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端文新 《现代交际》2014,(8):117-117
工业设计是与制造业紧密相关的新兴生产性服务业,是制造业发展的先导行业。本文详细阐述吉林省制造业领域推广应用工业设计的重要意义,提出了发展工业设计的若干对策,为吉林省发展工业设计并在制造业领域有效推广提供了思路。  相似文献   

在“科技是第一生产力”、“鼓励自主开发”的响亮口号之下,中国工业设计阵营却出现“空巢”现象,让“中国原创”之梦依然浮于空中楼阁。  相似文献   

人类最早从事的造型艺术活动绘画的方式就是素描。很早以前人类就已经懂得使用各种材料才进行绘画。设计素描吸取了传统绘画素描的科学因素和现代素描的因素,注重提高了创新能力。设计素描对工业设计的发展起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

本文提出发展工业设计产业的过程之中因为缺乏工业设计的真正受众——消费者的主动参与,导致工业设计的经济价值受到限制。强化工业设计产业发展的最后一公里需要将消费者和工业设计紧密联系起来,让消费者对产品的工业设计产生显性需求,从而促进生产企业的重视。广东工业设计城应该利用自身优势,发展工业设计的大众化营销,培养消费者的工业设计价值观,强化工业设计产业发展的最后一公里,从而面向全社会提升自己的品牌知名度。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展、生活节奏的加快,人们越来越疲于奔命,咖啡便成为人们舒缓压力的最佳饮品,咖啡厅在不知不觉中也成为现代消费的时尚场所,咖啡厅的创新设计也就自然而然地成为设计师追求的目标。本文阐述了工业风设计在咖啡厅设计中的应用,采用工业风设计对店面进行布置和对室内进行布局,在咖啡厅设计的布局、色彩、材质、照明以及装饰物品等方面进行工业风设计。  相似文献   

工业设计专业产品手绘技法是传统的设计方法,对产品起到设计、包装、美化的作用,是一个产品质量好坏的外在体现,对产品有着重要的影响。随着工业科技快速的发展,高科技产品被越来越广泛地使用在工业设计上,但是专业产品的手绘还是被更多的人群所钟爱。通过手绘,设计师可以更好地和产品产生有效的纽带,保证产品能高精确地按照设计师的设计理念进行生产。所以,产品手绘技法表新课教学质量的好坏,对刚毕业的学生有着至关重要的影响。高校应该加强对工业设计专业产品手绘技法表现课的研究和分析,通过对手绘技法表现课进行合理科学的设计和改革,加强对人才的培养,提高工业产品的质量。  相似文献   

董俊华 《职业》2012,(16):147-148
工业设计学科是技术与艺术的结合,培养出的人才要同时具有创新思维能力和工程技术应用能力。如何构建及构建什么样的人才培养模式来满足工业设计人才培养的要求,一直是被广大工业设计教育工作者所关注的热点,相关人士也在积极的探索。笔者对工业设计专业人才培养模式的构建进行了初步的探索,并提出了一些可供参考的建议。  相似文献   

张国良  胡清 《职业》2011,(14):86-87
依靠科技创新、工业设计提升国家的核心竞争力,已被许多国家所认可。据美国工业设计协会测算,工业品外观每投入1美元,就能带来47美元的回报;一般的公司在设计上每投入1美元,会得到2500美元的销售量增长。在英国,注重设计的企业每年能有43%的业务增长率,并拥有更高的利润率,而其他企业则大体为15%。  相似文献   

文中以交互式汽车三维虚拟场景的设计与实现,探讨了如何将工业设计引入课堂。首先,在三维软件中建模,然后进入Wirefusion,在其中对模型进行网络3D化的工作。虽然,Web3D技术有很好的发展前景,但仍然不可盲目乐观,它还面临着很多问题,如网络带宽、处理器速度等。现在的Web3D图形有很多可供选择的技术和解决方案,多种文件格式和渲染引擎的存在是Web3D图形在互联网上应用的最大障碍,而且这种局面还将长期存在。使用JAVA的重要理由之一是它的平台无关性。这能在一定程度上解决上述问题。  相似文献   

在物质文明高速发展的今天,人们不再单纯的追求物质上的享受,对于精神和文化的追求也在与日俱增。这种时代背景催生了一系列的设计理念,情感设计便是其中之一。人们要求设计师设计的产品在具有使用功能的同时,也需富有情感和人文关怀。简单的说,人们已经不再仅仅满足于过去的功能设计和质量设计,而是更加趋向人性化设计和情感设计。同时,设计本身又是一种经济行为,这就决定了情感设计的多重功效,既要满足消费者的情感诉求,又要注意一定的经济效应。总之,在这个精神匮乏的年代,情感设计的独特性在于能够让处于冷冰冰机械化时代的人们感受到温情,能够让人们在这个缺乏感情交流的环境中体验情感。因此情感设计作为时代催生的设计理念,必将为当代设计领域带来不一样的新作。  相似文献   

The task of handling reach trucks frequently involves poor working postures. The location of the steering wheel in most reach trucks is in front of the operator which requires the drivers to bend forward and stretch their hands for holding onto the steering wheel. To overcome visibility restrictions, this posture is aggravated by twisting and bending their torso sideways. This paper presents a usability study which was conducted to compare adoption of ergonomic features in a new reach truck cabin with the way they were intended to be employed for improving physical working conditions. Participants drove the reach truck on a test track performing tasks of varying complexity. Video recordings were utilized to facilitate the observations. The results indicate that improved ergonomics features of the reach truck are not used as intended. The test subjects instead adopted postures that they were accustomed to when driving common reach trucks. The possible contributing factors to this posture regression are discussed. The procedure used in this study is recommended for the companies to determine the effectiveness and adoption of ergonomics solutions.  相似文献   

Treatment of bipolar affective disorder is often difficult and lengthy. Enabling participation in a return to work process is equally daunting, primarily due to the dramatic and oftentimes sudden shifts in mood and thought. The following case study attempts to illustrate the complicated process of return to [and stay at] work for an individual who has mixed bipolar affective disorder. Work has always played a significant role in Ray's life and remains a valued goal and accomplishment for Ray. Work has been a means to structure and routine, and it has been from this routine that wellness has become possible for Ray. The metaphor, "I'm still swimming" helps to illustrate the continual treading of water, which both Ray and his occupational therapist [first author] have experienced over the past 6 years. This case study illustrates the strategies employed in maximizing the person-environment-occupation fit for Ray, as well as the importance of collaboration and partnership in the return-to-work process. It is also meant to stimulate thought and discussion about what is important for occupational therapists, and other health professionals to consider, when attempting the task of return-to-work for an individual with mixed bipolar affective disorder.  相似文献   

乡镇企业持续发展与农村经济持续发展的关系 企业持续发展,是指企业发展既能满足当代人的需要,又不对后代人满足其需要的能力构成危害,保持企业发展在时间上的连续性和空间上的并存性,使企业发展具有较强的发展后劲。乡镇企业的持续发展,不仅关系到乡镇企业未来的生存和发展,而且关系到我国农村经济的持续发展,乡镇企业的持续发展是促进农村经济持续发展的重要前提。  相似文献   

The present paper investigated the effects of the familiarity between the detector and deceiver and the amount of information available on the detection of deception. It was hypothesized that limiting the amount of information available to the lie detector would increase detection accuracy when the deceiver was familiar and, alternatively, would decrease accuracy when the deceiver was unfamiliar. In Study 1, participants attempted to detect the deceptions of familiar and unfamiliar persons with and without visual cues. The results supported the hypothesis. The deceptions of familiar persons were more likely to be detected when visual cues were withheld and the deceptions of strangers were more likely to be detected when visual cues were not withheld. In Study 2 procedures similar to Study 1 were used. However, in Study 2 the presence or absence of auditory cues was manipulated instead of manipulating the presence or absence of visual cues. The results of Study 2 replicated those of Study 1.  相似文献   

The severed strand concept of the process which accompanies dissolution of a marital relationship is presented as an alternative to the busted bond concept. In this theory, emphasis is on the individual and on the importance of retaining the intact strands in a relationship, rather than discarding the whole when one specific strand or strands fail to withstand the strain in the relationship. The impact on self-esteem is emphasized and processes and problems in applying this theory in practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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