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Fourier methods are proposed for testing the distribution of random effects in classical and robust multivariate mixed effects models. The test statistics involve estimation of the characteristic function of random effects. Theoretical and computational issues are addressed while Monte Carlo results show that the new procedures compare favorably with other methods.  相似文献   

A test based on the studentized empirical characteristic function calculated in a single point is derived. An empirical power comparison is made between this test and tests like the Epps–Pulley, Shapiro–Wilks, Anderson–Darling and other tests for normality. It is shown to outperform the more complicated Epps-Pulley test based on the empirical characteristic function and a Cramér-von Mises type expression in a simulation study. The test performs especially good in large samples and the derived test statistic has an asymptotic normal distribution which is easy to apply.  相似文献   

Chen and Balakrishnan [Chen, G. and Balakrishnan, N., 1995, A general purpose approximate goodness-of-fit test. Journal of Quality Technology, 27, 154–161] proposed an approximate method of goodness-of-fit testing that avoids the use of extensive tables. This procedure first transforms the data to normality, and subsequently applies the classical tests for normality based on the empirical distribution function, and critical points thereof. In this paper, we investigate the potential of this method in comparison to a corresponding goodness-of-fit test which instead of the empirical distribution function, utilizes the empirical characteristic function. Both methods are in full generality as they may be applied to arbitrary laws with continuous distribution function, provided that an efficient method of estimation exists for the parameters of the hypothesized distribution.  相似文献   

Tests are proposed for validation of the hypothesis that a partial linear regression model adequately describes the structure of a given data set. The test statistics are formulated following the approach of Fourier-type conditional expectations first suggested by Bierens [Consistent model specification tests. J Econometr. 1982;20:105–134]. The proposed procedures are computationally convenient, and under fairly mild conditions lead to consistent tests. Corresponding bootstrap versions are compared with alternative procedures for a wide selection of different estimators of the underlying partial linear model.  相似文献   

Summary.  Penalized regression spline models afford a simple mixed model representation in which variance components control the degree of non-linearity in the smooth function estimates. This motivates the study of lack-of-fit tests based on the restricted maximum likelihood ratio statistic which tests whether variance components are 0 against the alternative of taking on positive values. For this one-sided testing problem a further complication is that the variance component belongs to the boundary of the parameter space under the null hypothesis. Conditions are obtained on the design of the regression spline models under which asymptotic distribution theory applies, and finite sample approximations to the asymptotic distribution are provided. Test statistics are studied for simple as well as multiple-regression models.  相似文献   


Time averaging has been the traditional approach to handle mixed sampling frequencies. However, it ignores information possibly embedded in high frequency. Mixed data sampling (MIDAS) regression models provide a concise way to utilize the additional information in high-frequency variables. In this paper, we propose a specification test to choose between time averaging and MIDAS models, based on a Durbin-Wu-Hausman test. In particular, a set of instrumental variables is proposed and theoretically validated when the frequency ratio is large. As a result, our method tends to be more powerful than existing methods, as reconfirmed through the simulations.  相似文献   

In linear and nonparametric regression models, the problem of testing for symmetry of the distribution of errors is considered. We propose a test statistic which utilizes the empirical characteristic function of the corresponding residuals. The asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic as well as its behavior under alternatives is investigated. A simulation study compares bootstrap versions of the proposed test to other more standard procedures.  相似文献   


This article studies the outlier detection problem in mixed regressive-spatial autoregressive model. The formulae for testing outliers and their approximate distributions are derived under the mean-shift model and the variance-weight model, respectively. The simulation studies are conducted for examining the power and size of the test, as well as for the detection of outliers when a simulated data contains several outliers. A real data is analyzed to illustrate the proposed method, and modified models based on mean-shift and variance-weight models in which detected outliers are taken into account are suggested to deal with the outliers and confirm theconclusions.  相似文献   

Test procedures are constructed for testing the goodness-of-fit of the error distribution in the regression context. The test statistic is based on an L 2-type distance between the characteristic function of the (assumed) error distribution and the empirical characteristic function of the residuals. The asymptotic null distribution as well as the behavior of the test statistic under contiguous alternatives is investigated, while the issue of the choice of suitable estimators has been particularly emphasized. Theoretical results are accompanied by a simulation study.  相似文献   

In many applications of generalized linear mixed models to clustered correlated or longitudinal data, often we are interested in testing whether a random effects variance component is zero. The usual asymptotic mixture of chi‐square distributions of the score statistic for testing constrained variance components does not necessarily hold. In this article, the author proposes and explores a parametric bootstrap test that appears to be valid based on its estimated level of significance under the null hypothesis. Results from a simulation study indicate that the bootstrap test has a level much closer to the nominal one while the asymptotic test is conservative, and is more powerful than the usual asymptotic score test based on a mixture of chi‐squares. The proposed bootstrap test is illustrated using two sets of real‐life data obtained from clinical trials. The Canadian Journal of Statistics © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

T. Cacoullos and H. Papageorgiou [On some bivariate probability models applicable to traffic accidents and fatalities, Int. Stat. Rev. 48 (1980) 345–356] studied a special class of bivariate discrete distributions appropriate for modeling traffic accidents, and fatalities resulting therefrom. The corresponding random variable may be written as Z=(N,Y), with Y=j=1NXj, where {Xj}j=1N, are independent copies of a (discrete) random variable X, and N is independent of {Xj}j=1N, and follows a Poisson law. If X follows a Poisson law (resp. Binomial law), the resulting distribution is termed Poisson–Poisson (resp. Poisson–Binomial). L2-type goodness-of-fit statistics are constructed for the ‘general distribution’ of this kind, where X may be an arbitrary discrete nonnegative random variable. The test statistics utilize a simple characterization involving the corresponding probability generating function, and are shown to be consistent. The proposed procedures are shown to perform satisfactorily in simulated data, while their application to accident data leads to positive conclusions regarding the modeling ability of this class of bivariate distributions.  相似文献   

We give a critical synopsis of classical and recent tests for Poissonity, our emphasis being on procedures which are consistent against general alternatives. Two classes of weighted Cramér–von Mises type test statistics, based on the empirical probability generating function process, are studied in more detail. Both of them generalize already known test statistics by introducing a weighting parameter, thus providing more flexibility with regard to power against specific alternatives. In both cases, we prove convergence in distribution of the statistics under the null hypothesis in the setting of a triangular array of rowwise independent and identically distributed random variables as well as consistency of the corresponding test against general alternatives. Therefore, a sound theoretical basis is provided for the parametric bootstrap procedure, which is applied to obtain critical values in a large-scale simulation study. Each of the tests considered in this study, when implemented via the parametric bootstrap method, maintains a nominal level of significance very closely, even for small sample sizes. The procedures are applied to four well-known data sets.  相似文献   

The mixed effects model, in its various forms, is a common model in applied statistics. A useful strategy for fitting this model implements EM-type algorithms by treating the random effects as missing data. Such implementations, however, can be painfully slow when the variances of the random effects are small relative to the residual variance. In this paper, we apply the 'working parameter' approach to derive alternative EM-type implementations for fitting mixed effects models, which we show empirically can be hundreds of times faster than the common EM-type implementations. In our limited simulations, they also compare well with the routines in S-PLUS® and Stata® in terms of both speed and reliability. The central idea of the working parameter approach is to search for efficient data augmentation schemes for implementing the EM algorithm by minimizing the augmented information over the working parameter, and in the mixed effects setting this leads to a transfer of the mixed effects variances into the regression slope parameters. We also describe a variation for computing the restricted maximum likelihood estimate and an adaptive algorithm that takes advantage of both the standard and the alternative EM-type implementations.  相似文献   

This article considers a partially linear panel data model with fixed individual and time effects in a setting where both N and T are large. Based on the within transformation and profile likelihood method, we propose an approach to estimating the parametric and non parametric components of the partially linear model. The resultant estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. Monte Carlo simulations are also conducted to illustrate the finite-sample performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper, an autoregressive time series model with conditional heteroscedasticity is considered, where both conditional mean and conditional variance function are modeled nonparametrically. Tests for the model assumption of independence of innovations from past time series values are suggested. Tests based on weighted L2‐distances of empirical characteristic functions are considered as well as a Cramér–von Mises‐type test. The asymptotic distributions under the null hypothesis of independence are derived, and the consistency against fixed alternatives is shown. A smooth autoregressive residual bootstrap procedure is suggested, and its performance is shown in a simulation study.  相似文献   


The compound Poisson-exponential distribution is a basic model in risk analysis and stochastic hydrology. Graphical procedures for assessing this distribution are proposed which utilize the residuals from a regression involving the moment generating function. Plots furnished with a 95% simultaneous confidence band are constructed. The band and critical points of the equivalent goodness-of-fit test are found by utilizing asymptotic results and fitted regressions involving the supremum of the standardized residuals, the sample size, and the estimated Poisson mean. Simulation results indicate that the tests have good level stability and appreciable power against competing compound Poisson distributions of a mixed type.  相似文献   

Summary.  Longitudinal modelling of lung function in Duchenne's muscular dystrophy is complicated by a mixture of both growth and decline in lung function within each subject, an unknown point of separation between these phases and significant heterogeneity between individual trajectories. Linear mixed effects models can be used, assuming a single changepoint for all cases; however, this assumption may be incorrect. The paper describes an extension of linear mixed effects modelling in which random changepoints are integrated into the model as parameters and estimated by using a stochastic EM algorithm. We find that use of this 'mixture modelling' approach improves the fit significantly.  相似文献   

This article suggests random and fixed effects spatial two-stage least squares estimators for the generalized mixed regressive spatial autoregressive panel data model. This extends the generalized spatial panel model of Baltagi et al. (2013 Baltagi, B. H., Egger, P., Pfaffermayr, M. (2013). A generalized spatial panel data model with random effects. Econometric Reviews 32:650685.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) by the inclusion of a spatial lag term. The estimation method utilizes the Generalized Moments method suggested by Kapoor et al. (2007 Kapoor, M., Kelejian, H. H., Prucha, I. R. (2007). Panel data models with spatially correlated error components. Journal of Econometrics 127(1):97130.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) for a spatial autoregressive panel data model. We derive the asymptotic distributions of these estimators and suggest a Hausman test a la Mutl and Pfaffermayr (2011 Mutl, J., Pfaffermayr, M. (2011). The Hausman test in a Cliff and Ord panel model. Econometrics Journal 14:4876.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) based on the difference between these estimators. Monte Carlo experiments are performed to investigate the performance of these estimators as well as the corresponding Hausman test.  相似文献   

Classical omnibus and more recent methods are adapted to panel data situations in order to jointly test for normality of the error components. The test statistics incorporate either the empirical distribution function or the empirical characteristic function, these functions resulting from estimation of the fixed and random components. Monte Carlo results show that the new procedure based on the empirical characteristic function compares favorably with classical methods.  相似文献   

We propose an easy technique to test for time-variation in coefficients and volatilities. Specifically, by using a noncentered parameterization for state space models, we develop a method to directly calculate the relevant Bayes factor using the Savage–Dickey density ratio—thus avoiding the computation of the marginal likelihood altogether. The proposed methodology is illustrated via two empirical applications. In the first application, we test for time-variation in the volatility of inflation in the G7 countries. The second application investigates if there is substantial time-variation in the nonaccelerating inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU) in the United States.  相似文献   

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