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Local food systems (LFSs) are complex and diverse social structures. The processes that influence the formation and evolution of LFSs are obscure, relatively uncoordinated, and somewhat mysterious. This study develops a stronger understanding of such processes through a qualitative exploration of the influence of routine practice work at the organization level on the entrepreneurial development of two distinct LFSs in the Southwest region of the United States: southeastern Arizona and Albuquerque?Santa Fe. We gathered data between August 2014 and September 2017 through semistructured interviews with and direct observations of 53 local food practitioners operating in one of the two LFSs. Theoretical principles of institutional entrepreneurship, embedded agency, and practice work guided the study. The findings reveal three forms of ingenuity (technological, organizational, policy) that regularly emerge through the day‐to‐day organization‐level work of local food practitioners. We argue that the system‐level influence of these forms, whether intentional or not, are indicators of the embedded agency of the practitioners and their capacities to serve as institutional entrepreneurs. We discuss implications for both practice and future research.  相似文献   

Cette ktude pr6sente une alternative au concept du systPme de dew partis pour le maintient d' un ordre democratique dans les organizations dites volontaires. On a présupposé que, en l'absence de conflit institutionalisé les orientations de rôle de militants qui se dedient des rôles de leaders determinent le caractère politique de l'organization.
On a choisi les délégués Aune convention constitutionelle des United Auto Workers (Syndicat des Travailleurs de 1'Automobile). On a supposé que les facteurs qui conditionnent un ordre democratique sont (i) l'orientation des valeurs des delbgues, (ii) l'evaluation du syndicat comme organization d6mocratique par les délégukés (iii)la perception par les dhgués du comportement politique des membres et de l'attitude de ceux-ci envers le direction du syndicat. Les resultats suggerent qu' il y a chez ces degues un fort attachement aux valeurs democratiques. En plus, l'evaluation du syndicat par les delegubs et leur perception de l'attitude et du comportement des membres sont des influences determinantes qui renforcent leur attachement B un syst6me democratique de direction.  相似文献   

Dans cette étude, nous examinons les répercussions sociales de la mondialisation dans une perspective culturelle. Notre analyse porte sur le conflit qui existe entre le discours sur la mondialisation et les priorités locales, entre les droits de l'individu et les engagements des pouvoirs publics ainsi que sur la difficulté de trouver de nouveaux points d'ancrage de l'identité culturelle dans un contexte où les frontières territoriales entre les États s'effacent et où les idées de progres, de modernité et d'évolution se sont érodées. Ces traits accompagnent la transformation amorcée dans le cadre des relations complexes et hégémoniques qui caractérisent aujourd'hui le système mondial. Ce conflit et ces problèmes demeurent un axe fondamental du débat politique. Nous suggérons que les différentes formes de participation se traduisent de diverses façons dans le champ de l'expression politique et dans Interprétation des exigences sociales et des droits, et influent sur la vie publique à la veille du XXIesiécle. This article explores the social implications of globalization as cultural vision. Discussion bears upon the tension between the discourse of globality and local priorities, of individual rights and public commitments, and upon the problems of finding new ways for grounding identities as territorial state boundaries are weakened and the ideas of progress, modernity and evolutionary perspectives are eroded as part of a process of change initiated in the developed and hegemonic settings of the world system. It is claimed that these tensions and problems remain a crucial axis of political debate. It is suggested that different patterns of participation meld in manifold ways into recreated forms of political will and varied interpretations of social claims on and rights to affect the shaping of public life at the turn of the century.  相似文献   

Following contemporary discussions of environmental sustainability, I view sustainable democracy as an approach that remains open to diversity, promotes well‐being for all social actors, and advances social justice. The notion of sustaining democracy that I adopt foregrounds everyday practical and participatory strategies that are self‐consciously tied to a vision of the future which will be more economically equitable, peaceful, inclusive, and socially just. However, I argue, a political vision cannot be enacted without an epistemological articulation that informs political practice. Feminist praxis contains, in its epistemological formulation, a reflexive process by which lessons from past activist engagements are incorporated into contemporary efforts, which, in turn, are further reflected upon in changing political and cultural contexts. Feminist praxis is further deepened by incorporating epistemological insights from feminist theories of intersectionality to inform its political methodology. I illustrate the possibilities of intersectional feminist praxis for sustaining democratic practice with attention to five different dimensions: strategies for inclusion, methods of empowerment, countering power imbalances, organizing across differences, and processes of reflexivity.  相似文献   

Cette étude de cas sur des travailleurs licenciés dans un comté rural de l'Ontario s'inscrit dans le cadre de la controverse au sujet des effete, sur les travailleurs et la société, de la libéralisation du commerce et de la restructuration économique. En nous fondant sur l'expérience des travailleurs licenciés, la durée du chômage, la comparaison entre les anciens et les nouveaux emplois ainsi que sur la baisse des revenus, nous fournissons des données empiriques sur le genre de transformation qui s'opère dans une communauté rurale. Nous affirmons que, pour ce type de communauté du moins, les effets à long terme de la restructuration sont négatifs pour les travailleurs et la communautéà laquelle ils appartiennent, et, en particulier, pour les femmes et les travailleurs plus âgés.
A case study of laid-off workers in a rural Ontario county is placed within the polarized debate over the implications for workers and for society more broadly of trade liberalization and economic restructuring. Examining experiences of layoff, including length of time unemployed, comparisons between old and new jobs, and the degree of income loss, we present empirical data on the transformation taking place in a rural community context. We argue that, for such communities at least, the long-term effects of restructuring are negative for workers and their communities overall, and are particularly disadvantageous for women and older workers.  相似文献   

Abstract During the closing decades of the twentieth century, the federal government has experienced a period of delegitimation and fiscal crisis that has led to decentralization of some federal programs and a fledgling revival of community‐ and place‐based policies. These and other locality‐based policies are not new tools. The renewed interest in this type of policy raises questions about their effectiveness. Historic and recent records of locality‐based policies suggest that they are not panaceas for achieving programmatic goals. Three cases provide an empirical, comparative basis for assessing the liabilities of locality‐based policies: the Third New Deal efforts to institute county land‐use planning; Mexico's experiences with community forestry; and emerging grassroots ecosystem management movements in the western United States. Among other factors, the degree of local democracy and inclusiveness and the quality of local social, economic, and physical infrastructures are identified as important in mediating effective policy implementation.  相似文献   


The discourse surrounding the role of spirituality in social work practice has been expanding exponentially in recent years. Similarly, the discourse surrounding the role of spirituality among diasporic communities has expanded in recent times as well. In this paper, we will consider the linkages between social work, spirituality, and diaspora. We will focus our discussion on a particular diasporic spiritual community, the Sathya Sai Baba movement and its social service activities. We will then consider the implications of such spiritual movements for the social work profession. Among the key issues explored in this paper are the change in the social construction of populations that have moved between two countries as 'immigrant communities' to 'diasporic communities' and the implications of these changes for social work. Another critical issue we discuss is how working with spiritual movements may help address the 'spiritual deficit' concern that some social work academics have referred to, and indirectly at least, we begin to address 'the social work crisis' issue that has negatively affected the social work profession over the last few years.  相似文献   

Dans cette étude, nous examinons les hypothèses des partisans de la «mondialisation>> et proposons des solutions totalement opposées. Dans la première partie, nous réfutons les arguments suivants au sujet de la «mondialisation>>: la souveraineté nationale s'érode dans tous les pays; la part de propriété transnationale est plus importante que par le passé; la «mondialisation>> constitue la conséquence inévitable du changement technologique; et la libéralisation de l'économie à l'échelle mondiale renforce la démocratic Dans la deuxième partie, nous examinons les solutions de rechange démocratiques que peuvent offrir les anciens et les nouveaux mouvements sociaux. L'utilisation de fonds d'investissement gérés par le public et engagés selon les besoins des collectivités est considérée comme une solution de rechange à l'orientation axée sur le marché mondial des entreprises transnationales.
This paper critically examines the assumptions of the advocates of "globalization" and develops an alternative that is the polar opposite. The first half of the paper challenges the following assumptions about "globalization": that national sovereignty is eroding for all countries; that the level of transnational ownership is higher now than in the past; that "globalization" has been the inevitable result of technological change; that democracy is strengthened by global economic liberalization. The second half of the paper examines the prospects for the creation of democratic alternatives to globalization in old and new social movements. Socially controlled investment funds that have "location commitment" to communities are seen as an alternative to the globalization vision of transnational corporations.  相似文献   

This article presents an empowerment approach to clinical services for families and children surviving homicides. Narrative theory is used to integrate child, family and community interventions. The article presents a framework for the examination of narratives and guidelines for co-constructing narratives that empower children, families and communities.  相似文献   

Food safety and quality assurance systems have emerged as a key mechanism of food governance in recent years and are also popular among alternative agrofood movements, such as the organic and fair trade movements. Rural sociologists have identified many problems with existing systems, including corporate cooptation, the marginalization of small producers, and the depoliticization of consumer consciousness. Tackling these problems requires an epistemological shift. This article argues that the existing systems are based on positivist epistemology and calls for a feminist intervention. To show a concrete example of a feminist departure from the conventional assurance systems, I look at the case of a Japanese women's food cooperative and analyze its unique system, comparing it to its conventional counterpart, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). Feminist epistemology can change assurance systems from being closed, nondiscriminatory, and technical to being participatory, differentiated, and normative.  相似文献   

The welfare of farm animals has become a continuing source of controversy as states seek greater regulation over the livestock industry. However, empirical studies addressing the determinants of public concern for farm‐animal welfare are limited. Religion and politics, two institutional bases of attitudes, are rarely explored. Nor have sociologists responded systematically to the popular charge that people concerned with animal welfare care less about human well‐being. This study builds from sociology's stratification literature to address new questions about farm‐animal welfare. Using a range of animal‐welfare attitudes and samples drawn from a statewide and a national population in 2007, we find support for the religious and political bases of farm‐animal‐welfare attitudes. Frequent church attendance is related to less concern with animal welfare. However, we also find that religious beliefs can be a source of support for animal welfare. Political orientation as reflected by desire for more economic equality and greater tolerance of outgroups is also related to concern for farm‐animal welfare. Formal political partisanship and denomination have weaker effects. Concern with farm‐animal welfare is consistently related to greater concern with human welfare in the food sector.  相似文献   

There are widely divergent views on how science and technology are connected to environmental problems. A view commonly held among natural scientists and policy makers is that environmental problems are primarily technical problems that can be solved via the development and implementation of technological innovations. This technologically optimistic view tends to ignore power relationships in society and the political‐economic order that drives environmental degradation. An opposed view, common among postmodernist and poststructuralist scholars, is that the emergence of the scientific worldview is one of the fundamental causes of human oppression. This postmodernist view rejects scientific epistemology and often is associated with an anti‐realist stance, which ultimately serves to deny the reality of environmental problems, thus (unintentionally) abetting right‐wing efforts to scuttle environmental protection. We argue that both the technologically optimistic and the postmodernist views are misguided, and both undermine our ability to address environmental crises. We advocate the adoption of a critical materialist stance, which recognizes the importance of natural science for helping us to understand the world while also recognizing the social embeddedness of the scientific establishment and the need to challenge the manipulation of science by the elite.  相似文献   

Because midwifery in the United States is an occupation at the margins of medicine, midwives must frequently negotiate competing identity claims. This article examines the public identity work of a group of midwives by focusing on two important tools they use to accomplish this work: boundary negotiation and impression management. Drawing on data from in‐depth interviews with twenty‐six licensed, nurse, and empirical midwives in the state of Florida, this article illustrates the ways in which midwives frame their identities in relation to history and media representations and manage public identities through boundary negotiation and impression management. I argue that the marginality of this occupation lends itself to competing categories of identity that midwives must negotiate. These categories become salient when midwives confront historical and media representations of childbirth and midwifery as well as the perceptions of the general public, consumers, lawmakers, and medical professionals.  相似文献   


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is the first major international epidemic of the twenty-first century. In a few short months it spread to every continent, infected 8,096 people, and claimed the lives of 774. It hit older persons particularly hard; it killed 50 percent of the infected of that age category.

The rate of plague's spread from one country to another has greatly increased as the globalization of the world's economy has produced rapid daily transportation of people, products, plants, animals, and, of course, microbes. Each day cities are at risk for the invasion of deadly infectious diseases. While international expert agencies such as the World Health Organization stand by to help fight outbreaks, ultimately, plagues are fought in the local community.

I discuss two theses: (1) To successfully contain and fight a major epidemic the capacity of the community's health care system must be enhanced by its functional linkages to external expert and bridging organizations and systems of organizations; and (2) that the extent to which a community's health care system can draw on external expert and bridging organizations and systems is a function of the degree to which the political state in which the community is embedded facilitates for fails to facilitate) those linkages.

My focus is on Hong Kong and the cities of the People's Republic of China; they were at the epicenter of the SARS outbreak, and it was from them that the contagion spread to other countries. Findings show that plagues are not only matters of biology and health, but also matters of politics, power, and international relations.  相似文献   

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