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职业性别隔离是一个长期存在于劳动力市场的复杂现象,对就业和工资水平产生了重要的影响。文章对职业性别隔离测度的主要方法进行了梳理,介绍了统计描述方法的作用及具体指标,重点讨论了4种主要总和指数的应用方法和使用范围。文章认为,统计描述方法虽然简单,但对了解职业规模、劳动力市场性别比例及垂直隔离状况具有重要作用,是重要的测度方法之一。对于总和指数方法,应根据研究目的,对不同指数的可信度进行区分。  相似文献   

本文利用厦门市流动人口系列抽样调查的数据对流动妇女在城乡流迁中的职业发展状况及其影响因素进行分析.结果表明,农村妇女进城后的户外就业率明显下降,但在外就业的职业层次却有所提升;流动妇女在流入地居住的时间、年龄、文化程度、结婚年数以及配偶的收入是影响她们职业发展的主要因素,其中在流入城市居住的时间有利于流动妇女的职业发展,而流动妇女的年龄及其丈夫的收入水平却和她们户外经济活动的参与成反比关系.为了发挥城乡流动对农村妇女职业发展的积极作用,建议在女性流动人口比较聚集的城市实行无年龄歧视的就业制度,同时加大对农村女性人口的公共教育资源的投入和自强自立的先进性别文化的宣传.  相似文献   


This paper explores the role of over-education in shaping the negative relationship between the education level attained by employees and the fact of working in a gender-dominated occupation, in Spain, a country where the phenomenon of over-education is common. Applying multinomial logit regressions, and controlling for individual and job characteristics, the results confirm the typical finding that having a university degree decreases the odds of working in a gender-dominated occupation. However, this is only true in the case of women when considering long—more than 3 years—university studies. The evidence also suggests that the general spread of over-education in Spain weakens that relationship so that reducing over-education would eventually lead to more uniformity in the gender-distribution of employment across occupations.


The role of occupational segregation in the determination of gender wage differentials is assessed. It is found (1) that occupational segregation plays less of a role in explaining wage differentials than do traditional human capital variables; (2) that earnings profiles generated with data that include a percent female (PF) measure of occupational segregation are not ideal for testing human capital predictions yet nonetheless yield parameters consistent with neoclassical theory; and (3) that lifetime work considerations, such as the degree of one's labor force intermittency, are important in determining both one's occupation and wage. The implications are that government antidiscrimination policies based on outcome measures are in general inefficient. Instead, the government should concentrate on creating incentives for women to participate in the labor market on an equal basis as males.  相似文献   

Occupational careers and mortality of elderly men   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
This article presents findings from an analysis of occupational differentials in mortality among a cohort of males aged 55 years and older in the United States for the period 1966-1983. Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Mature Men, we construct event histories for 3,080 respondents who reach the exact age of 55. The dynamics that characterize socioeconomic differentials in mortality are analyzed by evaluating the differential effects of occupation over the career cycle. Maximum likelihood estimates of hazard-model parameters show that the mortality of current or last occupation differs substantially from that of longest occupation, controlling for education, income, health status, and other sociodemographic factors. In particular, the rate of mortality is reduced by the substantive complexity of the longest occupation while social skills and physical and environmental demands of the latest occupation lower mortality.  相似文献   

Occupational segregation according to sex iswidely prevalent in almost allcountries. This paper suggests and characterizes a symmetric measure ofsegregation. This measure was originallyproposed in a different situation byJeffreys (1946). We also provide twonumerical illustrations of changein segregation over time.  相似文献   

Monica Boyd 《Demography》1973,10(1):1-17
The relation between career mobility and reproductive behavior is examined for five cities of developing Latin American nations: Bogota, Columbia; San Jose, Costa Rica; Mexico City, Mexico; Panama City, Panama; and Caracas, Venezuela. The data are obtained from fertility surveys conducted between September, 1963, and August, 1964, in the above-named cities under the auspices of the Centro Latinoamericano de Demografía (CELADE), and the analysis is based on information from 600–800 women per city who have been married only once and married ten years or more. Career mobility is defined as an occupational change of the husband between the date of marriage and 1963–1964, based on the Hall-Jones occupational scale. Reproductive behavior is operationalized as the number of live births. The conclusion of the multiple classification analysis is that the process of career mobility in four out of five Latin American samples is not a significant factor in explaining differential reproductive behavior. These results are compatible with a variety of North American studies which stress that variation heretofore ascribed to the process of mobility is an additive composite of past and present status effects. These findings are discussed; a theoretical and methodological critique of mobility-fertility research is presented.  相似文献   

中国城市的地域范围和地域区分探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市地域范围和地域区分是城市研究的起点。但我国学术界在较长时间的讨论中,一直没有形成较为一致的意见。本文拟从"实质城市"地域的角度,并考虑到实际数据的可获得性,探讨了城市地域,包括它与外部——乡村的区分和它的内部构造——中心区、边缘区和郊区的区分方法。本文提出,可用建制市内全部"区"作为城市地域,而在城市地域内,根据各部分地域的人口密度、在业人口中从事二、三产业的比例,昼夜人口比和三产区位系数等指标来区分城市的中心区、边缘区和郊区。  相似文献   

明娟 《人口与经济》2016,(4):113-120
农民工就业流动频繁已经成为当前劳动力市场的普遍现象和重要特征,而工作转换能否带来农民工职业向上流动,实现职业地位提升?文章采用RUMIC面板数据,进一步估计工作转换对农民工职业流动方向的影响。结果发现:工作转换对职业流动产生显著负效应,工作转换导致农民工职业向下流动,职业流动没有呈现“U”型特征,但存在一定的跨期效应,重新定义工作转换进行稳健性检验仍然支持这一结论。而从根本上消除劳动力市场的制度壁垒,强化农民工职业技能培训,无疑是未来劳动力市场政策调整的主要方向。  相似文献   

Martin Watts 《Demography》1998,35(4):489-496
Empirical studies of gender segregation by occupation must be founded on rigorous measurement procedures. There appears to be a consensus that any index used in the analysis of time-series or international cross-section employment data must be either margin-free or decomposable to yield a margin-free component. On the other hand, Charles and Grusky (1995) advocate the use of multiplicative log models from which a margin-free odds ratio can be derived. In this paper, I contrast the construction and interpretation of the index of dissimilarity and the Karmel-MacLachlan index with the multiplicative modeling of gender segregation and the associated log index.  相似文献   

Occupational influences on retirement,disability, and death   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
This research examines the alternative mechanisms by which occupations influence the nature and timing of older men's labor force withdrawal. We specifically assess the extent to which occupational factors operate directly and indirectly on exiting events and whether occupations constrain traditional determinants of labor force participation. Based on a discrete-time hazard modeling approach, the results substantiate that the occupational task activities--substantive complexity and physical demands--are key elements of the work environment that are evaluated against nonwork alternatives. In the case of retirement, these aspects of occupational attractiveness function as a dominant and direct force in retirement decision making. With regard to disability, the occupational attribute of substantive complexity operates as an indirect advantage (through higher wages) by reducing the risk of disability. Indicators of career continuity also influence retirement among older workers. Finally, the results suggest that financial characteristics and health problems are central to the distribution of older workers across the alternative destination statuses of retirement, disability, and death.  相似文献   

A link between social insurance and education policy is explored. Due to moral hazard full insurance against disability is not feasible. When high- and low-risk individuals can be identified second-best social insurance system entails cross-subsidies from the low-risk group to the high-risk group. Implementation of this second-best insurance however distorts the human capital investment decisions when education qualifies for a low risk job. Therefore, the second-best social insurance together with an education subsidy is a welfare improving policy. An education policy also has the role of establishing dynamic consistency of the government's policy. Received: 16 October 1998/Accepted: 8 September 1999  相似文献   


This paper uses information on a sample of 430 blue collar workers from different manufacturing industries of Ahmedabad, India to examine the influence of worker’s compensation on their wage and mortality rates. This relation has a direct impact on the value of statistical life (VSL) estimates which is used to evaluate various health and safety policies. The compensation benefit plays a significant role in worker’s compensation package however it has not received much attention in previous Indian studies. Inclusion of the compensation variable not only raises the co-efficient of risk variables but also increases the value of statistical life and value of statistical injury (VSI) estimates. The result of this study indicates that trade-off between worker’s wage and compensation benefit exists for the workers in the sample. The estimated VSL that captures the effect of compensation benefit ranges between INR 30.27 million ($0.46 million) and INR 72.11 million ($1.10 million) while the estimated VSI ranges between INR 1.94 million ($0.029 million) and INR 2.82 million ($0.043 million). Besides, this paper goes further to study the rate of substitution between worker’s compensation benefit and their wage and finds that the benefit levels are sub-optimal.


当前我国城市职业流动的障碍分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过经验调查研究发现我国的职业流动率偏低 ,且大量劳动者有流动意愿却没有流动行为 ,这些都说明我国的职业流动存在着障碍。本文将这些障碍分为个人障碍和制度障碍、进入障碍和退出障碍等 ,并根据经验社会调查所得数据对此进行了检验。我们认为 ,消除这些流动障碍的关键在于加快改革开放步伐 ,建立完善的社会主义市场经济制度  相似文献   

中国产业职业性别隔离的检验与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章从男女性别收入不平等问题出发,阐明了研究中国产业性别隔离问题的重要性,并以此为基点,探讨了与职业隔离相关的概念,介绍职业性别隔离的两种测度方法,即邓肯指数与平方根指数。文章应用中国历年劳动统计年鉴和2000年人口普查数据,对中国产业职业别隔离状况进行检验与分析,重点对平方根指数进行测度,得出相关的结论。结果表明,从总体上看,中国职业性别隔离程度较低,但产业内部的职业性别隔离程度较大,并且在不同产业内还有继续扩大的趋势。同时,不同地区的产业职业性别隔离也不尽相同。这些基本结论对中国制定相应的政策以推进男女平等有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

This study examines sex differences in employees’ patterns of mobility between occupations of different sex proportions between 2002 and 2003 and how occupational sex segregation in Sweden is influenced by employees’ occupational shifts. The empirical analysis is based on large-scale and nationwide data sets with a panel design. The results show that employees’ occupational shifts strengthen sex segregation across occupations, especially female ones. Moreover, when we compare employees who in 2002 were in occupations with a given sex proportion, employees shift towards more sex-typical occupations relative to employees of the opposite sex, and this is particularly true for women and older employees. The analysis also shows that whereas the outflow from occupations of certain sex proportions is sex-biased, the sex composition of the inflow of other employees is mostly equal in magnitude to the outflow, partly explaining why the level of overall occupational sex segregation remains almost unchanged between these 2 years.  相似文献   

Explaining the Motherhood Wage Penalty During the Early Occupational Career   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prior research shows that mothers earn lower hourly wages than women without children, and that this maternal wage penalty cannot be fully explained by differences between mothers and other women in work experience and job characteristics. This research examines whether the residual motherhood wage penalty results from differences between mothers and other women in the accumulation of work interruptions and breaks in schooling. Using longitudinal data for 486 women followed from ages 19 to 31 in the Minnesota Youth Development Study, we find that accumulated months not in the labor force and not enrolled in school explain the residual pay gap between mothers and other women.  相似文献   

中国职业流动中的社会不平等问题研究   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
文章从代际职业流动和代内职业流动角度,分析先赋因素(如家庭背景、户籍制度、所有制等)对职业流动的影响,从而折射出职业流动中的一些不平等。通过对数据的分析发现,尽管改革开放以来,市场因素对就业分配的配置作用越来越大,但是对职业的合理流动的制度性限制以及结构性限制依然存在,从而产生社会不平等问题。基于这样的研究,文章在政策层面提出了首先要改变职业流动过程中的制度性不平等问题,才能缩小社会不平等(包括收入差距),而职业流动起点上的不平等要通过加强对弱势群体的教育援助和社会保障来解决。  相似文献   

本文使用"中国沿海发达地区社会变迁调查"的烟台市小样本数据,通过误差分析和统计检验,对三个不同时期就业队列的职业状况,包括静态的年龄特征和时代特征,动态的代际职业变动与本人的职业变动,进行了描述性、探索性的分析.  相似文献   

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