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Population Research and Policy Review - The recently finalized changes to the disclosure avoidance policies of the US Census Bureau for the 2020 census, grounded in differential privacy, have faced...  相似文献   

US Census same-sex couple data represent one of the richest and most frequently used data resources for studying the LGBT population. Recently, the Census Bureau conducted an analysis of a serious measurement problem in these data, finding that as many as 40 % of same-sex couples tabulated in Census 2000 and 28 % of those tabulated in Census 2010 were likely misclassified different-sex couples (O’Connell and Feliz, Bureau of the Census, 2011). As a result, the Census Bureau released new state-level “preferred” estimates for the number of same-sex couples in these years, as well as previously unavailable information regarding the error rate of sex misclassification among different-sex married and unmarried couples by state and year. Researchers can use this information to adjust same-sex couple tabulations for geographic areas below the state level. Using these resources, this study: (1) considers in greater detail how the properties of the same-sex couple error might affect statistical inference, (2) offers a method for developing sub-state estimates of same-sex couples, and (3) demonstrates how using adjusted estimates can improve inference in analyses that rely on understanding the distribution of same-sex couples. In order to accomplish the third task, we replicate an analysis by McVeigh and Diaz (American Sociological Review 74: 891–915, 2009) that used county level Census 2000 unadjusted same-sex couple data, substitute our adjusted same-sex couple estimate, and examine the way in which this substitution affects findings. Our results demonstrate the improved accuracy of the adjusted measure and provide the formula that researchers can use to adjust the same-sex couple distribution in future analyses.  相似文献   

The U.S. Census Bureau periodically releases projections of the US resident population, detailed by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin. The most recent of these, issued 13 January 2000, for the first time extend to the year 2100 and also include information on the foreign‐bom population. (Earlier projections were carried up to 2080.) The extensive tabulations presenting the new set, and detailed explanation of the methodology and the assumptions underlying the projections, are accessible at the Census Bureau's web site: http://www.census.gov . A brief summary of some of the main results of these projections is reproduced below from United States Department of Commerce News, Washington, DC 20230. (The Census Bureau is an agency of the Department of Commerce.) Uncertainties as to future trends in fertility, mortality, and net migration over a period of some 100 years are very great, as is illustrated by the massive difference in the projected size of the population for 2100 in the three variants produced. The “middle” projected population figure of 571 million (which represents a growth of some 109 percent over its current level) is bracketed by “lowest” and “highest” alternative projections of 283 million and 1.18 billion, respectively. With somewhat lesser force, the point also applies to the 50‐year time span considered in the well‐known country‐by‐country projections of the United Nations. These projections are also detailed in three variants: low, middle, and high. The UN projections (last revised in 1998) envisage less rapid growth in the United States during the first part of the twenty‐first century than do the Census Bureau's. The projected population figures for 2050 in the three variants (low, middle, and high) are as follows (in millions):
U.S. Census Bureau 313.5 403.7 552.8
United Nations 292.8 349.3 419.0
Since the initial age and sex distributions from which the two sets of population projections start are essentially identical, these differences reflect assumptions by the Census Bureau with respect to the three factors affecting population dynamics in the next 50 years. In the middle series, each of these assumptions is more growth‐producing in the Census Bureau's set than in that of the United Nations. Thus, in the middle of the twenty‐first century the Census Bureau anticipates male and female life expectancies of 81.2 and 86.7 years; the corresponding figures according to the UN are 78.8 and 84.4 years. Net immigration to the United States per 1000 population at midcentury is assumed to be 2.2 by the United Nations and somewhat above 2.4 according to the Census Bureau. The factor most affecting the difference between the projected population sizes, however, is the differing assumptions with respect to fertility. The middle UN series anticipates a midcentury US total fertility rate of 1.9 children per woman; the Census Bureau's assumption is slightly above 2.2. A notable feature of the Census Bureau's projection methodology in comparison to that of the UN is the recognition of differences in mortality and fertility, and also in immigration, with respect to race and Hispanic origin. Thus, at midcentury the white non‐Hispanic population is assumed to have a total fertility rate of 2.03; the corresponding figure for the population of Hispanic origin is 2.56. (Fertility in other population subgroups is expected to lie between these values, although closer to the fertility of non‐Hispanic whites.) And Hispanic immigration, currently the major component within total immigration, is assumed to remain significant throughout the next five decades (although by midcentury it is expected to be far exceeded by immigration of non‐Hispanic Asians). As a result, the structure of the US population by race and Hispanic origin is expected to shift markedly. To the extent that fertility and mortality differentials persist, such a shift also affects the mean fertility and mortality figures of the total population.  相似文献   

世人瞩目的六普:轨迹、解读与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
引言众所周知,与建国后历次人口普查相比,2010年第六次全国人口普查受到了国内外各方面超乎寻常的高度关注和重视,究其原因不外乎如下几个方面:其一,中国是世界,尤其是发展中国家的第一人口大国,全球关注改革开放30多年来在经济总量已成为世界第二大经济实体后的中国;同样也关注地球在即将进入70亿人口的关口前,经过数十年人口控制大国的人口现状及未来走势。其二,长期以来,国人一直将人口视作国情国力的一个重要组成部分,在我国快速工业化、信息化、  相似文献   

何雄  易成栋 《南方人口》2004,19(4):45-51
本文在回顾我国人口普查传统方法技术基础上 ,分析了新形势下国内外人口普查技术新进展 ,并指出人口地理信息系统的建设是我国人口普查新工作平台。本文探讨了人口地理信息系统基本功能和系统结构 ,并从五个方面详细分析人口地理信息系统如何辅助人口普查工作 :普查登记阶段 ,GIS技术可以辅助划分普查区域 ,绘制出普查地图和调查小区地图 ,提高速度和准确性 ,确保地域上的不重不漏 ;利用人口GIS ,可以充分发挥基本单位名录库在普查中的重要作用 ;利用人口GIS ,可以拓宽抽样调查和专项调查应用领域 ;利用调查小区空间不变性 ,可以统一普查资料空间基准 ,极大的拓宽普查资料应用范围 ;利用人口GIS ,可以加深人口普查数据的开发利用。未来十年内 ,将会有更多的区域建设各等级人口专题地理信息系统。  相似文献   

This empirical research study examines the experiences of three male-to-female transgender teachers who transitioned genders, in three different decades (1980s, 1990s, 2000s) while actively teaching within Canadian K–12 public schools. I utilize poststructural storylines to explore how these transgender teachers navigated the personal, pedagogical, and political and the survival and transition strategies they developed to become intelligible within their schools. Their storylines illustrate how they developed counternarratives to challenge traditional discourses of trans invisibility, silence, shame, and fear.  相似文献   

由于城镇人口统计口径频繁变化,导致主要年度之间不同口径城镇化人口比重数据出现差值,必须进行科学修正,而已有的修正方案均存在一定缺陷。本文根据我国现有城镇人口数据特点提出了更完善的城镇人口比重数据修正方案:其一,以月度作为两个代表期间的细分时段,利用联合国城镇人口比重预测法估算期间各年度城镇化理论值;其二,再以各年度基于人口变动抽查的城镇化速度对城镇化理论值进行校正,得到既具有同一统计口径又反映年度实际波动的各年度城镇人口比重数据。并且利用该方案对1991~1999年、2006~2009年城镇人口比重数据进行了有效修正。  相似文献   

黄春红 《南方人口》2001,16(4):13-16
1990年以来 ,广东人口状况发生了深刻的变化。这些变化有的符合全国普遍规律 ,有的因受广东特殊社会经济环境的影响表现出不同特点。本文利用第五次人口普查最新数据 ,分析广东人口在数量、分布、素质和结构等方面的现状和特点  相似文献   

The impact of the personal income tax dependent exemption, abortion availability, and other factors on fertility rates is analyzed. US time series data for 1915–88 are used in the empirical model. The results indicate that greater abortion availability in the USA is associated with lower fertility. A higher value of the dependent exemption generally is associated with higher fertility, but the magnitude and significance of the effect is sensitive to specification choice. The results suggest that restricting abortion availability in the USA will increase the fertility rate, but a change in the tax value of the dependent exemption will have a less predictable impact on fertility.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the entry of the baby boom into the workforce and the productivity slowdown. Lucas (Bell J Econ 9(2):508–523, 1978) shows how management quality plays a role in determining output. The baby boom’s entry into the workforce resulted in more managers from smaller, pre-baby boom cohorts. These marginal managers were necessarily of lower quality, leading to a drop in total factor productivity. As the boomers aged, this effect was reversed. A calibrated model of managers, workers, and firms suggests that the management effects of the baby boom may explain roughly 20% of the observed productivity slowdown and resurgence.  相似文献   

本文在"六普"汇总数据的基础上,定量分析中国人口的生育水平、生育模式的变化和生育变化的影响因素。研究发现,在生育水平持续下降的情况下,结构性因素逐渐成为左右未来中国生育水平走向的决定性因素;生育模式正在向初婚初育间隔扩大,生育孩次向低孩次集中的方向发展;尽管年龄别已婚生育率的变化使得中国一般生育率上升9.613%,在导致生育水平下降的各因素中,育龄妇女年龄结构、婚姻状态等人口因素的影响显得越来越重要。研究结果对于正确理解我国的人口形势,科学地规划和调整人口政策具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

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