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刘淳  金洪飞  潘慧峰 《统计研究》2010,27(11):88-94
 波动率模型中结构化变点的识别一直是计量经济学中一个备受关注但却很困难的问题。本文将贝叶斯方法引入波动率模型中,并使用边际似然函数的方法来识别模型变点,避免了传统计量方法中缺陷。此外,通过在对两种边际似然函数的计算方法的对比,我们发现这两种方法在进行模型比较和模型选择时都非常有效。实证研究中,本文使用了美国股票市场的数据,有效的识别出美国股市中的结构化变化的次数和变点发生的时间,并对美国股市结构化变动的原因进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

A general model is proposed for flexibly estimating the density of a continuous response variable conditional on a possibly high-dimensional set of covariates. The model is a finite mixture of asymmetric student t densities with covariate-dependent mixture weights. The four parameters of the components, the mean, degrees of freedom, scale and skewness, are all modeled as functions of the covariates. Inference is Bayesian and the computation is carried out using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation. To enable model parsimony, a variable selection prior is used in each set of covariates and among the covariates in the mixing weights. The model is used to analyze the distribution of daily stock market returns, and shown to more accurately forecast the distribution of returns than other widely used models for financial data.  相似文献   

This paper develops Bayesian inference of extreme value models with a flexible time-dependent latent structure. The generalized extreme value distribution is utilized to incorporate state variables that follow an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) process with Gumbel-distributed innovations. The time-dependent extreme value distribution is combined with heavy-tailed error terms. An efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is proposed using a state-space representation with a finite mixture of normal distributions to approximate the Gumbel distribution. The methodology is illustrated by simulated data and two different sets of real data. Monthly minima of daily returns of stock price index, and monthly maxima of hourly electricity demand are fit to the proposed model and used for model comparison. Estimation results show the usefulness of the proposed model and methodology, and provide evidence that the latent autoregressive process and heavy-tailed errors play an important role to describe the monthly series of minimum stock returns and maximum electricity demand.  相似文献   

We propose a simulation-based Bayesian approach to the analysis of long memory stochastic volatility models, stationary and nonstationary. The main tool used to reduce the likelihood function to a tractable form is an approximate state-space representation of the model, A data set of stock market returns is analyzed with the proposed method. The approach taken here allows a quantitative assessment of the empirical evidence in favor of the stationarity, or nonstationarity, of the instantaneous volatility of the data.  相似文献   

In the area of finance, the stochastic volatility (SV) model is a useful tool for modelling stock market returns. However, there is evidence that asymmetric behaviour of stock returns exists. A threshold SV (THSV) model is provided to capture this behaviour. In this study, we introduce a robust model created through empirical Bayesian analysis to deal with the uncertainty between the SV and THSV models. A Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is applied to empirically select the hyperparameters of the prior distribution. Furthermore, the value at risk from the resulting predictive distribution is also given. Simulation studies show that the proposed empirical Bayes model not only clarifies the acceptability of prediction but also reduces the risk of model uncertainty.  相似文献   

Structural equation models (SEM) have been extensively used in behavioral, social, and psychological research to model relations between the latent variables and the observations. Most software packages for the fitting of SEM rely on frequentist methods. Traditional models and software are not appropriate for analysis of the dependent observations such as time-series data. In this study, a structural equation model with a time series feature is introduced. A Bayesian approach is used to solve the model with the aid of the Markov chain Monte Carlo method. Bayesian inferences as well as prediction with the proposed time series structural equation model can also reveal certain unobserved relationships among the observations. The approach is successfully employed using real Asian, American and European stock return data.  相似文献   

近年来以风险平价为代表的基于风险的配置模型广为流行。这些模型的一大特点是放弃回报信息。而以均值方差模型代表的基于回报的配置模型则认为回报很重要而且默认对回报的预测是准确的。这两种做法都有问题。考虑到回报的可预测性得到了大量经验研究的支持,那么对于基于风险的配置模型而言,完全放弃回报则意味着有关回报的有用信息得不到充分利用。对于基于回报的配置模型而言,不考虑参数估计误差而且对输入参数敏感的缺点也大大抵消了它们利用回报信息带来的好处。那么,回报是否重要以及应该如何使用回报成了资产配置研究所面临的一个重大问题。为此,本文提出以风险平价为配置基准,以贝叶斯VAR回报预测为主观观点的Black-Litterman(贝叶斯BL)模型回答这一命题。利用1952-2016年的美国股票和债券季度数据,本文将贝叶斯BL模型与现有配置模型进行比较研究。实证结果表明,相比基于回报的配置模型,贝叶斯BL模型降低了组合风险;相比基于风险的配置模型,贝叶斯BL模型增强了组合回报。这些特性来自于它既能利用回报可预测性带来的有用信息,又能够发挥基于风险的配置模型在控制风险方面的优势。因此该模型表现出增强回报和控制风险兼具的特点,是一条具有潜力的资产配置新方案。  相似文献   

Economic modeling in the presence of endogeneity is subject to model uncertainty at both the instrument and covariate level. We propose a Two-Stage Bayesian Model Averaging (2SBMA) methodology that extends the Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) estimator. By constructing a Two-Stage Unit Information Prior in the endogenous variable model, we are able to efficiently combine established methods for addressing model uncertainty in regression models with the classic technique of 2SLS. To assess the validity of instruments in the 2SBMA context, we develop Bayesian tests of the identification restriction that are based on model averaged posterior predictive p-values. A simulation study showed that 2SBMA has the ability to recover structure in both the instrument and covariate set, and substantially improves the sharpness of resulting coefficient estimates in comparison to 2SLS using the full specification in an automatic fashion. Due to the increased parsimony of the 2SBMA estimate, the Bayesian Sargan test had a power of 50% in detecting a violation of the exogeneity assumption, while the method based on 2SLS using the full specification had negligible power. We apply our approach to the problem of development accounting, and find support not only for institutions, but also for geography and integration as development determinants, once both model uncertainty and endogeneity have been jointly addressed.  相似文献   

This article uses Bayesian marginal likelihood analysis to compare univariate models of the stock return behavior and test for structural breaks in the equity premium. The analysis favors a model that relates the equity premium to Markov-switching changes in the level of market volatility and accommodates volatility feedback. For this model, there is evidence of a one-time structural break in the equity premium in the 1940s, with no evidence of additional breaks in the postwar period. The break in the 1940s corresponds to a permanent reduction in the general level of stock market volatility. Meanwhile, there appears to be no change in the underlying risk preferences relating the equity premium to market volatility. The estimated unconditional equity premium drops from an annualized 12% before to the break to 9% after the break.  相似文献   

This paper extends the class of asset-based style factor models with multiple structural breaks to the multivariate setting. We propose a model that allows for the presence of common breaks in a system of factor models for individual hedge fund investment strategies, which share common investment characteristics. We develop a Bayesian approach to inference for the unknown number and positions of the structural breaks, based on a set of filtering recursions similar to those of the forward–backward algorithm. Furthermore, we identify relevant risk factors, common among the series of hedge funds, using a Bayesian model comparison approach. We apply our method to a set of correlated hedge fund strategies, which are mainly characterized by equity related bets. Multiple common breaks are identified, consistent with well-known market events, which reveal evidence for structural changes in the risk exposures as well as in the correlation structure of the analysed series.  相似文献   

 内容提要:中国股指期货的推出指日可待,交易者多了一种投资工具的同时也带来了新的风险。建立准确的金融时间序列预测模型是逐利及避险的方法之一,一直是学者专家研究的热点。本研究结合小波转换与支持向量回归,提出一个二阶段时间序列预测模型。先以离散小波框架将预测变量分解成不同尺度的多个子序列,揭示隐藏在预测变量内的信息,再以支持向量回归为工具,以这些子序列为预测变量建构SVR模型。本研究以日经225指数开盘价为预测目标,以期货开盘价为预测变量对模型进行实证研究,结果显示,该模型的预测绩效比单纯SVR模型及随机漫步模型好。未来可尝试以不同的基底函数作进一步研究。  相似文献   

We propose a simulation-based Bayesian approach to analyze multivariate time series with possible common long-range dependent factors. A state-space approach is used to represent the likelihood function in a tractable manner. The approach taken here allows for extension to fit a non-Gaussian multivariate stochastic volatility (MVSV) model with common long-range dependent components. The method is illustrated for a set of stock returns for companies having similar annual sales.  相似文献   

We develop a Bayesian approach for parsimoniously estimating the correlation structure of the errors in a multivariate stochastic volatility model. Since the number of parameters in the joint correlation matrix of the return and volatility errors is potentially very large, we impose a prior that allows the off-diagonal elements of the inverse of the correlation matrix to be identically zero. The model is estimated using a Markov chain simulation method that samples from the posterior distribution of the volatilities and parameters. We illustrate the approach using both simulated and real examples. In the real examples, the method is applied to equities at three levels of aggregation: returns for firms within the same industry, returns for different industries, and returns aggregated at the index level. We find pronounced correlation effects only at the highest level of aggregation.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a hysteretic autoregressive model with GARCH specification and a skew Student's t-error distribution for financial time series. With an integrated hysteresis zone, this model allows both the conditional mean and conditional volatility switching in a regime to be delayed when the hysteresis variable lies in a hysteresis zone. We perform Bayesian estimation via an adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling scheme. The proposed Bayesian method allows simultaneous inferences for all unknown parameters, including threshold values and a delay parameter. To implement model selection, we propose a numerical approximation of the marginal likelihoods to posterior odds. The proposed methodology is illustrated using simulation studies and two major Asia stock basis series. We conduct a model comparison for variant hysteresis and threshold GARCH models based on the posterior odds ratios, finding strong evidence of the hysteretic effect and some asymmetric heavy-tailness. Versus multi-regime threshold GARCH models, this new collection of models is more suitable to describe real data sets. Finally, we employ Bayesian forecasting methods in a Value-at-Risk study of the return series.  相似文献   

We develop a Bayesian approach for parsimoniously estimating the correlation structure of the errors in a multivariate stochastic volatility model. Since the number of parameters in the joint correlation matrix of the return and volatility errors is potentially very large, we impose a prior that allows the off-diagonal elements of the inverse of the correlation matrix to be identically zero. The model is estimated using a Markov chain simulation method that samples from the posterior distribution of the volatilities and parameters. We illustrate the approach using both simulated and real examples. In the real examples, the method is applied to equities at three levels of aggregation: returns for firms within the same industry, returns for different industries, and returns aggregated at the index level. We find pronounced correlation effects only at the highest level of aggregation.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a Bayesian approach to estimate the multiple structural change-points in a level and the trend when the number of change-points is unknown. Our formulation of the structural-change model involves a binary discrete variable that indicates the structural change. The determination of the number and the form of structural changes are considered as a model selection issue in Bayesian structural-change analysis. We apply an advanced Monte Carlo algorithm, the stochastic approximation Monte Carlo (SAMC) algorithm, to this structural-change model selection issue. SAMC effectively functions for the complex structural-change model estimation, since it prevents entrapment in local posterior mode. The estimation of the model parameters in each regime is made using the Gibbs sampler after each change-point is detected. The performance of our proposed method has been investigated on simulated and real data sets, a long time series of US real gross domestic product, US uses of force between 1870 and 1994 and 1-year time series of temperature in Seoul, South Korea.  相似文献   

Summary.  Health economic decision models are subject to considerable uncertainty, much of which arises from choices between several plausible model structures, e.g. choices of covariates in a regression model. Such structural uncertainty is rarely accounted for formally in decision models but can be addressed by model averaging. We discuss the most common methods of averaging models and the principles underlying them. We apply them to a comparison of two surgical techniques for repairing abdominal aortic aneurysms. In model averaging, competing models are usually either weighted by using an asymptotically consistent model assessment criterion, such as the Bayesian information criterion, or a measure of predictive ability, such as Akaike's information criterion. We argue that the predictive approach is more suitable when modelling the complex underlying processes of interest in health economics, such as individual disease progression and response to treatment.  相似文献   


Item response models are essential tools for analyzing results from many educational and psychological tests. Such models are used to quantify the probability of correct response as a function of unobserved examinee ability and other parameters explaining the difficulty and the discriminatory power of the questions in the test. Some of these models also incorporate a threshold parameter for the probability of the correct response to account for the effect of guessing the correct answer in multiple choice type tests. In this article we consider fitting of such models using the Gibbs sampler. A data augmentation method to analyze a normal-ogive model incorporating a threshold guessing parameter is introduced and compared with a Metropolis-Hastings sampling method. The proposed method is an order of magnitude more efficient than the existing method. Another objective of this paper is to develop Bayesian model choice techniques for model discrimination. A predictive approach based on a variant of the Bayes factor is used and compared with another decision theoretic method which minimizes an expected loss function on the predictive space. A classical model choice technique based on a modified likelihood ratio test statistic is shown as one component of the second criterion. As a consequence the Bayesian methods proposed in this paper are contrasted with the classical approach based on the likelihood ratio test. Several examples are given to illustrate the methods.  相似文献   

罗幼喜  张敏  田茂再 《统计研究》2020,37(2):105-118
本文在贝叶斯分析的框架下讨论了面板数据的可加模型分位回归建模方法。首先通过低秩薄板惩罚样条展开和个体效应虚拟变量的引进将非参数模型转换为参数模型,然后在假定随机误差项服从非对称Laplace分布的基础上建立了贝叶斯分层分位回归模型。通过对非对称Laplace分布的分解,论文给出了所有待估参数的条件后验分布,并构造了待估参数的 Gibbs抽样估计算法。计算机模拟仿真结果显示,新提出的方法相比于传统的可加模型均值回归方法在估计稳健性上明显占优。最后以消费支出面板数据为例研究了我国农村居民收入结构对消费支出的影响,发现对于农村居民来说,无论是高、中、低消费群体,工资性收入与经营净收入的增加对其消费支出的正向刺激作用更为明显。进一步,相比于高消费农村居民人群,低消费农村居民人群随着收入的增加消费支出上升速度较为缓慢。  相似文献   

In this article, we study model selection and model averaging in quantile regression. Under general conditions, we develop a focused information criterion and a frequentist model average estimator for the parameters in quantile regression model, and examine their theoretical properties. The new procedures provide a robust alternative to the least squares method or likelihood method, and a major advantage of the proposed procedures is that when the variance of random error is infinite, the proposed procedure works beautifully while the least squares method breaks down. A simulation study and a real data example are presented to show that the proposed method performs well with a finite sample and is easy to use in practice.  相似文献   

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