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实现资源整合建立防治艾滋病的综合模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将生殖健康/计划生育服务和艾滋病防治相结合是《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》确定的原则,也是被大量事实证明的具有很好的投入产出的最佳实践。《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》指出:“在发达国家和发展中国家艾滋病都是一个重大问题。各国政府应评估艾滋病感染和艾滋病对人口和发展的影响,应通过一种多部门协调机制来控制艾滋病并充分注意其社会经济影响。”世界银行认为,“将艾滋病  相似文献   

艾滋病不仅是一个疾病问题,更是一个影响深远的社会问题和人口问题,是全人类共同面对的一个严峻挑战。目前,我国艾滋病的流行正处在由高危人群向普通人群大面积扩散的临界点。经性接触传播及母婴传播的比例呈现上升趋势,女性艾滋病病毒感染者所占比例近年来有较大幅度的增加。艾滋病的快速蔓延和传播,正在严重危害着人民的生命健康和中国的人口安全,进而将会对我国经济社会的发展甚至全面建设小康社会的进程造成严重影响。  相似文献   

时至今日,艾滋病在中国已经成为一个关系人民健康和社会的问题。本文从人口学角度分析山西省艾滋病有哪些特征及艾滋病综合防治中形成的社会关怀模式。  相似文献   

在大家的共同努力下,国际人口与发展论坛圆满完成了各项预定议程。与会代表围绕消除贫困、生殖健康与计划生育、艾滋病防治以及对艾滋病病人的关爱、青少年性与生殖健康、降低孕产妇死亡率和儿童死亡率、妇女赋权与社会性别问题、非政府组织的作用以及官方发展援助与伙伴关系等8个专题,认真回顾总结了开罗国际人发大会《行动纲领》和联合国“千年发展目标”的执行情况,广泛交流了国际社会特别是发展中国家在人口与发展领域取得的成就、经验和面临的挑战,深入探讨了国际社会在南南合作  相似文献   

艾滋病——不可忽视的社会问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
艾滋病因其传播速度快、死亡率高,引起了国际社会的广泛关注。目前,它已是一个必须面对和解决的社会问题,一个艾滋病肆虐的国家,在艾滋病方面的关注程度,以及为应对所下的力度,对于其社会、经济、政治等众多领域都将产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

在今年第16个世界人口日到来之际,中宣部、卫生部、人口计生委、全国妇联四个部门共同启动的“关注妇女,抗击艾滋”行动,具有重要意义。艾滋病不仅是一个疾病问题,更是一个影响深远的社会问题和人口问题,是全人类共同面对的一个严峻挑战。目前,我国艾滋病的流行正处在由高危人群向普通人群大面积扩散的临界点。经性接触传播及母婴传播的比例呈现上升趋势,女性艾滋病病毒感染者所占比例近年来有较大幅度的增加。艾滋病的快速蔓延和传播,正在严重危害着人民的生命健康和中国的人口安全,进而将会对我国经济社会的发展甚至全面建设小康社会的进…  相似文献   

艾滋病的社会学思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彭现美 《南方人口》2004,19(2):58-63
自从被发现到世界范围内流行 ,艾滋病因其传播速度之快、死亡率之高 ,引起了众多国家的高度警惕 ,也引起了国际社会的广泛关注。目前 ,它已经不仅仅是传染病或者性病的问题 ,而是一个必须面对和加以解决的社会问题 ,应对艾滋病的蔓延已经到了刻不容缓的地步。一个艾滋病肆虐的国家 ,在艾滋病方面的关注程度 ,以及为应对所下的力度 ,对于其社会、经济、政治等众多领域都将产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

自从上个世纪的80年代,艾滋病开始在人类社会传播,至今已有6000多万人感染了艾滋病毒,并夺去了2000多万人的生命。而且它还以每年感染500万人的速度在发展。不管是发达社会还是发展中的社会都不能避免,没有一个国家可以对这种疾病有免疫力。艾滋病是我们全球面临的挑战,对艾滋病的战斗是每个国家每个个体的责任和义务。  相似文献   

我国艾滋病预防存在的主要问题 上海社科院HIV/AIDS社会政策研究中心夏国美研究员等中外学者通过大量田野调查,对于我国的艾滋病防治工作存在的问题进行了深刻剖析,认为我国防治艾滋病不力的主要原因是:自一开始就将艾滋病与意识形态、道德作风等联系起来,致使决策者、执行者和公众都对艾滋病持敌视、恐惧心态,并影响到各自的社会活动之中,给当前的艾滋病有效防治带来许多思想上、制度上和行动上的障碍。“四免一关怀”政策是个进步,但由于前述原因在社会各方面、各层次造成的深刻影响,使得政府的政策在现实中常常找不到落实的对象。  相似文献   

中国正面临艾滋病广泛流行的临界点,导致艾滋病更大规模流行的社会因素普遍存在。在国际上,控制艾滋病由升到降的时间,澳大利亚用了5年,病势凶猛的美国用了14年,经历曲折的泰国用了12年。而病例出现最迟,有大量国际经验可以借鉴的中国已经20年了,艾滋病流行的上升势头却丝毫未减。艾滋病的迅猛增长使得拥有13亿人口的中国艾滋病具有了全球性涵义。中国能否成功消除艾滋病危机,不仅关系到人民安康和社会发展,也关系到中国在国际事务中的地位、声望以及对中国人权状况的评价,进而影响到中国在全球的经济贸易发展和综合国力的提高。  相似文献   

王力平 《西北人口》2010,31(5):125-128,F0003
公众对艾滋病的认知依然处于一种低度认知水平。而"污名化"标签与社会排斥已成为防治艾滋病工作中的重大障碍,为了更有效地预防和控制艾滋病的蔓延,首先要消除对艾滋病人的"污名化"标签,进而减少对艾滋病人的社会排斥,给艾滋病人一道平视的目光。  相似文献   

近年来我国已经把吸毒人群作为艾滋病防治的重要干预对象之一,然而现状不容乐观,吸毒人群传播艾滋病的风险远未得到有效控制。探讨影响吸毒人群对艾滋病防治措施的认同和接纳的因素,以便为完善艾滋病防治措施提供新的思路。研究表明,吸毒人群的认知水平、社会支持、政策保障、人生态度等因素对其接纳艾滋病防治措施有影响。只有将吸毒人群视为弱势群体予以增权和关爱,以"合作"的社会政策导向和"平等"的社会工作价值介入,从其需求入手开展务实多样的防治措施,才有可能真正改变吸毒人群的观念与行为,从而获得艾滋病防治的良效。  相似文献   

The prospects for online social networks as sites of information-gathering and affiliation for persons with AIDS and others concerned about HIV/AIDS not only represent the latest development in a trend toward circumventing traditional media and official information sources, but also may offer hope for a revitalization of HIV/AIDS discourse in the public sphere. This article provides an overview of three decades of information-seeking on the pandemic and its social and personal implications, as well as case studies of three examples of social networking surrounding HIV/AIDS. It finds preliminary evidence of the formation of strong and weak ties as described in Social Network Theory and suggests that the online accumulation of social capital by opinion leaders could facilitate dissemination of messages on HIV/AIDS awareness and testing.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of individuals' perceptions of their risk of becoming infected with HIV and their perceptions of acceptable strategies of prevention is an essential step toward curtailing the spread of this disease. We focus in this article on learning and decision-making about AIDS in the context of high uncertainty about the disease and appropriate behavioral responses. We argue that social interactions are important for both. Using longitudinal survey data from rural Kenya and Malawi, we test this hypothesis. We investigate whether social interactions--and especially the extent to which social network partners perceive themselves to be at risk--exert causal influences on respondents' risk perceptions and on one approach to prevention, spousal communication about the threat of AIDS to the couple and their children. The study explicitly allows for the possibility that important characteristics, such as unobserved preferences or community characteristics, determine not only the outcomes of interest but also the size and composition of networks. The most important empirical result is that social networks have significant and substantial effects on risk perceptions and the adoption of new behaviors even after we control for unobserved factors.  相似文献   

Using a multivariate design, this study examined social support as a mediating variable between the stressor of AIDS and adaptational outcome in a culturally and socioeconomically diverse sample of 60 urban gay men with AIDS. Whereas earlier studies have suggested that social support for gay men with AIDS is often lacking or ineffective, findings in this study indicated that family of origin and friends may provide more support to gay men with AIDS than has been generally recognized. Both family of origin and friend support were strongly correlated with positive outcomes, indicating that social support was not only forthcoming but was also effective. The relationship between family of origin support and positive outcomes was particularly strong.  相似文献   

AIDS in China     
Most recent official statistics indicate that there was a cumulative total of 133 AIDS cases in mainland China through the end of October 1996 and 5157 people infected with HIV. Official statistics also indicate continuing increases in recent years in the number of people with AIDS and people infected with HIV, and that the incidence of infection is growing in China. HIV has been found to have been transmitted in China through IV drug use, sexual activities, from mother to child, and through transfusions and the use of blood products. Important risk factors for the spread of HIV in China include high population density, a considerable transient population, drug use, prostitution, blood transfusion, the improper sterilization of medical instruments in rural areas, changes in people's sexual attitudes and behaviors, and lack of information on safe sex. The Chinese government reports having taken considerable steps to check the spread of HIV/AIDS and supports communication and education as an essential tool in the fight against the epidemic. Life expectancies in China's provinces and municipalities are listed.  相似文献   

Livelihood insecurity, HIV and AIDS, and environmental change, including high climate variability, have negatively impacted the southern African region for the last decade. It is increasingly evident that there is a complex interplay of factors shaping rural livelihoods at various scales. Recognition of the varied impacts of HIV and AIDS has led to development of a conceptual framework that utilises the ‘AIDS Timeline’ or ‘Programming Matrix’, which enables differential intervention strategies to be adopted depending on the dominant impacts and trends on livelihoods. This paper presents this approach and links it to case study material from two districts in Malawi and South Africa. The evidence suggests that although there are some areas where HIV and AIDS are mainstreamed into livelihood security interventions, this is not sufficient, as holistic environmental and social approaches are not adopted. This paper reflects on the fieldwork findings to link to the AIDS Timeline in support of appropriate interventions. At the same time, we highlight the urgency in addressing the meso-scale and adopting a holistic framework that addresses livelihood security from a range of angles, including the implications for the chronically ill, interactions with environment and the capacity to implement change.  相似文献   

艾滋病目前已成为美国一个严重的社会问题和大众健康问题。妇女从 2 0世纪 80年代在边缘徘徊 ,到 90年代已陷入了该危机的“震中”。本文将从女权主义的视野来审视这场社会性别化的传染病 ,即把社会性别当作主要变量来考察它同种族、族裔、阶级、性取向以及文化等诸因素的交叉互动 ,并从纷繁复杂的艾滋病现象和文献中梳理出妇女与艾滋病关系上的社会性别差异。文章最后将提出若干可资借鉴并值得我们警觉的建议  相似文献   

毛京沭  尹勤 《西北人口》2007,28(1):80-83,87
为了研究艾滋病对江苏省人口安全的影响,本文通过对江苏省疾病控制中心艾滋病监测网收集的近五年来艾滋病流行数据的分析,发现艾滋病对人口、社会与经济发展都将产生一定影响,政府必须高度重视并制定出相应的对策。  相似文献   

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