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阿俊 《伴侣(A版)》2008,(12):12-13
正随着威客、拼客、换客等时尚名词风靡一时后,试客这个词再次掀起网络浪潮,深得一些白领的追捧。重庆女白领黄玲正是一位试客族。然而,让人大跌眼镜的是,当她在享受着免费馅饼的同时,危机也一步步向她靠近,最终彻底颠覆了她曾经幸福的生活。那么,她为何钟情试客,而又被这种时尚生活逼入绝境呢?  相似文献   

"晒客",新兴的网络名词,"晒",古有晒书之意,现在意指在网络上与网友分享自己的资源,包括自己的想法,自己的生活方式等等。这群人被称为"晒客"。从2006年底开始,中国互联网一股"晒风"悄然兴起,"晒客"们在互联网上忙得不亦乐乎。网络为"晒客"打开了一扇相互交流的窗口,他们通过网络在陌生人面前敞开心扉,真实地谈论自己的隐私,这满足了信息开放社会中现代人沟通的需求。同时,"晒客"热点话题的变化也折射出中国普通老百姓的生活变迁。  相似文献   

在消费者逐渐成熟的今天,我们会思考自己真正需要的生活是什么,也会把钱花在最值得花费的地方,所以才出现了"试客一族"。本文主人公陈美,自从走上试客道路以后,不仅改变了月光面貌,"试"出了新的生活方式,还"试"来了一场浓烈的爱情。  相似文献   

在消费者逐渐成熟的今天,我们会思考自己真正需要的生活是什么,也会把钱花在最值得花费的地方,所以才出现了"试客一族"。本文主人公陈美,自从走上试客道路以后,不仅改变了月光面貌,"试"出了新的生活方式,还"试"来了一场浓烈的爱情。  相似文献   

1.炫客:①一种融合了博客、播客和闪客技术的网络应用技术,用户可以运用这种技术创作类似影视剧的作品在互联网上展示。②指应用炫客技术创作炫客作品的人。2.闪客:指从事网络动画设计的人。"闪"是英语flash的直译。  相似文献   

我张开双臂,饱满的身体颤抖着,离开柯文的日子里,我总由一张床流浪到另一张,我以为,有钱有男人有性的快乐,便可以忘记他,忘记那段羞辱的"爱情试客"的岁月……  相似文献   

艾滋女事件:网络不是诽谤者的“避风港”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络又一次为虎作伥 2009年,网络“晒客”继续晒工资、晒账本、晒情感,晒并快乐着。然而,当网上“闫德利”把“自己有艾滋病、和两百余人有性关系”的事情晒出来后,委实晒得人惊心动魄,晒得社会哗然一片。  相似文献   

2009年, "网络公共事件"精彩纷呈,尽管不乏"网络谣言"的肆意横行, "寂寞党"的无聊狂欢,但主旋律无疑是无处不在的"网络监督",波涛汹涌的"网络民主"."网络公共事件"背后,是网民"从网络暴民、网络哄客到网络公民"的"破茧化蝶".经历网络江湖的千锤百炼,网民正变得更加理性,更有力量.  相似文献   

徐娜 《职业》2017,(15)
一、创客及创客空间 "创客"一词源于英文单词 Maker,是指创造产品的人.创客既可以是利用互联网或者数字化及传统制造设备、数字化产品开发技术、开发软硬件以及其他新兴的科技设备与资源,把创意变成现实产品的人,也可以是热衷于创意或者设计以及制造的个人或群体.  相似文献   

张婧 《现代妇女》2014,(2):150-150,155
随着网络的发展,晒客逐渐成为人们的又一交际圈,晒客为网民提供了一个群体交流的新空间。极大地拓展了人与人之间的交流互动。晒客所晒之物物品繁多,晒客的来源也非常广泛,每一个晒客都有其所晒的目的,根据晒客的目的可以分为心情展示型、信息共享型、自我展示型、解密曝光型以及炫耀攀比型。晒客在给人们带来便利时,也有其他方面需要注意,炫富便是其一。炫富作为当今社会经济发展建设中所出现的不健康心态和扭曲的价值观的体现。和谐社会需要和谐的心理和和谐的价值观为基础来建构,社会主义核心价值观和价值理念的偏离与缺失是我们当前以共创以人为本的和谐社会所面临的最大思想和心理障碍,严重影响社会秩序。富庶的生活是每个人的生活目标,但这一目标的实现需要一个长期的过程和正确的引导。  相似文献   

Analyzing news coverage to recount a fast-moving, dramatic marketing PR incident that occurred in South Korea, the contingency theory of conflict management and crisis management strategies are integrated to examine how crisis is communicated and managed in a very short period of time. Several types of strategies were utilized by contending parties through the various stages of the crisis life cycle. We found evidence for a new contingent variable that should be added in the matrix of contingent factors--the importance of Internet community and Netizens as organized and influential public. Netizens played an important role throughout the crisis period in changing the organization's stance from advocacy to accommodation.  相似文献   

穿着靓丽的民族传统服饰,在镜头前制作特色美食,徒手抓鱼,推着牛下地耕田……在贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州黎平县盖宝村,有七位侗族姑娘在网络走红,用直播和短视频的方式宣传侗族文化,助力家乡脱贫。  相似文献   

在内蒙古兴安盟科右中旗,提到奶制品,大家都会联想到创业女性花拉。对于花拉的创业梦想,家人给予她最大的理解和支持。传承奶制品手工艺,为家乡民族文化旅游事业尽心尽力,花拉一家的故事平凡却也不凡。  相似文献   

新郎黄永生和新娘黄秋花都属于"80后"一代,他们在新思想、新文化的影响下成长,衣着时尚如同每一个大城市里的年轻人,而他们的婚礼却用传统的方式在家乡蟳埔村热闹地举行。  相似文献   

Nennu and Shunu: gender, body politics, and the beauty economy in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yang J 《Signs》2011,36(2):333-358
This essay analyzes recent discourse on two emerging representations of women in China, "tender" women (nennu) and "ripe" women (shunu), in order to examine the relationships among gender, body politics, and consumerism. The discourse of nennu and shunu suggests that older, ripe women become younger and more tender by consuming fashions, cosmetic surgery technologies, and beauty and health care products and services because tender women represent the ideal active consumership that celebrates beauty, sexuality, and individuality. This discourse serves to enhance consumers' desire for beauty and health and to ensure the continued growth of China's beauty economy and consumer capitalism. Highlighting the role of the female body, feminine beauty, and feminine youth in developing consumerism, this discourse downplays the contributions of millions of beauty and health care providers (predominantly laid-off female workers and rural migrant women) and new forms of gender exploitation. Such an overemphasis on gender masks intensified class division. This essay suggests that women and their bodies become new terrains from which post-Mao China can draw its power and enact consumerism. Gender constitutes both an economic multiplier to boost China's consumer capitalism and a biopolitical strategy to regulate and remold women and their bodies into subjects that are identified with the state's political and economic objectives. Since consumerism has been incorporated into China's nation-building project, gender thus becomes a vital resource for both consumer capitalist development and nation building. This essay shows that both gender and the body are useful analytic categories for the study of postsocialism.  相似文献   

在贵阳地铁1号钱上,有这样一个由13位女司机组成的“巾帼车组”,其中年龄最大的25岁、最小的21岁。别看年经不大,但他们却有着精湛的驾驶技术和过硬的专业素质,每天驾驶着载有上千乘客的列车在城市轨道中穿梭,为大家的安全岀行“保驾护航”.  相似文献   

Markets can show different types of dynamics, from quiet markets dominated by one or few products, to markets with constant penetration of new and reintroduced products. This paper explores the dynamics of markets from a psychological perspective using a multi-agent simulation model. The behavioural rules of the artificial consumers, the consumats, are based on a conceptual meta-theory from psychology. The artificial consumers have to choose each period between similar products. Products remain in the market as long as they maintain a minimum level of market share, else they will be replaced by a new product. Assuming a population of consumats with different preferences, and social networks, the model simulates adoption of new products for alternative assumptions on behavioural rules. Furthermore, the consequences of changing preferences and the size of social networks are explored. Results show that the behavioural rules that dominate the artificial consumer's decision making determine the resulting market dynamics, such as fashions, lock-in and unstable renewal. Results also show the importance of psychological variables like social networks, preferences and the need for identity to explain the dynamics of markets.  相似文献   

珍惜水资源,建设节水型城市对于水资源紧缺的中国十分重要而紧迫。我国节水型城市政策法规建设取得了一定的成绩并在不断推进,但是还不够健全,需要完善。我们要加强节水立法,建立一系列节水的法律制度,让全城市珍惜水资源,早日建成节水型城市。  相似文献   

Several people buy products that they will never use or even know what for. Feelings associated with pleasure, spontaneity and possession of something are reasons why people buy products without considering if they really need it or not if it will be useful or not, etc.. The collective buying sites are going up and offer products and services with great discounts. This study aims to relate the emotional design and usability concerning to collective buying sites and identify the reasons that influence people when it comes to buy something online.  相似文献   

The authors describe college and university students' use of widely advertised pharmaceutical products. Four hundred seventy-one students from three institutions completed self-administered questionnaires that addressed the use of advertised medications, attention to magazine ads for medications, communications with physicians about medications, and the conditions the medications address. Results indicated that the majority of the students used at least one of the advertised products. Most students did not discuss the pharmaceutical products with their physicians or discuss the conditions for which they reported they were taking the drugs.  相似文献   

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