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Objective . This article demonstrates how intersection theory can be applied in empirical studies by testing whether an individual's race, class, and gender have interactive effects. Methods . Data on high school students' ratings of the importance of equality, money, career, and family from the Monitoring the Future study are used. A stepwise regression model is employed to determine first whether additive effects exist in the data, and then whether interactions exist among race, class, and gender characteristics. Results . Previous findings of additive effects were generally confirmed in the first stage of the regressions, with some exceptions. For the money and family values, significant interactions exist between some pairs of characteristics, but three-way interactions were not significant. For equality and career values, no significant interactions were found. Conclusions . Although there are times when additive models are sufficient to describe differences among groups, the omission of interaction terms can sometimes lead to misleading conclusions about the effects of race, class, and gender. Using intersection theory in empirical models will guard against this oversight and may lead to a broad theory of when significant race, class, and gender interactions should be expected.  相似文献   

关于中产阶级的理论与现状   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:25  
李强 《社会》2005,25(1):28-42
近年来,中产阶级成为国内的一个热门话题,这显然与国内正在迅 速成长的这样一个重要阶层有关。欧美国家在第二次世界大战以后, 以及所谓"亚洲四小龙"等在20世纪70年代经济繁荣以后,都曾经兴  相似文献   

According to some researchers, sports teach hard work, competitiveness and sacrifice — values rewarded in modern industrial society. Others counter that evidence for this is lacking. Moreover sports teach authoritarian values and unrealistic expectations. With one exception, the research designs are flawed in that children are not assigned randomly to the sports group or the control group. After extensively reviewing the literature, the article illustrates its conclusions with interviews of 40 boys and girls.  相似文献   

To check the de Finetti coherence of a putative probability assigned to a classA of events, we must know the possible combinations of truth values (constituents) of any finite class of events inA. Even for a very simple, finite,A this can be impossible. In this case the notion of DF coherence cannot be applied to some or all the putative probabilities on this class of events.  相似文献   

本文主要通过定量研究的问卷法和结构式访谈法分析某大学社会工作专业4年级学生关于如何将社会工作理论与社会工作实务联系起来的调查,在其中寻找到存在的一些问题,同时也试图运用整合教学模式为该系的课程设计提出一些自己的见解。  相似文献   

Physical, social and behavioural disabilities occur at a high rate amongst aboriginals. Probably no other group in Australia has a greater need for rehabilitation services. To date this need has been largely ignored. Token services have been provided in some places, usually in terms of european, middle class values. Greater recognition of the socioeconomic, cultural and related factors that influence rehabilitation activities and outcomes is needed if effective services to aboriginals are to be developed.  相似文献   

Critics of mass-mediated culture have long maintained that media such as television, radio, and newspapers are instrumental in propagating class values. In his analysis of Colombian telenovelas, Azriel Bibliowicz argues that this apparently harmless form of entertainment also has a political and ideological base whose implicit messages serve to make its viewers forget reality. Just as Levi Strauss believes that mythsplay a central role in society, Bibliowicz claims that the purpose of myths in telenovelas is to have us lose sight o f the origins of the eristingsocial order and to exonerate the dominant class which controls society's means of production. He gives us an overview of the Colombian television industry, describes how a telenovela is made, and analyzes one-“Manuela”-which contains a social message. Readers will find some interesting similarities and differences between this study of a Colombian popular art form and the articles by Flora and Bonilla de Ramos which focus on the fotonovela and radio in the same country.  相似文献   

沈本秋 《太平洋学报》2010,18(12):29-35
全球化时代,随着美国文化的全球扩张,出现了看似相互矛盾的现象:一方面,全球文化出现了美国化趋势,但是另一方面又有文化多元化现象的存在。本文运用文化的层次结构对美国文化全球化进行分析。通过物质文化(表层)、制度文化(中层)和价值文化(深层)这三个层次结构的分析,发现在物质文化层次美国文化全球化程度最深,制度文化层次美国文化全球化程度次之,而价值文化层次美国文化全球化程度最弱。因此导致了物质文化层次全球文化美国化或全球文化同质化的表象;而在制度文化和价值文化层次出现了全球文化多元化现象。正是由于美国文化在不同层次上全球化程度不一致,在借鉴和接受美国制度文化的国家和民族,出现了制度文化层次的美国化与价值文化层次的本土化不相符的现象,导致了文化和文明冲突。  相似文献   

The aim of cooperative game theory is to suggest and defend payoffs for the players that depend on a coalition function (characteristic function) describing the economic, social, or political situation. We consider situations where the payoffs for some players are determined exogenously. For example, in many countries, lawyers or real-estate agents obtain a regulated fee or a regulated percentage of the business involved. The aim of this article is to suggest and axiomatize two values with exogenous payments, an unweighted one and a weighted one.  相似文献   

当代印度社会正发生着极大的变动,社会各阶层都在极力维护固有地位和宗教传统的稳定,并极力在这种变动中争取着自身社会利益的最大化。其中,南印度婆罗门种姓在逐步丧失传统的各项特权和优势地位的同时,也在努力适应、应对当代社会的新变化和新挑战。英国作家V.S.奈保尔的《印度:百万叛变的今天》一书提供了较为翔实、客观的口述史资料。以书中生活在孟买、班加罗尔、马德拉斯、加尔各达等南印度城市中的当代婆罗门阶层作为个案,可探究出其面对传统社会生活中的各个层面发生变动时的态度与应对及个体内在的深层原因,并在一定程度上考察社会变动与文化传统之间的互动关系。  相似文献   


In most Western countries psychiatric nursing, from the late nineteenth century onwards, developed as a specialization under medical supervision and within one general training scheme for all nurses. In the Netherlands as well as in the United Kingdom (UK), this occupation, initiated by psychiatrists, more or less distanced itself from somatic nursing. A comparison of the twentieth-century development of psychiatric nursing in these two countries shows similarities in its basic conditions and some of the problems it faced, but also some remarkable differences, which are largely of a social nature. We argue that Dutch mental health nurses, in cooperation with asylum doctors rather than in opposition to them, succeeded in establishing a stronger professional identity than their British colleagues: earlier in time and to a greater extent they had opportunities to voice their views on their work and to define the social and didactic nature of their vocation. Our explanation of these national contrasts focuses on gender, class and social status, which had dissimilar effects in the two countries because of some fundamental differences in the hierarchies and religious affiliations of institutional psychiatry as well as in the more general class structure of the Netherlands and the UK.  相似文献   

In a multicriteria decision problem it may happen that the preference of the decision-maker on some criterion is modeled by means of a semiorder structure. If the available information is qualitative, one often needs a numerical representation of the semiorder. We investigate the set of representations of a semiorder and show that, once a unit has been fixed, there exists a minimal representation. This representation can be calculated by linear programming and exhibits some interesting properties: all values are integer multiples of the unit and are as scattered as possible in the sense that, in the set of all representations contained in the same bounded interval, the minimal representation is a representation for which the minimal distance between two values is maximal. The minimal representation can also be interpreted as a generalisation of the rank function associated to linear orders.  相似文献   

As social workers are widely called upon to take an active role in influencing social welfare policy, a better understanding of their views on the welfare state is crucial. This study examines the attitudes of 422 Israeli social workers from diverse social welfare agencies regarding social welfare policy. The framework for understanding these attitudes includes the notions of professionalisation processes, social work values, and the class position of social workers. The study's findings indicate that support for the welfare state is quite moderate and these reflect more the class affiliation of social workers than their professional values and the professionalisation process.  相似文献   

It is proposed that solution concepts for games should be evaluated in a way that is analogous to the way a logic is evaluated by a model theory for the language. A solution concept defines a set of strategy profiles, as a logic defines a set of theorems. A model theoretic analysis for a game defines a class of models, which are abstract representations of particular plays of the game. Given an appropriate definition of a model, one can show that various solution concepts are characterized by intuitively natural classes of models in the same sense that the set of theorems of a logic is characterized by a class of models of the language. Sketches of characterization results of this kind are given for rationalizability, Nash equilibrium, and for a refinement of rationalizability —strong rationalizability — that has some features of an equilibrium concept. It is shown that strong rationalizability is equivalent to Nash equilibrium in perfect information games. Extensions of the model theoretic framework that represent belief revision and that permit the characterization of other solution concepts are explored informally.  相似文献   

由美国核心文化WASP和"公民宗教"所塑造的美国国家特质中的宗教性,尤其是强烈的宗教认同感和宗教信仰在其社会生活中的重要地位,使得宗教的影响力相比别国而言更容易渗透到美国外交政策中。宗教价值观念是"美国例外论"和"天命观"的主要根源,在外交政策上表现为"威尔逊主义"外交理念,进而对美国外交决策者的外交思维和外交行为造成影响,并形成对外输出民主价值观念的政策偏好。国内宗教团体利用广泛的社会资本,通过民主的渠道,将自身的政策主张上升到外交决策中并影响美国对外关系的议事日程。传教士利用自身对对象国的了解,为外交决策者提供情报,并有可能受邀参与决策过程从而影响外交决策。  相似文献   

当下的中国处于一个价值多元的时代,以往的建立于进化论、阶级论和启蒙主义的文学史观也是颇有价值的;但是,进入21世纪,由于“以人为本”与“和谐社会”目标的提出,也由于社会时空、文学功能和美学趣味的巨大变化,教材型的中国现代文学史已远不能适应时代、社会和文学的发展需要,因此亟待重建和确立一个更为公正、平等与合理的价值评估体系。这个评估体系是以人道主义为最高原则,以真、善、美为三个闪光点,其最大优势是具有普适性、超越性、公正性和人本性的功能特点。  相似文献   

The Shapley value is the unique value defined on the class of cooperative games in characteristic function form which satisfies certain intuitively reasonable axioms. Alternatively, the Banzhaf value is the unique value satisfying a different set of axioms. The main drawback of the latter value is that it does not satisfy the efficiency axiom, so that the sum of the values assigned to the players does not need to be equal to the worth of the grand coalition. By definition, the normalized Banzhaf value satisfies the efficiency axiom, but not the usual axiom of additivity.In this paper we generalize the axiom of additivity by introducing a positive real valued function on the class of cooperative games in characteristic function form. The so-called axiom of -additivity generalizes the classical axiom of additivity by putting the weight (v) on the value of the gamev . We show that any additive function determines a unique share function satisfying the axioms of efficient shares, null player property, symmetry and -additivity on the subclass of games on which is positive and which contains all positively scaled unanimity games. The axiom of efficient shares means that the sum of the values equals one. Hence the share function gives the shares of the players in the worth of the grand coalition. The corresponding value function is obtained by multiplying the shares with the worth of the grand coalition. By defining the function appropiately we get the share functions corresponding to the Shapley value and the Banzhaf value. So, for both values we have that the corresponding share functions belong to this class of share functions. Moreover, it shows that our approach provides an axiomatization of the normalized Banzhaf value. We also discuss some other choices of the function and the corresponding share functions. Furthermore we consider the axiomatization on the subclass of monotone simple games.  相似文献   

褚宸舸 《唐都学刊》2006,22(4):130-134
当代学者对古代“灋”字含义的研究,是以《说文解字》为基础,不断批判和继承,并且添加新诠释,进行新论证的过程。蔡枢衡提出了对《说文解字》的质疑,胡大展、武树臣、张永和先后给出了既不同于《说文解字》,也不同于蔡枢衡的新解读。当代学者在论证方法上的贡献是,一方面追求多种论证角度和多重证据,另一方面更加注意“小心求证瀌灋”。研究价值问题上的失语和“古今”语言沟通问题上的随意是研究的缺憾之处。针对前者,要重视对“灋”字的价值阐释,并对理论预设进行反思;针对后者,研究者要站在古今融合论的立场,对语言表述和研究方法保持一种反省。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between the attitudes of the public toward gambling and recent changes in gambling laws. The nineteenth century wave of antigambling sentiment found expression in many state constitutions. Consequently, legalization or decriminalization of gambling became unusually difficult among that class of activities often referred to as "victimless crimes." Renewed interest in gambling as a revenue source, in the last few decades, has produced a number of surveys dealing with attitudes toward gambling and has required statewide votes on some 45 separate gambling items. Public attitudes are compared, along several dimensions, for results of a national survey and results of voting on particular gambling proposals. Attitudes are consistent between survey data and voting data, particularly as they pertain to administrative and regulatory form. Also, in one state, demographic variables discriminating favorability in the survey data predict voting outcome on a lottery proposal.  相似文献   

This paper is about satisficing behaviour. Rather tautologically, this is when decision-makers are satisfied with achieving some objective, rather than in obtaining the best outcome. The term was coined by Simon (Q J Econ 69:99–118, 1955), and has stimulated many discussions and theories. Prominent amongst these theories are models of incomplete preferences, models of behaviour under ambiguity, theories of rational inattention, and search theories. Most of these, however, seem to lack an answer to at least one of two key questions: when should the decision-maker (DM) satisfice; and how should the DM satisfice. In a sense, search models answer the latter question (in that the theory tells the DM when to stop searching), but not the former; moreover, usually the question as to whether any search at all is justified is left to a footnote. A recent paper by Manski (Theory Decis. doi: 10.1007/s11238-017-9592-1, 2017) fills the gaps in the literature and answers the questions: when and how to satisfice? He achieves this by setting the decision problem in an ambiguous situation (so that probabilities do not exist, and many preference functionals can therefore not be applied) and by using the Minimax Regret criterion as the preference functional. The results are simple and intuitive. This paper reports on an experimental test of his theory. The results show that some of his propositions (those relating to the ‘how’) appear to be empirically valid while others (those relating to the ‘when’) are less so.  相似文献   

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