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私家豪华游艇这种"水上行宫"般的顶级奢侈品具有魔幻般的吸引力和乐观的市场前景,有人说其致命"毒性"不亚于精纯的海洛因,尝试一次就足以上瘾.在欧美、澳洲、香港等国家和地区,豪华游艇向来是顶级富豪、社会名流以及"蓝血"贵族不可或缺的娇宠.  相似文献   

While considerable attention has been given to the spate of attacks on Indian students in Australia in 2009 and 2010, less attention has been paid to how the students who were at the centre of the furore perceived the violence. In this paper we explore the perceptions of Indian postgraduate and undergraduate male students studying in Melbourne, Australia, based on data gathered in focus groups. Analysis revealed four broad themes in students' explanations for the attacks: race hate versus opportunism, intercultural issues, systemic ineffectiveness, and media reporting. Students' perceptions of the reasons for the attacks were divided in some areas and aligned in others. There was divergence among students about whether the attacks were race hate crime or opportunistic, and about intercultural issues. Students' perceptions were aligned on issues of systemic ineffectiveness and media reporting. In the current context of decreased international enrolments from Indian students, in which we seek to better understand them, the findings provide implications for international student policy and planning priorities.  相似文献   

田庄台是辽河下游的一座古镇,距今已有600年历史。 时至今日,田庄台的镇域面积仅2.2平方公里,人口2万余,早年则更小,更少。就是这样一个小小的人群聚居区,却汇集着世界五大宗教——佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、基督教、天主教,且相融相谐,一派详和。  相似文献   

青岛早期的集市以李村集规模最大,其次有浮山所集、沧口集、流亭集,华阴集、枣园集、红石崖集、薛家岛集等。如今除了李村集,大多都已淹没在繁华嘈杂的都市中。而李村集的长盛不衰,也揭示出现代都市的人们对民风民俗和乡土乡情的怀念与向往。传统的乡村集市都是五天一集,以特定地点为临时市场举行商品交易。一般每年举行72次集市,闰年相应增加。每年的11月至3月最为兴旺,春节前夕则是最繁忙的时节。  相似文献   

梁晓 《今日辽宁》2008,(1):48-49
在中国农村,集市如同城市里的超市,农民把逛集市称为赶大集。忙活了一年的农民,春节前谁不赶个大集,集市就成了最热闹的场所。  相似文献   

旧时妙峰山庙会是社会领域组织与运作的.20世纪初,妙峰山庙会和北京香会被定性为迷信活动,新中国成立后被取缔.20世纪70年代末,香会通过自我命名为"花会"转变为北京民俗文化的象征,依托民俗旅游的发展,北京香会和妙峰山庙会在改革开放后相继复兴.21世纪初,妙峰山庙会和北京香会相继入选国家级非物质文化遗产名录,标志着国家权力在事实上承认了二者的主体地位.当代妙峰山庙会和北京香会的活动呈现出社会领域自主成长和有序协作的特征,展现了国家对社会领域自组织的接纳与认可.  相似文献   

规范分配秩序 实现公平分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋国平 《唐都学刊》2004,20(2):124-127
目前我国收入分配领域存在着居民总体收入差距、城乡收入差距、地区收入差距、行业收入差距扩大的趋势 ,这是市场竞争、历史长期发展、经济增长、经济改革和体制变迁和经济政策变化共同作用的结果。只有大力发展生产力 ,加强宏观调控 ,完善税制 ,控制行业垄断 ,严惩腐败分子 ,提高农民收入 ,才能从根本上理顺收入分配关系 ,实现共同富裕  相似文献   

Envy is sometimes suggested as an underlying motive in the assessment of different economic allocations. In the theoretical literature on fair division, following Foley [Foley, D. (1967), Yale Economic Essays, 7, 45–98], the term “envy” refers to an intrapersonal comparison of different consumption bundles. By contrast, in its everyday use “envy” involves interpersonal comparisons of well-being. We present, discuss results from free-form bargaining experiments on fair division problems in which inter-and intrapersonal criteria can be distinguished. We find that interpersonal comparisons play the dominant role. The effect of the intrapersonal criterion of envy freeness is limited to situations in which other fairness criteria are not applicable.   相似文献   

自国务院将阜新市列为资源转型试点市之后,阜新市先后推出五彩杂粮、三沟系列产品、玛瑙工艺品、蒙医蒙药、旅游文化及各类工业产品,认真打出经济转型试点市这张名片,并在一系列对外经贸活动中,取得了令人瞩目的成果.  相似文献   

如何解决好人才问题,培养、引进很重要,但最关键还是公平竞争。如何实现人才的公平竞争,关键是要打造好三个平台。第一,要打造一个好的物质平台。第二,要打造一个好的制度平台。其中考核奖励和晋升制度是最关键的制度。第三,要打造一个好的人文平台。核心是要为人才发展创造一个宽松的人文环境。  相似文献   

Psychologists who wish to promote peace and justice must investigate how to mobilize the political will of the people in order to improve the policy making of the elite. This is the second study in a program of action research designed to investigate ways of encouraging people to accept personal responsiblity for influencing governmental foreign policy. It reports an attempt to create an ideal educational experience—a peace fair—that would provide the set of conditions that the first study suggested were essential for the acceptance of personal responsibility. The fair was successful in convincing individuals that they personally could do something to help prevent nuclear war. However, it revealed a serious weakness in the current peace movement—an inability to portray convincingly a course of national action that could promote peace and justice. This is an essential component for efficient action. Suggestions are made for the next round of research.  相似文献   

对公允价值顺周期效应的批评,其逻辑基础是给公允价值计量模式赋予了平滑经济周期的公共品职能,由此应该充分肯定公允价值作为市场主体决策最具相关性的计量模式的地位。在特殊条件下,由于缺少可观察性和可参考性的有用信息,对资产的价值只能依靠模型估计,这种估值的主观不确定性最大,误差和风险也最大。相对于经济衰退期由公允价值带来的低估风险来说,在经济繁荣期,由公允价值计量所带来的资产泡沫更值得警惕。就我国来说,在微观层面上,对企业的资产计量应坚持以公允价值为主、辅以多种计量属性并存的计量模式。市场主体在操作上可以通过合理纳入反映宏观经济景气因素的相关变量,改进公允价值估值模型来消除公允价值对经济的不利影响。在宏观层面上,加强金融市场的监管力度,建立针对金融机构的风险预警机制,强化金融市场主体的自律行为,以减少市场非理性对危机的推波助澜。  相似文献   

曾德盛 《创新》2007,1(6):12-16
公平正义是社会主义和谐社会的基本特征和重要目标。合理的收入分配制度是社会公平的重要体现,必须重视和解决收入分配领域的公平正义问题。当前我国收入分配在起点、过程、结果上都存在不公平的问题,并有收入差距过大、差距快速拉开、社会心理冲击大等特点。保障收入分配公平,要立足实际,坚持科学发展,改革和完善收入分配制度,并加强相关制度建设。  相似文献   

周小佩 《创新》2009,3(9):70-72
伴随我国经济发展和人民生活水平的提高,"择校热"逐渐兴起。人们对教育质量要求的提高,迫使我们直面优质教育资源公平分配问题。为此,需要对优质教育资源的含义进行重新界定。目前,我国对优质教育资源进行公平分配不仅有必要性,而且有很强的可能性。实现优质教育资源公平分配应从经济技术、法律规范、政策引导、社会协作等方面着手。  相似文献   

Drawbacks of existing procedures are illustrated and a method of efficient fair division is proposed that avoids them. Given additive participants’ utilities, each item is priced at the geometric mean (or some other function) of its two highest valuations. The utilities are scaled so that the market clears with the participants’ purchases proportional to their entitlements. The method is generalized to arbitrary bargaining sets and existence is proved. For two or three participants, the expected utilities are unique. For more, under additivity, the geometric mean separates the prices where uniqueness holds and where it fails; it holds for the geometric mean except in one case where refinement is needed.   相似文献   

现阶段我国初次分配和再分配领域存在较严重的贫富差距和公平残缺,很容易诱发部分社会群体的妒忌心理,激发诸多社会矛盾,甚至引起政治动荡。矫正收入分配领域的不公平现象和重构新时期收入分配的新格局,着力点是扩大中等收入群体,更加突出社会公平。基于此,从机会公平、规则公平、权利公平和结果公平四个维度构建公平体系是扩大中等收入群体、建设橄榄形社会结构的最重要路径。  相似文献   

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