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兰色拉姆 《贡嘎山·西部观察》2021,(1):77-79
走进土司衙门:百年雄风今安在"建年逾五十,膝下无子。后遇神僧渡以金丹并嘱合家虔心向善,上帝将赐尔九子一女,仙逝(去世)之时,葬牛眠山下,日后坟上长茅草之时,尔子孙折铁更姓,可免此难。"这句话出自《余氏家史》。《余氏家史》中所指"建"即铁木建,系元成宗皇帝铁木耳之二弟;明洪武二年,铁木建已折铁更姓的后人余伯锡,随军入川,浴血奋战,先后攻克今泸定县化林坪、龙巴铺、沈村,加郡、得妥等地;洪武七载,余伯锡攻下摩岗岭、磨西面、喇嘛寺,朝廷因其军功卓著,同时急需汉官管理,扼守贯通川藏的咽喉——沈村宜牧古渡,于是授予余锡伯沈边(今泸定境内)土千户世袭。 相似文献
我国西南边陲小城瑞丽,是产自缅甸的珠宝玉石集散地,素有“中国的翡翠源头”之称。这里最多的商铺自然是珠宝店,而其中最大的一家,是一个叫张安凤的女人开的,她来自湖北武汉,没什么文化,数年前因为企业倒闭下岗,为了谋生计不得不背井离乡出来打工,让人都感到迷惑的地方就是这样一个没有任何背景的女人,却把生意做成了瑞丽珠宝行业的老大。不但别人弄不明白,就是张安凤自己也时常感到奇怪。 相似文献
社会记忆及其建构一项关于知青集体记忆的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
任何个体化的叙述都不可避免地带有“社会文本”的痕迹,知青集体记忆正是通过知青个体化的充满张力的叙事而展开其逻辑的。通过叙事,知青“自我”意义和“群体”意义生成,在此基础上,知青通过对“代”的认同,使得自己与国家历史相联,以确定自我形象并在更宏大的社会结构中进行定位。知青对意义的定位和追寻反映了这一代人持续的和深刻的认同危机。“劫后辉煌”是知青对自己青春创伤的救赎。尽管知青集体记忆存在着复杂的分层,但是,意义已经在叙述和回忆中完成。知青文学作为一种传播广泛的刻写方式,知青聚会作为一种普遍参与的操演方式,它们对知青集体记忆的建构起到了不可忽视的作用。而“上山下乡”历史事件的特点为知青集体记忆的建构提供了空间和可能性。我们希望有关知青社会记忆研究能够在研究实践层面推进社会记忆研究这个领域。 相似文献
1989年,年近60的金晶璲与这片黑土地又一次相遇,他的目光开始湿润,开始热切寻找一切有关童年的美好回忆。他知道,他又回来了,而且这一回来,便不舍得再离去。金晶璲的身份是多重的,甚至连他自己也无法清晰定义:出生在朝鲜的新义州,童年在中国丹东的凤城县度过,后转至韩国,而当他再次来到辽宁的时候,已经 相似文献
This article draws on a household survey of giving and volunteering undertaken as part of the Giving Australia project to explore the relationship between religion and the giving behaviour of adult Australians. We find that people who identify themselves as having a religion are more likely to give and to give more on average than people who do not but that this relationship is produced by a subset of this group; namely, people who regularly attend religious services. Indeed, the likelihood of giving and average amounts given by givers over a year increase with levels of attendance at religious services. The relationship holds even after allowing for other factors that affect the likelihood of a person giving and the amount given. It also holds for giving to nonreligious causes (ie when giving to religion is omitted). However, when we also omit giving to charities and look at giving to civic causes alone we find that the frequency of attendance at religious services has an ambiguous relationship with giving. A suggestion in overseas literature that it is participation in religious groups, rather than attendance at religious services that is associated with giving is not supported. 相似文献
This article draws on a household survey of giving and volunteering undertaken as part of the Giving Australia project to explore the relationship between religion and the giving behaviour of adult Australians. We find that people who identify themselves as having a religion are more likely to give and to give more on average than people who do not but that this relationship is produced by a subset of this group; namely, people who regularly attend religious services. Indeed, the likelihood of giving and average amounts given by givers over a year increase with levels of attendance at religious services. The relationship holds even after allowing for other factors that affect the likelihood of a person giving and the amount given. It also holds for giving to nonreligious causes (ie when giving to religion is omitted). However, when we also omit giving to charities and look at giving to civic causes alone we find that the frequency of attendance at religious services has an ambiguous relationship with giving. A suggestion in overseas literature that it is participation in religious groups, rather than attendance at religious services that is associated with giving is not supported. 相似文献
Objective . Our central question is how changes in an institution's football success affect giving behavior. Also, we consider whether former varsity athletes are more or less sensitive in their giving behavior than other alumni to the competitive success of their school and whether such effects differ by type of institution. Methods . Using micro data from 15 academically selective private colleges and universities, the analysis presents fixed-effects estimates of how football winning percentages affect giving behavior. Results . General giving rates are unaffected by won-lost records at the high-profile Division IA schools and at the Ivy League schools. Increases in winning percentages yield modest positive increases in giving rates, particularly among former atheletes, at the lower-profile Division III liberal arts colleges. Conclusions . While there is a modest positive effect at Division III colleges, our results do not support the notion that winning and giving go hand-in-hand at the selective private universities that play big-time football. 相似文献
Mark Lyons Myles McGregor‐Lowndes Philip O'Donoghue 《The Australian journal of social issues》2006,41(4):385-397
The giving of time and money, mainly to private nonprofit organisations is not trivial, but in Australia has been little studied. This article introduces a special issue of the Australian Journal of Social Issues which draws on data collected in the largest study of giving and volunteering conducted in Australia hitherto. It seeks to establish terminological guidelines and reviews past Australian research on giving and volunteering, arguing that there has been a disproportionate interest in volunteering. It seeks to put to rest some common myths about giving and explores whether the increase in giving and volunteering can be attributed to government policy. It concludes by introducing the other papers in the collection. 相似文献