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In recent years several regions have created development strategies to strengthen the regional economic and innovation contribution of universities. Still, it is not at all obvious whether universities’ significant regional contribution is a rule or rather an exception, especially in transition and less developed areas. Present paper addresses three crucial fields that seem to be problematic in the literature. First, we analyze universities’ regional contribution in a transition economy, namely in Hungary. Second we attempt to capture territorial innovation performance by applying an innovation system based approach. Third, we carry out a nationwide analysis on a subregional level. We conclude that regional contributions of Hungarian higher education institutions are modest, way too forceless to catalyze the local economy.  相似文献   

邓强 《城市观察》2014,(5):96-106
从产业技术创新积累的过程看,目前广州市产业发展正处于主导产业创新及产业替代升级的关键时期。但其产业发展和创新过程中依然存在着诸多突出问题,具体表现为:支柱和优势产业发展后劲不足、产业整体创新能力不高、技术商品化水平有待提升、产业核心技术创新能力不强、技术创新资源配置效率不尽合理、知识密集型服务业竞争力低等。上述问题正成为广州通过产业创新实现竞争力整体提升的瓶颈,以及通过技术变迁实现产业升级的阻碍。本文在对广州产业创新的现状和特征进行深入分析的基础上,针对目前产业创新存在的问题和难点,提出如何提升产业技术水平和创新能力,进而实现"创新驱动"式发展战略给出对策建议。  相似文献   

巴黎文化产业的现状、特征与发展空间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄辉 《城市观察》2009,3(3):28-37
“文化产业”作为当前经济活动的一个重要概念,在城市经济活动中发挥着越来越重要的影响。巴黎作为法国的历史、文化、经济中心,其“文化产业”从20世纪70年代以来随着城市经济的转型呈现蓬勃发展的势头。进入21世纪,巴黎“文化产业”的领域与空间也在不断变化与扩展。本文将试图对巴黎“文化产业”的发展作一梳理,以期对其“文化产业”的发展面貌作一阐释。  相似文献   

In terms of ownership and operations, many companies in Eastern Europe have now been integrated into the world economy. In this article, informed in part by a critical engagement with the Global Commodity Chains (GCC) perspective, we explore the nature and significance of international linkages among firms in Eastern Europe. In particular, we argue that it has been the legacies of the state socialist past embedded in the inherited macro‐ and microeconomic structures, on the one hand, and the strategies of multinational firms on the other, rather than the international linkages in any simple sense, that have been the main influencing factors. While we do not deny the existence of inter‐firm relations similar to the ones described in the GCC literature, we point out that these relationships are much more complex than assumed in that approach and that this complexity is a product of the very different historical backgrounds and modes of incorporation into the world economy of the various Eastern European societies. Drawing on empirical evidence from Hungary and focusing specifically on employment and other labour issues, we argue that there are a variety of firm development paths in Eastern Europe and that these have differing implications for the integration of firms, regions and countries of Eastern Europe into the world economy.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the spatial dimensions of office layouts in diverse knowledge-intensive workplace environments based on the theoretical and methodological propositions of Space Syntax, and brings this together with the analysis of intra-organizational interaction networks. Physical distances between agents are modeled in different ways and used as explanatory variables in exponential random graph modeling. The paper shows that spatial configuration in offices can be considered an important but not sole rationale for tie formation. Furthermore, it is shown that spatial distance measures based on detailed configurational analysis outperform simple Euclidean distance metrics in predicting social ties.  相似文献   

This study compares the size and structure of egocentric networks in Taiwan and Hungary using a diary approach. Both countries have transformed from authoritarian regimes to democratic states, yet they differ in social, economic, and cultural institutions that may be common to the respective larger region where each is located. To sample the structure of each egocentric network, we extracted information from largely identical contact diaries collected in both countries, 51 from Taiwan and 138 from Hungary. After comparing sample characteristics, network size, and composition, we construct a Strength of Ties (SoT) index based on two objective and two subjective measures of ego-alter ties. We then use this index to analyze tie strength by the types of relationships. On average, the number of alters contacted in one week is much larger in Taiwan than in Hungary, and the gap remains unchanged after controlling for key socio-demographic background factors. Even though the four indicators that we use to construct the SoT index are distributed similarly among the respondents in both Taiwan and Hungary, the composite index pinpoints how the types of relationships play somewhat different roles across the nations. The findings imply that the tendency to maintain only the closest ties with kin and other close friends is linked to distrust in others, a possible ill effect lingering from the authoritarian past. The implication is partially supported by further analyses using the ISSP 2006 survey data. We address how our findings may contribute to the existing literature on the linkage between societal characteristics and interpersonal ties.  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to show how the extent of democracy in two Eastern European societies has a strong conditioning effect on the development of social movements. Hungary and Russia are chosen as contrasting cases. The experience of environmental movements before and after the regime change is used as an illustration of grassroots movements. It is shown that environmental movements in Hungary are more numerous and more successful than those in Russia, and that this is linked to the extent of support they have (or lack) from politicians, non-elected officials, and the media.
In Hungary, although ecological issues are not central, politicians and environmental groups mostly co-operate, whereas in Russia the relationship is either hesitant or sometimes even hostile. In both countries, however, apparatchiks are generally a lot more opposed to grassroots groups, such as environmental ones, but their weaker position in Hungary compared with Russia cancels out this effect. Finally, the media in Hungary have been sympathetic to environmental issues and they are also supportive of the environmental movements. In contrast, however, in Russia, after Yeltsin's arrival in power 'glasnost' has been largely reversed and the media have also been hostile to environmental groups. In sum, the position of the media, politicians and officials shapes the prospects for environmental movements and is an index of the differing degree of democracy in the two societies.  相似文献   


General theories about urban primacy and world-system/dependency describe spatial economy in the ideal-typic developing nation as distorted and fragmented. In applying these notions to the experience of Turkey, we conclude that both urban primacy and foreign influence have been on the decline due to the emergence of a strong central government. This research views the spatial economy of Turkey as constrained by the ecological variables of (1) system size and (2) contact technology and by the level of modernization in a province. Three cross-sections of data on provinces are used to uncover the determinants of two indicators of integration: administrative occupations and integrative industries. The data analysis produces three major results. First, there is no systematic relationship between the size of a province and its level of labor performing integrative tasks. Second, more modernized provinces possess proportionately higher levels of integrative activity. Third, contact technology is not a major determinant of the level of integrative activity. Implications of these findings for the perspectives that motivated this research are discussed.  相似文献   

The expansion of gambling industries worldwide is intertwined with the growing government dependence on gambling revenue for fiscal assignments. In Australia, electronic gaming machines (EGMs) have dominated recent gambling industry growth. As EGMs have proliferated, growing recognition has emerged that EGM distribution closely reflects levels of socioeconomic disadvantage. More machines are located in less advantaged regions. This paper analyses time-series socioeconomic distributions of EGMs in Melbourne, Australia, an immature EGM market, and then compares the findings with the mature market in Sydney. Similar findings in both cities suggest that market assignment of EGMs transcends differences in historical and legislative environments. This indicates that similar underlying structures are evident in both markets. Modelling the spatial structures of gambling markets provides an opportunity to identify regions most at risk of gambling related problems. Subsequently, policies can be formulated which ensure fiscal revenue from gambling can be better targeted towards regions likely to be most afflicted by excessive gambling-related problems.  相似文献   

纽约自"新阿姆斯特丹"伊始,就成为美国的重要贸易海港,并逐渐成为国家的经济支柱。除却地理因素,政策因素和人文形态也是其重要的原因。100多年来,纽约的主导产业随着时代变迁,从占尽天时地利而发展的制造业,到如今引领全球的金融业。其中,华尔街在城市的发展中扮演了重要的角色,道琼斯指数揭示了美国政治和经济对金融业发展的影响。如今,华尔街又一次面临着衰退和必然的变革,然而华尔街在世界经济中的影响力仍然不可小觑。  相似文献   

Abstract Over the 1980–1990 period, employment in producer services industries in the nonmetropolitan United States increased substantially. This growth resulted in the development of nonmetropolitan growth nodes in producer services industries. A growth node refers to a nonmetropolitan area that contains a greater than average concentration of employment in a particular industry sector relative to other nonmetropolitan areas. Moreover, this industry concentration not only increases over time, but also represents an important source of employment growth within the area. With nonmetropolitan counties as the spatial unit of analysis, 317 growth nodes in producer services industries are identified for the 1980–1990 period. Access to workers with clerical and administrative support skills, access to highly educated workers, higher earnings per employed worker, access to recreational amenities, and proximity to metropolitan areas were associated with the development of nonmetropolitan growth nodes in producer services industries during this period.  相似文献   

Studies testing theories of urban primacy and foreign penetration in developing nations largely support the premise that these phenomena both prevail and negatively impact economic growth in developing nations. This paper, however, presents results of a study of Turkey as an exception to patterns reflective of the world-system model and dependency theory found in ideal-typic developing nations. Theoretically, 1 or 2 major urban centers may distort and fragment the spatial economy of a developing nation. These cities are able to politically and economically manipulate/regulate national policy in their self-interest, and leave nonprimate regions as fragmented local markets. As such, these cities impede the development of an integrated spatial economy. From the birth of the Turkish nation-state in 1923, however, a strong central government has structured economic and political patterns to direct national control away from Istanbul-centric interest groups. Moreover, little support exists for the presence of foreign economic domination. The paper then examines to what extent the Turkish spatial economy has become less distorted and fragmented. It subjects 1955-80 data to modernization theory and human ecology, and finds no support for ecological arguments linking integrative activity to system size or contact technology. Study results confirm the modernization argument about spatial economy, with more modernized provinces showing proportionately higher levels of integrative activity. Finding implications are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Raw material extraction once offered an effective route to economic development, but societal relationships with environment and technology have changed so fundamentally that extractive industries today appear more likely to lead rural regions to economic addiction. Key characteristics of addictive activities include rising costs of operation at most extractive facilities, combined with downward trends in world commodity prices. Key characteristics of vulnerable communities and regions include increasing geographic isolation, imbalances of scale and power with respect to extractive industries, and the absence of realistic alternatives for diversified development. Key pressures toward addiction are created by ambiguities that mask the addictive tendencies, including ambiguities of price signals, of employment and development possibilities for remote regions, and of resource exhaustion. The net result is that, while the encouragement to develop extractive industries is often coupled with advice to avoid developing an excessive dependency on a single economic sector, the very regions and nations having the greatest need to hear such advice may also have the lowest realistic ability to respond to it.  相似文献   

The article argues that the Stalinist state in post-war Hungary aimed to use the wage relation as a central component of its policies to rationalise the organisation of production in industry. It attempted this by trying to discipline workers through the introduction of a form of "payment by results" which subordinated the workforce to the discipline of "clock time." In complete contrast to state intentions, the planned economy developed its own rhythms and it was to these that the workforce came to respond. These responses led to a high degree of informal conflict on Hungarian shop floors, a process which re-shaped worker identity, making it more particular in its nature. The implication behind this argument is that the Stalinist state was less powerful than many have suggested, and that research should focus more on the economy if the roots of social change under state socialism are to be found.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the manufacturing sector of Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic between 1993 and 2001 and provides a set of stylized facts regarding the changes occurring in the skill composition of the workforce and in the earning structure by skills, on one hand, and in trade flows and foreign presence through direct investment, on the other hand. All three countries have experienced sharp increases in earning inequality which have concerned almost all manufacturing industries; relative skilled employment has, instead, decreased in almost all Hungarian and Czech industrial branches, while showing the opposite trend in the Polish counterparts. At the same time, the three countries have reoriented and expanded their trade flows and modified the merchandise composition of both exports and imports in favour of high-tech and capital-intensive sectors and against more traditional industries. Foreign direct investment has acquired progressively more importance in the three economies and the high-tech sector – as well as chemicals and machineries – has significantly gained relevance on total stocks. Correlation analysis comes in favour of a prevalently vertical nature of multinational enterprises; moreover, trade flows are in general negatively correlated with relative wages and employment, whereas the sign of the relation between foreign direct investments and earning inequality is clearly positive in Poland only.  相似文献   

服务业分类统计核算研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
晁刚令 《科学发展》2010,(10):33-51
服务业作为产业包括了各种类别的行业,其中许多行业在生产技术、功能、产业性质以及与经济发展的关系方面千差万别,所以对其进行分类是一个相当复杂的问题。目前服务业分类的理论依据主要是卡托坚的"三分法"和辛格曼的"四分法"。通过对国内外服务业分类现状及其调整的的梳理和分析,提出上海服务业分类统计改革的目标思路、基本原则和具体政策建议。  相似文献   

This study investigates the employment and occupation patterns that have emerged as Taiwan has evolved into an information society. The study shows that the unemployment problem that arose after Taiwan's transformation to an information society is closely related to the inability of information-intensive industries (particularly information-intensive manufacturing) to absorb the labor released from labor-intensive industries. Second, the changing trends in occupation structure under the transformation to an information economy have made Taiwan's labor market unbalanced, benefiting workers who are more highly skilled in information, are more professional, and have higher levels of education. This state of unbalance negatively affects inequality and bias in the labor market.  相似文献   

空间集聚存在不同的尺度,城市区域作为当今具有较强竞争力的区域空间组织是一种大尺度的集聚。经典集聚理论、模型以及相关扩展性实证研究为城市区域尺度集聚的形成提供了方向性的暗示。这种集聚在本质上是聚集力和分散力动态组合的一种空间结果,其中,分散力的增强对城市区域尺度集聚的形成起到了重要的作用。随着区际运输成本的降低,核心区域-外围区域间共享的区际外部性逐渐增强;核心区域的拥挤效应进一步加强了经济活动向外围转移的倾向,最终促使部分经济活动突破地区边界,在地理邻近的地域之间形成更强的空间依赖,呈现出大尺度的经济集聚。城市区域尺度集聚的经济性为发展城市群、促进区域一体化提供了理论依据,但在实践中也遇到很多障碍,这对政府在打破行政割据、促进要素自由流动以及加强中心城市周边地区发展方面提出了要求。  相似文献   

《Social Networks》1995,17(2):111-127
Earlier work has examined corporate control, enterprise structure, and horizontal concentration within the Canadian economy (Berkowitz et al., 1978/1979). Moderately little change was observed in the number of firms and mappings of firms to standard industrial classification areas during the 15 year period in question. There was a considerable decrease in the number of both single-firm and multiple-firm enterprises over this time period. Mean and median enterprise size (number of firms) has increased, while horizontal integration and therefore (as they have traditionally been calculated) conventional measures of corporate concentration within industrial areas, have remained substantially unchanged except in the case of a few marginal industries. The Gini indices of the number of firms mapped to enterprises are substantially the same for the two years measured. There was, however, considerable significant and economically important change in the Canadian corporate system. This change was entirely structural and involved a considerable reduction in the number, and an increase in the strategic importance of, enterprises.  相似文献   

In a competitive economy under certainty, inter-industry rates of return on real investment would approach equality in the long run. Stigler [141 found empirical evidence that there are significant inter-industry differ- ences in profitability rates. Fisher and Hall [4] and Cootner and Holland [3] suggested that differences in profitability among industries may be attributable to inter-industry differences in risk. If different industries are exposed to different degrees of risk, long-run inter-industry differences in profitability would be expected even in a competitive economy. Over the period 1950–1967 this study used two-way ANOVA to test the null hypothesis that there were no persistent inter-industry differences in risk-adjusted profitability. The null hypothesis was rejected at the .001 level under four different test specifications. These findings may be viewed as an extension of Stigler's work and lend support to the hypothesis of persistent barriers to entry in the United States economy. Our empirical findings are positive in nature. Significant and persistent differences in risk-adjusted inter-industry profitability rates were found, but no attempt was made to identify what factors influence and perpetu- ate these differences. A possible area for future research is an investigation of the relationship between risk-adjusted return and measures of concentration and barriers to entry. Such a study would presumably parallel Bain's [1] prior work.  相似文献   

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