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民族社团组织在参与社区民族文化建设.促进民族团结,宣传民族政策等工作中具有得天独厚的优势。文章以广州满族历史文化研究会为例,调查了其近三年通过会刊宣传、举办群众性的文化体育活动以及与街道合作开展民族文化建设项目等方式参与社区民族文化建设的实际情况及收效.分析了存在的问题,并探索民族社团未来继续参与社区教育的途径。  相似文献   

葛华 《探求》2002,(Z1):59-60
城市的现代化 ,是经济政治文化全面发展的过程。加强城市社区文化建设 ,推进城市现代化建设 ,是城市现代化的必然要求。近年来 ,我国的城市社区文化建设取得了巨大的成就 ,但是 ,要使其能健康持续地发展 ,还要重视以下几个问题。一、当前城市社区文化建设存在的主要问题(一 )思想观念上的问题目前社区文化建设主体的思想观念尚不能适应社区文化建设深入发展的需要 ,如在街道领导方面 ,有的对社区文化建设在社区建设中的地位缺乏足够的认识 ,存在抓社区经济建设硬 ,抓社区文化建设软的状况 ,集中表现在对社区经济建设有明确而且具体的指标性…  相似文献   

谭颖华 《探求》2012,(6):84-87
本文通过对肇庆人口老龄化的情况和社区老年文化服务建设的调查和分析,指出目前肇庆社区老年文化服务主要存在场地不足、设施种类单一;文化活动思想性、政治性不高;基础建设资金和活动经费投入严重不足;文化工作队伍建设严重滞后等问题。政府要建立规范制度以保障社区老年文化服务建设,加大社区文化建设的资金投入,提高社区文化服务人员待遇,同时要创新和拓展社区老年文化服务内容,完善社区公共文化服务建设。  相似文献   

社区文化建设水平是衡量一个国家城市化水平、现代化程度和一个民族文化教育素质高低的重要标志。但是,我国的社区文化建设在取得相应成绩的同时,也存在一些问题。高校必须自觉承担起文化建设与文化创新、文化育人与文化传播的历史责任,确立"以人为本"的社区文化参与理念,确立并完善参与社区文化建设的模式,建立和完善高校参与社区文化建设的评估机制。  相似文献   

本文通过对新疆城市社区文化建设发展现状的介绍,结合新疆的实际情况以及城市社区文化建设中普遍存在的问题,从宏观上提出适合新疆城市社区文化建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

温淑春 《社会工作》2009,(10):61-64
现代社区作为不同阶层、不同利益群体、不同经济社会组织的聚集地,居民与社区的关系变得十分紧密,而作为社区中人们归属感和凝聚力体现的社区文化建设便成为构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。本文对社区文化的特点、作用及社区文化建设中存在的问题进行了分析探讨,对发展社区文化建设提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

张小东 《社科纵横》2005,20(2):42-42
将现代社区建设中文化建设的理论与社会学中“民族文化的传承”的理论结合起来,从区位理论角度剖析社区文化建设中“民族文化的传承”在“行为模式”中的理论支撑。同时,进一步探讨了“民族文化的传承”的再生机制与社区文化建设中的“行为模式”之间的相关问题,以及社区文化建设中“行为模式”的再生机制所发挥出的功能性的再生机制理论。  相似文献   

现代社区作为不同阶层、不同利益群体、不同经济社会组织的聚集地,居民与社区的关系变得十分紧密,而作为社区中人们归属感和凝聚力体现的社区文化建设便成为构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。本文对社区文化的特点、作用及社区文化建设中存在的问题进行了分析探讨,对发展社区文化建设提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

我国的社区建设已经走过了可喜的十几年,在党和政府的领导下,经过广大人民群众和社会各界力量的共同努力,大量的实践成果和理论成果不断涌现,这是我国社区建设的一大幸事。但是,笔者在搜集有关社区文化建设的各种资料时发现,目前学界对社区文化建设的关注还很不够,研究和讨论还不充分,对社区文化本身的认识也还有待于深化。为此,笔者对我国社区文化建设的两个问题提些粗浅的看法,仅作抛砖之举。  相似文献   

四、加速文化设施建设,更新文化活动设备社区文化活动的展开依托于对区文化设施和文化活动设备。由于历史的原因,上海的社区文化设施和活动设备存在着场地狭小、设施不全、设备陈旧等问题。这与上海要建成开放性国际大都市的战略目标极不相称,已经开始影响社区文化的发展。因此,加速社区文化设施建设已刻不容缓。处于新旧世纪交替的时期对社区文化设施建设应确立一个新的构思原则,那就是建设以文化设施为中心的“社区核”。“社区核”是社区集聚和扩散中心,具有高度的辐射和吸纳功能,“社区核”多形成于交通枢纽、商业集散地、文化娱…  相似文献   

Socio-economic impact studies can present methodological problems, especially when the focus complex or value-laden. As well, the context of such studies can also influence their complexity, for example if they involve research among young people or particular cultural groups. These problems are compounded when the research methods used are themselves culturally-based or impose cultural assumptions and practices on the research. This paper is intended to offer some reflections about researching gambling among Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory of Australia. It is not reporting any findings about this research, as it is still ongoing and will not be completed until 1998. But at this stage, the researchers are in a position to offer some observations about the strengths and limitations of research methodologies for a project such as this. We conclude that lessons arising from such observations and reflections are worth considering in other research projects, whether about gambling of other activities among different cultural groups.  相似文献   

金太军 《阅江学刊》2012,4(4):12-18
社会问题的存在是社会管理的逻辑起点。我国30多年的改革开放在取得举世瞩目成就的同时,社会问题也日益凸显。这些问题的存在可以从文化层面找到根源:一是信仰体系缺失;二是传统文化被破坏、被解构;三是市场经济的畸形发展对精神层面造成冲击。今后,应建立弹性价值体系,引领文化建设,恢复主流意识形态,重塑适应21世纪的现代文明,夯实构建和谐社会的基石。  相似文献   

There is apparent under-reporting of child sexual abuse in Britain’sAsian communities and a varied capacity amongst professionalsto respond with cultural competence. Professional approachesoriginate in cultural contexts, which are often different fromthose of most British Asians. If the proportion of childrenand non-abusing carers from Asian communities who access relevantservices is to increase, professionals need to develop betterunderstandings of cultural imperatives which determine behaviourin those communities. Consultations with Asian women in Bradfordreinforce the view that culturally competent practice and respectfuldialogue are essential to the protection of children. They alsohighlight a number of recurring themes. Members of Asian communitiesare aware of child sexual abuse, they recognize that the issueneeds to be addressed by all communities and they report thatmany of those affected within their own communities have foundit difficult to access relevant services. These consultations,like reports of similar work elsewhere, indicate that difficulties,which appear to arise from Asian women’s fears about howagencies will respond, are frequently compounded by the impactof cultural imperatives arising from izzat (honour/respect),haya (modesty) and sharam (shame/embarrassment), which havea considerable influence on how many will behave.  相似文献   

黄晓星 《社会》2013,33(4):147-175
在转型的社区情境中,国家基层政府的行为是策略性的,社区居民亦陷入了权变的回应过程。文章聚焦于20世纪80年代以来政府行为的不同阶段,从中观的社区形态考察基层政府的不同策略和社区过程。政府干预、释出和旁观调控三种不同类型的行为反映了政府对于社区的态度,社区层次和事件性质是基层政府策略行为的关键自变量。文章运用拓展性个案研究方法,分析了国家在社区的基层策略,以及转型期社区的生成和发展,基层政府行为与社区回应的不同逻辑是社区治理困境的重要根源。  相似文献   

生命历程理论视野下的新生代农民工社会保护研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新生代农民工在现代化进程中成为社会弱势群体,是渐进的个人生命历程与剧烈的社会变迁交互作用的结果。在利益分化失衡、社会发展断裂和价值意义碎片化的社会转型期,新生代农民工的身份认同、制度认同和文化认同出现了深层危机,并由此而导致进一步的社会隔离、社会紧张和社会风险。对新生代农民工进行强有力的社会保护有利于其健康发展与和谐社会的构建。这一保护应坚持以公正性为根本、以动态性为保障、以发展性为方向的原则;构建以教育权、发展权、福利权、生命健康权、信息权和就业权为核心的权利体系,赋予其平等的权利并将其权利制度化;完善以政府为主导、社区为中介、组织为关键、家庭为基础的社会支持系统。  相似文献   

北京少数民族语言社区的历史沿革及类型特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京有许多少数民族社区,各少数民族社区都具有蕴涵深厚民族文化特色的语言风格,这些独具民族风格的语言便形成了特殊的北京少数民族语言社区。本文论述了北京少数民族语言社区的形成、发展及现状,并将其划分为世居的少数民族语言社区、工作单位少数民族语言社区、具有流动性的少数民族语言社区三种类型。  相似文献   

This article proposes a means by which benefits provided in international research collaborations might be employed to strengthen health care, research, and other capacities in less-developed countries. The Declaration of Helsinki and CIOMS Guidelines define certain expectations of benefits, but these requirements are ambiguous, logistically problematic, and studies suggest they are inconsistently upheld. Drawing on the principle of respect for persons, a right to benefit from hosting externally-sponsored research is proposed. This right guarantees host communities benefits of a certain value, the nature and use of which is controlled by indigenous personnel. Suggestions are made as to how implementation of this right, using structured incentives, may systematically promote capacity building in host communities.  相似文献   

This article proposes a means by which benefits provided in international research collaborations might be employed to strengthen health care, research, and other capacities in less-developed countries. The Declaration of Helsinki and CIOMS Guidelines define certain expectations of benefits, but these requirements are ambiguous, logistically problematic, and studies suggest they are inconsistently upheld. Drawing on the principle of respect for persons, a right to benefit from hosting externally-sponsored research is proposed. This right guarantees host communities benefits of a certain value, the nature and use of which is controlled by indigenous personnel. Suggestions are made as to how implementation of this right, using structured incentives, may systematically promote capacity building in host communities.  相似文献   

Gambling has both positive aspects and negative effects for Australian Indigenous gamblers and families. While traditional card games organised by the communities themselves have been found to have important social value, there is increasing evidence that commercial gambling such as gaming machines (‘pokies‘), casinos and TAB betting has a range of far‐reaching negative social and economic consequences for Indigenous population groups. However an understanding of participation by Indigenous people in contemporary gambling is still undeveloped and is dominated by western concepts. The cultural distinctiveness and complexity of Indigenous Australia create profound conceptual and methodological difficulties with the potential to distort the research process and outcomes, as well as policy solutions. The current lack of understanding also impacts on the cultural relevance and effectiveness of service provision for Indigenous gamblers, their families and communities.  相似文献   

Collaboration is increasingly important for researchers in all disciplines. Universities and funding bodies tend to prefer projects that involve interdisciplinarity, collaboration between different institutions, and international consortiums. Such projects can yield great benefits, but they also pose particular challenges for certain aspects of research integrity, and particularly for awarding credit and authorship. In this article, we describe and analyze the phenomenon of the ghost collaborator, who is initially fully involved and makes a full contribution to a project’s design, but then finds him- or herself excluded from meetings and publications.  相似文献   

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