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Aided by the Internet, microfinance institutions have found new ways to expand the reach of financing entrepreneurial projects on a small scale. Using a unique data set of individual loans posted to Kiva.org, we explore the determinants of lenders’ nonprofit lending choices in the growing microfinance industry. We find that lenders make choices in purposive ways even in the absence of market interest rates, especially with respect to the demographic characteristics of borrowers and the uses of proposed funds. Hence, the results provide valuable new information about consumer choice in charitable giving and investment.  相似文献   

The purpose of the experiment was to examine the acquisition of information about sexuality by 182 ninth‐grade students enrolled in a sex education course. An additional 197 ninth‐grade students in the same school served as a control group. Approximately half the subjects in each group were pretested. Following completion of the course, all subjects were posttested. The major results of the multiple regression analysis indicated that the experimental group scored higher on the posttest than the control group both for the total set of items (N = 24) and for several subscores measuring learning of sex education material. The pretest and posttest scores did not differ for control group subjects. The results indicated: (a) sex education courses can provide important information about sexuality which is not gained in other ways by ninth‐graders; (b) peers may not be important sources of sexual information when alternatives (sex education courses) to peer information are available.  相似文献   

THE United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has come a long way in China. Since its assistance program was resumed in 1979, UNICEF has assisted children of China through 100 major projects involving a commitment of more than US$ 200 million through 1995. The global organization's contribution to improving the well-being of 380  相似文献   

This paper describes a multi‐method approach to data collection used in a large‐scale seven‐year longitudinal study of the effect of class size differences on classroom processes. There were five main types of process and the paper concentrates on the results from one of these: teaching interactions with pupils. It was felt that integration of results from quantitative and qualitative methods would help reconcile inconsistencies and limitations in previous research on this topic. Quantitative information was collected from systematic classroom observations and teacher completed time estimates to address relationships between class size and teacher time allocation, and teacher and pupil behaviour in class. But we also wanted a more qualitative assessment of relationships between class size and teaching through the use of methods that captured practitioners’ experiences, and through detailed case studies. Examples of integrated results from these four methods are given, along with some reflections on lessons learned.  相似文献   


Casino self‐exclusion is a procedure by which individuals can have themselves banned from entering a casino. One of the purposes of this paper is to present information about the availability and features of these programmes. A second purpose is to make recommendations about how to best operate them based on cross‐jurisdictional analysis and lessons from the addiction literature. The first section of the paper describes the typical casino self‐exclusion programme, outlining the features common to most policies. The second section provides a detailed overview of the programmes operating in Canada in order to give the reader an appreciation of the procedural variations that exist. The third section discusses the effectiveness of self‐exclusion programmes. Finally, the fourth section contains recommendations on ways to improve effectiveness. When properly implemented, self‐exclusion can be a valuable tool in helping to curb problem gambling.  相似文献   


This essay explores Jean‐Luc Nancy's rethinking of political space in terms of an ontological ‘being‐with’. It elucidates how Nancy's thinking of community emerges out of the French philosopher's reworking of Heidegger's crucial notion of Mitsein. For Nancy, although Heidegger argues that Dasein is always already also Mitsein, Mitsein is nonetheless also occluded by the priority accorded to Dasein. The consequences for the way in which community or the space of the political is configured are profound since traditional conceptions of the subject of community thus remain unreconstructed. Nancy however does reconstruct community by emphasising that the primal ontological conditions of community are not conceived as the One, the Other or the We, but as the ‘with’, ‘relationality’, and the ‘between’. The question of being (Seinsfrage) thereby becomes the question of being‐with (Mitseinsfrage).  相似文献   

It is widely believed that reproductive human cloning is morally wrong and should be prohibited because it infringes on human uniqueness, individuality, freedom and personal identity. The philosophical and ethical discussion has, however, shown that it is far more difficult than might initially be supposed to sustain arguments against cloning on these and related grounds. More recently, a potentially viable argument, initially put forward by Hans Jonas, has regained new prominence. The argument holds that cloning is wrong because it denies the clone an `open future', that is, the ability to freely shape her own personal identity, life plans, self-chosen goals, etc. After a critical exposition of the argument, I argue as follows: If one understands the Open Future Argument as an argument about the welfare of the cloned child, then it cannot show that cloning harms the child in a person-affecting sense of harming and benefiting. If, on the other hand, one understands the argument in a non-person-affecting sense, then some, but not all, reproductive cloning decisions can be shown to be wrong. The argument does not show, however, that cloning ought to be prohibited by law. While cloning, like other widely accepted reproductive decisions, will sometimes fail to minimize harm to `the child', such acts – to the extent that they do not constitute harm in a person-affecting sense – ought to be tolerated by proponents of the Open Future Argument. Attempts to prohibit reproductive choices on the basis that they are not optimal, will undermine the same set of values that the Open Future Argument seeks to uphold.  相似文献   

This paper examines one effort to jointly assess nurses and social workers where professional as well as academic qualifications were at stake. It chronicles an attempt in a Scottish university to integrate assessment of a multi‐disciplinary academic course with assessment within the existing post qualifying framework for social work. In setting up a new course the assessment strategy was designed to meet both the course learning outcomes and the requirements of the Post Qualifying Award for social work. In looking at the tensions between different academic disciplines it is, perhaps, not surprising that this attempt at assessment across professional boundaries ran into difficulties. The context of the assessment issue and the different mechanisms used in repeated attempts to resolve the problems are examined. The tentative conclusion is that, while the inter‐professional education process is highly valued by students, there are tensions between the academic and practice assessment requirements, between different academic traditions and between understandings of reflection and how it is assessed. Mutual trust and understanding are essential to the development of inter‐professional education, including an accreditation system which is flexible enough to meet a range of needs.  相似文献   

THE pine trees of the Huangshan Mountains surprise many people because of their different artistic and expressive shapes. All through the ages many people have carved poems at the top of the Taishan Mountains. However, my favorite spot is the Heavenly Pond on top of the Changbai Mountains. The Changbai Mountains are located in Antu County in the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Jilin Province.  相似文献   

Data on the social structural characteristics, sexual attitudes and sexual practices of thirty preindustrial and industrializing societies are examined in an attempt to identify some of the major sociological (as opposed to purely psychological) correlates of impotence. Results suggest two major conclusions: First, socio‐cultural characteristics are clearly related to the incidence of impotence reported across societies; second, among the variables investigated those reflecting the degree of a society's sexual restrictiveness were most predictive of incidence of impotence.  相似文献   

Despite the popularity of financial literacy programs intended to benefit low-income families, little research explores how families experience and interpret their own participation in these programs. In-depth interviews with participants in one such program revealed participants’ complex analyses of financial literacy and their own poverty. Their analyses simultaneously affirm and challenge hegemonic ideologies and neoliberal practices and, as such, provide an opportunity for social workers to respond in ways that address not only the immediate financial needs of low-income families but also the structures and ideologies that contribute to those needs.  相似文献   


An attempt is made to analyze the effects of the Teen Challenge program in the self‐esteem of rehabilitants, and to determine if, indeed, any relationship exists. The importance of self‐esteem as a psycho‐social concept has emerged in recognition of man's needs for feelings of self‐worth. Central to this concept are the seminal formulations of White, Cooley, Coopersmith, Goffmann, and Harris. Additionally, Maslow's “hierarchy of needs” brings this concept into focus. Cooley notes that self‐concept emerges as a result of a series of interactions and appraisals of other people. The self‐concept, as it relates to self‐esteem, is also of major concern to the Teen Challenge program, the subject of this research. Teen Challenge is a therapeutic community seeking the resocialization of drug addicts, criminals, juvenile delinquents, prostitutes, alcoholics and other deviant types. This program is a three‐phase (orientation; training; re‐entry), one‐year residential program which uses the soteriological approach (conversation‐catharsis) as the starter‐mechanism to resocialization. According to a recent, federally funded, follow‐up study, 86 per cent of those who graduated from this program seven years previously had not recidivated. If indeed these statistics are valid, this would merit further research to determine variables significant to the resocialization process. This research assumes that self‐esteem is one such variable, though perhaps only one of many. It is further assumed that this would be low upon entry, and would progress consistently in a positive direction throughout one's stay in the program. Data was collected from centers in six different countries for a cross‐cultural comparison. To avoid contamination, all residents immediately upon entry into the Teen Challenge program in 1975 were tested using the Rosenberg “Self‐Esteem Scale.” Residents were tested again at the mid‐point of their stay using the S.E.S., and retested again when eligible for graduation one year later. Although an analysis of variance did not indicate a consistant increase in self‐esteem as hypothesized, low scores upon induction zoomed up in phase one, dipped slightly during the second phase, then resumed their climb in phase three, reaching an apex at the time of graduation. The over‐all trend for all centers, however, from low to high was highly significant. These results have heuristic potential.  相似文献   

Since it is crucial for public entities to spend the taxpayer’s money effectively and efficiently, we have analyzed the methods used to check for the two criteria in the European Union’s “Youth”-program. We find that the currently applied method is not theoretically sound and hardly politically justifiable. Therefore, we present a new approach which includes the important aspects that a public organization needs to respect. It is theoretically correct and fulfills economic standards; it is valid in political standards; it is feasible; and it is easily understandable for a large public. We singled out two factors which are readily observable and a good proxy for the decision if a project is worthy to be supported by public funds: the number of people reached and the quality of the program proposed.  相似文献   

This study attempted to enhance cultural sensitivity for graduate students at an American and a South African university, using a six‐week online List Serv, email buddy exchange, and two‐week face‐to‐face experience. After the course was over, results of the intercultural developmental inventory, using t‐tests for related samples, showed that there was a significant difference (alpha equals .04) in the universalism and cognitive frame shifting clusters as well as the overall developmental cultural level of sensitivity. Positive trends were noted in the areas of cultural self‐identity enhancement, and a decrease in inflation in the area of perceived intercultural sensitivity was noted.  相似文献   

Varieties of Fascism

Native Fascism in the Successor States 1918–1945, Peter F. Sugar (ed.). Santa Barbara, California, ABC‐Clio Inc. 1971. iii + 166 pp. Index. (Twentieth Century Series, no. 4). $9.50, $4.50 paperback.

Hitler's Eastern Policies

Die Sowjetunion und Das Dritte Reich. Eine Dokumentierte Geschichte Der Deutsch‐Sowjetischen Beziehungen Von 1933 BIS 1941, by Philipp W. Fabry. Stuttgart, Seewald, 1971. 485 pp. Docs. Names Index.

Die Polnisch‐Deutschen Beziehungen 1933–1938, by Marian Wojcie‐chowski, Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1971. xiii 583 pp. (Studien zur Geschichte Osteuropas XII).

A Jewish life in Poland and the USSR

Naftuley Derakhim Optwisting Pathscp, by Ester Rozental‐Shneyderman. Tel‐Aviv, Ha‐kibbutz Ha‐meuchad. Vol. I, 1970, 406 pp., vol. II, 1972, 400 pp.

Jewish culture and survival in the USSR

Tarbut Yehudit Bi‐Brit Ha‐Moatsot (Jewish Culture in the Soviet Union). Jerusalem, Cultural Department of the World Jewish Congress. 1972. 168 pp.

Persons and unpersons

Who Was Who in the USSR, compiled by the Institute for the Study of the USSR, Munich. Metuchen, New Jersey, USA, The Scarecrow Press, Inc. 1972, xii + 677 pp. Index. $40, £20.00.  相似文献   

No question now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.

George Orwell, the concluding lines of Animal farm.  相似文献   

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