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Let T2 i=z′iS?1zi, i==,…k be correlated Hotelling's T2 statistics under normality. where z=(z′i,…,z′k)′ and nS are independently distributed as Nkp((O,ρ?∑) and Wishart distribution Wp(∑, n), respectively. The purpose of this paper is to study the distribution function F(x1,…,xk) of (T2 i,…,T2 k) when n is large. First we derive an asymptotic expansion of the characteristic function of (T2 i,…,T2 k) up to the order n?2. Next we give asymptotic expansions for (T2 i,…,T2 k) in two cases (i)ρ=Ik and (ii) k=2 by inverting the expanded characteristic function up to the orders n?2 and n?1, respectively. Our results can be applied to the distribution function of max (T2 i,…,T2 k) as a special case.  相似文献   

The probability density function (pdf) of a two parameter exponential distribution is given by f(x; p, s?) =s?-1 exp {-(x - ρ)/s?} for x≥ρ and 0 elsewhere, where 0 < ρ < ∞ and 0 < s?∞. Suppose we have k independent random samples where the ith sample is drawn from the ith population having the pdf f(x; ρi, s?i), 0 < ρi < ∞, 0 < s?i < s?i < and f(x; ρ, s?) is as given above. Let Xi1 < Xi2 <… < Xiri denote the first ri order statistics in a random sample of size ni, drawn from the ith population with pdf f(x; ρi, s?i), i = 1, 2,…, k. In this paper we show that the well known tests of hypotheses about the parameters ρi, s?i, i = 1, 2,…, k based on the above observations are asymptotically optimal in the sense of Bahadur efficiency. Our results are similar to those for normal distributions.  相似文献   

The paper discusses D-optimal axial designs for the additive quadratic and cubic mixture models σ1≤i≤qixi + βiix2i) and σ1≤i≤qixi + βiix2i + βiiix3i), where xi≥ 0, x1 + . . . + xq = 1. For the quadratic model, a saturated symmetric axial design is used, in which support points are of the form (x1, . . . , xq) = [1 ? (q?1)δi, δi, . . . , δi], where i = 1, 2 and 0 ≤δ2 <δ1 ≤ 1/(q ?1). It is proved that when 3 ≤q≤ 6, the above design is D-optimal if δ2 = 0 and δ1 = 1/(q?1), and when q≥ 7 it is D-optimal if δ2 = 0 and δ1 = [5q?1 ? (9q2?10q + 1)1/2]/(4q2). Similar results exist for the cubic model, with support points of the form (x1, . . . , xq) = [1 ? (q?1)δi, δi, . . . , δi], where i = 1, 2, 3 and 0 = δ3 <δ2 < δ1 ≤1/(q?1). The saturated D-optimal axial design and D-optimal design for the quadratic model are compared in terms of their efficiency and uniformity.  相似文献   

The authors propose a new nonparametric diagnostic test for checking the constancy of the conditional variance function σ2(x) in the regression model Yi = m(xi) + σ(xi)?i, i = 1,…, m. Their test, which does not assume a known parametric form for the conditional mean function m(x), is inspired by a recent asymptotic theory in the analysis of variance when the number of factor levels is large. The authors demonstrate through simulations the good finite‐sample properties of the test and illustrate its use in a study on the effect of drug utilization on health care costs.  相似文献   

Suppose the probability model for failure time data, subject to censoring, is specified by the hazard function λ(t)exp(βT x), where x is a vector of covariates. Analytical difficulties involved in finding the optimal design are avoided by assuming that λ is completely specified and by using D-optimality based on the information matrix for β Optimal designs are found to depend on β, but some results of practical consequence are obtained. It is found that censoring does not affect the choice of design appreciably when βT x ≥ 0 for all points of the feasible region, but may have an appreciable effect when βixi 0, for all i and all points in the feasible experimental region. The nature of the effect is discussed in detail for the cases of one and two parameters. It is argued that in practical biomedical situations the optimal design is almost always the same as for uncensored data.  相似文献   

Consider the regression model Yi= g(xi) + ei, i = 1,…, n, where g is an unknown function defined on [0, 1], 0 = x0 < x1 < … < xn≤ 1 are chosen so that max1≤i≤n(xi-xi- 1) = 0(n-1), and where {ei} are i.i.d. with Ee1= 0 and Var e1 - s?2. In a previous paper, Cheng & Lin (1979) study three estimators of g, namely, g1n of Cheng & Lin (1979), g2n of Clark (1977), and g3n of Priestley & Chao (1972). Consistency results are established and rates of strong uniform convergence are obtained. In the current investigation the limiting distribution of &in, i = 1, 2, 3, and that of the isotonic estimator g**n are considered.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of combining a number of opinions which have been expressed as probability measures P1, …, Pn, over some space. It is shown that a pooling formula which has the marginalization property of McConway (1981) must be of the form T = Σni=1Wi Pi + (1 - Σni =1Wi)Q, where Q is an arbitrary measure and W1, …, Wn ϵ [—1,1] are weights such that| ΣJ Σ j wj | ≤ 1 for every subset J of {1, …, n}. If, in addition, T is required to preserve the independence of arbitrary events A and B whenever these events are independent under each Pi, then either T = Pi for some 1 ≤ in or T = Q, in which case Q takes values in {0, l}.  相似文献   


Consider the heteroscedastic partially linear errors-in-variables (EV) model yi = xiβ + g(ti) + εi, ξi = xi + μi (1 ? i ? n), where εi = σiei are random errors with mean zero, σ2i = f(ui), (xi, ti, ui) are non random design points, xi are observed with measurement errors μi. When f( · ) is known, we derive the Berry–Esseen type bounds for estimators of β and g( · ) under {ei,?1 ? i ? n} is a sequence of stationary α-mixing random variables, when f( · ) is unknown, the Berry–Esseen type bounds for estimators of β, g( · ), and f( · ) are discussed under independent errors.  相似文献   

We consider the situation where one wants to maximise a functionf(θ,x) with respect tox, with θ unknown and estimated from observationsy k . This may correspond to the case of a regression model, where one observesy k =f(θ,x k )+ε k , with ε k some random error, or to the Bernoulli case wherey k ∈{0, 1}, with Pr[y k =1|θ,x k |=f(θ,x k ). Special attention is given to sequences given by , with an estimated value of θ obtained from (x1, y1),...,(x k ,y k ) andd k (x) a penalty for poor estimation. Approximately optimal rules are suggested in the linear regression case with a finite horizon, where one wants to maximize ∑ i=1 N w i f(θ, x i ) with {w i } a weighting sequence. Various examples are presented, with a comparison with a Polya urn design and an up-and-down method for a binary response problem.  相似文献   

Consider the process with, cf. (1.2) on page 265 in B1, X1, …, XN a sample from a distribution F and, for i = 1, …, N, R |x 1 , - q 1 ø| , the rank of |X1 - q1ø| among |X1 - q1ø|, …, |XN - qNø|. It is shown that, under certain regularity conditions on F and on the constants pi and qi, TøN(t) is asymptotically approximately a linear function of ø uniformly in t and in ø for |ø| ≤ C. The special case where the pi and the qi, are independent of i is considered.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new class of bivariate lifetime distributions. Let {Xi}i ? 1 and {Yi}i ? 1 be two independent sequences of independent and identically distributed positive valued random variables. Define T1 = min?(X1, …, XM) and T2 = min?(Y1, …, YN), where (M, N) has a discrete bivariate phase-type distribution, independent of {Xi}i ? 1 and {Yi}i ? 1. The joint survival function of (T1, T2) is studied.  相似文献   

In the study of the stochastic behaviour of the lifetime of an element as a function of its length, it is often observed that the failure time (or lifetime) decreases as the length increases. In probabilistic terms, such an idea can be expressed as follows. Let T be the lifetime of a specimen of length x, so the survival function, which denotes the probability that an element of length x survives till time t, will be given by ST (t, x) = P(T > t/α(x), where α(x) is a monotonically decreasing function. In particular, it is often assumed that T has a Weibull distribution. In this paper, we propose a generalization of this Weibull model by assuming that the distribution of T is Generalized gamma (GG). Since the GG model contains the Weibull, Gamma and Lognormal models as special and limiting cases, a GG regression model is an appropriate tool for describing the size effect on the lifetime and for selecting among the embedded models. Maximum likelihood estimates are obtained for the GG regression model with α(x) = cxb . As a special case this provide an alternative to the usual approach to estimation for the GG distribution which involves reparametrization. Related parametric inference issues are addressed and illustrated using two experimental data sets. Some discussion of censored data is also provided.  相似文献   

A sufficient condition is proved for geometric decay of the steady-state probabilities in a quasi-birth-and-death process having a countable number of phases in each level. If there is a positive number η and positive vectors x = (x i) and y = (y j ) satisfying some equations and inequalities, the steady-state probability π mi decays geometrically with rate η in the sense π mi ~ cη m x i as m → ∞. As an example, the result is applied to a two-queue system with shorter queue discipline.  相似文献   

Let Z 1, Z 2, . . . be a sequence of independent Bernoulli trials with constant success and failure probabilities p = Pr(Z t  = 1) and q = Pr(Z t  = 0) = 1 − p, respectively, t = 1, 2, . . . . For any given integer k ≥ 2 we consider the patterns E1{\mathcal{E}_{1}}: two successes are separated by at most k−2 failures, E2{\mathcal{E}_{2}}: two successes are separated by exactly k −2 failures, and E3{\mathcal{E}_{3}} : two successes are separated by at least k − 2 failures. Denote by Nn,k(i){ N_{n,k}^{(i)}} (respectively Mn,k(i){M_{n,k}^{(i)}}) the number of occurrences of the pattern Ei{\mathcal{E}_{i}} , i = 1, 2, 3, in Z 1, Z 2, . . . , Z n when the non-overlapping (respectively overlapping) counting scheme for runs and patterns is employed. Also, let Tr,k(i){T_{r,k}^{(i)}} (resp. Wr,k(i)){W_{r,k}^{(i)})} be the waiting time for the rth occurrence of the pattern Ei{\mathcal{E}_{i}}, i = 1, 2, 3, in Z 1, Z 2, . . . according to the non-overlapping (resp. overlapping) counting scheme. In this article we conduct a systematic study of Nn,k(i){N_{n,k}^{(i)}}, Mn,k(i){M_{n,k}^{(i)}}, Tr,k(i){T_{r,k}^{(i)}} and Wr,k(i){W_{r,k}^{(i)}} (i = 1, 2, 3) obtaining exact formulae, explicit or recursive, for their probability generating functions, probability mass functions and moments. An application is given.  相似文献   

A nonparametric method is developed to estimate the minimum dosage level required to induce a given response rate in an experiment. The only assumption used about the response rate is that it is a nondecreasing function with respect to the dosage level. Let nisubjects be independently tested at dosage level xix1x2xk. This paper presents methodology for the estimation of the smallest i such that the response probability at xi is no less than a required level p. A comparison with well-known nonparametric methods shows that this method is better in some cases. A design of minimum required sample size for a given accuracy is also developed.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of combining k unbiased estimates, x i of a parameter,μ, where each estimate, x i is the average of n i + l independent normal observations with unknown mean, μ, and unknown variance, σ i 2. The behavior of several commonly used estimators of μ is studied by means of an empirical sampling study, and the empirical results of this experiment are interpreted in terms of previous theoretical results. Finally, some extrapolations are made as to how these estimators might behave under varying conditions, and some new estimators are proposed which might have higher efficiencies under certain conditions than those which are generally used.  相似文献   

We are considering the ABLUE’s – asymptotic best linear unbiased estimators – of the location parameter μ and the scale parameter σ of the population jointly based on a set of selected k sample quantiles, when the population distribution has the density of the form
where the standardized function f(u) being of a known functional form.A set of selected sample quantiles with a designated spacing
or in terms of u=(x−μ)/σ
λi=∫−∞uif(t) dt, i=1,2,…,k
are given by
Asymptotic distribution of the k sample quantiles when n is very large is given by
h(x(n1),x(n2),…,x(nk);μ,σ)=(2πσ2)k/212−λ1)(λk−λk−1)(1−λk)]−1/2nk/2 exp(−nS/2σ2),
fi=f(ui), i=0,1,…,k,k+1,
f0=fk+1=0, λ0=0, λk+1=1.
The relative efficiency of the joint estimation is given by
and κ being independent of the spacing . The optimal spacing is the spacing which maximizes the relative efficiency η(μ,σ).We will prove the following rather remarkable theorem. Theorem. The optimal spacing for the joint estimation is symmetric, i.e.
ui+uki+1=0, i=1,2,…,k,
if the standardized density f(u) of the population is differentiable infinitely many times and symmetric
f(−u)=f(u), f′(−u)=−f′(u).

For X1, …, XN a random sample from a distribution F, let the process SδN(t) be defined as where K2N = σNi=1(ci ? c?)2 and R xi, + Δd, is the rank of Xi + Δdi, among X1 + Δd1, …, XN + ΔdN. The purpose of this note is to prove that, under certain regularity conditions on F and on the constants ci and di, SΔN (t) is asymptotically approximately a linear function of Δ, uniformly in t and in Δ, |Δ| ≤ C. The special case of two samples is considered.  相似文献   

The bootstrap, the jackknife, and classical methods are compared through their confidence intervals for the proportion of affected fetuses in a common type of animal experiment. Specifically, suppose that for the ith of M pregnant animals, there are x i affected fetuses out of n i total in the litter. The conditional distribution of x i given n i is sometimes modeled as binomial (n i p i ), where p i is a realization from some unknown continuous density. The p i are not observable and it is of interest in some toxicological experiments to find confidence intervals for E(p). Theory suggests that the proposed parametric bootstrap should produce higher order agreement between the nominal and actual coverage than that exhibited by the usual nonparametric bootstrap. Some simulation results provide additional evidence of this superiority of the modified parametric bootstrap over the jack-knife and classical approaches. The proposed resampling is flexible enough to handle a more general model allowing correlation between p i and n i .  相似文献   

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