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转型期我国青少年性别角色取向的偏移与引领研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性别角色是后天形成的社会性别,不仅影响到个体的成长,也关系到民族人格特征和素质的发展.近十年来我国青少年性别角色发生了严重偏移,与性别一致的传统类型男性化和女性化大量减少,而男性正性特质和女性正性特质都弱的未分化类型则急剧增加.男性正性特质和女性正性特质都高的双性化是我国性别角色的理想类型,男性化特质则在双性化特质中起主导作用.在针对偏移现状及原因分析基础上,提出了针对性的引领对策:(1)在性别角色的认识和宣传上需大力纠偏;(2)大力进行未分化的预防教育和干预教育;(3)全面开展理想化类别的双性化特质塑造教育;(4)加强体育活动,增强男性特质.  相似文献   

中国人性别角色量表的建构及其与心理社会适应的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究的目的是建立中国人的性别角色量表,并探索不同性别角色类型的个体其心理社会适应水平的特点.研究一根据5 000多名被试对中国人人格量表项目的反应挑选出男女被试有显著差异的项目,经过因素分析建立了各由30个项目组成,分别由七个和六个因素构成的中国人男性化和女性化量表,并据此将被试划分为未分化、女性化、男性化和双性化四种性别角色类型.研究二则比较了不同性别角色类型与心理健康的关系,表明在中国被试中双性化的个体心理社会适应水平最低、女性化个体心理社会适应最好.这一结果与Bem关于双性化的假设是截然相反的.本研究从中国文化与性别角色的关系对这一结果进行了解释,提出了中国文化是女性化文化,同时又是反男性化文化的假设,并对进一步研究的方向进行了讨论.  相似文献   

双性化人格特质与情绪状态的相关研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:探讨大学生良好情绪状态的理想性别角色模式,深入了解双性化对健康情绪状态的意义,为大学生消除负性情绪干扰,从容处理各种生活事件提供理论依据。方法:采用贝姆性度量表(BSRI)、zung氏抑郁自评量表(SDS)和zung氏焦虑自评量表(SAS)对166名在校大学生的性度和抑郁焦虑水平进行测评。结果:在男女大学生中存在双性化、男性化、女性化和未分化四种性别特质类型,双性化人格特质者的抑郁焦虑水平最低,其次是男性化,最后是女性化和未分化。结论:从情绪状态的角度看双性化是一种理想的性别角色模式。  相似文献   

采用BSR I量表,对399名不同学科学生的性别特质分布进行问卷测试,结果表明,大学生中存在双性化、男性化、女性化和未分化四种性别特质类型,其中双性化性别特质者学习效绩最高,未分化性别特质者最低;不同性别特质大学生成绩差异有显著统计学意义,且双性化性别特质者的专业学习兴趣、学习习惯和方法也较其它性别特质者为优。  相似文献   

性别角色类型与大学适应的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对女大学生的问卷调查,探讨性别角色类型与大学适应的关系,进一步验证一致性模型、双性化模型和男性化模型哪一种理想性别模型更适合女大学生这一群体。调查结果表明:1、独生子女家庭和城市的女大学生正性男性化特质更高,更倾向具有双性化的特质;2、正性负性男性化、女性化特质与心身症状、大学适应各因素的相关分析结果表明:正性特质支持了男性化模型,负性特质支持了一致性模型;3、回归分析主要支持了双性化加法模型,其他部分结果支持了一致性模型、男性化模型、双性化乘法模型。  相似文献   

大学生性别角色类型及相关因素研究综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
近年来,由于心理双性化概念的提出,性别角色的研究再次引起人们的关注。文章分析了近年来大学生性别角色类型及相关因素的研究成果以后,认为:大学生的性别角色分布以双性化和未分化为主;双性化与男性化者心理健康相对更好些;未分化和女性化者心理健康相对较差;双性化人格的大学生在人格发展及适应水平上是最好的,兼具两性的优势人格特征———男性化的领导能力和女性化的人际取向能力,自信心强,情绪稳定,对环境持开放态度,有和谐的人际关系,是大学生的理想人格模式。  相似文献   

借助于父亲在位问卷中文修订版和中国大学生性别角色量表,探讨大学生父亲在位对性别角色发展的影响.研究发现,大学生的性别角色双性化、单性化(男性化和女性化)和未分化约各占三分之一,男生比女生呈现出更多的双性化发展趋势;大学生父亲在位与性别角色之间存在广泛的显著相关;大学生父亲在位对性别角色发展有显著的预测作用,高品质的父亲在位有利于子女、性别角色的良好发展.  相似文献   

摘 要:本研究以3-6岁农村幼儿为研究对象,采用问卷法考察山西省运城市355名农村幼儿性别角色发展的现状。研究表明:农村幼儿中双性化(40.6%)和未分化(39.2%)性别角色所占比例最高,均显著高于男性化(10.7%)和女性化(9.6%);幼儿的年级、性别与性别角色类型分布显著相关;幼儿的性别、父亲和母亲的受教育程度、幼儿独生与否、幼儿的留守状态对农村幼儿的性别角色特质有显著影响。  相似文献   

采用儿童性别概念认知调查问卷与性别角色量表调查了儿童性别概念认知与性别角色发展状况,以便提出有针对性教育策略。结果发现,四~六岁儿童性别同一性认知发展基本处于同一水平;六岁儿童性别稳定性水平均显著高于四岁、五岁儿童,但后者性别稳定性认知水平差异不显著;性别恒常性认知水平年龄差异均显著,从低到高的顺序为四、五、六岁组。四种性别角色类型在学前儿童中已分布,四岁儿童女性化与双性化的比例均在30%左右,五岁儿童双性化比例达到74.32%的峰值,六岁儿童双性化比例逐渐下降为54.65%;男性化比例有所偏低,最高的出现在四岁组20.28%。总的来说,学前儿童的性别概念认知与性别角色类型发展状况均表现出年龄差异,随着年龄的增长,性别特征分化愈加明显。  相似文献   

由于"双性化"概念的提出,性别角色的研究成为心理学领域研究的一个热点问题。性别角色类型影响到大学生的心理健康、创造性以及社会适应等诸多方面。双性化和未分化两种类型,尤其是未分化型在大学生中的比例有增加趋势,因此,要深入探讨其影响因素及教育策略。  相似文献   

性别差异研究的四种取向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理学家经常会以性别及性别刻板来理解人类的行为。在过去的几十年里,有关性与性别的研究在不断增多,并发展出了四种主要的研究取向:(1)将性别作为被试变量;(2)考察男性化、女性化和双性化的个体差异;(3)性别图式理论;(4)将性别看做一个社会范畴来进行研究。以这四种研究取向为线索来组织内容,可获得对性、性别以及人格领域有关问题的一个比较全面的探究。  相似文献   

西方现代心理学和宗教女性主义所标举的"双性气质"理论,对理解<红楼梦>主旨及其人物形象有着崭新的意义.以王熙凤和贾宝玉为个案,着重分析了"女性的男性气质"和"男性的女性气质",认为<红楼梦>所塑造的人物具有超越时代超越社会性别的"双性"人格特征,他们集中展现了小说家卓越的艺术追求和人文理想.  相似文献   

萨拉·朱厄特的短篇佳作《白苍鹭》除了展示作者对人与自然和谐关系的关注外,更体现其对男女气质建构问题的思考和探索。本文借助性别研究的视角,分析朱厄特在《白苍鹭》中对男女气质的重构,指出朱厄特首先通过对刻板的男女气质的否定和批判,解构了传统的男女气质,进而又在对“雌雄同体”双性气质的肯定和赞赏中,实现了其对理想的男女气质的建构。  相似文献   

This study provides an analysis of the content of feminine and masculine characteristics/behaviors described in writing by 366 young women and 289 young men from the U.S. Emergent characteristics/behaviors were placed into domains. For both femininity and masculinity, the domains of “physical differences related to sex” and “emphasized physical differences” emerged. For masculinity, additional domains were: “activities and interests focused on the body,” “powerful or oriented toward power,” and “emotion-control or emotionally-limited.” For femininity, additional domains were “lacking power,” “orientation to other people,” and “emotional.” We then compared the characteristics/behaviors and domains we discovered to gender inventories that are commonly used in the contemporary period. The masculine domains focused on physical differences, activities, and interests that emerged from the present study are mostly absent from these masculinity inventories. The domains focused on power and restricted emotion are evident in these inventories, but these inventories do not cover all of the characteristics within our domains. The feminine domains that emerged from the present study are more often covered in these inventories, but some of the specific feminine characteristics we found are not evident in these inventories. Results are discussed in terms of gender role theory, gender inequality, and potential application for qualitative and quantitative inquiries into the construction of gender.  相似文献   

男性气质和女性气质的社会性别分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
从社会性别视角探讨男性气质与女性气质的本质及其对两性的影响,目的是让我们学会用科学的态度来认识男女之间的性别差异,学会用性别平等视角来审视在社会各个领域中的性别歧视现象,努力消除传统性别观念中陈腐的、反科学的刻板印象,建立理想的性别角色模式,促进男女两性各自潜能的充分发挥和心理的健康发展。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of masculinity and femininity on violence enacted while under the influence of alcohol. Our review of the literature, data analysis, and interpretations are framed by feminist pathways theorizing and a critique of existing gender research in the area of alcohol use and violence. Data come from a survey of Midwest university students (N = 422). The relationships between masculinity, femininity, heavy episodic drinking and three forms of alcohol-related violence (against strangers, friends/acquaintances, and intimate partners), are assessed with a series of logistic regressions. Results suggest that even when controlling for sex, gender is an important predictor for alcohol-related violence. We situate these findings within a sociology-of-gender framework.  相似文献   

Although universal definitions are by no means agreed upon, the terms sex—male and female—and gender—femininity and/or masculinity—are semantically dissociable. The aim with the current study was to explore whether and to what extent they may be dissociable in perceptual terms. A comparison of sex judgments and gender judgments from point light walker (PLW) stimuli offered possibilities for obtaining a finer-grained picture of the basis or bases of these types of social judgments. In this study PLWs were used explicitly to examine the pattern of responses to questions of sex (male/female) and gender (masculine/feminine). Observers perceived targets to be feminine at the same rate as female, but perceived a subset of targets significantly more often to be male than masculine. Thus, a disconnect was demonstrated between male and masculine perceptions with no such uncoupling evident for perceptions of female and feminine. This pattern of responding accords with the idea—often described as Precarious Manhood—that manhood, or masculinity, may be a more difficult mantle to earn than mere ‘maleness’, with femininity considered closer to an essential aspect of being female.  相似文献   

从伍尔夫提出的“双性共体“即每个人头脑中普遍受男女两性的两种力量的制约,两种力量融合的完美精神境界是作家最理想的创作状态这一思想入手,阐述了她将“双性共体“的理念融进《奥兰多》,《达洛卫夫人》等多部作品,对两性平等的追求和两性和睦相处的愿望。针对伍尔夫的“双性共体“的理念的局限性,对其内容重新阐释和拓展,结果表明无论是遭到否定,还是被重新阐释,“双性共体“的理念始终生机勃勃,并具有实际的理论研究价值。  相似文献   

Women have consistently been found to be better decoders of nonverbal language compared to men. It is unknown however, whether this sex difference is biological or non-biological in nature. The current study sought to test for the first time the effect emotional intelligence (EI), trait dominance, and psychological gender had on nonverbal decoding accuracy. 86 undergraduate university students (43 males and 43 female), mean age 20.86 years old, completed the mini-Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity, the Mayer–Salovey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test, the Dominance Subscale of The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, and the Bem Sex-Role Inventory. Overall women were found to score 4.35 points significantly higher than men in nonverbal ability, 95 % CI [?2.31, 2.31], and 7.15 points significantly higher than men in EI, 95 % CI [?5.97, 5.97]. Higher EI scores were also found to predict significantly greater nonverbal decoding accuracy. These findings suggest that EI rather than biological sex appears to be the salient factor in an individual’s nonverbal decoding accuracy. Trait dominance, and participants’ masculinity and femininity scores however, were not found to be significantly correlated with nonverbal decoding ability, thus the non-biological model of EI, trait dominance, and psychological gender did not account for significantly more unique variance in decoding accuracy, compared to the biological model when biological sex alone was considered.  相似文献   

This paper examines how youth whose parents came from sub-Saharan Africa negotiate racialized forms of masculinity and femininity in Vancouver, Canada. The study is based on interviews with second generation African-Canadian men and women, and explores gendered and racialized dimensions of growing up in neighbourhoods where they were usually the only African and Black children. In this context, the second generation engages with representations of Black masculinity and femininity widely circulated through American popular culture, especially through hip hop, constituting a dominant frame of reference among adolescents that contributes to the great popularity of African-Canadian teenage boys, while girls find it much harder to fit in.  相似文献   

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