a new way to rediscover the Pre-qin academics and philosophers in Interpreting Confucius views on ideas of public dissemination.  相似文献   

This paper presents a brief survey on the status quo of domestically published bilanguage dictionaries in English and Chinese. It consists of three parts. Tart one is concerned with the author's concept on impeccable classic dictionary. The second part specifies the mistakes in some of the bilanguage dictionaries and makes analyses of them. In the third part the author stresses the view - point that the first important thing for dictionary compilers to do is to comprehend fully whtat dictionary is. Only when compilers make penetrating comprehension of it can they pay painstaking efforts in dictionary- editing work, and can impeccable classic dictionaries be produced.  相似文献   

The Progress and Tendency of China's Legislation Construction since China' s Reform and Opening up
CHANG Gui-xiang (School of Political Science and public Administration, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China)
During the reform and open policy for 30 years, China government' s legislation construction has achieved a remarkable achievement, simultaneously also faced some questions. In order to realize the comprehensive implementation to manage state affairs according to law and build socialism country under the rule of law goal, China' s government should try to ponder and to solve the following question in the future: to establish the authority of law and supremacy of law concept, to realize the authority movement government by law, as well as strengthening the protection of human rights and building the rule of law culture, to foster civil society.  相似文献   

In contemporary China, to improve the deliberative democracy has a unique political advantage for com- municating the demands of political pluralism value and forming the joint forces of democratic political develop- ment; Having a unique political advantage equality for members of society to adapt to the political value expec- tations, promote social fairness and justice ; Having a unique political advantage for mobilize the enthusiasm of all sectors, and promote the harmonious coordination of political ecology; Especially having an extremely far- reaching political significance and political values ofmodern propulsion system for the realization of the modern- ization of national governance. Maintaining and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, the key is to make deliberative democracy institutionalized. It is necessary people's democracy, equality, dialogue, multi-propulsion, making efforts to promote the institutionalization of democratic democracy of state power institutionalized state administrative to stick on to some basic principles, such as having differences, and progress in harmony, political consultation, the institutionalization of organs, the institutionalization of democracy of social grassroots consultations, and the institutionalization of democracy of political public network, giving full roles for the CPPCC as the "main channel" and "main front" in institutionalization of democracy in consulting construction.  相似文献   

The politeness ranking is thought to be one of the features of the Politeness Principle (PP) (He Ziran 1988 P. 102). In the views of Leech, Brown and Levinsodn, speakers, when obeying the PP may choose appropriate politeness ranking according to contextual factors——social distance and status,age,sex,the ranking of impositions, the formality of the occasion and so on and the extent that a given act benefits or costs the addressee in a given situation.  相似文献   

To paraphrase is a helpful method frequently used in English teaching. What does it mean? How to do paraphrase? The writer cites some sentences from textbooks and some teaching materials so as to sum up the way of paraphrasing in several aspects. One is paraphrasing the key words and expressions of a sentence in a paraghaph. The other is paraphrasing the rhetorical device by explaining or revealing the implication of the figure of speech and extending the meaning on the basis of the centural idea or in accordance with the logical coherence of the context.  相似文献   

Congratulations to the China International Public Relations Association on the launch of its first journal in public relations! The introduction of International Public Relations is well timed to coin- cide with the growing interest in public relations education and practice around the world. We in the United States are watching this new venture with great interest. The rapid development of China's economy and the vastness of its market both lead to high expectations for the development of…  相似文献   

Confucius took six governmental works as private teaching materials. As a result, this turned out to form six kinds of folk books, and was the first important desertion in the ancient system of Official Book. By giving lectures and folk writing, Confucius took a critical first step to end the system of Official Book. Under that sys- tem, Confucianism was not and could not be any personal writings. It was only a collective work of many schol- ars. Comparing Official Books with other books in Han Dynasty, the author believes that Confucius dictated his ideas to his disciples rather than recording the text. The evolution of Confucianism is a learning of the collective work, which has been affected by the three objective factors of Official Book System. It will provide a new way to rediscover the Pre-qin academics and philosophers in Interpreting Confucius' views on ideas of public dis- semination.  相似文献   

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