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There are various techniques for dealing with incomplete data; some are computationally highly intensive and others are not as computationally intensive, while all may be comparable in their efficiencies. In spite of these developments, analysis using only the complete data subset is performed when using popular statistical software. In an attempt to demonstrate the efficiencies and advantages of using all available data, we compared several approaches that are relatively simple but efficient alternatives to those using the complete data subset for analyzing repeated measures data with missing values, under the assumption of a multivariate normal distribution of the data. We also assumed that the missing values occur in a monotonic pattern and completely at random. The incomplete data procedure is demonstrated to be more powerful than the procedure of using the complete data subset, generally when the within-subject correlation gets large. One other principal finding is that even with small sample data, for which various covariance models may be indistinguishable, the empirical size and power are shown to be sensitive to misspecified assumptions about the covariance structure. Overall, the testing procedures that do not assume any particular covariance structure are shown to be more robust in keeping the empirical size at the nominal level than those assuming a special structure.  相似文献   

We propose an adjusted likelihood ratio test of two-factor separability (Kronecker product structure) for unbalanced multivariate repeated measures data. Here we address the particular case where the within subject correlation is believed to decrease exponentially in both dimensions (e.g., temporal and spatial dimensions). However, the test can be easily generalized to factor specific matrices of any structure. A simulation study is conducted to assess the inference accuracy of the proposed test. Longitudinal medical imaging data concerning schizophrenia and caudate morphology illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

A nonparametric alternative to the extended parametric Satterthwaite method taking into account the correlation between samples obtained from the same animal is presented. Confidence intervals are computed using a modified jackknife standard error. The performance of the method is studied by means of simulation. This nonparametric method has a smaller coverage rate than the parametric one, but still close to the nominal confidence level. In addition, its confidence interval is shorter than that of the parametric method using the generalized Satterthwaite approximation. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a clinical trial comparing drug with placebo, where there are multiple primary endpoints, we consider testing problems where an efficacious drug effect can be claimed only if statistical significance is demonstrated at the nominal level for all endpoints. Under the assumption that the data are multivariate normal, the multiple endpoint-testing problem is formulated. The usual testing procedure involves testing each endpoint separately at the same significance level using two-sample t-tests, and claiming drug efficacy only if each t-statistic is significant. In this paper we investigate properties of this procedure. We show that it is identical to both an intersection union test and the likelihood ratio test. A simple expression for the p-value is given. The level and power function are studied; it is shown that the test may be conservative and that it is biased. Computable bounds for the power function are established.  相似文献   

In this article, the problem of testing the equality of coefficients of variation in a multivariate normal population is considered, and an asymptotic approach and a generalized p-value approach based on the concepts of generalized test variable are proposed. Monte Carlo simulation studies show that the proposed generalized p-value test has good empirical sizes, and it is better than the asymptotic approach. In addition, the problem of hypothesis testing and confidence interval for the common coefficient variation of a multivariate normal population are considered, and a generalized p-value and a generalized confidence interval are proposed. Using Monte Carlo simulation, we find that the coverage probabilities and expected lengths of this generalized confidence interval are satisfactory, and the empirical sizes of the generalized p-value are close to nominal level. We illustrate our approaches using a real data.  相似文献   

Generalized variance is a measure of dispersion of multivariate data. Comparison of dispersion of multivariate data is one of the favorite issues for multivariate quality control, generalized homogeneity of multidimensional scatter, etc. In this article, the problem of testing equality of generalized variances of k multivariate normal populations by using the Bartlett's modified likelihood ratio test (BMLRT) is proposed. Simulations to compare the Type I error rate and power of the BMLRT and the likelihood ratio test (LRT) methods are performed. These simulations show that the BMLRT method has a better chi-square approximation under the null hypothesis. Finally, a practical example is given.  相似文献   

The multivariate log-normal distribution is a good candidate to describe data that are not only positive and skewed, but also contain many characteristic values. In this study, we apply the generalized variable method to compare the mean vectors of two independent multivariate log-normal populations that display heteroscedasticity. Two generalized pivotal quantities are derived for constructing the generalized confidence region and for testing the difference between two mean vectors. Simulation results indicate that the proposed procedures exhibit satisfactory performance regardless of the sample sizes and heteroscedasticity. The type I error rates obtained are consistent with expectations and the coverage probabilities are close to the nominal level when compared with the other method which is currently available. These features make the proposed method a worthy alternative for inferential analysis of problems involving multivariate log-normal means. The results are illustrated using three examples.  相似文献   

In genetic association studies, detecting phenotype–genotype association is a primary goal. We assume that the relationship between the data—phenotype, genetic markers and environmental covariates—can be modeled by a generalized linear model. The number of markers is allowed to be far greater than the number of individuals of the study. A multivariate score statistic is used to test each marker for association with a phenotype. We assume that the test statistics asymptotically follow a multivariate normal distribution under the complete null hypothesis of no phenotype–genotype association. We present the familywise error rate order k approximation method to find a local significance level (alternatively, an adjusted p-value) for each test such that the familywise error rate is controlled. The special case k=1 gives the Šidák method. As a by-product, an effective number of independent tests can be defined. Furthermore, if environmental covariates and genetic markers are uncorrelated, or no environmental covariates are present, we show that covariances between score statistics depend on genetic markers alone. This not only leads to more efficient calculations but also to a local significance level that is determined only by the collection of markers used, independent of the phenotypes and environmental covariates of the experiment at hand.  相似文献   


This note presents an approximation to multivariate regression models which is obtained from a first-order series expansion of the multivariate link function. The proposed approach yields a variable-addition approximation of regression models that enables a multivariate generalization of the well-known goodness-of-link specification test, available for univariate generalized linear models. Application of this general methodology is illustrated with models of multinomial discrete choice and multivariate fractional data, in which context it is shown to lead to well-established approximation and testing procedures.  相似文献   

In this article we consider a set of t repeated measurements on p variables (or characteristics) on each of the n individuals. Thus, data on each individual is a p ×t matrix. The n individuals themselves may be divided and randomly assigned to g groups. Analysis of these data using a MANOVA model, assuming that the data on an individual has a covariance matrix which is a Kronecker product of two positive definite matrices, is considered. The well-known Satterthwaite type approximation to the distribution of a quadratic form in normal variables is extended to the distribution of a multivariate quadratic form in multivariate normal variables. The multivariate tests using this approximation are developed for testing the usual hypotheses. Results are illustrated on a data set. A method for analysing unbalanced data is also discussed.  相似文献   

Constructing pair-copula using the minimum information approach is an appropriate and flexible way to survey the dependency structure between variables of interest. Minimum information pair-copula method approximates multivariate copula by applying some constraints between desired variables that are elicited from the data itself or experts’ judgment. In minimum information pair-copula, selecting basis constraints is a challenge. In this article, we apply genetic algorithms as a heuristic way to select basis constraints to optimize approximated pair-copula. The results gained show that our method optimizes model selection criteria and lead to better pair-copula approximation. Finally, we apply our proposed method to approximate pair-copula density in real dataset.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the efficiency of score tests for testing a censored Poisson regression model against censored negative binomial regression alternatives. Based on the results of a simulation study, score tests using the normal approximation, underestimate the nominal significance level. To remedy this problem, bootstrap methods are proposed. We find that bootstrap methods keep the significance level close to the nominal one and have greater power uniformly than does the normal approximation for testing the hypothesis.  相似文献   

It is often of interest to test the hypothesis that all off-diagonal elements of the correlation matrix of a multivariate normal distribution are equal. If the hypothesis of equal correlation can be accepted, it then may be of interest to estimate the common correlation coefficient. In this paper, four estimators of the common correlation are compared in terms of bias, variance, mean squared error, adequacy of the normal approximation, and ease of calculation. The average sample correlation is seen to be comparable to the other estimators and is recommended here since it is the easiest to calculate. The estimators are compared using simulation.  相似文献   

Three modified tests for homogeneity of the odds ratio for a series of 2 × 2 tables are studied when the data are clustered. In the case of clustered data, the standard tests for homogeneity of odds ratios ignore the variance inflation caused by positive correlation among responses of subjects within the same cluster, and therefore have inflated Type I error. The modified tests adjust for the variance inflation in the three existing standard tests: Breslow–Day, Tarone and the conditional score test. The degree of clustering effect is measured by the intracluster correlation coefficient, ρ. A variance correction factor derived from ρ is then applied to the variance estimator in the standard tests of homogeneity of the odds ratio. The proposed tests are an application of the variance adjustment method commonly used in correlated data analysis and are shown to maintain the nominal significance level in a simulation study. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many multivariate quality control techniques are used for multivariate variable processes, but few work for multivariate attribute processes. To monitor multivariate attributes, controlling the false alarms (type I errors) and considering the correlation between attributes are two important issues. By taking into account these two issues, a new control chart is presented to monitor a bivariate binomial process. An example is illustrated for the proposed method. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, a simulation study is conducted to compare the results with those using both the multivariate np chart and skewness reduction approaches. The results show that the correlation is taken into account in the designed chart and the overall false alarm is controlled at the nominal value. Moreover, the process shift can be quickly detected and the variable that is responsible for a signal can be determined.  相似文献   

Using a multivariate latent variable approach, this article proposes some new general models to analyze the correlated bounded continuous and categorical (nominal or/and ordinal) responses with and without non-ignorable missing values. First, we discuss regression methods for jointly analyzing continuous, nominal, and ordinal responses that we motivated by analyzing data from studies of toxicity development. Second, using the beta and Dirichlet distributions, we extend the models so that some bounded continuous responses are replaced for continuous responses. The joint distribution of the bounded continuous, nominal and ordinal variables is decomposed into a marginal multinomial distribution for the nominal variable and a conditional multivariate joint distribution for the bounded continuous and ordinal variables given the nominal variable. We estimate the regression parameters under the new general location models using the maximum-likelihood method. Sensitivity analysis is also performed to study the influence of small perturbations of the parameters of the missing mechanisms of the model on the maximal normal curvature. The proposed models are applied to two data sets: BMI, Steatosis and Osteoporosis data and Tehran household expenditure budgets.  相似文献   


In panel data models and other regressions with unobserved effects, fixed effects estimation is often paired with cluster-robust variance estimation (CRVE) to account for heteroscedasticity and un-modeled dependence among the errors. Although asymptotically consistent, CRVE can be biased downward when the number of clusters is small, leading to hypothesis tests with rejection rates that are too high. More accurate tests can be constructed using bias-reduced linearization (BRL), which corrects the CRVE based on a working model, in conjunction with a Satterthwaite approximation for t-tests. We propose a generalization of BRL that can be applied in models with arbitrary sets of fixed effects, where the original BRL method is undefined, and describe how to apply the method when the regression is estimated after absorbing the fixed effects. We also propose a small-sample test for multiple-parameter hypotheses, which generalizes the Satterthwaite approximation for t-tests. In simulations covering a wide range of scenarios, we find that the conventional cluster-robust Wald test can severely over-reject while the proposed small-sample test maintains Type I error close to nominal levels. The proposed methods are implemented in an R package called clubSandwich. This article has online supplementary materials.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.  In this paper, we develop an approximation for the most powerful invariant test of one location-scale family against another one. The approach is based on the Laplace method for integrals and yields a very accurate approximation of the density of a maximal invariant. Moreover, it can be applied to a much wider set of pairs of densities than previously possible. Many examples are worked out. The resulting test is easy to compute and its power is shown to be very close to that of the best test. By using versions of the Laplace method, the approach is extended to goodness-of-fit tests for residuals in regression and to some multivariate distributions. A small simulation study confirms the theoretical results. An example concludes the paper.  相似文献   

Bootstrap smoothed (bagged) parameter estimators have been proposed as an improvement on estimators found after preliminary data‐based model selection. A result of Efron in 2014 is a very convenient and widely applicable formula for a delta method approximation to the standard deviation of the bootstrap smoothed estimator. This approximation provides an easily computed guide to the accuracy of this estimator. In addition, Efron considered a confidence interval centred on the bootstrap smoothed estimator, with width proportional to the estimate of this approximation to the standard deviation. We evaluate this confidence interval in the scenario of two nested linear regression models, the full model and a simpler model, and a preliminary test of the null hypothesis that the simpler model is correct. We derive computationally convenient expressions for the ideal bootstrap smoothed estimator and the coverage probability and expected length of this confidence interval. In terms of coverage probability, this confidence interval outperforms the post‐model‐selection confidence interval with the same nominal coverage and based on the same preliminary test. We also compare the performance of the confidence interval centred on the bootstrap smoothed estimator, in terms of expected length, to the usual confidence interval, with the same minimum coverage probability, based on the full model.  相似文献   

Several procedures have been proposed for testing the hypothesis that all off-diagonal elements of the correlation matrix of a multivariate normal distribution are equal. If the hypothesis of equal correlation can be accepted, it is then of interest to estimate and perhaps test hypotheses for the common correlation. In this paper, two versions of five different test statistics are compared via simulation in terms of adequacy of the normal approximation, coverage probabilities of confidence intervals, control of Type I error, and power. The results indicate that two test statistics based on the average of the Fisher z-transforms of the sample correlations should be used in most cases. A statistic based on the sample eigenvalues also gives reasonable results for confidence intervals and lower-tailed tests.  相似文献   

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