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ON the occasion of the 50thanniversary of the foundingof New China,KunmingInternational HorticulturalExposition’99 and the 20thAssociation of InternationalArchitects Conference happen to beheld in China.These two great events  相似文献   


Despite growing concerns over increasingly relaxed sexual culture in Vietnam, population-based research that investigates the openness to premarital sex in contemporary Vietnam remains scarce. Using data from the Vietnam Population and AIDS Indicator Survey 2005, this study examined the acceptance toward premarital sex and documented significant differences in attitudes by gender, age, and marital status. Attitudes of Vietnamese toward premarital sex generally remained conservative. Men were more permissive than women. Among both male and female respondents, higher acceptance levels were reported to men's practice of premarital sex than to women's same practice. Unmarried respondents were more open than those who were married. A growing openness toward premarital sex among the younger age was found only among the married. Results suggest the coexistence of traditional values and a growing permissiveness toward premarital sex in Vietnam.  相似文献   

从国内外国耻教育的对比中可以看出,我国当前的国耻教育现状不容乐观,国民的国耻意识不强.笔者探究了国民尤其是青少年淡忘国耻的原因,并对加强国耻教育提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

在内蒙古兴安盟科右中旗,提到奶制品,大家都会联想到创业女性花拉。对于花拉的创业梦想,家人给予她最大的理解和支持。传承奶制品手工艺,为家乡民族文化旅游事业尽心尽力,花拉一家的故事平凡却也不凡。  相似文献   

Ingredients:1000g chicken wings,about,100g Shredded rape-seedleaves,100g black sesame seeds,7g salt,5g sugar,3gMSG,10g cooking wine,5g cassia bark,1000g cookingoil(actual consumption only 100 grams),one egg,anoptional amount of scallion,ginger root,starch and  相似文献   


In this article, drawing on qualitative interviews and documentary analysis, we argue that the Jewish community in Britain has undergone a fundamental shift since 1990 from a 'strategy of security', a strategy of communal leadership based on emphasizing the secure British citizenship and belonging of the UK's Jews, to a 'strategy of insecurity', where the communal leadership instead stresses an excess of security among Anglo-Jewry. We demonstrate this based on two case studies: of the Jewish renewal movement in the 1990s and the 'new antisemitism' phenomenon of the 2000s. We conclude that this shift is tied to the shift from a monocultural Britain to an officially multicultural one, and that therefore there are lessons that can be taken from it for the study of British and other multiculturalisms.  相似文献   

国学是中华民族的灵魂和民族的根本所在,留下了丰富的德育思想遗产,为思想政治工作源源不断地提供丰厚的思想养料。以当代大学生的国学认知为出发点,指出了当前大学生中存在对国学态度理性上认同,但缺少行动力;获取国学知识的途径多样,但新媒体技术并没有提升认知水平;对国学关注度不够,学习主动性不强等问题,并深入分析了国学之于高校思想政治工作的必要性,在此基础上提出了新形势下基于国学的高校思想政治工作创新的对策建议。  相似文献   

An overview of the relationship between social structure and social order is employed to highlight the importance of the civility concept to civic society. In discussing these issues, the author provides a brief historical and a contemporary context for assessing the civility concept. This assessment draws on an eclectic literature that addresses the relationship among civility, socialization, and learning, the role of education in the civility process, the changing emphasis of higher education, the culture of individualism, and technology. The author concludes with a brief discussion of culture and the future of civility.
The problem of order arises out of the dual circumstance that human beings have limited (though not nonexistent) capacities for sympathy with their fellows and that they inhabit an environment that fails to provide them with sufficient resources to satisfy fully the needs of all of them. The problem of order is therefore rooted in inescapable conflict between the interests and desires of individuals and the requirements of society: to wit, the pacification of violent strife among men and the secure establishment of cooperative social relations making possible the pursuit of collective goals. (Wrong 1994, p. 36)  相似文献   

<正>欢迎订阅2015年(双月刊)《当代青年研究》是由上海社会科学院青少年研究所主办的青年研究理论刊物。自1981年创刊以来,坚持研究青年、发现青年、发展青年的办刊宗旨,以青年研究理论、前沿意识为特色,关注青年发展、青年文化、青少年心理、青年与社会等方面的研究成果,以学术性、前瞻性面对读者,坚持高质量的学术品位,是中国青年研究探索的坚实阵地和平台。感谢新老读者多年来的支持与厚爱,欢迎订阅本刊。《当代青年研究》为双月刊,大16开,128页,单月20日出版,国内外公开发行。读者可以就  相似文献   

<正>欢迎订阅2015年(双月刊)《当代青年研究》是由上海社会科学院青少年研究所主办的青年研究理论刊物。自1981年创刊以来,坚持研究青年、发现青年、发展青年的办刊宗旨,以青年研究理论、前沿意识为特色,关注青年发展、青年文化、青少年心理、青年与社会等方面的研究成果,以学术性、前瞻性面对读者,坚持高质量的学术品位,是中国青年研究探索的坚实阵地和平台。感谢新老读者多年来的支持与厚爱,欢迎订阅本刊。  相似文献   

<正>欢迎订阅2015年(双月刊)《当代青年研究》是由上海社会科学院青少年研究所主办的青年研究理论刊物。自1981年创刊以来,坚持"研究青年、发现青年、发展青年"的办刊宗旨,以青年研究理论、前沿意识为特色,关注青年发展、青年文化、青少年心理、青年与社会等方面的研究成果,以学术性、前瞻性面对读者,坚持高质量的学术品位,是中国青年研究探索的坚实阵地和平台。感谢新老读者多年来的支持与厚爱,欢迎订阅本刊。  相似文献   


In this paper we reflect on organizational space and its implications for organization and management. In contrast to dominant discourse in management and organization theory we address the ways in which corporate buildings, as social objects, provide a materiality to organization. Developing the concept of the architecture of complexity, we focus on space as the precondition of processes of organizing. The productive power of space lies in its potential to create and trigger complexity, as it pre-structures movement and flows of communication. Reflecting on two concrete spatial organizations (the fold and heterotopia) we suggest that the interplay of order and disorder and inside/outside relation, which these spaces provide, are spatial preconditions of organizational change and creativity.  相似文献   

藕粉、番茄粉、绿茶粉、红豆粉……细心留意许多女性的厨柜里、办公桌上,你会发现各式各样的粉剂食品。方便携带,冲泡简单,吃"粉"正成为女性们减肥、美容的新妙方,一股新热潮!  相似文献   

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