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We consider a general class of prior distributions for nonparametric Bayesian estimation which uses finite random series with a random number of terms. A prior is constructed through distributions on the number of basis functions and the associated coefficients. We derive a general result on adaptive posterior contraction rates for all smoothness levels of the target function in the true model by constructing an appropriate ‘sieve’ and applying the general theory of posterior contraction rates. We apply this general result on several statistical problems such as density estimation, various nonparametric regressions, classification, spectral density estimation and functional regression. The prior can be viewed as an alternative to the commonly used Gaussian process prior, but properties of the posterior distribution can be analysed by relatively simpler techniques. An interesting approximation property of B‐spline basis expansion established in this paper allows a canonical choice of prior on coefficients in a random series and allows a simple computational approach without using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. A simulation study is conducted to show that the accuracy of the Bayesian estimators based on the random series prior and the Gaussian process prior are comparable. We apply the method on Tecator data using functional regression models.  相似文献   


Nonstandard mixtures are those that result from a mixture of a discrete and a continuous random variable. They arise in practice, for example, in medical studies of exposure. Here, a random variable that models exposure might have a discrete mass point at no exposure, but otherwise may be continuous. In this article we explore estimating the distribution function associated with such a random variable from a nonparametric viewpoint. We assume that the locations of the discrete mass points are known so that we will be able to apply a classical nonparametric smoothing approach to the problem. The proposed estimator is a mixture of an empirical distribution function and a kernel estimate of a distribution function. A simple theoretical argument reveals that existing bandwidth selection algorithms can be applied to the smooth component of this estimator as well. The proposed approach is applied to two example sets of data.  相似文献   

The paper considers high‐frequency sampled multivariate continuous‐time autoregressive moving average (MCARMA) models and derives the asymptotic behaviour of the sample autocovariance function to a normal random matrix. Moreover, we obtain the asymptotic behaviour of the cross‐covariances between different components of the model. We will see that the limit distribution of the sample autocovariance function has a similar structure in the continuous‐time and in the discrete‐time model. As a special case, we consider a CARMA (one‐dimensional MCARMA) process. For a CARMA process, we prove Bartlett's formula for the sample autocorrelation function. Bartlett's formula has the same form in both models; only the sums in the discrete‐time model are exchanged by integrals in the continuous‐time model. Finally, we present limit results for multivariate MA processes as well, which are not known in this generality in the multivariate setting yet.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for estimating the covariance structure of a nonparametric estimator for the reduced second moment measure, K(s) , of a homogeneous planar Poisson process. The method relies on the invariance of the reduced second moment measure to random thinning, and the known covariance structure of the estimator under random sampling from a fixed set of points. The possible extension of the method to stationary Cox processes is discussed.  相似文献   

We study nonparametric estimation with two types of data structures. In the first data structure n i.i.d. copies of (C, N(C)) are observed, where N is a finite state counting process jumping at time-variables of interest and C a random monitoring time. In the second data structure n i.i.d. copies of (C ∧ T, I (T ≤ C), N(C ∧ T)) are observed, where N is a counting process with a final jump at time T (e.g., death). This data structure includes observing right-censored data on T and a marker variable at the censoring time.In these data structures, easy to compute estimators, namely (weighted)-pool-adjacent-violator estimators for the marginal distributions of the unobservable time variables, and the Kaplan-Meier estimator for the time T till the final observable event, are available. These estimators ignore seemingly important information in the data. In this paper we prove that, at many continuous data generating distributions the ad hoc estimators yield asymptotically efficient estimators of [Formula: see text]-estimable parameters.  相似文献   

A novel class of hierarchical nonparametric Bayesian survival regression models for time-to-event data with uninformative right censoring is introduced. The survival curve is modeled as a random function whose prior distribution is defined using the beta-Stacy (BS) process. The prior mean of each survival probability and its prior variance are linked to a standard parametric survival regression model. This nonparametric survival regression can thus be anchored to any reference parametric form, such as a proportional hazards or an accelerated failure time model, allowing substantial departures of the predictive survival probabilities when the reference model is not supported by the data. Also, under this formulation the predictive survival probabilities will be close to the empirical survival distribution near the mode of the reference model and they will be shrunken towards its probability density in the tails of the empirical distribution.  相似文献   

Theory in time series analysis is often developed under the assumption of finite-dimensional models for the data generating process. Whereas corresponding estimators such as those of a conditional mean function are reasonable even if the true dependence mechanism is more complex, it is usually necessary to capture the whole dependence structure asymptotically for the bootstrap to be valid. In contrast, we show that certain simplified bootstrap schemes which imitate only some aspects of the time series are consistent for quantities arising in nonparametric statistics. To this end, we generalize the well-known "whitening by windowing" principle to joint distributions of nonparametric estimators of the autoregression function. Consequently, we obtain that model-based nonparametric bootstrap schemes remain valid for supremum-type functionals as long as they mimic those finite-dimensional joint distributions consistently which determine the quantity of interest. As an application, we show that simple regression-type bootstrap schemes can be applied for the determination of critical values for nonparametric tests of parametric or semiparametric hypotheses on the autoregression function in the context of a general process.  相似文献   

Summary.  We consider the problem of combining inference in related nonparametric Bayes models. Analogous to parametric hierarchical models, the hierarchical extension formalizes borrowing strength across the related submodels. In the nonparametric context, modelling is complicated by the fact that the random quantities over which we define the hierarchy are infinite dimensional. We discuss a formal definition of such a hierarchical model. The approach includes a regression at the level of the nonparametric model. For the special case of Dirichlet process mixtures, we develop a Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme to allow efficient implementation of full posterior inference in the given model.  相似文献   

The Bayesian approach to inference stands out for naturally allowing borrowing information across heterogeneous populations, with different samples possibly sharing the same distribution. A popular Bayesian nonparametric model for clustering probability distributions is the nested Dirichlet process, which however has the drawback of grouping distributions in a single cluster when ties are observed across samples. With the goal of achieving a flexible and effective clustering method for both samples and observations, we investigate a nonparametric prior that arises as the composition of two different discrete random structures and derive a closed-form expression for the induced distribution of the random partition, the fundamental tool regulating the clustering behavior of the model. On the one hand, this allows to gain a deeper insight into the theoretical properties of the model and, on the other hand, it yields an MCMC algorithm for evaluating Bayesian inferences of interest. Moreover, we single out limitations of this algorithm when working with more than two populations and, consequently, devise an alternative more efficient sampling scheme, which as a by-product, allows testing homogeneity between different populations. Finally, we perform a comparison with the nested Dirichlet process and provide illustrative examples of both synthetic and real data.  相似文献   

We establish weak and strong posterior consistency of Gaussian process priors studied by Lenk [1988. The logistic normal distribution for Bayesian, nonparametric, predictive densities. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 83 (402), 509–516] for density estimation. Weak consistency is related to the support of a Gaussian process in the sup-norm topology which is explicitly identified for many covariance kernels. In fact we show that this support is the space of all continuous functions when the usual covariance kernels are chosen and an appropriate prior is used on the smoothing parameters of the covariance kernel. We then show that a large class of Gaussian process priors achieve weak as well as strong posterior consistency (under some regularity conditions) at true densities that are either continuous or piecewise continuous.  相似文献   

A variety of nonparametric and parametric methods have been used to estimate the mean cumulative function (MCF) for the recurrence data collected from the counting process. When the recurrence histories of some units are available in disconnected observation windows with gaps in between, Zuo et al. (2008) showed that both the nonparametric and parametric methods can be extended to estimate the MCF. In this article, we establish some asymptotic properties of the MCF estimators for the window-observation recurrence data.  相似文献   

Degradation analysis is a useful technique when life tests result in few or even no failures. The degradation measurements are recorded over time and the estimation of time-to-failure distribution plays a vital role in degradation analysis. The parametric method to estimate the time-to-failure distribution assumed a specific parametric model with known shape for the random effects parameter. To avoid any assumption about the model shape, a nonparametric method can be used. In this paper, we suggest to use the nonparametric fourth-order kernel method to estimate the time-to-failure distribution and its percentiles for the simple linear degradation model. The performances of the proposed method are investigated and compared with the classical kernel; maximum likelihood and ordinary least squares methods via simulation technique. The numerical results show the good performance of the fourth-order kernel method and demonstrate its superiority over the parametric method when there is no information about the shape of the random effect parameter distribution.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a mixed compound Poisson process, that is, a random sum of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables where the number of terms is a Poisson process with random intensity. We study nonparametric estimators of the jump density by specific deconvolution methods. Firstly, assuming that the random intensity has exponential distribution with unknown expectation, we propose two types of estimators based on the observation of an i.i.d. sample. Risks bounds and adaptive procedures are provided. Then, with no assumption on the distribution of the random intensity, we propose two non‐parametric estimators of the jump density based on the joint observation of the number of jumps and the random sum of jumps. Risks bounds are provided, leading to unusual rates for one of the two estimators. The methods are implemented and compared via simulations.  相似文献   

Summary This paper introduces a Bayesian nonparametric estimator for an unknown distribution function based on left censored observations. Hjort (1990)/Lo (1993) introduced Bayesian nonparametric estimators derived from beta/beta-neutral processes which allow for right censoring. These processes are taken as priors from the class ofneutral to the right processes (Doksum, 1974). The Kaplan-Meier nonparametric product limit estimator can be obtained from these Bayesian nonparametric estimators in the limiting case of a vague prior. The present paper introduces what can be seen as the correspondingleft beta/beta-neutral process prior which allow for left censoring. The Bayesian nonparametyric estimator is obtained as in the corresponding product limit estimator based on left censored data.  相似文献   

Grouped survival data with possible interval censoring arise in a variety of settings. This paper presents nonparametric Bayes methods for the analysis of such data. The random cumulative hazard, common to every subject, is assumed to be a realization of a Lévy process. A time-discrete beta process, introduced by Hjort, is considered for modeling the prior process. A sampling-based Monte Carlo algorithm is used to find posterior estimates of several quantities of interest. The methodology presented here is used to check further modeling assumptions. Also, the methodology developed in this paper is illustrated with data for the times to cosmetic deterioration of breast-cancer patients. An extension of the methodology is presented to deal with two interval-censored times in tandem data (as with some AIDS incubation data).  相似文献   

In this paper we provide three nonparametric tests of independence between continuous random variables based on the Bernstein copula distribution function and the Bernstein copula density function. The first test is constructed based on a Cramér-von Mises divergence-type functional based on the empirical Bernstein copula process. The two other tests are based on the Bernstein copula density and use Cramér-von Mises and Kullback–Leibler divergence-type functionals, respectively. Furthermore, we study the asymptotic null distribution of each of these test statistics. Finally, we consider a Monte Carlo experiment to investigate the performance of our tests. In particular we examine their size and power which we compare with those of the classical nonparametric tests that are based on the empirical distribution function.  相似文献   

Summary. We show that difference-based methods can be used to construct simple and explicit estimators of error covariance and autoregressive parameters in nonparametric regression with time series errors. When the error process is Gaussian our estimators are efficient, but they are available well beyond the Gaussian case. As an illustration of their usefulness we show that difference-based estimators can be used to produce a simplified version of time series cross-validation. This new approach produces a bandwidth selector that is equivalent, to both first and second orders, to that given by the full time series cross-validation algorithm. Other applications of difference-based methods are to variance estimation and construction of confidence bands in nonparametric regression.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the use of the Bernstein–Dirichlet process prior for a new nonparametric approach to estimating the link function in the single-index model (SIM). The Bernstein–Dirichlet process prior has so far mainly been used for nonparametric density estimation. Here we modify this approach to allow for an approximation of the unknown link function. Instead of the usual Gaussian distribution, the error term is assumed to be asymmetric Laplace distributed which increases the flexibility and robustness of the SIM. To automatically identify truly active predictors, spike-and-slab priors are used for Bayesian variable selection. Posterior computations are performed via a Metropolis-Hastings-within-Gibbs sampler using a truncation-based algorithm for stick-breaking priors. We compare the efficiency of the proposed approach with well-established techniques in an extensive simulation study and illustrate its practical performance by an application to nonparametric modelling of the power consumption in a sewage treatment plant.  相似文献   

In the presence of covariate information, the proportional hazards model is one of the most popular models. In this paper, in a Bayesian nonparametric framework, we use a Markov (Lévy-driven) process to model the baseline hazard rate. Previous Bayesian nonparametric models have been based on neutral to the right processes, which have a number of drawbacks, such as discreteness of the cumulative hazard function. We allow the covariates to be time dependent functions and develop a full posterior analysis via substitution sampling. A detailed illustration is presented.  相似文献   

Using reinforced processes related to beta-Stacy process and generalized Pólya urn scheme jointly with a structure assumption about dependence, a Bayesian nonparametric prior and a predictive estimator for a multivariate survival function are provided. This estimator can be computed through an easy implementation of a Gibbs sampler algorithm. Moreover consistency of the estimator is studied.  相似文献   

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