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Motivated by a heart disease data, we propose a new partially linear error-in-variable models with error-prone covariates, in which mismeasured covariate appears in the noparametric part and the covariates in the parametric part are not observed, but ancillary variables are available. In this case, we first calibrate the linear covariates, and then use the least-square method and the local linear method to estimate parametric and nonparametric components. Also, under certain conditions the asymptotic distributions of proposed estimates are obtained. Simulated and real examples are conducted to illustrate our proposed methodology.  相似文献   


We consider semiparametric inference on the partially linearsingle-index model (PLSIM). The generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) test is proposed to examine whether or not a family of new semiparametric models fits adequately our given data in the PLSIM. A new GLR statistic is established to deal with the testing of the index parameter α0 in the PLSIM. The newly proposed statistic is shown to asymptotically follow a χ2-distribution with the scale constant and the degrees of freedom being independent of the nuisance parameters or function. Some finite sample simulations and a real example are used to illustrate our proposed methodology.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider how to construct the confidence regions of the unknown parameters for partially linear single-index models with endogenous covariates. To eliminate the influence of the endogenous covariates, an empirical likelihood method is proposed based on instrumental variables. Under some regularly conditions, the asymptotic distribution of the proposed empirical log-likelihood ratio is proved to be a Chi-squared distribution. We investigate the finite-sample performance of the proposed method via simulation studies.  相似文献   

This article considers partially linear single-index models with errors in all variables. By using the Pseudo ? θ method (Liang, Härdle, and Carroll 1999), local linear regression and simulation-extrapolation (SIMEX) technique (Cook and Stefanski 1994), we propose an efficient methodology to estimate the current model. Under certain conditions the asymptotic properties of proposed estimators are obtained. Some simulation experiments and an application are conducted to illustrate our proposed method.  相似文献   

An important factor in house prices is its location. However, measurement errors arise frequently in the process of observing variables such as the latitude and longitude of the house. The single-index models with measurement errors are used to study the relationship between house location and house price. We obtain the estimators by a SIMEX method based on the local linear method and the estimating equation. To test the significance of the index coefficient and the linearity of the link function, we establish the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) tests for the models. We demonstrate that the asymptotic null distributions of the established GLR tests follow χ2-distributions which are independent of nuisance parameters or functions. Finally, two simulated examples and a real estate valuation data set are given to illustrate the effect of GLR tests.  相似文献   

Jing Yang  Fang Lu  Hu Yang 《Statistics》2013,47(6):1193-1211
The outer product of gradients (OPG) estimation procedure based on least squares (LS) approach has been presented by Xia et al. [An adaptive estimation of dimension reduction space. J Roy Statist Soc Ser B. 2002;64:363–410] to estimate the single-index parameter in partially linear single-index models (PLSIM). However, its asymptotic property has not been established yet and the efficiency of LS-based method can be significantly affected by outliers and heavy-tailed distributions. In this paper, we firstly derive the asymptotic property of OPG estimator developed by Xia et al. [An adaptive estimation of dimension reduction space. J Roy Statist Soc Ser B. 2002;64:363–410] in theory, and a novel robust estimation procedure combining the ideas of OPG and local rank (LR) inference is further developed for PLSIM along with its theoretical property. Then, we theoretically derive the asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) of the proposed LR-based procedure with respect to LS-based method, which is shown to possess an expression that is closely related to that of the signed-rank Wilcoxon test in comparison with the t-test. Moreover, we demonstrate that the new proposed estimator has a great efficiency gain across a wide spectrum of non-normal error distributions and almost not lose any efficiency for the normal error. Even in the worst case scenarios, the ARE owns a lower bound equalling to 0.864 for estimating the single-index parameter and a lower bound being 0.8896 for estimating the nonparametric function respectively, versus the LS-based estimators. Finally, some Monte Carlo simulations and a real data analysis are conducted to illustrate the finite sample performance of the estimators.  相似文献   

We study the estimation and variable selection for a partial linear single index model (PLSIM) when some linear covariates are not observed, but their ancillary variables are available. We use the semiparametric profile least-square based estimation procedure to estimate the parameters in the PLSIM after the calibrated error-prone covariates are obtained. Asymptotic normality for the estimators are established. We also employ the smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) penalty to select the relevant variables in the PLSIM. The resulting SCAD estimators are shown to be asymptotically normal and have the oracle property. Performance of our estimation procedure is illustrated through numerous simulations. The approach is further applied to a real data example.  相似文献   


Partially varying coefficient single-index models (PVCSIM) are a class of semiparametric regression models. One important assumption is that the model error is independently and identically distributed, which may contradict with the reality in many applications. For example, in the economical and financial applications, the observations may be serially correlated over time. Based on the empirical likelihood technique, we propose a procedure for testing the serial correlation of random error in PVCSIM. Under some regular conditions, we show that the proposed empirical likelihood ratio statistic asymptotically follows a standard χ2 distribution. We also present some numerical studies to illustrate the performance of our proposed testing procedure.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider statistical inference for longitudinal partial linear models when the response variable is sometimes missing with missingness probability depending on the covariate that is measured with error. A generalized empirical likelihood (GEL) method is proposed by combining correction attenuation and quadratic inference functions. The method that takes into consideration the correlation within groups is used to estimate the regression coefficients. Furthermore, residual-adjusted empirical likelihood (EL) is employed for estimating the baseline function so that undersmoothing is avoided. The empirical log-likelihood ratios are proven to be asymptotically Chi-squared, and the corresponding confidence regions for the parameters of interest are then constructed. Compared with methods based on NAs, the GEL does not require consistent estimators for the asymptotic variance and bias. The numerical study is conducted to compare the performance of the EL and the normal approximation-based method, and a real example is analysed.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate a new estimation approach for the partially linear single-index model based on modal regression method, where the non parametric function is estimated by penalized spline method. Moreover, we develop an expection maximum (EM)-type algorithm and establish the large sample properties of the proposed estimation method. A distinguishing characteristic of the newly proposed estimation is robust against outliers through introducing an additional tuning parameter which can be automatically selected using the observed data. Simulation studies and real data example are used to evaluate the finite-sample performance, and the results show that the newly proposed method works very well.  相似文献   

This paper presents the empirical likelihood inferences for a class of varying-coefficient models with error-prone covariates. We focus on the case that the covariance matrix of the measurement errors is unknown and neither repeated measurements nor validation data are available. We propose an instrumental variable-based empirical likelihood inference method and show that the proposed empirical log-likelihood ratio is asymptotically chi-squared. Then, the confidence intervals for the varying-coefficient functions are constructed. Some simulation studies and a real data application are used to assess the finite sample performance of the proposed empirical likelihood procedure.  相似文献   

A standard assumption in regression analysis is homogeneity of the error variance. Violation of this assumption can have adverse consequences for the efficiency of estimators. In this paper, we propose an empirical likelihood based diagnostic technique for heteroscedasticity in the partially linear errors-in-variables models. Under mild conditions, a nonparametric version of Wilk's theorem is derived. Simulation results reveal that our test performs well in both size and power.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider whether the empirical likelihood ratio (ELR) test is applicable to testing for serial correlation in the partially linear single-index models (PLSIM) with error-prone linear covariates. It is shown that under the null hypothesis the proposed ELR statistic follows asymptotically a χ2-distribution with the scale constant and the degrees of freedom. A comparison between the ELR and the normal approximation method is also considered. Both simulated and real data examples are used to illustrate our proposed methodology.  相似文献   

The central topic of this article is the estimation of parameters of the generalized partially linear single-index model (GPLSIM). Two numerical optimization procedures are presented and an S-plus program based on these procedures is compared to a program by Wand in a simulation setting. The results from these simulations indicate that the estimates for the new procedures are as good, if not better, than Wand's. Also, this program is much more flexible than Wand's since it can handle more general models. Other simulations are also conducted. The first compares the effects of using linear interpolation versus spline interpolation in an optimization procedure. The results indicate that by using spline interpolation one gets more stable estimates at a cost of increased computational time. A second simulation was conducted to assess the performance of a method for estimating the variance of alpha. A third set of simulations is carried out to determine the best criterion for testing that one of the elements of alpha is equal to zero. The GPLSIM is applied to a water quality data set and the results indicate an interesting relationship between gastrointestinal illness and turbidity (cloudiness) of drinking water.  相似文献   

This article investigates case-deletion influence analysis via Cook’s distance and local influence analysis via conformal normal curvature for partially linear models with response missing at random. Local influence approach is developed to assess the sensitivity of parameter and nonparametric estimators to various perturbations such as case-weight, response variable, explanatory variable, and parameter perturbations on the basis of semiparametric estimating equations, which are constructed using the inverse probability weighted approach, rather than likelihood function. Residual and generalized leverage are also defined. Simulation studies and a dataset taken from the AIDS Clinical Trials are used to illustrate the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Motivated by an application, we consider the statistical inference of varying-coefficient regression models in which some covariates are not observed, but ancillary variables are available to remit them. Due to the attenuation, the usual local polynomial estimation of the coefficient functions is not consistent. We propose a corrected local polynomial estimation for the unknown coefficient functions by calibrating the error-prone covariates. It is shown that the resulting estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal. In addition, we develop a wild bootstrap test for the goodness of fit of models. Some simulations are conducted to demonstrate the finite sample performances of the proposed estimation and test procedures. An example of application on a real data from Duchenne muscular dystrophy study is also illustrated.  相似文献   

A partially time-varying coefficient time series model is introduced to characterize the nonlinearity and trending phenomenon. To estimate the regression parameter and the nonlinear coefficient function, the profile least squares approach is applied with the help of local linear approximation. The asymptotic distributions of the proposed estimators are established under mild conditions. Meanwhile, the generalized likelihood ratio test is studied and the test statistics are demonstrated to follow asymptotic χ2-distribution under the null hypothesis. Furthermore, some extensions of the proposed model are discussed and several numerical examples are provided to illustrate the finite sample behavior of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

In this article, we are concerned with whether the nonparametric functions are parallel from two partial linear models, and propose a test statistic to check the difference of the two functions. The unknown constant α is estimated by using moment method under null models. Nonparametric functions under both null and full models are estimated by using local linear method. The asymptotic properties of parametric and nonparametric components are derived. The test statistic under the null hypothesis is calculated and shown to be asymptotically normal.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a general class of partially linear transformation models for recurrent gap time data, which extends the linear transformation models by incorporating non linear covariate effects and includes the partially linear proportional hazards and the partially linear proportional odds models as special cases. Both global and local estimating equations are developed to estimate the parametric and non parametric covariate effects, and the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators are established. The finite-sample behavior of the proposed estimators is evaluated through simulation studies, and an application to a clinic study on chronic granulomatous disease is provided.  相似文献   

In this article, we generalize the partially linear single-index models to the scenario with some endogenous covariates variables. It is well known that the estimators based on the existing methods are often inconsistent because of the endogeneity of covariates. To deal with the endogenous variables, we introduce some auxiliary instrumental variables. A three-stage estimation procedure is proposed for partially linear single-index instrumental variables models. The first stage is to obtain a linear projection of endogenous variables on a set of instrumental variables, the second stage is to estimate the link function by using local linear smoother for given constant parameters, and the last stage is to obtain the estimators of constant parameters based on the estimating equation. Asymptotic normality is established for the proposed estimators. Some simulation studies are undertaken to assess the finite sample performance of the proposed estimation procedure.  相似文献   

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