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论加快中国经济发展方式的转变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钱津 《学习与探索》2008,(1):131-136
经济发展的本质是劳动整体的技能水平提高.由劳动发展决定的经济发展在现时代的表现是资本对劳力和土地的利用方式发生了具有创新意义的变化.经济发展的动力来自劳动主体的智力因素.贯彻党的十七大精神,在科学发展观的统领下,加快经济发展方式转变,重点在于高度重视非生活必需品消费的扩大,鼓励人们普遍地增加非生活必需品消费,尤其是增加劳务性的非生活必需品消费;积极地全方位推进农业生产的市场化和现代化,从根本上改变第一产业落后的状态;从基础上实现优先发展教育事业,关键是实现高等教育的优先发展.  相似文献   

牛英群  谢永广  郑丽 《学术交流》2012,(Z1):231-233
体育消费是人们为了自身的健康,购买体育用品、进行身体力行的体育锻炼或体育娱乐的一种消费行为。它以强身健体、愉悦身心为目的,是随着社会物质生活丰富之后而满足精神需要的消费类型。调查研究体育消费行为具有重要的意义,掌握消费者的消费心理和消费习惯,可以有针对性的布局体育产业,以体育产业的大发展促进地方经济发展,为满足人民群众的高层次生活需要服务。还可以帮助和引导消费者树立合理的体育消费观念,指导居民运用经济学理论进行合理的体育消费行为,保护消费者的权益,提高消费者的健康水平。本文以体育经济学、体育社会学、消费行为学等理论为基础,采用文献资料法、社会调查等研究方法,就邯郸市居民体育消费行为现状进行研究,提出促进体育产业和经济发展的建议。  相似文献   

面对西方国家消费观念和消费方式的变化,弗洛姆从人本主义的立场出发,运用社会心理学方法对西方国家的消费状况做了深刻分析。他认为,在西方社会,异化已经由生产领域侵入到消费领域,消费不再是一种生活手段,而是蜕变成了生活目的,人们消费的商品、媒介、过程和结果都发生了异化。消费异化的本质是人的异化,严重影响了人的自由全面发展。弗洛姆并没有把目光停留在单纯的理性批判之上,而是从人道主义角度提出了解决方案。但由于这些方案只是致力于实现对西方社会消费方式的点滴改良,因而不可能从根本上解决消费异化问题。  相似文献   

社会总产值是一个国家从事物质生产部门(农业、工业、建筑业、运输邮电业和商业饮食业)在一定时期内(通常以一年计算)以货币表现的全社会生产的各种产品价值的总和。它反映出一个国家在一定时期内物质生产发展的总成果,是研究经济发展规模、水平和速度的主要指标。其实物构成包括:生产的全部生产资料和消费资料,前者用于生产消费,后者用于生活消费;其价值构成包括已消耗的生产资料的价值和全部所创造的价值。为了便于对现实经济活动进行分析和研究,社会总产值要按当年价格计算;  相似文献   

一、对消费需求的再认识 消费问题,本来是马克思主义政治经济学的一个重要组成部分。探求适合于我国国情的消费需求模式,对于我们来说已经是二个至关重要的任务。在经济体制改革中,我们曾探讨过各种行之有效的改革方案.消费需要问题也开始引起人们的关注。任何国家在经济发展中,都会遇到消费模式的选择问题。通常所说的消费模式,不外有以下三种: 1.同步型消费。指的是在经济发展过程中。消费与生产同步增长,生产发展到什么程度,消费也变化到什么程度。19世纪的美国和西欧都是这种情况。2.滞后型消费。指的是消费长期落在生产后面。苏联和东…  相似文献   

经济全球化的历史潮流,以前所未有的深度和广度渗透到世界的每个角落,它不仅在深刻改变着人类的经济发展进程,而且对人类的文化生活也产生了巨大影响。 文化是一个国家综合国力的主要标志。如果说领土、领海和领空只是硬国土,是有……  相似文献   

当前,提高生活质量是渐成趋势的社会现象。是理论与实践的重大课题,是经济发展到一定阶段的必然要求,是现代产业转型的结果,是消费文化、消费理念的进步。提高生活质量具有重要的现实意义。我们要解决消费结构升级与经济结构调整不对称,转变经济增长方式与转变生活方式不对称,提高收入水平与提高生活质量不对称等问题,应采取一些相应的措施。  相似文献   

李锦生 《学术交流》2006,(10):120-123
消费需求是对国民经济增长影响惯性最大的部分,是拉动经济增长的最稳定、最重要的因素,消费规模的扩大和结构升级是经济增长的根本动力,这对于我们这样一个人口众多、具有典型的内陆型经济特征的国家更为显著。加强消费预警研究,掌握消费需求的发展规律,编制消费景气指数,建立科学的消费预警机制,对于准确判断社会消费的变化趋势,引导企业投资和产业结构调整,促进区域经济发展,更好地实现与国际惯例有效接轨,有效实现社会经济协调发展等具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文着重探讨深入贯彻落实科学发展观与倡导合理的生活、消费方式的内在联系、意义和重要性,以及需要采取的措施;认为转变生活方式在一定程度上关系着中国发展方式的转变、执政党的先进性和国家的未来。文章首先论述了改革开放三十年来中国社会生活方式与消费观念的转变及其四个显著特点。其次分析了在全社会倡导合理生活、消费方式的重要作用和意义,提出应倡导能够确保绝大多数人生存、发展的中国特色小康式生活方式,以及相对理性的消费观念和适度的消费方式;这样做能在五个方面发挥积极作用。最后从六个方面提出了倡导合理生活和消费方式应采取的措施。  相似文献   

经济全球化与国家经济发展问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
经济全球化与国家经济发展之间有着内在联系 ,经济全球化是在经济生活国际化的基础上发展起来的。面对经济全球化进程对国家经济发展的挑战 ,各国政府应正确认识经济全球化与国家经济发展之间的关系 ,以便制定灵活务实的对外经济战略与政策  相似文献   

Indigenous family life has been a key target of family and child policies in Australia since colonisation. In this paper, we identify four main policy eras that have shaped the national and state policy frameworks that have impacted Indigenous families: the protectionism, assimilation, self-determination and neoliberalism eras. Our analysis of these national and state policy frameworks reveals an enduring and negative conceptualisation of Indigenous family life. This conceptualisation continues to position Indigenous families as deficient and dysfunctional compared with a white, Anglo-Australian family ideal. This contributes to the reproduction of paternalistic policy settings and the racialised hierarchies within them that entrench Indigenous disempowerment and reproduce Indigenous disadvantage. Further, it maintains a deficit paradigm that continues to obfuscate the positive aspects of Indigenous family life that are protective of Indigenous well-being.  相似文献   

美国货币政策的演变轨迹研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国货币政策演变可分为三个时期 :战后至 80年代初是凯恩斯主义货币政策时期 ,主要采取“相机抉择”的货币政策 ;80年代是新自由主义货币政策时期 ,主要采取控制货币供应量的货币政策来抑制通货膨胀 ;90年代是凯恩斯主义和新自由主义货币政策的“折中”时期 ,主要是采用灵活微调的货币政策来调控经济运行。  相似文献   

The article presents the results of a case study based on participant observation of a policy venue which was established in Poland as part of the implementation of the European Semester (ES) in 2012. The long period (2012–2022) and the rich material collected by the insider in the studied venue (as a representative of over 30 civil society organisations affiliated to EAPN Poland) provide a unique opportunity to gain insight into the participation of social actors in the coordination of economic and social policy in the European Union after 2010. The main research question addressed in the article is: why did social actors gain influence on the agenda of the policy venue, but not on national social policy? Social actors participating in the European Semester in Poland, despite strong and competent representation in the policy venue under consideration, and despite their collaboration with other stakeholders, did not directly influence national poverty reduction policies. However, they strongly influenced the agenda of the policy venue, establishing poverty as a permanent item in the agenda of the subsequent ES cycles 2014–2019. The explanation of this course of action is the institutional framework of the policy venue studied in this article, the policy advocacy strategy adopted by the social actors within it in 2013–2015 and the institutional events triggered by the pandemic in 2020–2022.  相似文献   

Background: market reforms in England have been identified as making a clear distinction between English health policy and health policy in the devolved systems in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Patient choice is a high profile policy in the English National Health Service that constitutes significant changes to the demand side of health care. It is not clear what national differences this has led to regarding implementation of policy. This article presents the findings from a large UK‐wide study on the development and implementation of policies related to patient choice of provider. The findings reported here relate specifically to the policy development and organizational implementation of choice in order to examine the impact of devolution on health care policy. Aim: this study examines patient choice of provider across all four countries of the UK to understand the effect of differences in national policies on the organization and service how choice of provider presented to patients. Methods: at the macro‐level, we interviewed policymakers and examined policy and guidance documents to analyze the provenance and determinants of national policy in each UK nation. At the Primary Care Trust or Health Board level, we interviewed a range of public and private health service providers to identify the range of referral pathways and where and when choices might be made. Finally, we interviewed ear, nose and throat, and orthopaedics patients to understand how such choices were experienced. Findings: while we found that distinct rhetorical differences were identifiable at a national policy level, these were less visible at the level of service organization and the way choices were provided to patients. Conclusion: historical similarities in both the structure and operation of health care, coupled with common operational objectives around efficient resource use and waiting times, mediate how strategic policy is implemented and experienced in the devolved nations of the UK.  相似文献   

由美国核心文化WASP和"公民宗教"所塑造的美国国家特质中的宗教性,尤其是强烈的宗教认同感和宗教信仰在其社会生活中的重要地位,使得宗教的影响力相比别国而言更容易渗透到美国外交政策中。宗教价值观念是"美国例外论"和"天命观"的主要根源,在外交政策上表现为"威尔逊主义"外交理念,进而对美国外交决策者的外交思维和外交行为造成影响,并形成对外输出民主价值观念的政策偏好。国内宗教团体利用广泛的社会资本,通过民主的渠道,将自身的政策主张上升到外交决策中并影响美国对外关系的议事日程。传教士利用自身对对象国的了解,为外交决策者提供情报,并有可能受邀参与决策过程从而影响外交决策。  相似文献   

Dealing with the schoolyard bully is an age-old problem; however, legislators have only recently tackled it at the state level. This study examines the adoption of anti-bullying policies from the policy diffusion and innovation perspective with an emphasis on the role of print media coverage. The study contributes to the policy diffusion literature by examining both national and local media coverage as conduits for diffusion and adds to the expanding views of the diffusion process beyond the traditional geographic proximity argument. Further, it provides the first examination of an emerging policy area important to education policy scholars. The findings show issue saliency via national media coverage drives policy adoption beyond any geographic proximity.  相似文献   

The article provides an analysis of policy responses to mobile EU citizens without legal residence in the Netherlands, Austria and Sweden. A comparative case study design uses qualitative survey and interview data to identify national and local policy responses to the implications of EU citizens from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) living without legal residence in the aforementioned countries. The theoretical framework specifies how the institutional logic of welfare regimes is likely to generate policy responses that address need, sanction informality or do both. The choice indicates the priority given to redistributive outcomes, administrative procedures, or both. The results reveal similar responses to those implications relating to the labour market, but slightly different approaches to the implications in the social domain. Policy responses to labour market implications have predominantly focused on sanctioning informality. Swedish and Austrian policy responses in the social domain have focused on addressing need. Dutch policy responses to social issues instead focused on sanctioning informality, prioritizing procedure. The results indicate that local and national policy responses to implications of informal intra-EU migration may be fruitfully understood through the prism of welfare regimes and related approaches to need and informality.  相似文献   

试论儒家的仁政凝民之术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
儒家的“仁政”思想是中国古代社会凝聚民心的一种重要文化资源,以情感人、以政惠民、以教化民等重民措施是仁政所以能够凝聚民心的原因所在。探讨和准确把握这一思想的基本内涵,对我们今天弘扬民族精神、增强民族凝聚力必将有所助益。  相似文献   

In the past fifteen years, the Italian welfare state has gone through various important reforms. Almost all social policy fields have been significantly challenged by the presence of both national and European constraints, and in different policy fields some fundamental principles of the welfare state have been questioned and changed. The purpose of this article is to present an analysis of the most recent arguments used for welfare state reforms in Italy, focusing in particular on one key question: have the reforms been formulated and implemented in order to increase the freedom of choice of Italian citizens with respect to social protection? After a brief introduction and conceptual clarification, each section of the article will focus on one social policy field (employment, pensions, health care) and discuss the origins and consequences of the reforms with respect to the freedom of choice of citizens. The main argument is that very limited attention has been paid in the national political discourse and reform design to the freedom of choice for citizens in welfare state policies, since other goals (such as cost containment) were much more crucial. The article will end with an overall assessment of the evolution of freedom of choice in the Italian welfare state setting.  相似文献   

东道国FDI政策国际比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康伟  齐中英 《学术交流》2005,(11):80-84
分析东道国政策对FDI产生的影响是FDI理论的最新研究方向。在实践上,美国对FDI实行的国民待遇原则,韩国FDI政策从限制到促进的转变,印度FDI政策的封闭特征是三国FDI存量、流量及质量不同的主要原因。对FDI政策的理论研究和实践比较表明,世界各国的FDI政策都存在不同程度的规制与鼓励交替变迁过程,但变化的总趋势是向投资自由化方向发展。对我国的启示是,在正确把握规制与自由化的关系基础上,保持政策的动态连续性。  相似文献   

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