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The problem of determining minimum sample size for the estimation of a binomial parameter with prescribed margin of error and confidence level is considered. It is assumed that available auxiliary information allows to restrict the parameter space to some interval whose left boundary is above zero. A range-preserving estimator resulting from the conditional maximization of the likelihood function is considered. A method for exact computation of minimum sample size controlling for the relative error is proposed. Several tables of minimum sample sizes for typical situations are also presented. The range-preserving estimator achieves the same precision and confidence level as the unrestricted maximum likelihood estimator but with a smaller sample.  相似文献   


We develop an exact approach for the determination of the minimum sample size for estimating a Poisson parameter such that the pre-specified levels of relative precision and confidence are guaranteed. The exact computation is made possible by reducing infinitely many evaluations of coverage probability to finitely many evaluations. The theory for supporting such a reduction is that the minimum of coverage probability with respect to the parameter in an interval is attained at a discrete set of finitely many elements. Computational mechanisms have been developed to further reduce the computational complexity. An explicit bound for the minimum sample size is established.  相似文献   

We investigate the sample size problem when a binomial parameter is to be estimated, but some degree of misclassification is possible. The problem is especially challenging when the degree to which misclassification occurs is not exactly known. Motivated by a Canadian survey of the prevalence of toxoplasmosis infection in pregnant women, we examine the situation where it is desired that a marginal posterior credible interval for the prevalence of width w has coverage 1−α, using a Bayesian sample size criterion. The degree to which the misclassification probabilities are known a priori can have a very large effect on sample size requirements, and in some cases achieving a coverage of 1−α is impossible, even with an infinite sample size. Therefore, investigators must carefully evaluate the degree to which misclassification can occur when estimating sample size requirements.  相似文献   

Binomial trial sample size specification depends upon the values of the unknown response rate parameters, as well as upon the size and power of the resulting test. In practice, the values assumed for these parameters are based upon the results of previous or pilot trials, or upon the investigator's prior knowledge or belief. In either case, there is some uncertainty associated with these values that should be taken into account if the sample sizes are to be specified realistically. This paper describes a procedure for incorporating this uncertainty explicitly into the sample size determination on the basis of joint confidence distributions obtained from the pilot or prior information.  相似文献   


For interval estimation of a binomial proportion and a Poisson mean, matching pseudocounts are derived, which give the one-sided Wald confidence intervals with second-order accuracy. The confidence intervals remove the bias of coverage probabilities given by the score confidence intervals. Partial poor behavior of the confidence intervals by the matching pseudocounts is corrected by hybrid methods using the score confidence interval depending on sample values.  相似文献   

In experiments designed to estimate a binomial parameter, sample sizes are often calculated to ensure that the point estimate will be within a desired distance from the true value with sufficiently high probability. Since exact calculations resulting from the standard formulation of this problem can be difficult, “conservative” and/or normal approximations are frequently used. In this paper, some problems with the current formulation are given, and a modified criterion that leads to some improvement is provided. A simple algorithm that calculates the exact sample sizes under the modified criterion is provided, and these sample sizes are compared to those given by the standard approximate criterion, as well as to an exact conservative Bayesian criterion.  相似文献   

In this article we examine sample size calculations for a binomial proportion based on the confidence interval width of the Agresti–Coull, Wald and Wilson Score intervals. We pointed out that the commonly used methods based on known and fixed standard errors cannot guarantee the desired confidence interval width given a hypothesized proportion. Therefore, a new adjusted sample size calculation method was introduced, which is based on the conditional expectation of the width of the confidence interval given the hypothesized proportion. With the reduced sample size, the coverage probability can still maintain at the nominal level and is very competitive to the converge probability for the original sample size.  相似文献   

Using historical data for Bayesian sample size determination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary.  We consider the sample size determination (SSD) problem, which is a basic yet extremely important aspect of experimental design. Specifically, we deal with the Bayesian approach to SSD, which gives researchers the possibility of taking into account pre-experimental information and uncertainty on unknown parameters. At the design stage, this fact offers the advantage of removing or mitigating typical drawbacks of classical methods, which might lead to serious miscalculation of the sample size. In this context, the leading idea is to choose the minimal sample size that guarantees a probabilistic control on the performance of quantities that are derived from the posterior distribution and used for inference on parameters of interest. We are concerned with the use of historical data—i.e. observations from previous similar studies—for SSD. We illustrate how the class of power priors can be fruitfully employed to deal with lack of homogeneity between historical data and observations of the upcoming experiment. This problem, in fact, determines the necessity of discounting prior information and of evaluating the effect of heterogeneity on the optimal sample size. Some of the most popular Bayesian SSD methods are reviewed and their use, in concert with power priors, is illustrated in several medical experimental contexts.  相似文献   

Recombinant binomial trees are binary trees where each non-leaf node has two child nodes, but adjacent parents share a common child node. Such trees arise in option pricing in finance. For example, an option can be valued by evaluating the expected payoffs with respect to random paths in the tree. The cost to exactly compute expected values over random paths grows exponentially in the depth of the tree, rendering a serial computation of one branch at a time impractical. We propose a parallelization method that transforms the calculation of the expected value into an embarrassingly parallel problem by mapping the branches of the binomial tree to the processes in a multiprocessor computing environment. We also discuss a parallel Monte Carlo method and verify the convergence and the variance reduction behavior by simulation study. Performance results from R and Julia implementations are compared on a distributed computing cluster.  相似文献   

For the Poisson a posterior distribution for the complete sample size, N, is derived from an incomplete sample when any specified subset of the classes are missing.Means as well as other posterior characteristics of N are obtained for two examples with various classes removed. For the special case of a truncated ‘missing zero class’ Poisson sample a simulation experiment is performed for the small ‘N=25’ sample situation applying both Bayesian and maximum likelihood methods of estimation.  相似文献   

不同总体量和样本量时如何计算比例的置信区间   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在总体或者总体子集不大情况下的抽样调查中,往往不易得出合理的关于比例的区间估计。这一类问题在抽样调查实践中已经严重到非说不可的地步。文章讨论了在样本量不大或者(和)在总体不大时估计比例的置信区间时往往忽略的问题,并给出了在不同情况下如何计算置信区间的方法。  相似文献   


We consider the problem of parameter estimation by the observations of the inhomogeneous Poisson processes. We suppose that the intensity function of these processes is a smooth function of the unknown parameter and as a method of estimation we take the minimum distance approach. We are interested by the behavior of estimators in non Hilbertian situation and we define the minimum distance estimation (MDE) with the help of the Lp metrics. We show that (under regularity conditions) the MDE is consistent and we describe its limit distribution.  相似文献   

The poor performance of the Wald method for constructing confidence intervals (CIs) for a binomial proportion has been demonstrated in a vast literature. The related problem of sample size determination needs to be updated and comparative studies are essential to understanding the performance of alternative methods. In this paper, the sample size is obtained for the Clopper–Pearson, Bayesian (Uniform and Jeffreys priors), Wilson, Agresti–Coull, Anscombe, and Wald methods. Two two-step procedures are used: one based on the expected length (EL) of the CI and another one on its first-order approximation. In the first step, all possible solutions that satisfy the optimal criterion are obtained. In the second step, a single solution is proposed according to a new criterion (e.g. highest coverage probability (CP)). In practice, it is expected a sample size reduction, therefore, we explore the behavior of the methods admitting 30% and 50% of losses. For all the methods, the ELs are inflated, as expected, but the coverage probabilities remain close to the original target (with few exceptions). It is not easy to suggest a method that is optimal throughout the range (0, 1) for p. Depending on whether the goal is to achieve CP approximately or above the nominal level different recommendations are made.  相似文献   

This paper considers confidence intervals for the difference of two binomial proportions. Some currently used approaches are discussed. A new approach is proposed. Under several generally used criteria, these approaches are thoroughly compared. The widely used Wald confidence interval (CI) is far from satisfactory, while the Newcombe's CI, new recentered CI and score CI have very good performance. Recommendations for which approach is applicable under different situations are given.  相似文献   

Estimation of the prior distribution of the binomial parameter nbased on a system of orthogonal polynomials, the Poisson-Charlier polynomials, is studied. It is shown that the resulting estimator is mean squared consistent with rate O(N ε-1), where Nis the sample size and ε> 0 is arbitrarily small.  相似文献   

We revisit the classic problem of estimation of the binomial parameters when both parameters n,p are unknown. We start with a series of results that illustrate the fundamental difficulties in the problem. Specifically, we establish lack of unbiased estimates for essentially any functions of just n or just p. We also quantify just how badly biased the sample maximum is as an estimator of n. Then, we motivate and present two new estimators of n. One is a new moment estimate and the other is a bias correction of the sample maximum. Both are easy to motivate, compute, and jackknife. The second estimate frequently beats most common estimates of n in the simulations, including the Carroll–Lombard estimate. This estimate is very promising. We end with a family of estimates for p; a specific one from the family is compared to the presently common estimate and the improvements in mean-squared error are often very significant. In all cases, the asymptotics are derived in one domain. Some other possible estimates such as a truncated MLE and empirical Bayes methods are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Bayes estimation of the binomial parameter n based on a general prior distribution for n is studied. As special cases improper prior and Poisson prior (which is a natural choice) are considered, and formulae for the marginal and posterior distributions are obtained. It is shown that the assumption of improper priors in both p and n leads to implausible results.  相似文献   

In drug development, bioequivalence studies are used to indirectly demonstrate clinical equivalence of a test formulation and a reference formulation of a specific drug by establishing their equivalence in bioavailability. These studies are typically run as crossover studies. In the planning phase of such trials, investigators and sponsors are often faced with a high variability in the coefficients of variation of the typical pharmacokinetic endpoints such as the area under the concentration curve or the maximum plasma concentration. Adaptive designs have recently been considered to deal with this uncertainty by adjusting the sample size based on the accumulating data. Because regulators generally favor sample size re‐estimation procedures that maintain the blinding of the treatment allocations throughout the trial, we propose in this paper a blinded sample size re‐estimation strategy and investigate its error rates. We show that the procedure, although blinded, can lead to some inflation of the type I error rate. In the context of an example, we demonstrate how this inflation of the significance level can be adjusted for to achieve control of the type I error rate at a pre‐specified level. Furthermore, some refinements of the re‐estimation procedure are proposed to improve the power properties, in particular in scenarios with small sample sizes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Small sample properties of seven confidence intervals for the binomial parameterp (based on various normal approximations) and of the Clopper-Pearson interval are compared. Coverage probabilities and expected lower and upper limits of the intervals are graphically displayed as functions of the binomial parameterp for various sample sizes.  相似文献   

Summary.  The identification of factors that increase the chances of a certain disease is one of the classical and central issues in epidemiology. In this context, a typical measure of the association between a disease and risk factor is the odds ratio. We deal with design problems that arise for Bayesian inference on the odds ratio in the analysis of case–control studies. We consider sample size determination and allocation criteria for both interval estimation and hypothesis testing. These criteria are then employed to determine the sample size and proportions of units to be assigned to cases and controls for planning a study on the association between the incidence of a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and exposition to pesticides by eliciting prior information from a previous study.  相似文献   

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