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This paper reports data from a study of former doctoral students, examining their personal characteristics, program experiences, and later career patterns. High motivation and career change objectives characterized this group at program entrance. They felt well-served by their educational experiences, and were in highly satisfying positions that were easily obtained upon leaving the program. General themes emerging from these data were discussed in a final section that explores the characteristics of doctoral training and its implications for participants and the profession.  相似文献   

Les galeries d'art utilisent des techniques médiatiques particulières pour donner un caractère didactique a ce qu'elles présentent. L'expo-sition Art for a Nation proposée à l'Art Gallery of Ontario en 1996 illustre l'utilisation de techniques modernes, basees sur des documents imprimés, pour structurer l'exposition d'oeuvres d'art et guider le visiteur. L'exposition présentait le Groupe des Sept comme des artistes célébres, décrivait leur parcours sous la forme d'un récit historique et donnait une opinion d'expert sur leurs ceuvres. L'atelier Oh! Canada Workshop, organisé en parallèle, utilisait quant à lui le multimédia et des techniques postmodernes. Dans cet atelier, les ceuvres étaient placees au hasard, sans notes historiques. Cela permettait aux visiteurs de creer leurs propres ceuvres d'art et de devenir critiques d'art. Un sondage effectué parmi les visiteurs ainsi que l'étude de leur comportement ont révéle une nette préferénce pour l'exposition Art for a Nation. Les visiteurs recherchaient les techniques médiatiques directives que les galeries d'art proposent habituellement plutôt qu'un environnement multimedia totalement libre, qui s'apparente à ce que les visiteurs vivent quotidiennement. Pour eux, un musée doit rester un lieu où il faut être respectueux envers ce qui est montré, un lieu antipopulaire par excellence. Art galleries use special media formats to authorize what they display. The art Gallery of Ontario's 1996 Art for a Nation exhibition exemplifies the use of print-based, modern means of authorization. It presented the Group of Seven as famous artists, contructed an historical narrative of their development and provided expert opinion on their work. The Gallery's accompanying Oh! Canada Workshop used multimedia, postmodern means of authorization. It distributed exhibits randomly without an historical narrative, and allowwed visitors to create their own art and to be art critics. A survey of visitors and observations of their activties revealed an overwhelming  相似文献   

We examine two perspectives on the management of migration, involving the distinction between settlement and adjustment. The latter refers to urban migration that involves significant personal maladjustment, while settlement emphasizes the importance of social networks and coping strategies in moderating the consequences of migration. Using a sample representing both rural and urban origins and differential length of residence in Milan, it is shown that (contrary to assumptions involved in the “maladjustment” perspective) neither prior urban experience nor length of exposure to urban life is associated with better adjustment. Various coping strutegies are explored (e. g., pre-migration and social-network help) as potential contributors to successful settlement. Finally, the “settler” (in contrast to the “maladjuster”) is shown to be more insulated from urban-oriented change in life style and ideology.  相似文献   

Students (n = 244, 76% MSSW) and faculty members (n = 40, 36% tenure or tenure track) at a social work program at a large public southern U.S. university were surveyed to assess within- and between-group differences in perspectives on student writing. Faculty members expressed significantly greater concern with student writing than students. Latina/o, African American, female, and undergraduate students all reported more writing challenges compared to their peers. Likewise, full-time faculty members who teach mainly online or had less training in writing instruction reported more challenges than their colleagues. Overall, our findings support the need for writing interventions that acculturate students to the discipline through a more inclusive, culturally competent discourse as well as increased faculty preparation for teaching writing.  相似文献   

Numerous essays exist on the lived experiences of academics from working‐class or poverty‐class origins. Yet, to date, there exists no systematic analysis of the class origins of university faculty members. This study utilizes surveys from a random sample of full‐time university professors at all 95 Canadian universities affiliated with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) to analyze the ways in which socioeconomic background impacts experiences within university and graduate school. Findings indicate that several measures of socioeconomic background are indeed significant predictors of this experience. Qualitative data reveal that working‐class faculty members are hyper‐aware of the ways in which their class backgrounds affected their educational trajectories; while conversely, academics from middle‐class backgrounds were also reflective about the ways in which they were privileged. The paper concludes with implications for developing public policy that shifts focus away from apolitical discussions of diversity, toward promoting inclusivity for those from working‐class or lower‐income backgrounds. Il existe de nombreux travaux concernant les expériences vécues par des académiques qui font parties de différentes classes sociales, particulièrement les classes ouvrières. Par contre, jusqu’à date, il n'existe aucune analyse systématique concernant les classes d'origines des membres du corps professoral qui travaillent aux universités. Cette étude utilise des enquêtes qui ont été obtenues avec un échantillon aléatoire de professeurs qui travaillent à temps plein aux 95 universités Canadiennes affiliées avec “L'association des Universités et Collèges du Canada” (AUCC). Cette étude analyse les façons que le statut socio‐économique de la famille affecte les expériences à l'université et aux études supérieures. Les résultats quantitatifs démontrent que plusieurs mesures de statut socio‐économique prédisent ces expériences. En plus, les résultats qualitatifs démontrent que les membres du corps professoral qui viennent la classe ouvrière sont très conscients des façons que leur statut socio‐économique affecte leurs trajectoires académiques. Par contre, les membres du corps professoral qui viennent la classe moyenne sont aussi conscients et même réfléchissant des façons qu'ils sont privilégiés à cause de leur statut socio‐économique. Les résultats indiquent la nécessité de développer des politiques publiques qui détourne l'attention et les discussions apolitiques sur la diversité, aux discussions sur les façons de promouvoir, aux universités, l'inclusion de ceux qui viennent des milieux socio‐économiques inférieurs et défavorisés.  相似文献   

Difficult conversations about isms, power, privilege, and oppression are an essential part of social work education, and they present unique challenges for students and faculty. The current study examined students’ and faculty’s perceptions of the safety of the classroom and the competence of the faculty in facilitating difficult conversations at a graduate school of social work in New York City. Student and faculty versions of a survey were distributed to both groups. Results indicated students rated the experience of having difficult conversations at the school significantly more negatively than the faculty did. The majority of respondents expressed the need for courses and training to be more fluent in having difficult conversations. Future directions are discussed based on the findings.  相似文献   

Abstract This study examines the unique experiences of low‐income rural participants in an asset building program‐the Individual Development Account. Using data from the American Dream Demonstration, this study addresses three main questions: (1) What are the individual characteristics associated with saving outcomes among rural IDA participants? (2) What are the program characteristics associated with savings among rural participants? (3) What are the policy implications for supporting asset building in rural areas? To answer these questions we conduct an Ordinary Least Squares regression analysis. The results suggest that low‐income rural participants have the ability and willingness to save toward the accumulation of assets in IDAs. Looking at individual characteristics, home ownership appears to be an important predictor of savings. In addition, this study suggests that program characteristics (financial education, peer group meetings, match rate, direct deposit, and monthly saving target), not merely individual characteristics, are important in explaining saving performance for this group.  相似文献   


Nations engaged in a dispute may escalate their use of coercion in order to raise the costs of the fight to the other side and gain concessions. As a fight continues, escalation is made more probable by changes in the motivation and the expectations of the participants. The goals of each participant may expand and winning the dispute may become more important than it was initially. Each may come to expect the other to increase its coercion beyond previous boundaries and no longer see the prospect of a negotiated settlement. In addition, normative and other inhibitions on the use of force tend to decrease once the use of coercion has begun. The ways in which a conventional war might escalate to a nuclear war are discussed. The conditions under which deescalation of coercion will occur are outlined.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical model that identifies and accounts for the full range of variation in the experience of duration. The model has been generated through inductive theory construction, using empirical materials drawn from the triangulation of qualitative methods. Its central proposition is that variation in the perceived passage of time reflects variation in the density of conscious information processing per standard temporal unit.  相似文献   


This exploratory study examined MSW education’s organizational-level lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) competence. Data were gathered from a sample of MSW program directors, faculty members, and students (N=1385) from 34 MSW programs in the United States. Hierarchical linear modeling analyzed differences in perceptions of organizational LGBT competence between MSW programs and among participants in the same program. Results showed organizational LGBT competence varied significantly among MSW programs and indicated program directors, faculty members, and students had different perceptions of the competence of their shared program. Specifically, directors rated the LGBT competence of their program higher than faculty, and faculty rated their program higher than students did. Implications for research and suggestions for social work education are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract An increasing amount of research has been dedicated to studying university‐industry relationships (UIRs). Researchers have studied the impacts of UIRs on the integrity of university research. However, while studies have examined the attitudes and actions of university administration and industry leaders with respect to UIRs, limited attention has been devoted to the attitudes and actions of women faculty. Drawing on feminist epistemology and academic capitalism research, we develop and test four hypotheses about gender and UIRs. We use Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) and data from a nationwide survey of land‐grant agricultural and life scientists to examine perceptions of UIRs and individual‐level ties to private industry among male and female faculty in different academic disciplines. Although we find no significant gender differences in perceptions of UIRs, our results indicate women have fewer ties to industry compared to men when controlling for individual‐and discipline‐level characteristics. In particular, industry funding of scientific research and consulting for private firms appear to disproportionately favor men over women. We also find that discipline‐level industry ties influence scientists' attitudes and industry linkages, suggesting the existence of different disciplinary cultures with respect to UIRs. We recommend researchers, policymakers, and others interested in understanding the growth of academic capitalism, as well as the gender gap in science, pursue more in‐depth investigation of the interaction between gender, academic discipline, and UIRs.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates that higher education is a system integrated by shared values and is also differentiated according to institutional teaching orientations. This illustration is accomplished through a “visual display” of shared and differentiated teaching goals as faculty reported these in a national survey conducted in 1973. Using these teaching goals, six normative teaching orientations are derived. The six orientations associated with higher educational institutional variation reduce to four types of teaching environments. Relating these environments to each other refiects a system according to the Parsonian AGIL framework.  相似文献   

In this article we report on data from an empirical study concerned to explore the experience of women academics managing non‐motherhood and work in the gendered university. Although there is a growing body of work on the gendered experience of higher education in general and the experience of mothers as academics in particular, as yet there is little on non‐mothers and work. Drawing on our data we suggest that non‐mothers as well as mothers are affected by the ideology of motherhood and this has consequences for non‐mothers as workers within the academy. In addition to being perceived by students and other staff as ‘natural’ carers because they are women, academic non‐mothers are expected to put in the time and energy that mothers can not. However, as our data demonstrate, non‐mothers often have caring responsibilities outside the institution too. Overall, we argue that non‐motherhood needs to be recognized for the complex identity that it is.  相似文献   

Social work educators seem to have mixed feelings about the development of open and distance learning in Britain and the USA. Open and distance learning has tended to be marginalised. It has been compared unfavourably to campus based programmes, but there has been a lack of research on this topic in the United Kingdom. However, research in the USA indicates that open and distance learning social work students have a high degree of satisfaction with teaching and learning approaches compared with those on campus based programmes, while student outcomes and level of achievement have been at least comparable to those on ‘traditional’ programmes.

Some criticisms of open and distance learning in the UK are examined. These include narrow, mass produced, ‘assembly line’, mechanistic, isolating, individualistic approaches. Advantages of open and distance learning in the UK are considered, such as well organised teaching packs, flexibility and individual choice in pace, time and place of learning with especially good learning opportunities for mature women with family commitments. Improvements are advocated, centred around developing more opportunities to rehearse and develop practice skills, encouraging more divergent, critical thinkers operating from a more pluralistic knowledge base and the empowerment of students in collectives.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a survey of female faculty. Overall, respondents indicated positive perceptions of their academic environment and a strong interest in mentoring female students.  相似文献   

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