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这是一个恋爱中的地方,微雨后的空气醉得我突然想为你写诗,每条街每一棵树的位置都那么的合适,仿佛一切都是为了爱而设置……如果要寻找情侣旅行的地方,青岛市市南区应该是最合适。  相似文献   

登登山踏青,坐看云起:面朝大海、春暖花开;桃红柳绿,落樱烟雨……四月的青岛市市南区,融合了春季最唯美、最诗意、最清新、最浪漫的种种.从高空俯瞰,海上花开.如是,市南区.  相似文献   

贺中 《青岛画报》2012,(2):30-37
鸟是一种优雅的动物,从古时起就延续着我们无法企及的飞行梦想.翅膀让鸟儿飞得更高、更远,从而能完成每年的大迁徙,这关乎承诺.  相似文献   

正时间以上帝的视角俯视,俯视这座蓝色大城。从1996年到2013年,时间让一个青年走到了中年,一片废墟站起了城市,一湾沧海变成了桑田。自由在高处。梦想在高处。从1996年到2013年,这个叫张岩的青年人或这个叫张岩的中年人,扛着沉重的摄影器材,穿风而行,披霞高飞,一次次完成了航拍,他记录变迁,他见证生长,他幸运地在高处对这座城市投注最深情地俯视。他看见——红瓦湮湮,绿树层层。海,展开,展开;有时停满大货轮,有时漂满小白帆。人  相似文献   

Advances in treatments have increased the longevity of people with HIV. The high prevalence of HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM) creates a greater risk for exposure that increases with age. Seroadaptation, which includes serosorting (sexual behavior and condom use based on knowing the serostatus of self and partners) and strategic sexual positioning (choosing receptive versus insertive anal sex), is sometimes used as an HIV risk-reduction strategy. This study examined seroadaptation, sexual communication, and HIV-risk behaviors in 420 sexually active HIV-negative MSM aged 40–81 years in South Florida via anonymous pen-and-paper questionnaire. Recreational drug use and serosorting (i.e., not using condoms if the partner said he was HIV-negative) were associated with higher risk for unprotected receptive anal intercourse. Younger age, greater number of partners, and serosorting were associated with higher risk for unprotected insertive anal intercourse. Understanding these behaviors in this group might help guide HIV-prevention efforts. Future research may examine the role of HIV-prevention medication (PrEP) in influencing sexual behavior in midlife and older MSM.  相似文献   

最近一个时期以来,全中国的社会科学工作者都感受到了一个新时代的到来。继2001年8月7日的北戴河讲话之后,2002年4月28日江总书记又在考察中国人民大学时再次强调了“哲学社会科学与自然科学同样重要”的论断,使整个社会科学界受到了空前的鼓舞。人们普遍认为,社会科学大发展的高潮已经拉开了序幕。然而,作为社会科学工作者本身,尤其是社会科学战线上的领导干部,在感到欢欣鼓舞的同时,还应该和自然科学界一样,进一步明确自己的责任和丰富我们的贡献。  相似文献   

2009年春天的脚步渐行渐近,新的一年需要一个高尚精致的主题来回归时尚应有的自觉魅力:浪漫,灵动、个性、雅致、温馨.格调一族正在赶赴浪漫的春天约会,散发着迷人的俏丽与光芒.  相似文献   

李山峰 《唐都学刊》2013,29(5):38-43
张载作为关学的创始人,理学的奠基者之一,其哲学思想对宋明理学的发展具有重大的影响。然而就是这样一位理学家,其具体卒年却一直没有定论。因为吕大临所作的《横渠先生行状》中关于张载卒年有误,所以导致后世关于张载卒年的具体时间可谓众说纷纭、莫衷一是。通过张载于熙宁十年(1077)大体行程及与其相关的几个时间点的定位,认为张载卒于神宗熙宁十年丁巳十一月乙亥(二十八),即公元1077年12月16日。  相似文献   

Nutritional deficiency can have dramatic effects on the physical and psychological status of older adults. Although food supplements can enhance nutritional status, several authors suggest that more ecological means could also have beneficial impacts. Therefore, a natural experiment was conducted to study the impact of changed mealtime experiences for people with Alzheimer-type dementia. Two special care units (in separate facilities) in France were included in this study: one implemented shared mealtimes between residents and caregivers and the other served as a comparison group. Weight was measured and staff observations were collected. Positive outcomes were observed for the experimental group. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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