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The mass-scale shift to the five-day work week, with two days off, affects not only production and the economy, but the areas of public and everyday life. The change in the pattern of work and rest leads to noticeable changes in the mode of life of the bulk of the urban population. A study of these changes is essential for the rational regulation of the social processes brought about by the introduction of the five-day week and, consequently, for its maximum social effectiveness. Obviously, studies of the consequences of the new work week, socially and in terms of mode of life, must be carried out with account taken of the demographic, cultural, and social differences and variations in the mode of life, because the effects of the five-day week on different strata of the population are by no means identical.  相似文献   

贺中  袁园 《青岛画报》2012,(5):44-45
4月10日,转制成3D版本的经典电影《泰坦尼克号》在它沉没一百周年后于中国内地影院再次.其票房数据不断创下新高:上映首日就有7300万票房,两天轻松过1亿2千万,三天1亿8千万,业内估计有望超过1998年上映时的总票房,再创票房奇迹.除此之外,4月13日上映的《纽约行动》,4月18日上映的《超级战舰》等5部进口大片前仆后继,大有将4月的中国电影市场瓜分殆尽之势.  相似文献   

Some Accomplishments and Some Needs in Disaster Study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

《Social work with groups》2012,35(3):205-217
This article assumes that social workers can choose to interpret their knowledge base in a way that promotes social justice, that is, that advances equality and fairness in the society. It takes a fresh look at group and mutual-aid dynamics, seeing the two sets of dynamics, foundational knowledge for group workers, as linked to what happens inside as well as outside the group, in the community. Some challenges are addressed in conclusion.  相似文献   

不知何时,辽东小镇上夹河悄然兴起一项特别的产业——根雕.而从事这项产业的人员,竞清一色是当地农民.没经过专业培训,更无几辈子的传承,庄稼汉们紧握锄杠的手居然熟稔切割机、雕凿、打磨的技艺,用自己的审美情趣,化腐朽为神奇,使小镇声名远扬.上夹河根雕约起于20年前,初始仅是几个胆大不甘落伍农民的尝试.那时候,辽东乡村挣脱单一的农业生产的束缚,致富的心理饥渴而迫切.  相似文献   

2007年,我赴欧洲进行学术访问.到达德国时,德国的朋友JIAYIN告诉我说这次要带我去一个很特别的地方,当时,我并没在意.  相似文献   

The idea that classroom social ecologies are shaped by the aggregate effects of peers' prior care experiences is provocative, even though the evidence is weak that this explains the small and diminishing effect of childcare experience in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development study. Small effects may indeed be small effects, but students of early development should attend to the potential importance of group-level influences on social and cognitive growth.  相似文献   

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