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Correspondence to Dr David W. Jones, School of Social Science, University of East London, Barking Campus, Longbridge Road, Dagenham RM8 2AS, UK. E-mail: D.Jones{at}uel.ac.uk Summary This paper examines, in terms of a complex loss, the experiencesof people who have a family member who suffers from seriousmental illness. Whilst partnership between professionals andfamily carers is clearly being encouraged and is doubtless laudablein the whole area of health and social care, there seem to beserious obstacles to successful collaboration between familiesand professionals involved in serious mental illness. Part ofthe reason for this is that the emotional experiences of relativesare not well understood. This paper uses interview materialfrom a larger qualitative study of an ethnically diverse sampleto argue that the families of people with serious mental healthproblems need to be understood as having experienced a complexloss. The loss is complicated by (i) the continuing presenceof the person who is felt to have been lost; (ii) feelings ofanger (and subsequent guilt); and (iii) feelings of shame. Professionalswho work with families need to be aware of the uncomfortablefeelings that they are often struggling with. Professionalsare in a good position to provide support in allowing thosefeelings to be acknowledged and to take their place in the dialoguethat families need to have if they are to move on from the frustrationsof the chronic grief that others have observed (MacGregor, 1994;Wasow, 1995).  相似文献   

This commentary provides an examination of the articles within this issue with a focus on common themes throughout. Each article is briefly reviewed in the context of how it contributes to four overarching themes of current intergenerational research. The articles within this issue also have implications for developing policy that fosters intergenerational relationships. This commentary concludes with a discussion of the complex issues that arise in creating such policy and utilizes Allport's (1954) "contact hypothesis" as a framework to guide future policy work addressing the myriad of issues within the realm of intergenerational relationships.  相似文献   

The dramatic increase in life expectancy and lowered fertility, especially in more advantaged countries, has resulted in people living longer and in more complex family structures. Other important changes affecting the family include greater geographical mobility, increased racial and ethnic diversity, new patterns of immigration and identity reformulation, as well as changing work and family roles. With reduced governmental resources available, it is especially important to understand the changing nature of multigenerational family structures, functioning, and roles in individual well-being in order to maximize the effectiveness of informal and formal supports available to those in need. This special issue addresses basic factors related to multigeneration support systems that will be needed to anticipate, understand, and design support programs to cope with the challenges facing individuals in all generation positions, families, and communities in the United States and around the world.  相似文献   

A characterization of a property of binary relations is of finite type if it is stated in terms of ordered T-tuples of alternatives for some positive integer T. The concept was introduced informally by Knoblauch (2005). We give a clear, complete definition below. We prove that a characterization of finite type can be used to determine in polynomial time whether a binary relation over a finite set has the property characterized. We also prove a simple but useful nonexistence theorem and apply it to three examples.   相似文献   

Academics and professionals who aim to understand and plan for aging societies are most often younger than study participants and the benefactors of social programs themselves. However, the appropriateness of such intergenerational practice is beginning to be questioned. It has been suggested that only older people should conduct research, consult on and plan programs for older people. To understand the benefits and pitfalls of such an approach, research encounters between younger and older people will be used as examples from which to explore the question: what happens when individuals attempt to reach across age and generational boundaries? Situating age and generation as organizing principles, insights will be gleaned from the anthropological insider–outsider debate, linguistic work on age-based differences, and emotional associations and identification across age and generational boundaries. This paper argues that the ways older and younger people relate to each other may hold the potential for connection and/or conflict between the generations. Results suggest that age and generation be considered one of the many social locations that may impact the research process and outcomes. Researchers and policy makers of all ages must begin to reflect on their involvement with age and generational boundaries.  相似文献   

Intergenerational relations among in-laws are involuntary ties emerging as a consequence of marriage. As such, these relations provide a window through which the dynamics involved in restructuring social networks following life transitions may be observed. A questionnaire, based on the social convoy model, was given to an ethnically diverse sample of adults with living in-laws (N = 170), married 2–15 years. About half of the respondents included in-laws in a concentric circle network diagram of persons close and important to them. The strongest unique predictors of convoy placement for the mother-in-law were support, frequency of contact, relationship quality, and length of marriage, and for the father-in-law were support, relationship quality, and value similarity. This study sheds light on the dynamics of an intergenerational relationship that has been largely ignored in the literature, laying the groundwork for conceptualizing ways to foster positive in-law relationships as a necessary tool in managing the care of the growing numbers of elderly in the new millennium.  相似文献   

曾旭晖  李奕丰 《社会》2005,40(5):190-212
本文结合中国家庭代际关系研究注重居住安排与功能性交换的传统,从机会结构和功能实现两个维度构建了分析框架,并提出了四种代际关系的潜在类型:紧密型、工具型、独立型和扶持型。对一项全国性抽样调查数据的潜在类别分析表明,该分析框架有助力于我们理解代际关系的不同形态,并对其发展趋势有更好的认识。鉴于工具型成为主要类型以及独立型和扶持型关系的出现,代际关系呈现变迁的趋势。尽管传统的紧密型关系不占主导,但通过工具性交换或父母的扶持维持着代际的有效联结,赡养和反馈关系得以保留,体现了代际关系的延续。代际关系类型受到子代和亲代社会经济地位的显著影响,体现了社会不平等的再生产。  相似文献   

朱冬梅 《创新》2008,2(1):33-36
随着社会经济结构和家庭结构的变迁,家庭养老功能逐渐弱化,过去由家庭承担的赡养功能逐渐由社会功能来取代。调查证明,老人与子女之间在经济上、求助方式上、精神慰籍上、居住方式上仍然存在着明显的代际支持关系。在进行现代社会养老模式的选择中,应当在充分肯定和发挥家庭养老功能的基础上,积极建立和发展社会养老支持体系。  相似文献   

The chances that children have to participate in child protection services are largely contingent upon the attitudes and skills of case managers. They have a crucial role in ensuring that a child's voice is being listened to and acknowledged in often sensitive dialogues. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate what case managers need to facilitate child participation. By handing case managers a participation toolbox developed by children and through the use of reflexive monitoring in action, we elaborated on the barriers faced in practice. The results show that the intention to facilitate child participation is quickly overruled by often subconscious thoughts and beliefs, stemming from the complex interplay of child image, protection, and participation. Case managers need to be aware of this interplay and how this unknowingly steers their actions. Therefore, iterative reflection should be facilitated within organizations for an actual change in their daily practice and to amplify the role of children in the decision‐making processes within child protection services.  相似文献   

This study explores the functional variations in mother–child conversations of emotionally salient events in European‐American and Chinese families. Thirty Chinese and 31 European‐American 3‐year‐old children and their mothers participated. Mothers were asked to discuss with their children at home two specific one‐point‐in‐time events in which they both participated. One event was extremely positive to the child, one extremely stressful. American mothers initiated more interactive and elaborative conversations that focused on the child's roles and predilections in the story, and they employed a ‘cognitive approach’ to emotional regulation by providing explanations for the cause of children's feeling states. Chinese mothers took a directive role in posing and repeating memory questions and focusing on social interaction, and they used a ‘behavioral approach’ to emotional regulation by emphasizing discipline and proper conduct to their children. Findings are discussed in light of cultural influences on the functions of emotional reminiscing for self and relationship construction and emotional regulation.  相似文献   


Research has shown an association between intergenerational conflict (IC) due to acculturation and negative mental health outcomes, including depressive symptoms, among Asian and Hispanic adolescents from immigrant families. Using the data from the first survey of the Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study, which included a culturally diverse sample of second-generation immigrant children, this study examines whether attitudinal familism (AF) moderates the effect of IC on depressive symptoms among Asian and Hispanic adolescents. Latent variable interaction models involving multiple-group comparisons were established. Results show that there is a significant buffering effect (b = –.05, p < .001). Specifically, a high level of AF is generally associated with fewer depressive symptoms compared with a low level of AF. These findings may inform the development of social service programs that aim to reduce IC by exposing immigrant adolescents to more traditional cultural values. Future research implications are discussed.  相似文献   


In the United States, sex trafficking victims have been identified at ages across the lifespan but young persons (under age 25) have been found to have unique vulnerabilities. At-risk youth, such as those who run away from home or those experiencing homelessness, are also at an increased risk of sexual exploitation. To better understand the scope and complexity of sex trafficking among these at-risk youth, a convenience sample of 131 homeless youth aged 12 to 25 years old experiencing homelessness recruited from Kentuckiana youth service providers completed an enhanced version of the Youth Experiences Survey (YES). Univariate and bivariate analyses were conducted. Results indicated that 41.2% of the homeless youth were victims of sex trafficking. The sex trafficked youth were more likely to report previous self-harm behaviors, suicide attempts, and substance use. This study not only provides support for improved service delivery, but also provides essential statistics that should inform internal policy and procedures for youth serving agencies in Kentucky and Indiana. Findings highlight a need for trauma-informed interventions designed to treat not only females but also males and LGBTQ youth. Additionally, service providers should consider partnering with victim providers and clinicians to offer therapeutic groups, individual therapy, and supportive services that increase prevention, education, and wraparound care for clients. In regards to future research, findings point towards a need to better understand the role that trauma and adverse childhood experiences may play in making young people vulnerable to sex trafficking, and encourage the need for testing prevention and early intervention practices among vulnerable youth.  相似文献   

Children of combat veterans are affected to varying extents by the physical and psychological aftermath of war as experienced by the parent. Traumatic experiences exist on a continuum; trauma related messages can be communicated by a parent who does not have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. An intergenerational perspective explores the complex family processes by which those who did not experience the actual events come to exhibit varying degress of emotional, psychological and behavioral manifestations of their parents' traumatic experiences.  相似文献   

Summary Partly through political ambivalence, partly through internalcontradictions, the Children and Young Persons Act 1969 hasfailed to reconceptualize the relationship between justice andwelfare in the juvenile court. The social work role is now characterizedby the potential for role conflict and inappropriate exerciseof discretion. Nevertheless, it is argued that the Act raisesissues which must be addressed and the capacity of the ‘backto justice’ movement to do so is critically assessed.  相似文献   

冲突与认同:全球化背景下的代际关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周晓虹 《社会》2008,28(2):20-20
代是一种生物学事实,也是一种社会事实。作为社会事实的“代”或“代际关系”所以会成为问题,和社会学一样,与工业社会或现代性的出现有关——或者干脆说,代问题本质上也是一个现代性问题。进一步,20世纪代问题在全球范围内的扩展,一样是现代工业社会或资本主义体制在世界范围内推进的结果——从这个意义上说,它也是全球化的结果。文章通过对近代以来代问题的出现与加剧的探讨,指出代沟的出现或代际认同的消解,本身就是现代性或全球化的产儿。  相似文献   

张炳生 《浙江学刊》2006,6(1):145-151
中国上市公司监事会处于整体性失效状态已是不争的事实,独立董事是否具有革除中国公司积弊,改善公司治理结构的功效也不无疑问,在外部生存环境和内部股权结构没有实质性改变的背景下,极有可能使独立董事遭遇与监事会同样的命运。但监事会与独立董事并立设置已成事实,修改后的公司法也正式确认了这种架构,因此当务之急是如何厘正两机构之间的相互关系。处理两机构相互关系的基本原则应当是有所侧重,适当交叉,各司其职,相互协调,并在这一基本原则指导下设计两机构各自的职权、功能和监督手段,以保障两机构的监督功能得到最大可能的发挥。  相似文献   

This study explores Latina and White women's perceptions of their mother and father's gender-role ideologies, values, and behaviors concerning work and family intersections. Although Latino and White families in this Northern California, United States sample differed in terms of income and educational attainments, they did not differ in terms of the values they placed on work, marriage, and parenting or in terms of the time spent on work, marriage, and parenting. Among both Latino and White families, fathers and mothers were seen as quite distinct, in sex stereotypic ways. Correspondence between ideologies, values, and behaviors was not strong, either among Latinos or among Whites. It seems safe to conclude that people's attitudinal endorsement of egalitarianism does not assure behavioral endorsement.  相似文献   

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