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This paper presents findings on the effects of sex on salary differentials between men and women faculty in schools of social work in the United States and Canada. Data analysis involved variables such as rank, doctorate, publications, experience, and ethnicity in order to isolate the effects of sex on salary. The results indicate that there is a significant difference in mean salaries of men and women when these five variables are controlled for, and even on all possible combinations of them. Thus conventional criteria to determine salary levels are applied selectively to men and women faculty.  相似文献   

The relationship between faculty salaries and unionism at Ph.D.-level universities is investigated. Unlike previous attempts at analyzing this topic, the model endogenizes the union-nonunion choice using appropriate techniques for analyzing limited dependent variables. These techniques allow computation of average salaries for all schools under the assumption that they are unionized and also under the assumption that they are not unionized. Subtraction of the predicted nonunion salary from the union salary provides an estimate of salary differences, which is corrected for selectivity bias.  相似文献   

I test for gender differences in faculty salaries for the academic year 1987–1988, using a basic sample of 560 higher education institutions. The ratios of female faculty pay to male faculty pay are regressed on a reduced-form equation for implicit marginal productivity ratios and rate of departure ratios. Marginal productivities depend on faculty and administrative inputs and proxies for technology. Rate of departure ratios depend on various institutional characteristics, such as size, unionization, administrative intensity, Carnegie Foundation classification, type of ownership, and degree of faculty tenured. The results indicate that, after adjusting actual pay ratios for implicit marginal productivity ratios, female faculty pay is at least as high as male faculty pay for much of the sample (74 percent).  相似文献   

Studies that measure the impacts of collective bargaining on the salary of faculty in two-year colleges are limited. Most studies of faculty unions have used data that combine faculty in both two-year and four-year institutions. Recent work has demonstrated that past estimates of the impacts of unions on full-time faculty salaries in higher education suffer from multiple data, methodological, and statistical problems. This paper addresses these deficiencies, and the results support the claim that collective bargaining increases faculty salaries in two-year institutions, though by less than previously documented.  相似文献   

Gender discrimination in the work place has been widely reported. Women are usually discriminated against both with respect to level of occupation and salary. The current study explored the correlation between gender and employment among adults with mental retardation, specifically, whether gender discrimination in the work place is as prominent among people with mental retardation as in the general population. Level of occupation and salary earned were studied in 227 adults with mild and moderate mental retardation residing in institutions, hostels, and sheltered homes in Israel. The findings suggest a correlation between gender and employment similar to that in the general population. Women were found to be employed mainly in sheltered workshops and lower levels of occupation, and to earn significantly less than the men. However, closer examination of each work place revealed that within each level of occupation there were no significant gender differences in salary. The finding suggests that while women with mental retardation earn lower salaries than men, this is mainly the result of their lower level of occupation. Rehabilitation efforts should therefore be directed toward ensuring higher levels of occupation as well as community employment among women with mental retardation.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and based on the split-class theory of racial and ethnic discrimination, this research examines the effects of gender, ethnicity, education, family characteristics, and geographic residence over time on economic attainment. While gender and family poverty status had greater impacts on overall economic attainment, results reveal that being an ethnic minority is significantly associated with lower wages. Moreover, results reveal that the disadvantage to racial and ethnic minorities has expanded over time or becomes more important at advanced ages. The results lend support to split-class theory and the arguments of Charles V. Willie that race/ethnicity has become a more important, rather than becoming less important indicator of poverty and income. Further, the results refute the notions that Affirmative Action has accomplished its goals or that it leads to reverse discrimination against White males.  相似文献   

Department chairs have recently expressed concerns over the phenomenon of salary compression, or the narrowing of the gap between the salaries of assistant professors and those of senior faculty. Such a compression is thought to lower senior faculty morale. The paper explores salary data organized by academic rank (professors, associate professors, and assistant professors) on a sample of 78 graduate departments drawn from the 1988 ASAGuide to Graduate Departments. Significant differences in the highest, lowest, and average salaries of assistant, associate, and full professors exist between public and private universities and between schools in metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas. Few differences are found among regions of the country and between terminal M.A.- and Ph.D.-granting departments, the latter perhaps due to the shortfall in the supply of new assistant professors. Analysis of salary data reported over a fifty-year period by AAUP suggests that salary compression is not a recent problem in academia. Rather, it has typified academic salary structures for at least a half-century. Salary compression in sociology is somewhat less severe than in other fields, but effects of a lag in supply may eventually be felt in the 1990s. His most recent publications areTeacher Burnout in the Public Schools (1987), and a forthcoming book,Giving Up in School (1990) with Margaret LeCompte. He is working on the third edition of his text,The Minority Report, with Rosalind J. Dworkin. He serves as editor of a book series entitled “The New Inequalities” published by the State University of New York Press, and is president of the Southwestern Sociological Association.  相似文献   

One of the more puzzling dimensions of the public relations literature is the persistent claim of salary discrimination against women in the field, despite the absence of even a single comprehensive study on the topic. Even more disturbing is that closely related fields like marketing and advertising—as well as more professionalized fields like medicine—have made no such claims of discrimination, despite larger salary gaps and larger correlations between salary and gender than in the PR field.Detailed statistical analysis of a major salary survey and a review of existing studies both indicate that there is no empirical reason to believe that there is gender-based salary discrimination in the PR field. Findings from the PR salary survey show that there is little or no discrimination, even without considering factors (e.g., employment breaks-in-service) that were shown to have substantial explanatory power in salary surveys from other fields.Circumstantial evidence of PR salary discrimination existed 20 years ago, but the evidence available since that time suggests strongly that there has been little or no salary discrimination for at least the past decade.  相似文献   

This paper shows that individual and structural factors which determine professors' salaries also influence, in various degrees, the accumulation of earnings from additional sources. As a result, those who receive greater rewards from their main work role are likely to have proportionately higher supplementary incomes. Thus, expanding occupational role-sets increase the inequality in economic rewards in the academic system. It is proposed that the relative effect of each of the salary determinants on extra earnings depends on their ability to generate, directly or indirectly, extra earning opportunities.
The examined factors are professorial rank, research productivity, departmental prestige and the length of academic experience. Professorial rank has been shown as the main determinant of institutional salary level, whereas research productivity is the most crucial factor in generating extra earning opportunities. It is likely that the importance of the latter, in our case, is mainly indirect in that it generates critical intervening resources such as professional reputation, visibility in the academic system and communication network.  相似文献   

Questionnaires were administered to 70 black female, 75 black male, 1,457 white female and 1,429 white male university freshmen. In order to test three alternative theories regarding perceptions of discrimination, analyses of variance related sex, race, and SES to total scores of perceived occupational discrimination against blacks (BDST) and against women (WDST). Blacks perceived significantly more discrimination against black people than did whites; neither sex nor SES differentialed scores on BDST. Black females and white males perceived significantly more discrimination against women than did white females; black females had the highest and white females the lowest WDST scores. A discriminant analysis on white females indicated that high WDST scorers were characterized by an “underdog syndrome” whereas low WDST scorers held internal, individualistic values. The findings indicated the greatest support for the formulation that differential anticipatory socialization into the role of “a person who is discriminated against” characterized white females who perceived more or less discrimination against women.  相似文献   

This paper tests for gender differences in remuneration and professional achievement among academic economists using data on grants and grant applications to the National Science Foundation. A simultaneous equations model is used to examine the determinants of salary, rank, department affiliation and research output. In addition to confirming some long-standing folklore about the composition of faculty in research-oriented institutions, significant gender differences were found among older cohorts. Although the signs of the gender coefficients are consistent with a discrimination hypothesis for the sample of assistant professors, the results were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Recent analyses of gender based salary differentials among University faculty have focused on colleges and universities which are quite different from those used in earlier (pre-1975) studies. To facilitate comparisons with previous studies we examine gender earnings differentials during the 1983–84 academic year at Kent State University, a school similar to those studied in the pre-1975 period. Our results suggest that after controlling for differentials in productivity-related characteristics and market influences, there is little evidence of gender based salary discrimination at Kent State during 1983–84.  相似文献   


The literature on the status of female social work educators has addressed the problems these educators face in the areas of salaries, academic rank and tenure, publication rates, and level of decision making. Given this attention to the status of these educators, one might expect positive resolutions to these problems. This article, which is based on a review of both the current literature and statistics on US social work faculty, evaluates the status of women faculty in social work academia to determine if progress has been made. Findings reveal that female educators are seeing slow improvment in some areas; however, inequalities continue. The authors suggest strategies for supporting the development and retention of women faculty.  相似文献   

Unionization and faculty salaries: New evidence from the 1990s   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The literature on how unionization affects faculty salaries and compensation is inconclusive. I use the 1993 National Survey of Postsecondary Faculty to investigate how collective bargaining affects faculty salaries. Union representation significantly alters the returns to individual and institutional characteristics, and unionized faculty receive a premium of between 7 and 14 percent, an earnings differential that is substantially larger than those found in most earlier studies.  相似文献   

The Supreme Court has acted to eliminate discrimination against women on state petit juries and blacks on state grand juries. The next step is a Court decision eliminating sex discrimination on state grand juries. The Court could achieve this by applying the standard used to measure unacceptable race discrimination to sex discrimination. That standard assumes racial discrimination if there is an opportunity to discriminate and systematic disproportion of racial representation. This article discusses how the standard works, and then focuses on a study of the comissioner system in two Texas grand jury jurisdictions (Dallas and Houston) to illustrate its potential application to female exclusion.  相似文献   

I explore the relationship among teacher salaries across Pennsylvania school districts. Using techniques developed in spatial econometrics, I find that the error terms in a salary regression are spatially correlated, suggesting evidence of omitted labor market factors. I also find evidence that salaries in nearby, financially similar districts directly influence teacher salaries in a particular district, which is evidence of pattern bargaining or more informal social comparisons across districts. Econometric specifications that ignore these factors overstate the influence of own-district variables, such as economic indicators, on salary. I thank colleagues Linda Babcock and John Engberg for very valuable contributions and for use of their data. Thanks also to Wil Gorr, who helped with some of the GIS aspects of this research. A National Science Foundation grant supported data collection.  相似文献   


The paper focuses on the structure and process of the public and private institutional regulation of race relations. This theoretical analysis posits that the public and private sectors are governed by public and private governments. The analysis reveals that the governance of race relations has shifted from the public to the private corporate bureaucracies. In that shift from the public to private governance, blacks continue to be discriminated against as a political class and for that reason they continue to make group claims and seek group remedies through enabling legislation and Affirmative Action programs.  相似文献   

This Issue Brief examines the 1999 contribution behavior of 1.7 million 401(k) plan participants drawn from the EBRI/ICI Participant-Directed Retirement Plan Data Collection Project. The findings in this paper build on previous academic research examining the contribution activity of 401(k) participants, by using a large sample of participants in a wide range of plan sizes and by examining in detail the factors that influence contribution activity. Eighty-five percent of participants in the sample only made before-tax contributions to their plans, and 97 percent of all dollars contributed by employees were contributed on a before-tax basis. On average, participants contributed 6.8 percent of their salaries on a before-tax basis. Before-tax contribution activity varied among participants. About 61 percent of participants contributed more than 5 percent of their salaries on a before-tax basis and about 21 percent set aside more than 10 percent of their salaries on a before-tax basis. Eleven percent of participants analyzed in this study earning more than $40,000 a year contributed at the $10,000 before-tax IRC limit in 1999. Thirteen percent of participants with salaries between $70,000 and $80,000 contributed at the cap, and 18 percent of those with salaries between $80,000 and $90,000 were at the limit. However, it appears that among participants not contributing at the IRC limit, 52 percent could not have done so because of formal plan-imposed contribution limits below the IRC limit. Older participants tended to contribute a higher percentage of their salaries to plans than did younger participants, even after factoring out differences in salary and job tenure. Participants tended to increase the share of their salary (and amounts) contributed to their 401(k) plan as their salaries rose until salaries reached $80,000. For individuals with salaries above $80,000, before-tax contribution rates (though not the amounts contributed) tended to fall as salaries rose because IRC, and possibly plan sponsor, contribution limits became binding for some participants. Giving employees the option of borrowing from their 401(k) accounts increased participant contribution rates. On average, a participant in a plan offering loans appeared to contribute 0.6 percentage point more of his or her salary to the plan than a participant in a plan with no loan provision. Total contributions--the sum of employee and employer contributions--were higher for participants who received an employer contribution as part of their 401(k) plan than for those who did not. The average total contribution rate was 10 percent of salary for employees in plans offering an employer contribution, compared with 7.4 percent for those in plans not offering an employer contribution.  相似文献   

Many faculty members prefer to receive their salary in twenty-four equal payments over the entire year as opposed to receiving the salary sooner, in eighteen equal payments over the academic year. I consider two explanations for this choice: (1) it is chosen to eliminate transactions costs associated with administering a similar plan oneself, or (2) it is chosen as a self-imposed constraint to insure against one's own potential imprudent behavior. The paper provides a test which clearly supports the second alternative.  相似文献   

This paper presents the oral history of Julia Auma Ojiambo as representative of the struggles of Kenyan women in androcentric politics and a reflection of their subordinate position in the state and post-colonial society. The oral history is derived from a series of interviews conducted with Ojiambo by the author in 2012. It also traces the development of formal and informal women-centred initiatives like women’s self-help groups and the National Gender Machinery as coping mechanisms adopted by women to subvert gender discrimination in politics from the colonial era to date. Further, it evaluates how provisions in the Constitution of Kenya like the one-third gender principle and Affirmative Action have impacted on political practices regarding women. The paper postulates that women display strong leadership in women’s movements that is not reflected in national politics. Their presence in national politics is low compared to men, mainly due to the destabilisation of the women’s movement in the post-colonial era, through co-optation and gender discrimination that prevents women from forming a strong force to combat androcentric politics. Therefore, women’s political participation is hampered by the androcentric nature of Kenyan politics and culture, but also patriarchy and gender and class inequalities in the social sphere.  相似文献   

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