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1979年1月18日出版的英国《新社会》杂志刊载的这篇书评,评介了牛津大学出版社出版的格里·科恩的著作《卡尔·马克思的历史学说》一书。书评内容如下:总的看来,马克思主义者并不想去研究分析哲学,分析哲学家对研究马克思主义也不感兴趣。即使是在“激进派哲学”的栏内,  相似文献   

20 0 0年 1 0月 ,俄罗斯教育科学院院长尼古拉·德米特利耶维奇·尼康德罗夫出版了他的专著《俄罗斯 :千年之交的社会化与教育》(以下简称《社会化与教育》)。此前 ,他曾经出版了《具有重要价值的教育 :俄罗斯模式》(1 996)和《俄罗斯 :世纪之交的社会珍品》(1 997)两部教育专著。新书《社会化与教育》可以说是前两部书逻辑上的继续 ,它是从俄罗斯人现在面临的社会角度来研究教育问题的。全书共分 6个部分 :1 社会化与教育的基础———精神财富 ;2 生活、健康与大自然 ;3 爱情、家庭、色情与性 ;4 教育、文化与闲暇时间 ;5 劳动、职业与…  相似文献   

据美国出版的《政治、文化和社会》杂志第6卷第1期(1992年秋出版)报道,由纽约州立大学研究生院的约翰·迪金斯、罗马大学的弗朗科·弗拉洛蒂、纽约社会研究新学院的阿瑟·J.维迪奇和内华达大学公共管理执行主任雷克·蒂尔曼组成的一个专门筹委会最近宣布,“国际索尔斯坦·凡勃伦协会”将于1993年12月在纽约社会研究新学院成立并召开一次学术讨论会。成立该协会的目的是:1、按照凡勃伦  相似文献   

美国《比较政治学》杂志1979年1月号刊载的这篇文章,是对近年来出版的有关“阶级与阶级冲突”问题的六本书的综合评述。这六本书是:《劳动分工——现代资本主义制度里的劳动过程与阶级斗争》,安德烈·戈尔兹编(1976年);《阶级结构的社会分析》,弗兰克·帕金编(1974年);《资本主义社会的阶级——当代英国研究》,约翰·韦斯特加德和亨利埃塔·雷斯勒合著(1975年);《先进社会的阶级结构》,安东尼·吉登斯著(1973年):《工人阶级的社会形象》,马丁·布尔默编(1975年);《当代资本主义制度下的各阶级》,尼科斯·普兰策斯著(1975年)。作者除介绍上述著作中提出的问题,还就资本主义社会发展现阶段的阶级和阶级冲突的新现象、新观点,进行理论上的探讨。这对于我们了解当代资本主义社会的阶级状况和这方面的理论研究不无意义。  相似文献   

由马克·塞尔登和帕蒂·埃格尔斯顿编辑的《中华人民共和国——革命演变史料》一书1979年出版(纽约和伦敦:每日评论出版社,共718页)。该书广泛搜集了有关中华人民共和国的历史资料,叙述了研究“马克思主义理论和实践有关的问题及其在连续的革命转变阶段的发展结果”,并且整理了大量关键性的文献,这些资料有助于提  相似文献   

1980年春,罗马尼亚政治出版社出版了《社会主义社会的矛盾》一书.这是罗马尼亚社会政治科学院哲学研究所的一本集体论著,由扬·图多塞斯库和阿·卡扎库主编.全书分为《矛盾的一般理论及社会主义社会矛盾的特殊性》、《发展与矛盾——矛盾的表现领域》和《社会综合发展的辩证法——行动和决策在解决矛盾中的作用》三大部分.编者在序言中说:这  相似文献   

据法国《世界报》(1979年5月13—14日合刊)载文报道:社会学的创始人之一塔·帕森斯最近在德国逝世,终年七十八岁。塔·帕森斯无疑是当代社会学的创始人之一。他写的《社会活动的结构》一书出版于1937年,这是他对社会学的最大贡献。帕森斯曾在哈佛大学经济系长期任教,直到1945年。  相似文献   

“九·一八”事变至今已半个多世纪了,这段历史,人们是永远也不会忘记的。辽宁人民出版社出版,易显石、张德良、陈崇桥、李鸿钧合著的《“九·一八”事变史》一书,较完整地记述了这段历史,受到了国内外读者的欢迎,引起了美国、苏联,特别是日本学者的关注。1985年5月,日本新时代出版社给辽宁人民出版社来信,请求出版日文版《“九·一八”事变史》。1986年8月10日该书日文版在日本发行后,引起热烈的反响,受到广泛好评。《朝日新闻》、《读卖新闻》、《每日新闻》、《周刊读书人》  相似文献   

怀特(Martin King Whyte)和W.帕瑞希(William L.Parish)合著的《当代中国城市生活》是继他们在1978年合著《当代中国的乡村和家庭》一书之后又一部系统研究中国社会的专著(该书已于1984年由芝加哥大学出版社出版).马丁·金·怀特是密执安大学社会学教授兼该大学中国研究协会理事;帕瑞希是芝加哥大学远东问题研究中心  相似文献   

1987年1月,巴黎普隆出版社出版了祛国作家爱弥尔·左拉的遗作《调查札记》(Carnetsd'enquetes),这本书是作为该社《人世》(Terre Humaine)丛书中的一辑由左拉著作研究专家亨利·密特朗转授整理之后发表的,标题也是由密特朗教授命名,出版时使用了“未曾出版过的一部法国民族志”这一副标题。《调查札记》是一部有692页篇幅另加32页照片的巨著,卷首有《人世》丛书主编让·马洛里写的介绍和本书主编亨利·密特朗写的序言。《调查札记》是一部意外发现的著作,这表明左拉不仅是小说家,同时也是民族志学者。为了写出《卢贡-马卡尔家传》这部大型  相似文献   

Mothers’ emotion talk, children's emotion talk, and children's understanding of emotion were examined in 50 mother–child dyads at 41 months. Language measures included total emotion words, unique emotion words, labels, explanations, and different types of explanations. Children's emotion understanding was assessed for labeling, situation, and role‐taking knowledge, as well as an overall score. There were different patterns of relations between mothers’ emotion talk and boys’ and girls’ emotion talk, with mothers’ emotion talk related more strongly to boys’ emotion talk. Mothers’ emotion talk for boys and girls was differentially related to the subparts of the emotion understanding test. Specifically, mothers’ total emotion talk predicted boys’ performance on the situation knowledge test and their use of causal emotion explanations predicted boys’ overall score, but none of the maternal variables predicted girls’ performance. This finding may result from differences in variability of maternal speech to boys’ and girls’, and it may be due to differences in maternal speech in earlier years.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Marian Radke-Yarrow, Children of Depressed Mothers: FromEarly Childhood to Maturity  相似文献   

This research adopted observational and experimental paradigms to investigate the relationships between components of emotion knowledge in three‐ to four‐year‐old children. In Study 1, 88 children were assessed on the Emotion Matching Task (Morgan, Izard, & King), and two tasks requiring the generation of emotion labels and causes. Most tasks were significantly associated with age and language ability, and similar tasks were significantly but moderately correlated. In Study 2, 58 of these children were allocated to one of three conditions: emotion cause talk, in which they received four sessions of training focusing on emotion labels and causes; non‐emotion cause talk, focusing on causal relationships in general; or were allocated to a no‐training control. Children in the emotion causes condition showed improvement in their use of emotion labels but not other components of emotion knowledge. The findings suggest that, in three‐ to four‐year‐old children, emotion knowledge is constituted by related but separable components and that training in emotion language targets separate rather than all aspects of emotion knowledge.  相似文献   

激励发生原理:一种心理学解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
申来津 《学术交流》2003,42(4):26-29
一般在论及激励时多从实用的角度探讨激励的功能形态 ,侧重于激励诱发因素分析和激励过程描述 ,关注行为取向与公平感知、归因方式等内在机制的相关性。然而激励系统是立体多维的 ,激励发生原理涉及激励本体的各个层面 ,其中人的情绪唤起、意志提升和潜能发掘是激励发生的基本前提 ,对于激励而言 ,选择情绪、意志、潜能的视角来探索激励发生的一般原理无疑是一条创新路径。  相似文献   

Although there is some evidence from cross‐sectional studies that reminiscing is an important context in which children construct socioemotional understanding, longitudinal evidence is lacking. The goal of this study was to examine longitudinally the links between the quality of reminiscing at 42 months and children's subsequent socioemotional development at 48 months. At 42 months, mothers and children reminisced about a past negatively‐valenced emotional event. These conversations were coded for maternal elaboration, the children's contribution and engagement, and the degree to which meaning was co‐constructed by the dyad. At 42 and 48 months, children took part in laboratory measures of socioemotional development. Whereas there were few links between concurrent reminiscing quality and sociomoral development, aspects of reminiscing quality at 42 months (including children's engagement and the dyad's co‐construction of meaning) were related to children's emotional understanding, empathy, representations of relationships, and moral‐self at 48 months. This study provides some of the first longitudinal evidence that reminiscing conversations are linked with children's subsequent sociomoral understanding.  相似文献   

Although parent ratings, adolescent ratings, and observations are all utilized to measure parent emotion socialization during adolescence, there is a lack of research examining measurement differences and concordance. Thus, the present study compared three measures of parent supportive and nonsupportive emotion socialization and examined whether parent and adolescent emotion dysregulation differentially related to these measures or moderated concordance across measures. Participants were a community sample of 92 adolescent-parent dyads. Adolescents were 13–17 years-old (M = 15.5, SD = 1.1), 41 were female and 51 were male; 87% of parents identified as mothers. Observed emotion socialization was coded during a parent-adolescent conflict discussion task. The adolescent and parent also rated the parent's supportive and nonsupportive reactions to the adolescent's negative emotions; they each also rated their own emotion dysregulation. Due to data collection timing, COVID-19 family stress was also assessed and explored as a covariate in analyses. Bivariate correlations indicated that there were weak and non-significant correlations across emotion socialization measures. Multilevel models indicated that measures of parent emotion socialization were differentially associated with adolescent emotion dysregulation, with adolescent emotion dysregulation relating significantly to adolescent ratings, but not observations or parent ratings, of parent emotion socialization. In addition, multiple regressions indicated that there was less concordance across measures when parents were higher in emotion dysregulation. Results suggest that measurement may influence researchers’ conclusions about how youth adjustment relates to parent emotion socialization. Additionally, there may be even lower agreement across measures of parent emotion socialization when parents have emotional challenges.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of children's responses to apologies often present participants with hypothetical scenarios. This article reports on an experimental study of children's reactions to experiencing an actual disappointment and subsequent apology. Participants (ages four to seven) were told that another child was supposed to share some attractive stickers with them. In the two primary conditions, the other child kept the stickers for himself or herself. Some participants received an apology from the other child, whereas others did not. Compared with children who did not receive the apology, the apology recipients: (1) reported feeling better; (2) viewed the other child as more remorseful; and (3) rated the other child as nicer. Support was found for a mediation model of apology: the positive effects of the apology on children's emotions were accounted for by the effective signaling of remorse by the wrongdoer.  相似文献   

This article examines mothers' support for children's interests and, specifically, emotional processes in mothers that may explain why they display different levels of support with children of different temperaments. We observed 114 mothers and their 14–27 month-old children during a laboratory interaction. Mothers rated children on three dimensions of temperament: activity, anger proneness, and social fearfulness. As expected, activity predicted mothers' anger, disappointment, and low support for children's interests. Social fearfulness predicted mothers' worry, low anger, low disappointment, and high support for children's interests. Mediational tests verified that (1) mothers' emotions often mediated the relation of child temperament to mothers' supportive behavior, and (2) children's compliance often mediated the relation of child temperament to mothers' emotions. Mothers tended to report negative emotion and to display relatively unsupportive behavior with children whose temperaments corresponded to attributes considered relatively undesirable for their sex.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to examine the relations between and trajectories of mothers' and children's social positive expressivity (PE). Mothers' and children's PE were observed annually for four years beginning when children were approximately 18 months old (N = 247; 110 girls). Based on correlations, there was evidence of rank‐order stability in children's and mothers' PE. Based on growth curve analyses, mothers' and children's PE followed curvilinear trajectories; thus, mean‐level instability was found. Children's PE during a free‐play interaction with their mothers increased then decreased slightly whereas mothers' affect during the same task decreased then stabilized. Children's PE during a joy‐inducing situation (i.e., bubbles) with an experimenter slightly decreased and then increased. In panel models, there was no evidence of prediction over time across children's and mothers' PE when taking stability into account. These unique trajectories and relations provide insight into the developmental pattern of young children's and their mothers' PE elicited within social contexts.  相似文献   

Two questions were examined with a sample of preschool children: (a) What is the relation between emotion production behavior and classroom social behavior?; and (b) Does familiarity with a child affect the perception of emotion expressions and the relations between emotion expressions and social behavior? Two theoretical perspectives on the ‘eye of the beholder’ (familiarity) were evaluated: reputation bias and generalized effects. Sixty‐eight (55% female) children were photographed posing emotion expressions (e.g., happy, sad, and angry). Expressions were rated by classmates, peer strangers, and adults. Classmates and teachers evaluated social behavior. Analyses indicated that children who were more negative and dependent had angry production biases and were likely to display happy expressions instead of sad. Results support the reputation bias and generalized familiarity theories.  相似文献   

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