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This literature review examines eight studies of parental attachment styles, sexual behavior, and health outcomes among adolescent girls. The review focuses on studies that analyzed the perceived relationships between parents and their adolescent daughters and whether instabilities of life experiences correlated with risky sexual behaviors and if high-risk sexual behaviors were associated with an increase of sexually transmitted infections, unplanned pregnancies, and other poor health outcomes in adolescent girls. Findings show adolescent girls with insecure parental attachment styles were at a higher risk of sexual behaviors, early pregnancies, and transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STI’s). The most common finding in the studies reviewed was the significant association of how higher parental communication and monitoring may prevent risky sexual behaviors at an earlier age. Recommendations for mental and health care providers include the development of treatment programs to address the importance of parent-attachment relationships and multifaceted health needs of adolescents girls. Programs can be strengthened by involving other family members, improving parent-daughter communication and relationships and emphasizing system-level change (policy, procedure, practice). Adding these elements may ultimately lead to sustained improvements over time. Future research on other family social factors (e.g., divorce and separation of attachment figure, poverty, and single-parent homes) associated with attachment and high-risk behaviors is warranted. More research is needed to exam how secure attachments among adolescent girls may prevent earlier sexual encounters, unplanned pregnancies, and STI’s.  相似文献   

Prevalence of unprotected sex and HIV‐antibody testing were examined in a sample of Southern gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth (n = 117). In addition, a new measure was tested in terms of its ability to distinguish youth who obtain HIV‐antibody testing from those who do not. Data were collected at a conference for these youth, as well as at a Gay and Lesbian Community Center in a Southeastern metropolitan area. Youth reported engaging in a wide range of risk behaviors, yet less than one half had been tested for HIV. Factor analysis was conducted for the new measure, which assessed beliefs about HIV testing in youth, and each factor was significantly different for youth who had been tested compared to those who had not. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth were at high risk for HIV infection and were often untested for HIV antibodies.  相似文献   

Objective: To understand how missing data may influence conclusions drawn from campus sexual assault surveys. Methods: We systematically reviewed 40 surveys from 2010–2016. We constructed a pseudo-population of the total population targeted across schools, creating records proportional to the respective response rate and reported sexual assault prevalence. We simulated the effects of 9 scenarios where the sexual assault prevalence among nonresponders differed from that of responders. Results: The surveys represented a total female undergraduate population of 317,387 with only 77,966 (24.6%) survey responses. Among responders, 20.4% reported experiences of sexual assault. However, prevalence of sexual assault could theoretically range from 5.0 to 80.4% under extreme assumptions about prevalence in nonresponders. Smaller, but still significant differences were observed with less extreme assumptions. Conclusions: Missing data are widespread in campus sexual assault surveys. Conclusions drawn from these incomplete data are highly sensitive to assumptions about the sexual assault prevalence among nonresponders.  相似文献   

Despite the increased attention, which has been given to the issue of involving knowledge and experts from the social sciences and humanities (SSH) into the products and works of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), little is known on what the expectations towards the involvement of SSH in IPBES actually are. The aim of this paper is to close this gap by identifying the range of possible SSH contributions to IPBES that are expected in the literature, and discuss the inherent challenges of and concrete ways to realize these contributions in the particular institutional setting of IPBES. We address these two points by: firstly, assessing the literature dealing with IPBES and building a typology describing the main ways in which contributions from SSH to IPBES have been conceived between 2006 and 2017. We discuss these expected contributions in light of broader debates on the role of SSH in nature conservation and analyse some of the blind spots and selectivities in the perception of how SSH could substantially contribute to the works of IPBES. Then, secondly, by looking at one particular example, economics and its use in the first thematic assessment on pollinators, pollination and food production, we will concretely illustrate how works in a given discipline could contribute in many different and unprecedented ways to the works of IPBES and help identify paths for enhancing the conservation of biodiversity. Finally, we propose a range of practical recommendations as to how to increase the contribution of SSH in the works of IPBES.  相似文献   

A systematic literature review was conducted to help address the gap in national and international knowledge about child sexual abuse (CSA) and ethnic minority communities. This paper reports the findings of that review in relation to the theme of community awareness. The results suggest that awareness of CSA may be low in ethnic minority communities due to misperceptions that it is ‘a Western problem’. This in turn may be associated with norms in the country of origin which are asserted to transfer after migration, such as CSA being seen as a private family matter that does not invite systematic intervention from the state, low media and research attention, widespread acceptance of myths about CSA, and prohibitive norms on discussing matters to do with sex including abuse. Such trends are seen to be the result of, but also then further protect and preserve, collectivist and patriarchal structures. They also make it challenging for raising community awareness. Nevertheless, genuine community engagement through outreach/educational/preventative programs that empower minorities through co-delivery, are high on cultural competency, tailored to specific groups, and use a feminist framework where appropriate, are seen as necessary; they represent investment in minority communities and child safety of children from minority communities. Overall, realistic goals about the effectiveness of outreach educational programs, combined with value for culturally meaningful constructions of child safety, are seen as key toward the success of awareness-raising programs.  相似文献   

BPH associated with LUTS and sexual dysfunction is common. We performed UroLift on 11 patients, average age 71?years (range 56–90). IPSS improved by an average of 9 points post-procedure. Pre-operatively their post-void residuals were 306.3?ml (range 120–499?ml SD [120.6]) and their QMAX was 7?ml/s (range 4–14 SD [2.8] ml/s). Post-procedure the post-void residual decreased by 35.4% at 4?months (mean difference – 106.3?ml). QMAX improved by an average of 1.7?ml/s, which was not statistically significant. No patients suffered any sexual dysfunction side effects and all patients were satisfied with their result. Hospital stay and theatre time were significantly reduced. Average length of stay was just 10.6 (6–18) hours and average theatre time just 18.7 (12–30) min. This is significantly faster than other surgery for LUTS. We therefore feel that there are significant benefits for both the patients, who are able to go home much faster, and also the hospital, who are able to perform far more surgeries for their patients. Patients also do not require an inpatient bed so patients should not be cancelled on the day of theatre.  相似文献   

There has long been ambivalence in the LGBT movement and related research as to the meaning of gay identity in relation to marriage. The article explores changing homonormative discourses of marriage and married men within the Swedish gay press from the mid 1950s to the mid 1980s. Expressions of the changes are a shift in language and in views of extramarital relationships, openness, and gay male identity. As a result of the shift, “married men,” including both “married homosexuals” and “bisexuals,” came to be distinguished from “gays.”  相似文献   

Internet is a virtual world that develops so fast that every one access to it now, more and more people who have never met before in the real world can communicate even do business transactions at home or abroad. There are substantial web service providers that provide Internet technical supports for ISP users to create, distribute, storage or receive information.  相似文献   

The importance of measuring trust in health systems has been accentuated due to its correlation with important health outcomes aimed at reducing COVID-19 transmission. A systematic review published almost a decade ago identified gaps in measures including the lack of focus on trust in systems, inconsistency regarding the dimensionality of trust and need for research to strengthen the validity of measures. Given developments in our understandings of trust since its publication, we sought to identify new scales developed, existing ones adapted in response to identified gaps, and agendas for future research. Using the PRISMA approach for systematic reviews, we conducted a search in four databases. A total of 26 articles were assessed. Twelve new scales were identified, while 14 were adapted for different settings and populations. Literature continues to focus on measuring trust in health professionals rather than systems. Various shortcomings were identified, including some articles not mentioning the dimensions included in the scale and suboptimal use of validity and reliability testing and/or reporting. Moreover, a variety of terms were used for dimensions. Future research is needed to address these gaps and consequently, to understand their correlation with health behaviors and outcomes more accurately.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - Conducting a study on a sample of 303 participants from the Novi Sad Voluntary Service we set out to validate the...  相似文献   

In order to ascertain whether suffering sexual abuse affects the perception of adolescent females’ gender role and the perception of the gender role played by men, 71 victims and 76 adolescents who had not been abused were assessed. The findings indicate that sexual abuse victims minimize the positive characteristics of men and overestimate the negative ones, and they perceive themselves with few positive female features but with many negative ones. They are also dissatisfied with their own gender role, which produces maladjustments that increase the difficulty of establishing relationships with the opposite sex, which in turn might generate subsequent risky behaviours.  相似文献   

Children all over the world experience physical, emotional and sexual violence. Children leaving home for street or domestic work are especially vulnerable. Strategies for facilitating reintegration for these children are advocated, but enough is still not known about the outcome of such reintegration in terms of violence and abuse. The study aimed at examining the extent of violence against children who have left home in Kagera Region, Tanzania as well as in different stages of their trajectory of life, i.e. before leaving home, on the street, as domestic workers, and after reintegration. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 214 participants aged 13–24, who had earlier left their homes and had now been reintegrated into the local community for at least one year. The study also examined the residual violence still taking place after reintegration and its potential impact on their psychological quality of life. This study, first of its kind in the country measuring level of violence for children who have left home as well as after reintegration, offered a unique opportunity to compare level of violence with other nationally conducted studies on violence against children recruited from the home setting. The result showed a significantly higher overall prevalence of violence against the children who left home compared to the national average. After reintegration, the overall prevalence of violence had declined significantly (p-value < 0.001) and to the same level as the national average, showing that reintegration can be successful.The group still facing violence showed lower psychological quality of life, which emphasises the need for continued preventive work to reduce the overall violence against children in society, with special emphasis on orphans and other vulnerable children most at risk of leaving their homes.  相似文献   

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