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芮明杰  陈娟 《管理学报》2004,1(1):25-27,24
模块化是一种20世纪90年代开始逐渐引起管理学界注意的产品设计与生产方法,它的作用在于对复杂产品设计与生产过程的简化.基于对知识的系统性的认识,认为模块化同样可以有效应用于知识管理领域.由于知识不仅具有模糊性特征,而且还具有复杂性和系统性特征,因此,企业知识创新既要求多种专业知识的复杂协作,又要求激发复杂知识载体--知识员工的创造力.模块化具有分解复杂系统的作用,以模块化原理管理知识员工可以激发其创造力,因此,应用模块化原理管理高技术企业知识创新有利于提高组合创新的机会、应付未来不确定性以及提高创新速度.最后给出了基于模块化原理的知识管理策略.  相似文献   

随着现代社会经济愈来愈发达,消费者的需求愈加趋向于个性化的产品和服务。但是当企业实行定制化生产后,规模化生产的成本优势将一去不返。大规模定制理论正是为大规模生产和定制化生产提供了一种融合的方法,并且在过去十余载的工业生产中得到了非常切实的运用。当前国有大医院普遍存在就诊压力过大、流程繁琐、服务水平低下等亟待解决的问题。然而,医院服务可具备大规模定制流程模块化得特征,因此医院实行大规模定制未必不是一个好办法。那么,大规模定制将如何成功的运用于医院服务?笔者将从服务大规模定制的顾客需求导向特征和过程模块化特征着手,结合现代中国医疗服务的现状对大规模定制运用于医疗服务进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   

模块化思想不仅可用于复杂产品系统的设计,也可用来解释或指导企业业务活动的组织。当前有关组织模块化的研究明显弱于产品模块化设计的研究,而且出现简单或武断地将两者关联起来的问题。本文以海尔集团"市场链"再造前后的内部流程系统作为案例研究对象,在考察了其流程系统由职能集中或统一走向模块化解构后,从业务运作过程中拥有自主性的流程模块如何与相邻的其他子系统互动的角度,详细分析了有助于实现流程模块化集结的"设计规则三要素"及其演变,由此探讨了模块化组织模式的形成及运作特点。研究显示,将提供服务与制造产品的单位一并作为企业业务组织的模块单元,使整个系统可以在多样化的模块构成中增强战略柔性。而随着系统构成要素的增多,系统运行的复杂性也增大,从而模块化解构与集结的过程更表现出演化的特点。  相似文献   

组织模块化所催生的竞合机制与模块整合模式充分彰显了开创价值创新的优越。本文以产品特性为调节变量,对组织模块化与组织价值创新之间的影响机制进行了实证分析。结果显示,在组织模块化过程中,单纯的组织结构构建并不能够带来企业的价值创新,只有制度设计才是组织模块化价值创新的深层诱因;而引入结构构建匹配后,模块化制度设计对组织价值创新的影响更加显著,这在某种程度上说明了产业模块化向组织模块化过度的必然性;在行业表现出产品设计信息的高度依赖性和信息较难写入介质等特性时,组织模块化将难以开展,并由此影响组织价值创新,也进一步明确了模块化的行业适用范畴。  相似文献   

组织模块化所催生的竞合机制与模块整合模式充分彰显了开创价值创新的优越。本文以产品特性为调节变量,对组织模块化与组织价值创新之间的影响机制进行了实证分析。结果显示,在组织模块化过程中,单纯的组织结构构建并不能够带来企业的价值创新,只有制度设计才是组织模块化价值创新的深层诱因;而引入结构构建匹配后,模块化制度设计对组织价值创新的影响更加显著,这在某种程度上说明了产业模块化向组织模块化过度的必然性;在行业表现出产品设计信息的高度依赖性和信息较难写入介质等特性时,组织模块化将难以开展,并由此影响组织价值创新,也进一步明确了模块化的行业适用范畴。  相似文献   

<正>汽车产业从20世纪末开始面临市场竞争激烈、用户需求多样化、产品生命周期缩短、多品种小批量生产比例增大、交货期要求提前、可持续发展的呼声越来越高。在模块化技术支持下,汽车产业正从原来的零件-组件-产品,向零件-子模块-分模块-产品的结构模式转变。一、模块化的需求和特点模块化是指每个可以独立设计的,并且能够发挥整体作用的更小  相似文献   

大规模定制导致的内部和外部多样性之间的矛盾的解决依托于产品的模块化设计和生产催生了企业间模块化。本文将企业间模块化环境分为四种类型并探讨了其对模块层次和架构层次的产品创新的影响。结果表明,虽然模块化的出现是为了减少企业间的相互依赖性,但实际上它只是维护了当其它模块变化时另一模块保持不变的独立性,却大大损害了当其它模块不变时另一模块寻求改变的独立性。另外模块化在促进模块层次的创新的同时压抑了架构层次的产品创新。  相似文献   

通过对先进入者的原始产品进行模仿创新,后进入者推出了模仿创新产品,这吸引了跨期选择购买时机以及产品类型的战略顾客,从而威胁了先进入者的领导地位。面对这种威胁,文中研究了先进入者采用产品升级策略的有效性,其中,对于整体化升级策略,先进入者能以等性价比、递增性价比、递减性价比等三种路径推出升级产品;而对于模块化升级策略,先进入者只能以递增性价比路径推出显性升级产品。结论表明:对于整体化升级策略,递减性价比升级路径更有助于先进入者在市场份额与利润方面保持持续领导地位;对于模块化升级策略,较高的模块化程度更能维护先进入者在市场份额方面的竞争优势,但对维护利润方面的竞争优势的潜在价值较低。  相似文献   

随着社会经济环境的不断变化和顾客需求的个性化、多样化,企业迫切需要更具可操作性的工具,来增强企业的战略柔性水平,进而提高企业绩效和竞争优势。本文以近年来珠三角制造企业调查数据为依据,具体研究制造企业模块化生产与战略柔性和企业绩效之间的关系。研究结果表明,企业模块化生产能力与企业战略柔性水平和企业绩效之间具有显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

潘安成 《中国管理科学》2007,15(Z1):553-558
模块化理论在技术设计领域中的应用日趋成熟,在企业组织设计中也逐渐地受到关注.然而,技术模块化的方法在组织动态演化中正受到挑战.本文认为企业是一个复杂的知识系统,从组织演化的角度探索了企业模块化的基本原理,指出了模块知识基的完备性是组织模块化的基本准则,以及组织知识基的可分割性是组织模块化的条件,从而探索了企业模块化能力提升的路径.  相似文献   

何大军  巫景飞  芮明杰 《管理学报》2010,7(2):177-181,198
采用纵向案例研究方法,对计算机产业从大型机时代向PC机时代的演进历程进行了考察,对产业模块化的动力机制进行探索分析。认为由企业间竞争而激发的创新战略是产业模块化的主要驱动力量:产业演化初期,有实力的在位企业会通过激进式创新,完成产品从一体化向模块化的转换;在此背景下,新进入者会从“低端价值模块”进入,采用模块创新策略逐渐瓦解在位企业所垄断的一体化价值链;新进入者也会利用破坏创新技术,采取“低端客户进入”与开放技术标准等策略,来破坏在位企业的竞争优势,加速产业模块化。  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated framework for designing profit‐maximizing products/ services, which can also be produced at reasonable operating difficulty levels. Operating difficulty is represented as a function of product and process attributes, and measures a firm's relative ease or difficulty in meeting customer demand patterns under specified operating conditions. Earlier optimum product design procedures have not considered. operational difficulty. We show that optimum profit, market share, cost, and product profiles are dependent on operating difficulty level. Empirical results from the pizza delivery industry demonstrate the value of the proposed Effective Product/Service Design approach.  相似文献   

Modular design allows several generations of products to co‐exist in the installed base as product designs change to take advantage of improved performance via modular upgrades. Use of a common base platform and modular design approach allows a firm to offer updates for improved performance and flexibility via remanufacturing when products have multiple lifecycles. However, as the product evolves through multiple lifecycles, the large pool of product variants leads to the curse of product proliferation. In practice, product proliferation causes high levels of line congestion and results in longer lead times, higher inventory levels, and lower levels of customer service. To offer insights into the product proliferation problem, the authors employ a delayed differentiation model in a multiple lifecycle context. The delayed differentiation model gives flexibility to balance trade‐offs between disassembly and reassembly costs by adaptively changing the push‐pull boundary. An adaptive, evolving push‐pull boundary provides flexibility for a remanufacturing firm to meet changing customer demands. The delayed differentiation model includes both a mixed‐integer linear program and an analytical investigation of the evolutionary nature of the push‐pull boundary. Both field observations and experimental results show that the nature of product proliferation and changing demand structures play significant roles in the cost and flexibility of the evolving delayed differentiation system.  相似文献   

本文以全渠道零售商不同渠道的定价为背景,以企业利润最大化为目标,以顾客退货给零售商带来的损失为出发点,从三种不同的退货方式分析退货损失对零售商不同渠道最优定价和利润的影响。首先分析传统的原渠道退货(即:从购买产品的渠道退货),然后分析所有顾客都通过线上渠道退货,进而分析所有顾客都通过线下渠道退货。研究表明:三种退货方式下,当零售商与顾客的线上单位产品净退货损失之和小于线下单位产品净退货损失之和时,全渠道零售商选择全部退货到线上渠道可获得最大利润;当零售商与顾客的线上单位产品净退货损失之和大于线下单位产品净退货损失之和时,全渠道零售商应选择全部退货到线下的退货方式以获得最大利润;传统的退货方式不会让零售商获得最大利润。本文研究对于全渠道零售虑顾客退货损失的基础上,设置最合理的退货方式和不同渠道之间的最优定价有一定的指导意义和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

Little research has examined how international firms' operations strategies affect dynamic capability creation or how cultural distance affects operations management. This study addresses these gaps by bridging the work on dynamic capabilities, two operations management techniques (product modularization and supplier integration) and cultural distance. Using a sample of 111 Brazilian automobile suppliers, the study finds that new product development is marginally increased by product modularization but decreased by supplier integration. Cultural distance negatively moderated these relationships. This research extends the dynamic capabilities literature and indicates that operations management strategy is an important part of the dynamic capability formation process.  相似文献   

Firms may produce a variety of generally similar products or may practice “scientific pricing” or revenue management where the firm will offer similar or somewhat differentiated products in multiple market segments at different prices. Whenever generally similar products are available, the demand for the products is linked through the ability of the customer to substitute one product for another. One widely known type of demand substitution is referred to as inventory-driven substitution where a customer will substitute for a product that is out of stock by buying a similar product. A second type of substitution occurs as a response to price-differences when a customer substitutes a less expensive product for a similar higher priced product.  相似文献   

This article explores how firms can foster positive consumer inferences by communicating their new product development (NPD) openness. In particular, it analyzes inferences about a firm’s customer orientation, ability to develop high-quality products and innovativeness. Previous research has focused on examining inferences derived from cues about consumer contributions to the external design of products. This article extends current knowledge (i) by analyzing inferential processes when customer participation goes beyond external product design and affects functionality and (ii) by considering other forms of openness, namely expert contributions to NPD. The results of two experiments show that, in general, customer participation in NPD effectively triggers customer orientation inferences, while expert participation leads to inferences about a firm’s ability to develop high-quality products only in specific settings. Finally, counter to previous research, communicating external participation does not seem to be an effective cue to infer innovativeness for functional product contributions.  相似文献   


Each year organizations spend a significant amount of money developing new products and processes in an effort to satisfy customer demands and manufacture high-quality products efficiently. Both development processes - product and process, are complex, resource intensive and thrive on innovation. They demand a variety of skills and resources, but in particular, participation among all staff in generating ideas, managing projects and implementing change. There are currently a number of software tools and methods that facilitate change in a systems environment. These range from complex modelling tools to information management tools. The tools have been developed around paradigms, e.g. world class manufacturing, total quality management and business process reengineering. They are often complex, requiring the efforts of skilled designers and managers. Current thinking within a systems environment reflects a more participative and less specialist approach to managing innovation and change. There is a need to create compromise between detailed project engineering and good management practice. This paper introduces a new paradigm centred on good management practice, and identifies the critical issues in systems innovation and change. The paradigm is articulated through a series of change levers and a methodology that guides managers and designers. It is supported by a series of software tools that together bring innovation management to life within the industrial organization.  相似文献   

As uncertainty in markets and technology intensifies, more companies are adopting modular product and process architectures to cope with increasing demands for individually customized products. Modularity‐based manufacturing is the application of unit standardization or substitution principles to create modular components and processes that can be configured into a wide range of end products to meet specific customer needs. This study defines modularity‐based manufacturing practices (MBMP), develops a valid and reliable instrument to measure MBMP, builds a framework that relates customer closeness, MBMP, and mass customization capability, and tests structural relationships within this framework using LISREL. Based on 303 responses from members of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, statistically significant and positive relationships were found among customer closeness, modularity‐based manufacturing practices, and mass customization capability. Managerial implications of the empirical findings of this study and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

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