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陈敦旭 《创新》2009,3(2):52-55
长沙出台了一系列安居政策,其中有一项重要的举措就是停止新建经济适用住房,全面实施经济适用住房货币化补贴方式,这是一次重大的变革和尝试。分析长沙实施经济适用住房货币化补贴的背景、具体做法,详细剖析经济适用住房兴建与货币化补贴的利弊,提出实施经济适用住房货币化补贴要注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

住房问题是中国重要的民生问题,而住房保障制度是解决这一问题的重要举措.将住房保障事业看作是由政府主导的"住房保障公共事业",其提供的产品是具有准公共物品性质的保障性住房以及住房保障政策,借用"PEST"分析方法具体分析影响中国住房保障制度的政治因素(P)、经济因素(E)、社会因素(S)和政策有效性因素(T).从政治因素来看,我国住房保障制度在取得一定成绩的同时存在管理不足与法律约束力差的问题.房价收入比、保障性住房供需矛盾两个经济因素,反映出我国住房保障制度覆盖面窄、保障不足,保障性住房供需矛盾严重的问题.人口结构、城市化、传统习俗三个具体的社会因素再次印证住房保障制度保障力度小,供给不足的缺陷.政策有效性因素,反映出住房保障制度本身制度的有效性差,而这一制度缺陷致使道德风险问题频发,带来负外部效应.基于此,完善中国住房保障制度应采取的对策为:增强政府住房保障能力、倡导新型住房供给与消费模式、增强住房保障制度的政策有效性.  相似文献   

湛泳  李勇辉 《探求》2005,(2):35-37
本文从住房制度改革的角度入手,分析了住房制度改革中住房公积金制度、经济适用房政策、买公房给优惠制度、廉租房制度对居民收入分配的影响,并针对住房制度改革对居民收入分配的影响作了进一步的思考,并提出了对策与建议。  相似文献   

我国《住房保障法》的基本制度建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
十一届全国人大常委会已将《住房保障法》列入立法规划,该法的制定具有重大的经济、社会和政治意义。本文提出了协调政府与市场关系、统一性与灵活性结合、实效性与前瞻性结合以及衔接相关法律的总体起草思路。本文在对《住房保障法》应当涉及的主体制度作一梳理后,提出了《住房保障法》的基本框架建议:总则、住房保障的对象和方式、住房保障的住房和资金、住房保障的准入和退出、监督管理以及法律责任。  相似文献   

宅基地制度是实现住房保障的一项基础性制度,通过深化宅基地制度改革有助于系统解决贫困农户人员聚集、宅基地取得和建房资金筹措方面的难题,平衡宅基地的住房保障和资产功能之间的关系。文章以黑龙江省9县(区)为调查区域,对样本区域住房无保障贫困农户家庭特征以及现行住房保障措施进行调查与分析,探索如何通过宅基地制度改革解决贫困农户住房保障问题。研究发现:现行住房保障措施存在顶层设计不足、覆盖范围有限、资金压力大以及未充分有效利用存量宅基地的普遍性问题。结合全国宅基地试点改革经验,建议优化宅基地空间布局、构建农村宅基地分类有序退出机制、搭建农村住房及宅基地交易平台、探索建立宅基地置换机制,为贫困农户住房保障提供用地和资金保障。  相似文献   

住房制度改革关系到人民生活的改善,关系到政治、经济和社会的发展与稳定,是全国人民普遍关心的重要问题。我国从1950年至1989年,住房建设投资2900亿元,特别是最近10年国家投资共建14亿平方米住房,但没从根本上解决住房问题。目前,我国职工人数达到1.4亿,需要大量住房,虽然国家每年投资360亿元用于建房、维修,仍然满足不了需求。黑龙江省1989年城市人均居住面积内原来的3.2平方米提高到5.42平方米,但是仍居全国人均水平的倒数第一位,比全国平均6.6平方米少1.18平方米;危房占实有住房的2.52%,比全国的1.46%高出73%,这种严重的住房矛盾急待解决。长期以来,我国住房一直是福利型、低租制、国家包的办法。这种办法不仅不能从根本上缓解住房紧张,连维持简单扩大再生产也不可能,还要背上高补贴的包袱,国家投入越多,包袱越大。这种落后的制度刺激住房需求的扩大,加剧了供需矛盾,导致消费结构异常,滋长住房分配中的不正之风。所以,住房制度改革势在必行,非改不可。加快住房制度改革,有利于尽快实现小康水平即人均住房8平方米的战略目标,搞好住房制度改革有助于引导消费,拓展市场,改变单调的消费取向、畸形的消费结构,住房改革有助于解决职工住房苦乐不均、消除住房分配中的不正之风;住房制度改革,不仅能促进住房良性循环,而且能理顺社会主义商品经济关系.  相似文献   

杨梦涯 《探求》2012,(1):56-61
当前我国保障性住房工作中存在着住房公积金覆盖面不广泛、保障机会不均、经济适用房和廉租房功能缺失、住房金融机构单一等等现象。究其原因主要是由于我国政府在住房金融问题上宏观调控失灵,导致宏观调控措施有时适得其反、宏观调控措施有时造成新的更大的垄断、政府土地储备制度和政府担保制度不完善等。防止政府宏观调控失灵的对策主要有:建立有效的法律体系、建立有效的住房保障机制、制约政府权力。  相似文献   

住房直接影响人们的生活质量,这已经成为当代青年人最关注的话题,住房资源也被视为社会分层的重要标志。通过计量模型,分析先赋因素和自致因素对城市青年住房分层的影响机制,得到以下结论:(1)总体上,先赋因素对城市青年住房分层的影响大于自致因素,前者发挥的作用不容忽视;(2)先赋因素中,家乡在一般县市的青年、来自北京本地的青年、家庭经济状况好的青年具有明显的住房获得优势;(3)自致因素中,接受高质量的高等教育对青年住房阶层跃升起到了十分重要的作用;(4)两代人的职业对住房分层影响差异体现了时代烙印;(5)社会阶层固化在一定范围内仍然存在,政府为提升社会流动性还需要做很多努力。  相似文献   

贺桂华  侯欢 《唐都学刊》2014,(2):124-128
我国自实行城镇住房制度改革后,房地产业飞速发展,在推动经济发展的同时,也导致我国部分地区出现了住宅房地产价格过高、上涨过快等问题.住宅房问题事关国计民生,国家政府运用经济的、法律的、行政的手段在调控房地产价格时,始终应当坚持权力法制、秩序稳定、社会公平的原则.在住宅房地产价格调控时,要修改和完善《价格法》,完善土地调控法律制度,完善住房保障法律体系,制定专门法规调整我国住宅房地产,逐步扩大经济适用房等保障性住房惠及的范围,完善相关调控主体法律责任.  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,经济体制的改革下我国城镇居民住房保障制度的发展经历了福利型时期、改革探索期和社会主义市场经济建立后的完善期三个阶段。在福利型时期,政府对房屋实行统分统配,但是这种制度随着计划经济体制的取消而终结;在改革的探索期,我国迈出了住房商品化的第一步;在社会主义市场经济条件下,我国建立了以公积金、经济适用房和廉租房为主要内容的住房保障体系。本文旨在梳理新中国六十年来城镇居民住房保障制度演进的历史脉络,进而分析各个时期住房保障制度的运行问题,以期对即将出台的《住房保障法》有所资鉴。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the scale of the contemporary housing affordability crisis in Australia is at least partly attributable to the influence of neoliberal ideas over the past three decades. After providing an overview of the nature and scope of the crisis, the process by which housing as a policy problem has been reconceptualised by policy makers and others since the 1970s is examined. This is followed by analysis of the ways in which a number of commonwealth government policies which are ideationally underpinned by neoliberalism have amplified and perpetuated the problem of housing affordability in Australia and, ipso facto, prevented the issue from being addressed. The paper concludes by suggesting that policies which are ostensibly intended to improve housing affordability will continue to founder until the ideational obstacles which are the focus of this paper are recognised, and housing policy is reconceptualised along lines more conducive to the amelioration of the housing affordability problem. The paper seeks to extend the existing literature on housing affordability by explicitly identifying the linkages between neoliberal ideas, commonwealth public policy, and the extant problem of housing affordability in Australia.  相似文献   

Housing policy in China has undergone profound changes ever since the dismantlement of the in-kind welfare housing system in 1998. A modern housing system has emerged in China in line with a rapidly growing real estate sector. Meanwhile, China is also plagued with similar housing problems that western governments faced during their industrialization and urbanization and are facing now. In response, the Chinese government has attempted to tackle housing problems by imposing strict regulations on the real estate sector, introducing new affordable housing schemes, and channelling and even limiting housing consumption behaviours. However, the outcome has proved to be meagre. The unsound outcome has driven further policy changes. This paper presents an updated trajectory of housing policy development in the post-reform era. It concludes by discussing implications of housing policy changes on social development and argues that housing policy in China is at a crossroads and is ready for a major overhaul.  相似文献   

This paper examines the shift in housing policy from public housing to welfare housing during the 1970's and the period of the Fraser government in particular. The period saw a series of new Commonwealth State Housing Agreements directed toward market pricing of public rental stock; at the same time Federal funds were declining, with marked effects on the public housing sector. The paper reflects on these trends and highlights certain contradictions in public housing policy.  相似文献   

Housing policy in Australia historically has focused on facilitating homeownership and creating some buffer for those households that are not homeowners. This paper explores the implications of this policy for older Australians. What is argued is that housing tenure has become a crucial divide and that older Australians who have not had the good fortune to access homeownership or public / community housing and who are dependent on the private rental sector as a result, often find themselves in desperate circumstances. The argument is developed that the failure to put in place a housing policy which would give all citizens the ability to access adequate and affordable housing, has led to a situation where a substantial and increasing number of older Australians have untenable housing costs and minimal disposal income. The article concludes that the present policy initiatives aimed at addressing the housing affordability crisis will have little impact on the situation of older people who are currently in housing stress.  相似文献   

This paper considers the social policy discourses that senior public housing and Non‐Government Organisation (NGO) housing managers employ to articulate and explain changes in social housing provision in Tasmania. We suggest that the Tasmanian social housing reform agenda is reflective of reforms in other Australian states. The period 2003–10 marked a time of policy change affecting social housing supply and policy discourse, which were influenced by neo‐liberal practices favouring multi‐actor governance models and financing. Interviews reveal that contradictory values and discourses were commonplace. Divergent views centred on the social goals and the efficiency elements of the new social policy focus, the Affordable Housing Strategy (AHS) and its eventual key delivery organisation, Tasmanian Affordable Housing Limited (TAHL). Despite constrained application, neo‐liberal processes remained strong within accounts of new social housing governance practices. We suggest that neo‐liberal practices have extended economic considerations into areas of social housing provision that were previously sheltered from market concerns.  相似文献   

本文分析了我国土地制度、住房供给体制和住宅金融体制的缺失,试图从一个新视角来剖析房价上涨过快的制度因素,并在此基础上提出建立长效机制的政策建议。  相似文献   

论房价调控与房地产市场板块化设计——以北京市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京市特殊的城市性质和定位决定了其房地产市场调控和管理的复杂性。本文从分析我国房改以来国家层面主要的房价调控措施以及北京市细化执行情况入手,探讨北京市房地产市场现状,板块化设计发展思路,即高端商品房、廉租房和最大比例的普通保障性住房三个板块。提出房地产市场板块化发展的意义在于促进社会公平,维护社会稳定,使各路资金各行其道,既可使房价合理又能保障整个市场经济的活力。  相似文献   

Homelessness services and policy have historically tended to be organised by an explicitly conditional logic, wherein people experiencing homelessness must prove their “housing readiness” before accessing settled housing. This model has been robustly challenged in recent decades by “housing-led” approaches that ostensibly eschew conditionality and prioritise the rapid rehousing of people experiencing homelessness. Various countries now include housing-led approaches in the national policy frameworks, including Australia, which overhauled its approach to homelessness in 2008, and Scotland, where a housing-led approach is supported by a legal right to housing for homeless households. Notwithstanding this policy shift, conditionality remains an enduring feature of responses to homelessness in both jurisdictions. This paper sheds light on this phenomenon by comparing the Australian experience with that of Scotland. We demonstrate how conditionality remains a feature of both jurisdictions; however, there is greater effort in Scotland to identify and minimise conditionality, whereas in Australia it is able to persist relatively unchallenged. We conclude with some reflections on what Australia can learn from Scotland’s relative success, highlighting the importance of a national-level policy framework and an adequate affordable housing supply.  相似文献   

罗力群 《社会》2007,27(4):123-123
文章回顾、评论了美欧学者对于邻里效应作用机制和研究方法的归纳、邻里效应研究方法面临的挑战以及具体的经验研究和实践。文章指出,邻里效应有助于减少社会差别、促进社会平等,这在理论和实践上都能得到说明。如果要采取某种混合居住的政策以帮助社会下层并降低住房不平等以及总的社会不平等程度,那么现行住房政策将不得不做出改进。具体说来,可以考虑采取渐进式的改革:配合户籍制度改革,逐步把少数常年在城市打工、表现良好的农民工纳入经济适用房和廉租房等制度的照顾范围以内。同时本文希望抛砖引玉,激发社会学界乃至于社会科学界住房和城市问题研究者更多关注于邻里效应和社会不平等研究。  相似文献   

金虎斌 《创新》2012,(2):62-65,127
房地产限购政策对遏制房价过快上涨、抑制投资性购房需求具有重要意义。运用我国70个大中城市2009年9月至2011年10月的面板数据,采用双重差分模型对房地产市场限购政策的实施效果进行了系统而严格的实证研究。结果发现,房地产限购政策的实施对我国相关城市的房价有大约1.88%的负面效应,但是短期效果并不明显。  相似文献   

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